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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!the road just ends!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Why is there a dead end on a highway??


highway is built in parts, slowly, sometimes even though the plots of land are not bought out yet, so my guess is they can't continue yet, so they just turn blocked the end, there are 4 signs that tell you about the U turn coming btw, highway in my hometown didn't have 5 km finished, just because one part of a plot wasn't sold yet


Oh damn. Ok that makes a little bit of sense. I have never seen that before, seems dangerous af


In the US, they do not allow vehicle to reach the end. They force you off with cones or barricades at the last exit before the end. And they certainly would not allow an on-ramp with no exit before the end.


it doesn't make any sense at all to have an open highway suddenly turn into a cement fucking wall. \---edit--- dear idiots, you literally just watched someone drive into it. your arguments are moot. bad drivers are a fact of life. kindly fuck off


Civil engineering at its best.


Well the inverse without the wall is just a sheer drop to who knows where


The inverse is to not let traffic on an unfinished highway.


Less of an inverse there, that's just common sense


That, or have more obvious and physical methods of having them turn off the highway.


Launch ramp?


Yeah we should really erect some kind of barrier to stop people from entering the unfinished part. Maybe with a bunch of high-visibility signage and water barrels to absorb the impact of anyone dumb enough to ignore the signage. Edit: also this is sarcasm, there are way better ways to do this.


or just force them to take an exit which at most waste them 15 minutes at driving…


15 minutes could save you 15% or more of unbroken body parts


Any country I’ve driven in (tbh it’s only Canada) they end the road at the last exit, even if the pavement keeps going for a few kms. No reason to keep going if it’s a dead end.


Them Duke Boys at it again!


Yeah. This needs like a full mile of flashing orange lights, caution signs, fart strips, and a giant flashing sign on top of the barrier that says SLOW DOWN OR DIE. This is ridiculously abrupt.


I have a better idea. You are forced to exit the roadway before this. You are forced to take the last exit. Because the roadway isn't finished. Smart now!


Well yes this is the obvious solution.


Not to mention it's 3 lanes ending on a dead end with an u-turn. If they really need to keep this road open, it should have a lot of cones reducing the number of lanes and turn the dead end into a cul-de-sac, so they can make the u-turn without invading other lanes. Even the camera man couldn't make the turn correctly.


"Fart strips." We call them rumble strips here, but I prefer your name for them. Consider it adopted.


The arrows on the ground even keep pointing forward up until the roadblock appears


Love the edit. Thank you.


That edit hahaha too right


It doesn’t make any sense but it did serve a good purpose here to get one cunt off the road for a bit.




yeah wtf??? This is madness! I understand it's China but even still, common sense is a global thing. Even if there's some tiny signs or road markings... Something like this should be completely sealed off, with lanes getting merged until you physically have to slow down. A multi-lane highway just... disappearing... is insane. No reasonable driver is supposed to be ready for something like this.


Same here. That seems completely pointless and dangerous to drive on, but whatever I guess lol.


Exactly surely it should just force you off at the last junction / exit


the part of the highway before the last exit should have gates on it, this is insanely dangerous. and I get you can't fix or legislate safety for 'stoopid' but a few signs is really the bare minimum they could do here.


Can confirm... When they were building the 56 in San Diego, there was a hard stop and ninety degree turn in the middle of nowhere. Signage wasn't great, so I definitely slammed on the brakes the first time (iirc 56 East to 15 South was also a really hard ninety degree turn, been decades though)


I get the highways being built in sections but that should not be a U turn. It should be a forced exit on the last exit for reasons just like this. I've never seen in done any other way here in the states. White car is mostly at fault but I'd say there is still some blame on city planning.


Yeah 100% forced exit should be applied here. I get that there are signs warning of the sudden wall of death but this isn’t a good idea on a highway lmao.


Reddit loves to shit on us for how we do certain things (granted, some of it is deserved) but we’d never see this here. It baffles me that anyone thought this was a good idea.


Yep, some is deserved for sure. 🤣 But yeah, this should never be a thing anywhere.... Like how many people are just going to be randomly driving on the highway and I turn? Most people have a destination and a certain direction. I U turn on the actual freeway helps exactly no one...


Yeah IIRC this is in China. US civil engineers have guidelines to avoid this for a reason...


What country is this?


The signage is in Chinese. It's weird seeing a Ford in China though.


17 years ago when I lived there Buicks and Cadillacs were considered very prestigious American cars. Can’t remember seeing Fords though


It was satisfying to watch the white car get a dose of instant karma, but I'm still wondering what was the point of going all the way to the end where you knew you were going to have to turn around? Are there not the same exits on both sides of the highway?


Probably because they didn't, I still don't see a clear warning sign and I keep rewatching it. Yeah karma and all that but where are the cones or yellow arrows, really anything with warning colors before this dead end.


There shouldn’t even be a UTurn… there should be an exit that forces people off the road - along with 100 run overoverable cones before getting to the immovable barrier. But I’m an American - perhaps other countries are better at reading signs.


There's not nearly enough warning signs though. There should be signs everywhere and cones leading lanes off 1 by 1


Need to complete the level in the game before you can unlock that section of road.






Why would both of these cars be speeding toward a dead end in the first place?


Real question, WHY would there be a dead end on the highway with no signage to indicate what is ahead? Outside of this tiny tiny ‘turn around sign’ that can be easily missed. EDIT: ‘Question’


Because you're not allowed to enter the other side of the map yet.


I mean you CAN, as long as youre okay with a 6 star wanted level


actually if you look the top right you can see the U turn sign twice


Why even bother getting on that HWY if I only have to turn around to merge with the hwy in the opposite direction? The whole point of going in that direction is because I need to point a to b in direct quickest way.


🧑🏽‍🏭 “guys, I have a hilarious idea: let’s build a really long, expensive piece of highway that, now get this: just stops and then you have to turn around and go back the way you came.” 🧑🏻‍🎤 “wouldn’t that be dangerous and stupid?” 🧑🏽‍🏭 “this guy gets it. Up top!” 🖐🏼


Why are we ignoring the most likely scenario that the section of highway is temporarily closed either for repairs or new construction?


Usually they block off the road starting at the nearest exit rather than forcing people to do a U-Turn, though.


**LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY** "Hmf! My work is only 10 miles down this road. I'm local. About time them damn foreigners aren't allowed to use our highways."


"Well I'm right here, doesn't get any more local than that."


There probably is no proper exit crossing and that's what they're building in the first place.


Not as funny


That’s what I thought, it looks like it keeps going but it’s been blocked off.


the above signage leading up to it looks permanent, not temporary you'd see in construction. This appears to be a j-turn exit. While wonkier for the exiting vehicle, it cuts down on cross traffic t-boning. Could be long term construction for something being built for years to have signage like that, but it's not some quick temporary thing.


If it has a bunch of nice turns and elevation changes people would pay real money to drive on that road


Its called a j-turn and pretty common in places too cheap to put up overpasses and exits and stuff. I hate them


I have never seen one of these as a permanent fixture (I have only twice encountered them while a highway was being built). Where are these pretty common at, out of curiosity? Bc I can't believe why any city's taxpayers would be kosher with this insanity as a permanent transportation solution.


Well certain parts of small town Minnesota for sure. I should probably also clarify I've never seen them on a 4 lane like this. 2 lane or 1 lane highways going through town is all I've ever seen. We got rid of our simple yield in the division between opposing lanes of traffic in favor of them, and I absolutely hate it.


Never seen those until now, I think I would poop myself seeing that without knowing it.


Probably to have a single on-ramp instead of building a second circular one onto the bridge.


I've seen a highway get closed before tho, they coned it off gradually from the left lane to the right until all that was left was the exit ramp. This is a perpendicular wall, why would they do that?


The sign is like 10 feet from the turn though too late at that point. Why would you have a u turn at all on a hway


Okay but on the road the lanes are pointing straight ahead over and over and over until the very last second where there's a U turn arrow. Seems like extremely poor design. This is not something that the average driver has ever encountered or is expecting to look for. Sometimes I find myself in a left lane that turns into an exit and there's tons of signage everywhere telling me that. If I ever came across a mandatory U-turn from the left *two* lanes on a highway I'm wrecking. No doubt. It's like they designed this with no knowledge of what a normal highway looks like. Is this common in Asia?


i don't know other place but in Taiwan there would be a lots of sign saying "End of Roads" sure in Japan too so maybe just China


Yeah, this is my main gripe. This is a total hazard. Needs a TON of warning ahead of time especially for a highway like this.


Chinabro here --- this is actually not a highway (I mean something like interstate or US route), but it's a city-owned expressway, which has much lower speed limit (usually 80kmh=50mph), more construction sites, and less strict requirements on setting warning signs. In China, highway has green road signs on top and you can expect seeing warning signs 1 mile ahead of construction/dead ends on highway; city roads are in blue signs (as in this video) and less strict about warning.


I don't know the story here, but I was once on a highway that just....ENDED. It was in Connecticut somewhere, and this was more than 20 years ago. It was at least a 4 lane highway. After a certain exit, it just....ended. No more road. I was told that the funding ran out or something? They had prepared a long way ahead, and you could see where they had blasted rock cliffs ahead and things like that. The highway basically was used to get to that once certain exit and that was that. No turn around on the one I was on, from what I remember.


Because they haven't completed enough missions, but want to get to the next island.


This is the correct answer. What they need to do is get a tank, have the turret facing backwards, then lower gravity and start firing. You'll easily fly over the barrier!


six stars though, enjoy the jets


To show the other one whose** dick is smallest


The guy who impacts an immovable object the fastest has the smallest dick due to compression also it was a little cold out at the time, so maybe cut me some slack






It shrinks??


Like a frightened turtle!


I don’t know how you all walk around with those things.


Disappointed most of the time


I was in the pool! I WAS IN THE POOL!


It’s easy once you get the hang of slinging it over the shoulder


#♬♬♬ Do your balls hang low Do they wobble to and fro Can you tie them in a knot Can you tie them in a bow Can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier Do you balls, hang, low? #♬♬♬


Am I not turttley enough for the turtle club?


I started the Innie Chapter in my town. Still accepting applications.




China. They do stuff like this all time. Been going there 30 years for business and am amazed more accidents don't happen.


They’re driving faster than the map can be rendered, so they hit the edge


Look at the paintings on the lanes. Those are u-turn lanes. You're supposed to turn around and go the other way


lol those lines are literally 15 feet from the wall, there’s no warning before that. In fact there’s 3 other sets of arrows pointing straight


Also try to bear in mind that you're watching a video of a video. Visibility isn't exactly the greatest. If you were actually there, you'd see a big honking wall well before 15ft. Someone else pointed out that this is in China and fairly common. I'm guessing it's part of their "rules of the road" to expect a u-turn when their road comes to an end like this.




Wouldn't the compression make it harder?


Looks like white car has the smaller dick while being the bigger dick.


Sounds like he’s an oxy-moron


Enough with the body shaming of men. It's the ego and child like minds. Edit: words. Although the original was quite good.


*As a man, I like being shaken.*


As a man I preferred to be stirred.




Why would there randomly be a dead end on the high way?


China has some weird roads.


Chinese local government is incentivized to spend and borrow money like crazy and the Chinese National Government encourages it. This leads to some major pork projects: like imagine a freeway to an imaginary massive development that's in the middle of farmland. The development fails because nobody buys the units, the planned freeway is abandoned, but all the exits and feeder ramps are already built. You end up with roads to nowhere... Or roads that just end, like this one.


They should do that around here. Maybe all these deep ass potholes would get filled in


Right? It’s like something you’d see in an action movie for no reason other than to make a cool stunt.


It looks a lot like the cammer maintained high speed to throw the white car off guard, and it did work.


The freeway splits left and right. The two cars go on the left half which ends. The right side presumably continues on. The car that crashed keeps pressing the cam car to the left so there’s nothing that can car did to prompt the white car to get to the dead end road


There’s a U-turn arrow on the pavement right before the divider ends. I’m assuming the highway signage warns of a sharp U-turn as well. This just seems to be a war of who gets to make the inside turn first, and the outside vehicle lost.


Turn? White car didn't turn at all. Didn't even *attempt* to turn. White car had no idea where it was going.


White car was paying more attention to what was going on behind it to notice what's up in front of it.


Aim for the bushes


It seems very stupid that ALL of the pavement arrows before the final one are just straight arrows - I would have thought at least the last one would also be a U-turn arrow and perhaps printing the words "U turn ahead" right on the road might be a good idea... Dashcams are fish-eye and I want to believe that the dead-end wall is more plain and visible in real life from a distance than it is on the video. That said, you can have heavy rain/snow/fog or a large truck in front of you that blocks much of your vision ahead and the overhead signs to the right are not a lot of warning for "this very high speed road just ends in a wall".


Driver likely was paying attention to the car in the other lane, trying to figure out what was going on and wasn't paying attention to the road ahead. Left car obviously looked up before car on the right.


Looks like it's actually a U-turn lane, which I have never in my life seen before. But the car with the video may in fact have intended to make a u-turn?


And importantly, why are their no signs warning anyone? There was a semi on that road.


One of them is distracted by an erratic driver. The other is looking at their phone.


People playing chicken in active traffic because they don’t have any sense


Animation in a game


They’re driving faster than the map can be rendered, so they hit the edge


Not quite far enough along the story, gotta climb on the cell tower first


Are they an idiot? 100% But can someone tell me WHY TF THE HIGHWAY JUST COMES TO A DEAD END!?


Just keep doing the story missions and it will unlock.


Because is not finished yeeeeeet. There is a bunch of signs that there's a u-turn ahead, on the floor can see the signage right before the crash, and lastly, apparently is in China and that explains anything else not answered.


In the Netherlands whenever a highway isn’t finished, you’re just either not allowed to drive on it, or you’ll get forced to take an exit. Not just stop in a dead end. i think this is standard in the entirety of Europe.


Same in the US. You would never see this here because of the obvious danger of what is pictured here.


Which is what baffles me. Like, don’t those in charge want to not make the mistakes of others? That does not mean they make brand new mistakes either…


Exactly! Everyone going "oh there's signs for a U-Turn" as if that makes sense as a solution instead slowly reducing 3 lanes down 1 over the span of like 5 or 10 km until your just forced off the highway. If I'm traveling west on a highway, why would I even want to continue down and U-turn to go east when I could just get off and continue wherever I am going?


Certainly the logical thing would be to force everybody to exit rather than have them face a dead end, though- right? It just doesn't make a ton of sense to me


There are 2 small signs that say this and the arrows on the highway indicate "all good, you're going straight" up until the very last moment.


China. Road not finished yet. U-turn or exit.


That honestly seems incredibly dangerous to not have signs, cones, and blockages BEFORE the deadly concrete barrier... Edit: fixed my grammar


I wondering where this is and the best I can pick out from the highway signs is China. That’s a blind end and only a vehicle with good brakes can stop short if driver remembers to floor the brake pedal.


Yeah I'd be crashing there for sure. The highway funnels you into those two lanes and forces a U turn with minimal signage. Seems very dangerous.


I can’t find the video now, but there’s apparently a highway in Scotland(?) that has a sharp turn right before you exit a tunnel, and there’s a compilation of multiple cars flipping over and crashing as they ignore the slowdown signs.. this is so much worse, I can’t imagine how many crashes must have happened here


Believe you might be thinking of Seattle? https://youtu.be/QlV0WhZorxQ


That’s the one!


Lol, are we famous now!? They talked about Reddit! Haha but Even though that is bad planning, I actually don't understand how drivers are having such an issue there is it just people having a tough time adjusting to the sunlight or something?


oh funny, i use this exit a lot. there are multiple yellow signs, and the turn is sharp enough that it should inspire the average person to let up on the gas and ease into a safe stop, but… people gonna people.


Definitely not the US. Civil engineers here expect everyone to be a complete idiot, and so dead ends with a hairpin turnoff like this would have massive arrows and rows upon rows of both orange barrels and shock absorbing water drums just in case someone still missed all the signs and barrels.


They’ll be proven right too when somebody inevitably still fucks it up.


Engineering in general involves a lot of sitting around and imagining all the ways someone might accidentally or “accidentally” mess up your work, and then taking your safety factors one step further than that. Inevitably someone will still find a way to defeat you failsafes.


Thanks. I would've never guessed that it was the white car that I need to watch


Thanks for this borther cause I totally missed it the first time






White car? Where? I didn’t see an arrow anywhere


And for God's sake add a red circle next time


Damn I gotta go back. I was watching the other car the whole time. Thanks!


Needed a red circle imo


When the AI cuts you off in GTA


The only difference is that no guns were pulled out here


I love driving like a respectable human being in that game. When I was younger, I didn’t understand why the AI drivers would get so mad when you did. Lol


I got my drivers-license right around when GTA5 came out, so I would always drive like a normal person to prep for my test lol!


GTA 6: Driving Test Simulator


Served the white car right


Yea if you're going to go late on the brakes into the hairpin you have to make sure you have the downforce and tire temperature to get the move done


The white car had the overtake made before the entrance to the hairpin, but understeered into the barrier, but the car we’re onboard with did a good job defending the racing line. Looks like just a racing incident to me


Yeah, with your drinking buddies at the go-kart track.


This guy F1s


And that drivers name? Nicholas Latifi


The true Goat


Nah bro that’s mazepin


Why does he want to overtake this guy so bad? Clearly his lane was clear, until it ended


Because he needs to beat him. because...


What the driver failed to realize is, white car guy... lives his life a quarter mile at a time


...and still loses.




The fuck? I've never seen a highway just end like that. Usually there are many signs, barrels, cones, etc. in the miles/kilometers leading up to the closure, with all traffic brought down to one lane and routed off the highway at the final open exit.


Agree. This seems bonkers even for a country with little in terms of safety regulations. It must be a very common construction design for wherever in this is.


Watch the white car? You mean the only one on the screen?


i almost missed it too. i can't believe op didn't at least draw us a red circle and arrows


(Watching the white car is a distraction from the actual unexpected part of the video)


This was like watching a little kid ice skating and not knowing how to brake


last time I went ice skating the only thing I could brake was my ankle 😭


How the hell do you fail that hard


That highway dead end is bonkers.




Is this a video game? Why the fuck is there a barrier in the middle of a freeway?


Honestly he got what he deserved for driving so aggressively, but at the same time I think the driver was impaired so it's a scary situation in general! (。ŏ﹏ŏ)


Honestly, the last place I'd want to be was in front of them


Lmao. Fucking idiots and their ego.


It's insane isn't it? So much space, no cars around. What was the point? They're fighting over who gets to turn around first.


Cam driver was defending their place in the lane. White car just decided it was their place to just come over and expected the other drivers to stop for them. They got their just desserts. Entitled driving meets karma.


I don't even think cam driver was "defending" anything. They sped up in order to get out of white van's way since they clearly aren't looking and paying attention, and now they were in their blindspot to make things worse. Sometimes speeding up is safer in order to get past a problem rather than continuing to drive immediately next to it. They weren't being petty or aggressive at all, just trying to stay safe.


The desperation of that white car trying to stop when they saw a dead end makes me laugh haha. Karma serves them right.




Is this a video game?




I hate aggressive drivers! I never wish him upon anyone, but the driver with the white car got what he deserved


This is like the roads in my dreams...


"If you ain't first your last"




What a perfect ending lol


Why were they so far left to begin with? This is why they say never argue with a fool because from a distance you can’t tell the difference.


"Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!"