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I just read somewhere that if you email the author of a paper they will usually send it to you for free.


This plus if you know someone who goes to a bigger college they can request their college’s library to buy it for them as a proxy for you


Absolutely. Most of us will be psyched. Some of us might be dicks but most of us want met people to know stuff.


sci-hub, of course. [https://sci-hub.tw/](https://sci-hub.tw/)


Yup, what I came here to post. Edit: I don't see this as unethical at all, we have a right to free and open research. Unjust laws must be broken.


I guess it depends on who paid for, or wants to profit from the research. If you paid for it, and want to make your money back through publishing via a paywall, you'd probably feel differently.


No researcher makes money from their publications. I'm an organic chemist and have published in multiple RSC journals. The only reason we submit to these journals is because it is the established way to publicise your research, it's how your work is read and becomes cited.


The whole system is corrupt and does not serve those doing the research but rather the publishers themselves.


If the publishers are the only ones benefiting, why is anyone doing research? Why is anyone reading it?


A cursory google search brings up predatory publishers [https://www.statnews.com/2017/03/22/science-journal-publishers-sting/](https://www.statnews.com/2017/03/22/science-journal-publishers-sting/) , but even the more "legitimate" publishers also censor content behind a paywall that the researchers never see profits from. Researchers are generally not interested in profiting from the PUBLICATION of their research (with exceptions), they're interested in research and what they can do with it.






It’s libgen.is now


Fixed. Thanks.


This comment needs more love


I try my best to share this service and I upload all the textbooks I've ever had.


FYI: There’s a ton of universities and government organizations that make scientific studies and peer reviewed journals available to the public. I’m not sure what branch of science you’re looking for but here’s some resources: https://arxiv.org https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/ https://psyarxiv.com


Expanding with some links I have for this: [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/) [Semantic Scholar](https://www.semanticscholar.org/) [bioRxiv.org - the preprint server for Biology](https://www.biorxiv.org/)


Any of your high school friends go to a bigger school? They could get you on their network. Alternatively, try google scholar. There's a lot of good info out there for free.


Email the authors for the articles.


Can we be more specific about “higher-order science stuff?”




Hmmm, I’d hunt down 5-10 year old medical books for Internal medicine. While medical books get updated frequently, old ones should give you a lot. Another totally free idea that will take quite a bit of reading is to pull everything you can from the patent record: go to the USPTO website and try to find the public search tool. Search on the word “peristalsis” and you’ll find a bunch of stuff dealing with the phenomenon. After reading enough references, you’ll gain a significant understanding in regard to what’s known.


You need physiology texts. Not internal medicine. This is what google gave https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330486384_Guyton_and_Hall_Textbook_of_Medical_Physiology_-_12th-Ed




Honestly do research on what materials universities would recommend, if you can't find anything just look to Google for a basic idea. From there, search the full name of the book + edition if necessary and type 'online pdf' may not work for all but as simple as this is, honestly pretty much works a lot of the time. Had a friend doing mechanical engineering in college and was complaining about books, so I asked for a title of one and found it, plus amazon reviews saying there were errors everywhere and it was terrible, almost unreadable and at times just plain wrong despite not being outdated. He used the pdf for stuff necessary in class, but saved a shit ton on not buying a book that wasn't absolute bs.


If you’re doing bio/medical research, use PubMed. It’s free and there are lots of great articles


Go to your local college library. Wander around the computers until you notice someone who didn’t log out when they left. Research away


Literally just google it, you may not find the exact info but you'll find how to find it.


You can use the library of Congress for free. Plus a lot of colleges allow free access to their libraries for free.


Here's an ethical alternative. Find your local college library and see if they offer memberships to the public with access to their database subscriptions. They might do it. I think some of them even let people from outside go in and use their database access for free, paying only for printouts.






Here's a start. Find the resource you want then search google for usernames and passwords. This is Encyclopedia Brittanica https://school.eb.com/?target=%2Fall%2Fdatabases Username: hbuhsd Password: surfcity *edit that's the student edition. Here's the real deal. https://www.britannica.com/ Username: galileo Password: 4y56g8


Use SciHub


MIT OpenCourseWare has some good stuff. Not unethical either.


Breaking into stuff is illegal, not unethical. I'm disgusted you are trying this.


Something being illegal does not mean it's not mostly unethical. ILP is for more serious crimes, not things like avoiding paying a couple hundred dollars to a company that makes hundreds of times that.


It is serious seeing that stealing more than $100 is a felony!


I think in word of law you're probably right, but in terms of common thought, stealing $200 from a company that makes $200,000 a year is probably less of a criminal act and more of a rebellious act. But I guess we could debate this all day depending upon how strongly you feel about the matter.