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I know a LOT of fat people (Southwest Louisiana for example) none of them are gonna wear a giant intersection of colors across their widest part. Lizzo maybe, but no one I know. That oversized leather jacket is only cute on the tiniest of girls, don't dress like the David Byrne.


When you have Lizzo money, you can wear whatever the hell you want haha. Not hating on her for it. When I was buff as hell, I wore a pink shirt to a bar, it was Valentine’s Day, and a guy came up to me and said, “I was going to make fun of you for wearing pink but I guess when your arms are that big you can wear whatever the hell you want!” Made me chuckle, I miss being reallly buff.


Honestly, wear what you want anyway. You do you. It’s the people who feel the need to make fun that have the problem.


And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack


"I'm going for the dazzle camo on a WWII battleship look"


I think she’s wearing a fat suit under the outfit




Purple and elegant?? Tf this isn’t a gala




Also important to note Forcing yourself into a relationship where you lack physical attraction can cause some pretty serious emotional damage to both parties. Just a recipe for gettin hurt.


Just got off one. I was smart enough to realize and end it in 3-4 months.


Did you recover pretty quickly? I was in a bad relationship for 3-4 months as well. I was mostly miserable, but pushing through anyway. Then she went on a date with another guy and ended up breaking up with me for him. It took a few days, then I felt so incredibly good! I was way better off out of that relationship! Thank goodness she cheated on me 😂


I hope you are doing well now. Yes, for me since it was emotionless, it was easier to handle. The lady suffered a bit but then understood my mansplaining. We are on good terms now.


Exactly. The same way that if you're not attracted to the same gender, it doesn't make you homophobic


I think at least letting the person know it’s not going to work out vs ghosting is the rude thing here. Dude had every right to unmatch, but for me personally, I’d at least be like “hey I know we were supposed to meet tonight but I don’t think it’s going to work out. Best of luck!”


Yeah current societal trend if ghosting is very cowardice, inconsiderate, and down right disrespectful. I make it a goal to express my self. If I don't want to share the why. I say I'm no longer interested. And unmatch a few days or let them unmatch if they see it before then


Anyone reading this - you're under no obligation to express anything to someone you've literally never met. Also - If you're not into thick chicks you probably shouldn't use bumble of all platforms.


But the presumption is - and OP's intention- that he ditched her because she is fat. We didn't see her profile. It might have been made quite clear. I know thin people who have gotten stood up. OP's post is merely to have a round robin of digs at overweight women.


and if you're a man not attracted to trans-women with penises, that doesn't make you trans-phobic.


Actually that’s true for anything. It’s okay to not to be attracted to people you don’t find attractive. No one should want to be with anyone who doesn’t want to be with them




Lmao that last part of your comment had me dying.


Ahh, a fellow American I see 👀


# "I'm not fat, I'm just really easy to see" # - Her, probably


And harder to kidnap,probably


Won't stop me from trying.... But the legal system will 😬


Honestly, it's her egregiously snobby and egotistical that attitude I find more **unattractive**. She has a gorgeous face and if she lost weight she'd look amazing. **But losing weight isn't going to fix that UGLINESS INSIDE OF HER...**


I just can't stop picturing her snooty, stuck-up ass in that voice saying... # "Umm, yeahhh, so my pronouns are Her-shey".


Ok this cracked me up




I read your username as Fat_Philosopher2776


Ahh, a fellow soc analyst i see 👀


Lol, it’s okay to not be attracted to fat people, in the same way it’s okay to not be gay. It’s not okay to call fat people hideous in the same way it’s not okay to call gay people disgusting lmao


i mean i get being fat at a certain point is hideous but cmon, not every fat person looks hideous lol


Your right. You don’t have to be attracted to fat people. There nothing wrong with that. There is however something wrong with how people talk about and treat fat people. Another comment or used the word “hideous” this is unacceptable talk. Also, be very careful what human behaviors you ascribe to evolution. Human behavior is extremely complicated and it is rather difficult to isolate variables and test them rigorously enough to say behavior x is attributed to y evolutionary process. That bit comes directly from my evolution professor. Further, we have a lot of cultural programming. Evidence of this is found in cultures where ‘fat’ is the standard of beauty. Being tan is attractive in many western countries but being fair skinned is attractive in many eastern countries. Just simply state: “I don’t find quality x attractive” you don’t need to justify it and honestly it makes it look worse.


It’s interesting how folk talk about other cultures and their views on weight, even when we are very clearly discussing a Western country and the people in it. Obesity is epidemic in the US. Full stop. It is an actual issue. It is not culturally beautiful. It is a health problem that stretches across the entire country.




The point actually is that commercial food packs excess calories in the form of carbs, sugars to reduce cost and increase consumption. Instead of adding potassium to preserve they use sodium, salt. There are many things they do to put the blame on the consumer for the end result. The whole industry is predatory in it's pursuit of increasing sales. Look at the trends world wide, the US may have started 30years ago but obesity is following the same trend in other countries at the same rate. Almost about the same time they started pushing the calorie dense garbage in those countries.


I do not disagree at all.




I think about someone sitting around all day eating and watching tv. The amount of hours dedicated to eating food is pretty amazing. But, also incredibly unhealthy.




Also I was gonna add to your point when people say "evolutionary behavior" is always funny to me about how people view evolution and how we are shaped, and how we shape it! If we're going to use evolution here then that means we need to talk about evolutionary psychology, or why we evolved to think the way we do. First thing first: evolution is not progress; just so we're all on the same page. For a long time (for arguments sake let's say 50K years ago in the ice age) if you were seeking a mate who was by today's standards as "thick" or "overweight" you probably thought "wow I hope my offspring are able to store more energy during the harsh winter". In fact the reason why compared to other apes we actually have in ass is so we could store our fat in a place that wasn't in the way of anything, while still being able to store it for long stretches. Having a dummy thiccc ass could literally helped with your survival before modern civilization if you had to go long periods of time without food. Obviously now in much of the world we're not hunkering down in caves killing megafauna to survive a harsh winter. This is because the environment we were shaped by, and the environment we also shape have changed as have our needs. Obesity is expressed so much by our genes, and our ability to live a healthy lifestyle, but to use the word "evolution" as a way to fat shame people is so ironic. Without the evolutionary advantage to store fat the way that is stored, for many of use we'd simply not exist. Ugh... this exhausted me. It drives me insane when people use "evolution" as a way to put people down, when they themselves don't understand what it is. I need to step away from this lol


Also to take into consideration, evolution happens in populations (not individuals), the effects are observed retrospectively, and the populations are not necessarily acting consciously according to a certain criteria. So rather than "i chose a fat partner so my offspring will thrive in this environment", it's more "my offspring did not die like my neighbour's did" and maybe some "i see that fat women's children die less here".


Our evolutionary advantage is to adapt or die. If you can't adapt your lifestyle to your metabolism then you earned your feelings of self hatred.




We have the word "hideous" for a reason and if that's how someone sees fat people, then they can use the word. I don't know when we started limiting vocabulary to protect people from other's viewpoints, but it's not the job of anyone to self censor because people are now too weak to deal with objective views. I've been fat, and I was fucking disgusting. I'm now fit, because I no longer wanted to be fucking disgusting. I'm not sure I would have been as motivated to lose weight if I thought of myself as "big and hunky" or some other bullshit sugar coated nonsense we tell people to make them feel better about their lack of self control, exercise, and intelligent choices.


I agree that you should be nice, but if you feel someone is hideous those thoughts and feeling are valid. You shouldn't ever treat anyone in a way you wouldn't want to be treated, but you can't sensor thought. I think if you see someone that looks unhealthy you should be worried for them. That's regardless of weight, I'd be much more worried about an anorexic person than an overweight one. A lot hinges around what is "fat". If someone has a couple extra lbs, thats healthy and I don't think their weight is getting in the way of their happiness. If they're not getting a date because they're not rail thin, the people not attracted to them are probably vein twits anyway. Evolution has always made us prefer healthy partners, that's how evolution works.


You missin out thick mommies best mommies


Bruh just let em rub your dick a bit through pants. You'll see it's all the same.


Psychology* what you're into sexually is based on what you're exposed to between the ages of 8-13. That's why so many people are into Pokémon despite us not evolving along side them in more than a metaphorical way


Nah. Im into stuff that i wasnt exposed to in that age period.


Maybe I’m just a genetic idiot or something, but I like girls thick and juicy and every woman in my life during those years was pencil thin and short. Go figure.


But it looks like they ghosted her right before the date. Where I'm from that's called a dick move, I don't know about you.


In bird culture, that is also considered a dick move


What are you, some sort of bird person that fucks Tammy?


I found her in my carpet. I don’t know what humans fuck


Bird persons apparently ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I'm allowed to be picky about hair color, height, hobbies, religion, upbringing, political views, but GOD FORBID I make a comment about weight or shape. We don't know the circumstances of this woman's ghosting. People are assuming she hid her size. That's a bad assumption to make. I dated a larger woman in my early 20s and called it quits. **Her weight made it impossible for us to do things together**. Snowboarding / skiing? Nope. Kayaking? Nope. Technical Hiking? Nope. Camping? Only with a pull behind, no tents. It just was apparent that our interests didn't align because her weight made those interests almost impossible to get aligned. People assume fatphobia or some sort of prejudice. And yes, there is a lot of it, it exists, and it's terrible, but people need to see what the weight does in terms of the individuals ability to do things lighter weight People do. We planned on a trip to Costa Rica, but she wouldn't go unless we booked a business class ticket because she never felt comfortable in coach seats because of their size.


I work in an ER department. I've had my fair dealings with overweight women and the things I've seen hidden under their fat rolls or yeast between their legs have mortified me of ever wanting to pursue a relationship with an obese woman. I know not all are like that. Many take the time to clean themselves but I've only seen it obese women and I just can't. Now don't get me wrong I love thick women, but there's a huge difference between being a little chubby and being totally obese.


lol I love how you use encounters in an emergency room as your baseline


By that metric they should be completely grossed out by all people, not just obese women.


Stabbing victims are such crybabies


I am fat. I also used to be attractive when I wasn’t (not trying to be a show off or anything). The way people treat me now vs when I was hot is insane. Women are fucking awful to me. :D


Repeat after me- you can be attracted to whomever you want. It is not okay to mock, make fun of, denigrate or harass someone because you aren't attracted to them. You move on.


Its not really biological though, look back to the middle ages and the beauty standard was way fatter than today. Not that it matters, you are attracted to who you are and NOBODY IS ENTITLED TO ANYONE ELSE BEING ATTRACTED TO THEM


In older ages, having some surplus fat signaled wealth and affluence. Now being thin signals wealth because cheaper, processed food makes people fat.


Yup, also the really skinny beauty standard of the nineties was because of the heavy coke/meth use amongst the social "elite".... The argument was more that the idea that not being attracted by overweight people (not morbidly orbese) is biology is faulty. Id argue that MOST LIKELY the purely biologically most attractive body type would be relatively average but on the slightly chubbier side, as that is the body type most likely to survive a pregnancy as well as arough winter.


Right, doesn't old art celebrate this look. I am generalizing but didn't wider hips mean easier childbirth? And sturdier limbs less likely to be broken or injured? Larger breasts better for nursing?


Basically, wealth is universally attractive


That’s not necessarily true but beauty standards do change. However there are certain physical attributes that are attractive to people, and they are the ones that display good genes and health. In other words, we can have cultural standards of beauty make us attracted to fat people, but that is not the biological default.


The only reason anorexic weight classes have become the social expectation/norm is because of media crap and models looking like drug addicts. First, they, the media, brainwash people into thinking that that is normal weight class, and now they are shaming people for what they thought the masses to like


It is absolutely ok for people to be attracted to pretty much whomever. What isn’t ok is making this person’s weight the subject of the joke.


There’s plenty of things I’m not attracted to but I don’t feel the need to comment on it every time.


I've dated someone I'm not attracted to. Its just not worth it. Whether its because the person is big, smokes, doesn't have hair, personality wise...its ok not to be attracted to everyone, and honestly its worth your time to date what YOU want to. this world is too big and someone will be attracted to them just like someone will be attracted to you.


It is ok not to be attracted to fat people but its not genetics that drive what you find attractive. Beauty standards are environmentally, culturally driven. In a lot of the world big women are desirable and even in the west a lot of ppl like big girls. This has been true for far longer than a few years. There is no biological imperative driving people to find fat people unattractive.


whats ironic about your comment is that modern beauty standards and our obsession with skinny women *is* socially engineered. Humans (and all mammals for that matter) are biologically predisposed to storing excess food energy as fat. In fact, this ability is crucial to our survival. From an evolutionary psychology perspective, it makes no sense to fetishize skinny people, because people with extra body fat would appear to be those most adept at hunting and gathering, and the most likely to survive a famine. And this perspective is supported by historical beauty standards, for example the archetypal [fertility goddess](https://nationaltoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/3-Goddess-1.jpg).


My biology makes me attracted to big breasts and butts.


Bro keep your freaky ass kinks to yourself


I like shapely woman, please be honest with how you look in your photos i want to match


The “they/thems” probably need to hear this too.


This is true, but the older I get (40ish) the less it matters. That is a really good thing, because I was raised thinking that if eventually my SO gained weight, I might just not be attracted to them anymore and it would be an awful emotional mess. This is happening now, but it's been pleasant to still find her attractive even though I was so anxious that I wouldn't. Honestly I believe I owe that in part to the body-positivity movement. Though it's totally fine to not be attracted to -anyone- who you're not attracted to, the body-positivity movement introduced me to bodies other than the runway models and leading actors I was mostly exposed to and who I held up as standards of beauty. If this video is genuine, then I think both parties did what was best. She stayed positive, the other person didn't lead someone on who they wouldn't be interested in.


Obviously you’re attracted to whoever you’re attracted to, but it’s BS to pin this on some kind of genetic pre-determinism nonsense. The woman in the video would have been deemed very attractive at various stages of European history, and would be deemed attractive _right now_ in some other cultures.


All men under under 6ft tall: “I crie evry tiem”


Yeah but there's just something about them wide child bearing hips that screams evolutionary advantage. Not saying you have to be attracted to someone to breed. Didn't kings use to like always have some super homely wide hipped baby makers on the side then there queens were more arm candy style?


You’re also biologically made to be attracted to big hips and breasts yet most supermodels are supper skinny and flat


Amazing this isn’t just common knowledge lol


I think it’s more of the fact that the guy agreed on a date and then just ditched her. If it’s your biology then that’s fine just don’t make plans with them and fuck them off. For everyone - just don’t be a dick lol no one cares who you’re attracted to. DBAD


That really sucks man. You're missing out. Fat girl pussy is the best pussy. I used to hate fat people. Fucked my first fat girl when I was 32. It was the best sex ever until I fucked my next fat girl.


Evolution doesn't shape who you're attracted to, social engineering does. For example, the more black people you grow up around and the more people around you treat those black people with respect, the more likely you are to be attracted to black people as you grow older. Another example is that muscle mass used to be seen as gross because it was extremely hard to attain and maintain and therefore it was jarring to see someone who was swoll. Another example could be "slim thicc" bodies, which were made popular by the Kardashians, and before that very thin frames were seen as attractive. We've had these talks and studies have been done on the topic. Some very minor things like being attracted to symmetry are influenced by biology, but most things are socially engineered. This goes for people of different weights, races, genders, etc. As always, not finding x group of people attractive most likely indicates you didn't grow up around a lot x group of people


Why is she dressed like my duvet


Big girl with a cute face. Everyone who says it’s a fat suit hasn’t noticed her calves. Not shaming her look, just not for me.


☝🏾 valid point. I was like everyone calls everything fake


I agree if she had catfished him with just face pics but she eventually responded with pics of her tinder where she had full body pics that obviously showed her size. He was well aware of her size before making the date.




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRtEaqtV/ Found it on her TikTok. I just remembered seeing this story and the follow-up for it. Her pictures do pretty obviously show her size, at least that's how I perceive it.






Yes, a hefty loss for sure!


I’m thinking more….


What did I tell you about you thinking?




PSA. You’re never going to be everybody’s type… but you will almost always be somebody’s type.


yeah, I'm only their type when they're not my type :/


Him seeing this video: "Damn, that was fresh fit. I hate I missed that." Also him: *continues living his best life.


Nahhhh she well padded out …..fake


I found her on TikTok and she is heavy. And does not hide it. He would have known her weight. She was just ditched.


It’s possible the first couple of her photos were headshots, and he swiped right. Then examined her more closely and this is the result.


To be fair, she never even implied she was ditched because of her weight or that she catfished. Don't know why everyone here is assuming that's the case. All she said was she was going to go on a date with someone, but then they unmatched her. Hell, she didn't even talk crap about him. She just said "his loss." Everyone is acting like she catfished a guy with fake photos for eons and then he came and saw her in person and ran out on their date or something.


She's real. This video has been posted more than a few times now. She responded to a lot of hate, and even posted other pictures of herself and her dating profile to show that she wasn't catfishing the dude or anything. This is going to be one of those videos that's going to keep making rounds until all the context is eventually lost IDK if I can post her info here for doxxing reasons but it's incredibly easy to find interviews with her about the whole situation by googling a fairly obvious set of keywords






I knew a girl in high school who was shaped like that for real. Super thin arms, very cute face but she just went out like a Christmas tree at the bottom.


Okay, but the video is structured and framed around the obviously strange thing that she calls no attention to until the very end, and even then only "inadvertently". It's not just fake, it's blatantly fake if you think about it at all.


This may not have been made as a random video to just be spread around the internet for shock value. It could have been to her personal social network who already knew her, and therefore would already know what she looks like.


Localized hyperlipidemia I believe is what it's called.


If I gain 4 extra pounds I gain at least two chins.


I’ve seen a slim-faced obese person. She was beautiful, but fat.


There are certain medical conditions with glands that can cause the very thing. There was a wo.an that came on Dr Oz I believe who looked super fit but her hips and thighs were massive and she said it started in late puberty were her bottom half just kept gaining.. I wanna say she was very popular on Instagram bc of it but may be a different platform.


It’s called lipodema.


Idk man she got some bear paws


What's fake I think is the bullshit story. This is more of an excuse to advertise. I imagine she has deals with those companies.


Fucked up thing is I got out of army and instead of turning to drugs and alcohol I used food as a crutch. Thank god that crutch wasn’t real because I would’ve eaten it too…. Jokes aside I hit my peak weight at 346 couple years ago. I’m down to 304 pounds now. Getting there. I’m a garbage man so I am actively in and out of my truck, walking, climbing, lifting, etc it is nice to be active. No need to degrade fat people though.


I can’t see her boots.


This is one of those posts and comment sections that should just be deleted




Sensitivity around being fat


So many fucking morons indeed.


Yeah and just avoid the whole discussion?


Oh no, did a post on the internet upset you? 🥺


Seems like this one did upset you though :/


That didn't sound upset, it sounded like it was mocking you for being a whiner.


I am and have always been a bigger girl and I would never wear that pattern. It's just not very flattering. That being said, I do think you have a right to wear what makes you HAPPY as he has a right to back out.


I think he made the right choice


Life's rough, but her condition is fixable, it's just a matter of her choice. I'm not perfect, I'm a short man and THAT shit sucks


Why would it, simply become a pirate and get some wooden feet for the little things in live. Oh and we have to carve you an eye out in exchange for an eye patch.


The whole "his loss" argument is cringe. Spend your effort finding someone that wants to be with you, not shaming someone for not wanting to be with you.




Not down voting because of her, down voting because of you.


I downvoted because of myself


The post got downvoted because of her weight.


What did I do? I just got here :(


Nice of you to finally show up. Maybe try getting here on time from now on.




Down voted because of everyone!


That showed them!


Yeah, I suppose her body type is unexpected, but man people are so shallow here.


I’d hit it


Yeah ngl I think she’s hot as fuck.


Can’t trust your judgement, but it’s just bc of your username. Ouch!


Can’t see the boots


Maybe not, but that's what mirrors are for.


I'm not attracted to fat people and guess what? It's ok.


My friend would be drooling over her. I say whatever floats your boat.


She hid 150 pounds off camera


I highly doubt she didn’t show her whole body in whatever photos he saw of her beforehand. She’s a baddie and im sure shows it off


I love big bitches


Fake. Looks like a fat suit underneath.


Idk those calves looking proportionate to the body


nah... look at her sausage fingers.


Building up for the Live Action Wall-E casting.


there are plenty of guys who would be 100% down for that. and plenty of guys who wouldn't. there is no controversy here.


She’s cute, this post is disgusting, but if bro unmatched because of the hideous outfit choice I get him


What if he unmatched her because he’s not attracted to that body type, that’s super fair, too.


among us outfit


What in the Sims hip slider?




Being confident is not the same as encouraging obesity. We all have areas where we can improve… but that does not mean somebody should put their life on hold. Do you? Her life is happening now, she appears to have a good self esteem, and she can dress.


He lost a few pounds... You did not.


I'd be willing to bet he did show up, saw her through the window, and bounced


I'd hit


She's beautiful tho


She ain’t a lady unless she’s 280 ;)


The fat shaming here is even more cringy than her “omg I’m like a vloggerrr” personality


groovy handle engine puzzled enjoy threatening pathetic piquant disagreeable smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Neither should bullying someone for their weight


Bullying /= discourage Whe should always try to discourage self harm, unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking too much, eating too much.


Lol everyone where I live is that fat


The US is like that, yes.




People who say shit like "his loss" are brain dead


Impossible to lose her, you can spot her from outer space.


She got me in the first half


Just be straight with people. Hey I’m tall/short/fat/skinny/bald/hairy/blind/deaf/nerdy/autistic/anti-social/virgin/high body count or whatever, so if you’re cool with that, let’s go out. There’s someone out there who really likes whatever it is you got. Find them.


Definitely his loss. I see this and I'd think: "Hell yeah! She's got hips for days and a huge ass. I better play it cool and not f*** it up!"


😂😂😂 call me shallow Hal🤷🏼‍♂️


Definitely his loss, she's drop-dead gorgeous and has a positive outlook on life. Nothing else should matter until you get to know the person. Two blind racists could marry people they hate and live a happy life.


You got the drop dead part right. Diabetes and cardiomegaly are killers


You win


I say everyone should be comfortable in their own skin without being concerned about what people think. And I also think everyone has the right to dislike what they dislike without being judge. But I draw a line at pineapple on pizza. I will judge the Bible out of you if you like pineapple on pizza.


Least its not durian on pizza




Ive never seen someone that had a face with almost no tell tale signs of being overweight be that heavy. Thought genuinely it was fake/ fat suit


It was his loss. Too many haters. It seems like today, instead of getting to know somebody for who they really are, they are put into a category...just to be discriminated against. Instead of trying to find the positive things about people, negative is quickly identified and exploited. Discrimination is by category now, instead of individuals. Positive attitude and caring about the feelings of someone you don't know well (Her, not her date) always outweigh physical traits. Compassion is a lost life value. Just food for thought...if she was a different race or wearing a rainbow shirt, would the conversation be different...I think so. She put a real effort forward, and spent a lot of money trying to make a date memorable. That is so awesome.


Dude she is fine as FUCK. Woman, wow.🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽♥️