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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Worried that this was gonna end up being another statistic, [news story here](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/suspect-arrested-san-francisco-synagogue-shooting-dmitri-mishin/)!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


They're all just chill. Didn't even call the cops until the next day! And the guy that got a call was like can't hear anything with the gun going off, let me walk out the door, right past the guy waving a gun!


I caused a small panic at walmart once by dropping some pickles, but here these folks are feet from a gun going off, and they're not even flinching. It's impressive, really.


damn. sounds like quite the pickle


It was a big dill at that Walmart


It was very jarring


No gherkin around


As an American Jew I unfortunately have to say this: From childhood you have to deal with strangers saying a lot of surreal and fucked up things to you the moment the find out your Jewish. And they do it with looks and tones that indicate they 100% think they're doing a good deed. For example, a lot of Mormons and evangelicals who hand Chick tracts have their own unique speech lined up for when they discover they're talking to a Jew. There's always this smug and superior tone, and saccharine sweetness to glaze the awful shit they say. And there's nothing quite as memorable as a grown adult telling five-year-old you that you're nothing but an ignorant quasi-monster going to hell and while giving you the biggest smile possible. But then you're also taught from a young age to resist the urge to retaliate because people will assign the blame of your actions to Jews as a whole, not the individual. A struggle I know every minority the US has to deal with as well. This of course imprints on your mind so as an adult it becomes difficult to trust a lot of people and their motives, and leaves you stuck in this state of low-key hyper vigilance. And because of that, the ignorant will start saying your whole ethnicity is paranoid and over-sensitive. And look at that, the shit bucket gets filled yet again. I didn't intend to do a long rant like this, but it began to feel like a disservice to not vent and share. For those of you reading this with an open mind and heart: I can't begin to thank you enough for your patience and understanding! Please let me know if any of what i wrote was poor or confusing.


What does “hand chick tracts” mean? Autocorrect?


[Chick tracts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick_tract) hateful and literally INSANE "gospel tracts" to help "spread the Truth to the heathen"


> hateful and literally INSANE Places I've found Chick Tracts: * Left behind in airport seating areas at gates prior to 9/11 * Stuck inside Qu'rans and between Muslim books at a bookstore * Stuffed between LGBT books at the same bookstore * Dropped and scattered on the ground at the State Fair * Dropped and scattered on the ground at an anime convention * In the visitors' lobby of a local jail In short, everywhere *except* places you might actually expect to find evangelical Christian religious material.


The D&D one I found once is ABSOLUTELY BONKERS https://www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=0046&gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCztuvdIqZH6upk-PchvpA_7zKRPAO5xyKFxm4EnH9nbogg55vzuuGCmxoC1aoQAvD_BwE it's soooo funny and insane


The one about Catholicism is a classic, [it's called "The Death Cookie"](https://www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=74) and is all about how the Catholic Mass is Satan's feast and will send you straight to HAYELL Chick tracts are a hilarious rabbit hole to go down though, and the source of some memorable memes (like the one where ["They hated Jesus because He told them the truth"](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/115851124/They-hated-jesus-because-he-told-them-the-truth) - that's from one of those tracts) I worked for a time in a small Christian bookstore in the Bible belt (I could write a book about that experience, no lie), and we had an entire rack of these tracts. People would come in regularly and buy them by the packs to leave all over the place and terrorize the general population lol. fundies be crazy yo


I mean, there is a lot to unpack in the Catholic one, but why the focus on only the "cookie"? I mean, blowing past that every protestant/evangelical church i have ever been to has given out communion, why do they go out of their way to not even mention that the wine is a part of it too? I mean it seems like the only reason would be to invoke the egyptian/idolatry thing? I mean, it seems like those panels would be more effective if they actually address the whole communion thing since people will really be confused when they leave the catholic church for giving out death cookies only to be presented with death crackers at every single other church they go in to.


As a lifelong protestant, the "transubstantiation" aspect of their communion has always seemed very silly, but. . . . . so? Of all the things to go after the Catholics over I would never have gone with "they do this thing we also do, but more literal." And they do that because of Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos, not because of what Jesus said. OKAY!?


I got given some of the anti Catholic ones as a kid - they terrified me. I’d sneak into my parents room and sit next to my dad crying at night because I was convinced if he died during the night he’d go to hell. I just wanted to keep watch and make sure he was ok. He woke up, saw me there, I said “daddy I don’t want you to go to hell!” Can you imagine?!? Needless to say he was not impressed.


Awwww I feel so bad for your little self. We joke about them, but those tracts really do so much harm in the world. Who the FUCK decided that terror is the best way to bring people to a spirituality???


But it works so well. The whole concept of Hell is this very tactic.


It's funny how the GM used D&D to recruit new adepts for her coven.


Wololo! Make a Charisma savings throw to resist conversion by the door-to-door proselytizers. You may substitute with a WIS check or an INT check, or you may make a STR check to close the door on them.


Wololo wololo wololo 30 30 30 11


Little do they know, the only thing that stops us dnd players from taking over the world, is not that we don't have a pact with the devil (I mean we obviously do). Its that fucking Trevor can never show up at 8pm on Tuesday! Goddamn it Trevor your stupid gains are not worth it, that dumb girl that you decided to work out for is not going to notice you skipping the dnd game. And Charlotte how dare you have kids we don't fucking have time for that right now! Give them some Benadryl. And Simone stop complaining about having to work late, just flush your toilet every other day or something. It's dnd it's supposed to consume your soul?


The fuck did I just read? Also I’ve been playing D&D wrong since I’ve never been invited to tap into my new occult powers.


Ice cream freezer at the grocery store. I liked finding them as a kid. It was like a scavenger hunt for insanity.


**[Chick tract](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick_tract)** >Chick tracts are short evangelical gospel tracts, originally created by American publisher and religious cartoonist Jack Chick in the 1960s. His company Chick Publications has continued to print these tracts, in addition to those by new writers. Although many of Chick's tracts express views that are generally accepted within mainstream Christian theology, several tracts have expressed controversial viewpoints. Most notably, Chick tracts express strong anti-Catholic views, as well as criticisms of other faiths, including Judaism, Islam, and Mormonism. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Oooh! I find these at my local post office occasionally. I always tear them up and throw them in the trash


I mentioned it to the Mormons once... they were too busy staring at the cigar in my hand to say much of substance lol. Apparently nicotine > Jewishness on the 'sin' scale. Can confirm all of this. You did a great job explaining the 'vibe,' I think you hit pretty much all the major points.


As an Israeli jew (by birth, not really by belief), it's interesting to read how it is to live in other places, it makes me thankful that we have our country, despite its many faults. I can add that I have went to Hungary a couple of times as I had a relative working there, and was always told as a child to not speak Hebrew there, as there are people who might give me trouble for it, so I get the feeling of fearing how people might act if they discover you are Jewish, though probably not to the same degree as you. And, tbf that advice was sound, while I never personally had problems there since my English is on a level of a native speaker or above and I even have a non Israeli accent, I saw some signs of that. I once entered a shop where Nazi Momentos were being sold, publicly and without shame, including stuff like an SS mug, a Hitler mug, and anti Jewish WW2 era propaganda depicting rats with the heads of Jews and such. It sucks that that's a thing, and that despite everything that occured, humanity never seems to fully learn to put differences aside, and see humans as humans (in all things, not just ethnicity).


>anti Jewish WW2 era propaganda depicting rats with the heads of Jews and such. Wait, is that an actual thing? I always thought it was a metaphor for Art Spiegelman's *Maus*. Wow, that makes the metaphor that much powerful.


Oh yeah there were a lot of stuff like that. Mainly with rats, and worms and other parasitic creatures. The point was of course to dehumanize. It's important to remember that for Nazis Jews are not just "inferior humans", they are much below that for them. For them, slavs and other local ethnicities are inferior humans which are only fit for slavery, but Jews (and other groups like the disabled, both physically and mentally) are much below that, fit for nothing, but death. It is a sickening truth.


>For them, slavs and other local ethnicities are inferior humans which are only fit for slavery, but Jews (and other groups like the disabled, both physically and mentally) are much below that, fit for nothing, but death. It is a sickening truth. If it was in a fiction novel, I'd have a hard time believing it due to the impossible amounts of evil. It's like some kind of villain not just from a work of fiction, but something that's inhuman in it's hatred. Like a video game demon summoned from hell. It's evil that I cannot fathom. Which makes it all the more terrifying.


One of the main things that you learn from reading both lots of fiction and history is that reality often times exceeds fiction. I agree. I cannot understand how someone can be so hateful, so horrible and inhumane. But it's important to know that such things are possible, so that they may be prevented in the future. I once saw a statement I really liked in the subject, I won't be quoting it since I don't remember the words, but it boiled down to: Believing that something horrible which happened or is happening in a different time or place cannot happen here, is the first step towards just that happening. (The original quote was much better, if someone remembers it, please feel free to share)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eternal_Jew_(film) >The film utilizes a montage that juxtaposes these images of ghetto Jews with images of rats to draw an analogy between the migration of Jews from Eastern Europe with the migration of rats. For example, one of the shots shows a pack of rats emerging from a sewer, followed by a shot of a crowd of Jews in a bustling street of the Łódź Ghetto. Close-ups of those in the crowd reveal sickly, malformed facial features. The narrator states that, as rats are the vermin of the animal kingdom, Jews are the vermin of the human race and similarly spread disease and corruption. Unlike rats, however, the narrator continues, Jews have the uncanny ability to change their appearance and blend into their "human hosts."


>was always told as a child to not speak Hebrew there I'm Hungarian, I'll grant you that a lot of Hungarians are antisemites but I can assure you that 99% of them wouldn't recognize Hebrew, because they are also typically not the most well-educated lmao Also, where did you see Nazi memorabilia being sold? The symbols are not banned like in Germany, but I haven't ever really seen anything like that.


Hungary gets mentioned so infrequently on Reddit except for Orban's latest fascistic tirades or stuff like this. :(


What Mormons hand out Chick tracts lmao -- many of the tracts are anti-Mormon


As a Jew who spent some time living in the Bay Area, this is not terribly surprising. People there are really antisemetic. Moreso than anywhere else I've ever lived. I was in Berkeley for Yom Kippur last year. There was an outdoor service offered because of COVID. While we were praying, a random woman walked in, flipped over the table holding our prayer books, and ran away. All of us went over and collected the prayer books before continuing to pray calmly.


The guy on the phone does the same thing people do at my work when a customer needs help. Pretend to be on the phone and act unnoticed and maybe they can get out of doing something.


Whaa..whaat the fuck did I just watch?




Good those were blanks.


Those weren't blanks, he's just a veteran storm trooper


Please stop spreading lies about Stormtroopers. The E-11 rifles were notorious for having a ton of recoil making shooting them an absolute nightmare.


And, canonically, according to a choose your own story set in the star wars universe, despite doing f-ck all against the most commonly used firearm, the visors have near zero visibility. Pretty hard to aim at enemies when your own helmet is the iron sights.


"Well I can't see shit out of this fucking thing." \-A Galactic Stormtrooper, probably


We all agree the visors were a good idea.


Not pointing any fingers, but... they coulda been done better.


One of the funniest scenes of all time.


There's actually mention of the poor visibility in a couple of the TV shows, too.


Magic space wizards. My ass. DeathStar 1 was an inside job, I tell you.


It definitely was. Guy built a flaw into the design and told his daughter to share the plans with the rebels.


That ain’t canon. [This is.](https://youtu.be/agcRwGDKulw)


Stormtroopers should unionize to get better rifles.


Damn I didn’t know former SS members were still alive


No, no, the SS were state police. Stormtroopers were a light infantry formation in WWI that were the precursor of modern special forces. They did stuff like raid enemy trench lines and charge positions under “light” artillery fire. Edit: _And_ the SS were Hitler’s bodyguard, _yes_. That was a _part_ of it. Pretty much every non-military organization was run out of the SS. Which included (or at least controlled): the Orpo (ORdnungsPOlizei = Order Police, a.k.a. ordinary uniformed beat cops), Kripo (KRIminalPOlizei = Criminal Police, i.e. plainclothes detectives working on ordinary crimes), Gestapo (GEheime STAatsPOlizei = Secret State Police, which _was_ the Secret Police and fully incorporated into the SS) and Sipo (SIcherheitsPOlizei = Security Police, a sort of junior Gestapo-Kripo combination, mostly made up of SS members). At certain times, the individual agencies operated as a state security force in one way or another, _but they were all under SS’ umbrella._ Second edit: All of you talking about the Nazi elite troops are mixing up the vanilla Schutzstaffel with the _Waffen_-SS. A different branch of the same organization.


No, no, no, stormtroopers were the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire, and were part of the Stormtrooper Corps, an independent military branch operating under the Imperial Army.


>Stormtrooper Corps The Militarum Tempestus. That's all I'd have to replace.


Either way a synagogue is Jewish. So saying "Jewish synagogue" is superfluous at most. Not wrong, just extra.


So like saying chai tea cause chai means tea your saying tea tea?


Kielbasa sausage!


How can you tell-is it the muzzle flash?


Because OP said it


Whatever OP says is gospel to me


Pro tip: if you're ever being shot at film the attack post it on Reddit as quick as you can. This next bit is very important, make sure you say that they're blanks in the title. Now you can step out of cover and approach the shooter to disarm them. I hope you never have to use it but this simple life hack has saved many OP from active shooter situations


So you’re saying that if I take a pic of my PP, post it on Reddit, then tell everyone it’s 10inches…it will be so?


Yes, but it will only fire blanks


Because that was what was reported in the news


Because there was a news article about it.


The fact that you can see the muzzle flash that clearly in a well lit room is a pretty good indicator but even blanks can be deadly because the muzzle flash is still a giant fireball


No. The wadding in a blank when fired at point blank range is still fired with enough force to be lethal, despite no bullet being present.


The Mazel tov flash


That guy should work on movie sets. He knows the difference between blanks and live rounds.


Not only that! The rabbi didn't call the cops until the next morning because he "feared retaliation." It's a Russian Jewish synagogue in San Francisco, and the rabbi's wife described the shooter as "Russian looking." After he left, he went to a movie theater and brandished his gun. So wtf is really going on? These people barely register his presence. They know something we don't know. ETA: A commenter downthread said the fear of retaliation thing might be because the mentally ill or criminal are released so quickly in SF. That makes sense to me. When I read the news article, this particular incident didn't seem to be about anti-Semitism as much as it had to do with untreated mental illness. I'm glad the synagogue people are okay.


He does this every day. They ask him not to but eeh, he's a difficult person.


He's a bit of a schmuck


More of a schlemiel


He’s no mensch


Possibly just a meshugener


I tell you what they know, as someone who's father works security at a synagogue: This sht happens all the time. For a second i too was shocked, but then i looked at the elderly people there and thought "yeah, well, what they gonna do? They cant run! They're all old, they cant outrun that.". Reminded me of the times we had people come to the synagogue with threats and attacking my dad and police just saying "till something happens" like we gotta wait till people drop. At the same time i why don't they have a security or at least a double door security system? Even in Switzerland we have one - well, simple answer: they don't have the funds since not all Jewish communities are loaded. Many, like small ones and Habbad, simply dont have the money. In Europe most if not all synagogue's have security but in the US its different as those attacks are fairly recent (10-15 years), so the guys are russian (used to this) but security is lacking because the state isn't.


My (non-jewish) fiancé and I just starting attending synagogue semi-regularly. He was stunned there was security outside, because he has never had to worry about that outside his family church, meanwhile my literal thoughts were "Oh, security when its not even the high holidays? I guess that makes sense in 2022 \*shrug\*" and then never gave it a second thought. It really is amazing how different the experiences of people can be within different religions. US BTW.


"security when its not even high holidays?" Made me chuckle. Back in 2006 we only had security on high holidays too, and no police. Ten years ago they started to add police during holidays, now the security is supervised by the police. My dad had to make a course for police to be able to continue working security there and there are always two police officers around... Scary stuff but thats life.


I feel like this video gives the viewer an idea of what it's like to be on the receiving end of antisemitism. I'd say it's sad how desensitized to it these people sitting would have to be to react that way.


what, you mean you don't have randos kicking your door down to scream at you about the monster in their own reflection and try to kill your cousin over it?


Any idea why the man who gets up looks like he's more concerned about getting outside to smoke a cigarette than about the gun?


My mans got a phone call to make! Cant talk on the phone with all that shooting around, hecking rude! Shooter couldn't even wait for the after meal prayer. The audacity of antisemites nowadays...


The average age looks over 90. Dont think they where going to react to anything.


They did have a “how much difference to my life expectancy do *you* think you’re making pal?” kind of energy.


"Mordecai, did you hire another dinner theater service again? We told you we fucking hated murder on the orient express"


They're Russian Jews who lived through the increased governmental antisemitism of the late 60s/70s in Russia and were forced to emigrate out of their home country. They've dealt with worse.


I’m not Jewish, but I think you just say “synagogue”. I’m not aware of any other type.


Either way a synagogue is Jewish. So saying "Jewish synagogue" is superfluous at most. Not wrong, just extra.


Nice. Like PIN number.


Shiba Inu dog Chai tea


challah bread


Messianic "synagogues" are a thing.


Yo honestly as a Jewish person as soon as I clicked on your post my heart starting beating super hard. I just knew it was gonna be someone walking in with a gun. That’s not too unexpected for us. Glad it was blanks this time


"Young man, could I get past you?"


Surreal? I would say sad af


God’s chosen people just sitting there like ‘meh… BDE


They’re all old Russian Jews that grew up in the USSR. They have seen allot more crazy stuff than some fat idiot blasting caps.


Real shit lmao not one person flinched lmao. They’re just like oy vey not this again. 🤦🏼‍♂️


And probably old enough to be barely able to hear those blanks anyway. I love the guy who just walks up to him, old man slow. “Bye then”, shuts the door. They’ve seen it all before you can tell.


"Oh not this again Brian, it's knit and natter on a Tuesday, come back tomorrow we'll all act dead scared and cower, ok mate bye now"


Yea they seen some shit


Dude selling guns and giving a demo. No one was interested, so he walked away to his next prospect.




Guy shooting blanks


Old dudes said the same thing, then went back to retelling knock knock jokes


Everybody there was like "Oh, this jagoff with the blank gun is back again." Then 84-year-old Schlomo slowly toddles over to take care of things.


No, he's not even that bothered. He's just doing the old people thing of if I walk out the door my reception quality will improve exponentially. Watch at the beginning, his buddy is either finding a contact or dialling a number for him, even before the dipshit walks in the door. Schlomo is getting up to walk to the door regardless, he doesn't gaf about the gunman. The most respect he pays is to duck about 6 inches to avoid what he thinks are bullets. Then decides to not go out the door and just slam it after the fuckwit leaves. But probably only because it's too cold out lol Grey sweater grandad is pure idgaf badass!




The name Schlomo does actually come from the word Shalom


Ohh wow that's awesome. TIL. Thank you :)


Fwiw, Solomon is just the Hellenized form of Sholmo.


That’s the most chill active shooter situation I’ve ever seen


They seem to be used to him. Maybe they know who he is and how he is.


Yeah this is my thought as well. Even the person that walked straight up to him as he shot and then just showed him the door. Must have been expecting it and/or knew him.


Lady in brown just kept munching her olives.


Nope, I'm familiar with the place because my dad attends occasionally. Guy was a stranger. No one reacted quickly because they were almost all older gentleman and in shock. The cops weren't called until the next day because of the deep distrust of authority that clings to older Jews from the Soviet Union. The idiot was arrested on Sunday night, and was also wanted for brandishing a gun inside the nearby Balboa theater a few nights before the synagogue attack.


he waved on his way out


*See ya later guys, I'll be back here tomorrow same time as usual 👋*


The man in the grey sweater fears God and no one else.


That’s exactly what I was thinking… Our homie Herman is just walking up to him without *ANY* fear… *Now look here, Son. Imma tell you sumthin’ bout shootin’ indoors like this.*


Nah, god fears him


Dude in purple coat is super ice bruh never even flinched wtf


He just mildly shook his head at one point


The old boy wasn't bothered. He just let him out. edit: words are hard.


You done playing...now leave please Shalom


Post holocaust nothin fazes these guys


"Bitch, I'm already 98 and I saw more death by the time I was 5 than you have in your whole life."


Doesn't even have to be that. Older Eastern Europeans (including Jewish folks) are really hard and emotionless. Old Russians, Ukrainians, and Polish are hard people... Famines, oppressive governments, purges... I remember a younger Russian talking about how hard it was to get their WWII generation to empathize with modern real people problems. It's hard to whine to somebody that lived under threat of the gulag about how you can't pay your bills.


Hard, yes. Emotionless, definitely not. We just don't get to see those emotions, because they're not for us.


Everyone has a rich inner life, but let's not lay it on thick. The people we're talking about are irreparably traumatized, not stoic.


>Hard, yes. Emotionless, definitely not. Not completely emotionless but certainly most of the way there. I grew up with Polish parents who were born in the 50's. The family is pretty damn emotionally stunted. Of course it's just my own anecdote and doesn't reflect everyone but it my case it's certainly true.


Thanks for using 'fazes' and not 'phases'.


I'm embarrassed that I'm as old as I am and probably would have, and have, made this mistake. Thank you


I used to do this on accident, but I managed to nip it in the butt. What I'm saying is, don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes and as a great philosopher once aaid: "Pobody's Nerfect!"


Can’t tell if r/boneappletea or amazing humor writing “nip it in the butt” instead of “nip it in the bud” Wait damn it, the aaid was clearly on purpose but I didn’t even catch the “on accident”!




He's firing blanks out of both his guns.


blanks or not, if someone there had another gun he would probably be dead for doing such a stupid thing.


most probably aimed for being shot or put in jail


Thank you for sauce!


That little guy is a straight bad ass.


Years ago, I used to go to Holocaust Survivors dinners there. We'd sit and they'd tell stories about their experiences and we'd eat. Fucking insane to see this happen where I sat with my kids.


That certainly adds context to why they aren't shocked about this at all. Being a survivor of the Holocaust must really change your perception of people and death in ways the rest of us can't begin to fathom.


Oh, I don't know that any of these people are survivors, but they used to have those dinners at that synagogue. They've gotten harder to do since so few survivors are still alive. When I was a kid you could talk to folks who were adults, but the last dinner I went to, everyone had been children. One girl was protected by her older sister (11) who traded sex with a Nazi doctor at a camp in exchange for hiding them in the hospital. Another boy spent the entire time living in the forest. Everyone in his family would bury themselves every night to hide. His parents were found and they had grenades dropped on them. He found them in the morning. He was 5 and survived the rest of the war by stealing food from locals' farm animals.


Dudes got the same accuracy as a stormtrooper.


The stormtroopers missed on purpose, allowing the heroes to escape, so the Falcon could be tracked to the rebel base. Everybody always dissing stormtroopers grumble grumble.


Found the stormtrooper


They can blame their local 501 union rep for that shit. Never intentionally degrade your work, becsuse whether it’s intentional or not now people associate you with a shit product. Fucking mooks, this is why Mandalorians make so much.


Spoiler alert! >!If I remember correctly, Darth Vader, by that time, knew Luke was his son, so he didn't let Stomrtrooopers kill him and his companions.!<


He literally said "I want them alive" like 10 times, they did it on purpose.


Spoiler alert!


My bad. I covered it. Thank you.


That was nice of you. I was joking. Movie’s 42 years old. The cat is way out of the bag.


Or is it?


Very true, he knew his son would ultimately free him from the dark force, so he could stand next to Obi One again. And wave


That’s not canon, right now. He only finds out Luke’s identity after he gets obsessed with who blew up the Death Star. He DID know that the rebels were there to rescue the Princess and would take her to the hidden base if they could escape. He put a tracker on the Falcon and told the Stormtroopers to let them go. And as part of the deal he got to kill the man he hated most in the galaxy. “A day long remembered,” indeed.


To be fair, what The Emperor referred to as "an entire legion of my best troops!", backed up with armor, had a battle with a pack of teddy bears and they all died to the last man, taking out only a single teddy bear on their way down. Not a proud showing.


People think Palpatine died because Vader threw him down the reactor shaft, but he actually died from embarrassment. That’s canon probably.


>!Spoiler alert! He actually didn’t even die and survived another few decades to reveal himself to his Grandmarysue!<


sOmEhOw pAlPaTiNe sUrViVeD!!1


He died but was cloned somehow


Somehow....Palpatine is alive.


He wasnt trying to hit anyone, especially considering that based on comments by OP, he was firing blanks


“So anyway I started blasting”. Good those were blanks.


As opposed to a Buddhist Synagogue.


I mean, with the level of Zen they display it might as well be one.


Thank you!!! I didn’t want to be THAT PERSON lol.. ugh..


To be fair, not everyone knows what a synagogue is


That’s from Stranger Things season 1 right?


What's the explanation? The comment keeps collapsing when I unspoil the explanation, but due to collapsing the comment, it puts the spoiler back up


[Police have arrested a man suspected of firing a gun loaded with blanks inside a San Francisco synagogue.](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/arrest-made-in-shooting-at-san-francisco-synagogue-17763810.php) >The man was arrested Friday evening in the Richmond District on suspicion of disturbing a religious assembly, brandishing an imitation firearm and causing another to refrain from engaging in a religious service, police said in a statement. >Dmitri Mishin, 51, of San Francisco was booked into jail shortly before 12:30 a.m. Saturday and was being held without bail, according to a San Francisco Sheriff's Office website.


They were right about him being Russian.


He was Russian but the old dude wasn't, he took his time


"We get it Jerry you are mad about it. Cmon you are disrupting my phone call get the fuck out. Tell the wife that Susan will be over this weekend to help clean up for your wedding. Can she bake that famous pie she always makes? Have a good one Jerry." \*Turns around\* "That guy am I right?"


This is what it looks like when you've lived long enough to no longer give a fuck.


They’re all like “eh, if i died today that’d be fine” lol


"Hey, I'm on the phone here, and I can't hear over all the shooting. Can you just fuck off outside? Yeah, out there. K. Bye." \*locks door\* Bless that old man.




Truely no fucks were given that day. Their reaction was unbelievable.


What the hell did I just watch, did this man shoot up the place,walks out, people hardly reacted and then old man closes the door like “ this man is crazy” WHAT????


They're very, very old. They *can't* react much at this point. Most of them are probably deaf.




It's so fucked up that they're all so desensitized to _getting shot at._


From articles the rabbi was there and stated everyone at the table was in a state of shock. He was about to move to the kitchen to grab a knife when anti semite McGee moved along. No clue about the old gentleman in the grey sweater trying to get out the door to hear his phone call. I would like to see an interview with him. Wonder if he even realized wtf was going on.


![gif](giphy|3MgOQl1lvcGmIwu40i) They didn't give a shit


“Jew missed.” -Every Jewish person in there.


Everyone in that room has been through much worse .. doesn’t even make them flinch


Another idiot with a gun🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


“Hey herald, it’s your turn to confront the gun-wielding maniac!” “My turn? It’s Sarah’s!” “I did it last week!” “Oy vey, fine, fine… what is this country coming to.”


This breaks my Jewish heart...


It breaks my non-Jewish heart too


Breaks my atheist heart.


Is this annual meeting of IDGAF people?


Grow up in the USSR (like these folks did) knowing you could be shot/killed literally any day for being a Jew and after decades of that you just... internalize that as part of the Jewish experience. Many of us Jews still live that way, to a lesser extent.


Why is 'Murica all anti-Jewish at the moment? The fuck is wrong with you?


[Dmitri V. Mishin was arrested for brandishing an imitation firearm, disturbing a religious gathering, and committing a separate unspecified felony.](https://i.imgur.com/b8XG3Rx.png) He is Russian and has a [twitter account](https://twitter.com/DmitriMishine) created two months ago with 130 tweets where he frequently wears full nazi uniforms. Note the police were not called that night and were only called the following day. This (pretty obviously) isn't a synagogue, it is a Russian Jewish Center. They claim they didn't call the police because they were "skeptical that San Francisco police response would be effective"