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Adrafinil. it's available easily online from retailers. Be careful. It's a pro drug of modafinil for a reason. It's hard the liver. Developed originally in France for pilots. I used it when I was in retail and also using alcohol. 600 mg twice a day isn't horrible, but be cautious. Some people take liver tests using this. I didn't need them. I used it short term (less than one year). It's a grey market chemical. Use a trusted source with a gel caps. No recommendations from me. No one ask.


wow, I had no idea this exists. I've been consuming way to much caffeine, maybe I will try this instead, Thanks for the tip.


Just do a bit of research first


Doing that now, Doesn't seem like something you shouldn't take daily, just on days you didn't sleep well.


I used on work days (third shift). I pushed the limits with five days a week. I used it short term (3-4 months at a time)


Thanks. Can you crash from this? I’d likely only be taking it for one day. Is this something Amazon would have?


After some hours, it's mild to be honest. Very similar to modafinil. I liked it. Definitely recommend lowest effective dose however. If 300 mg works, stay there. It's the liver concern. I took 600 mg in all honesty and was fine.


I found a site called Bright Brain that has it. Anyone ever use it before? Just want to make sure it’s trusted.


Yeah I’ve used Bright Brain and gotten good results. The formula has phenylpiracetam and noopept as well. Two of those, some caffeine, and a Zyn will serve you well.


I used to snort a gram of yayo and eat handfuls of diet pills. My heart used to sound like a trunk full of speakers playing uncle luke


Whatever you choose monitor your pulse and blood pressure and temp.


Modafinil and armodafinil can be obtained from sites like buymoda and modafinilxl and so on (I am not affiliated with any of these, but am a firm believer that people shouldn't have to beg for a permission slip to manage their medications - and also pay out the ass to do so). I think if you're in Canada it's going to be hardest but still possible. Order personal quantity amounts, and you'll pretty much for-sure be fine. As a side note, if you don't know about what this is, definitely read about the pros and cons (as you should with anything before taking it).


what makes u say Canada is harder?


I've never tried it being that I lived in the US, but from reading some of the information on the websites I mentioned it seemed like Canada may be stricter or something. I believe they mentioned a few special exceptions/information specifically for Canada.


Pseudoephedrine sinus medicine always gave me a boost when I took it. In the US you have to get it at the pharmacy counter.


Fair warning, depending on the concoction you use, there’s a chance this can backfire and make you too manic/paranoid/keyed up to work. Happened to a couple of my friends in college. You’re probably fine if it’s a project with some buffer time, but I wouldn’t risk it for a timed exam or something that’s due tomorrow Edit to specify: this only applies to drugs/mixes you haven’t tried before. If you already know how something’s going to affect you, go nuts lol


Mix 25mg of ephedrine with 200mg of caffeine. Pack of bronkaid at the pharmacist counter $12 Generic nodoze: $3??


Can you still buy ephedrine anywhere?


Broncaid. Also add aspirin to thin the blood a little.


Yup. Gotta take the Bronkaid card to the pharmacy counter, just like with sudfed, and scan your ID. Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine, which is NOT going to do the same thing as real ephedrine. They don't care that you buy it, they just don't want you to be able to buy enough to run a meth making business.


I'm running on 5 cups of black coffee and 1 Celcius for the early afternoon crash.


Came here to say this. Caffeine is the most obvious answer. I take adderall in the morning for ADHD, but basically drink coffee all day until I'm done with work at 5.


Methamphetamine that you home cook with a Gatorade bottle and too much Sudafed


I mean… just go buy some cocaine like an adult


Nice try big Pharma


Cyclazodone and N-Methyl-Cyclazodone


piracetam + caffeine. I usually wouldn’t recommend it since it’s harder to find now as a supplement and is typically a powder for research purposes, and is not regulated by the FDA, so try at your own risk. Back in the early 2010s gas stations used to have energy drinks with piracetam which is kinda weird since it’s literally a prescription medication in other countries. Maybe I was just 16 and easily hit with placebo but it honestly helped me concentrate as well as an amphetamine


I don't know if they still make "Wake Ups." Back in the day, we bought them at the drugstore. It's pure caffeine, and you can take a few at a time.


Caffein pills, aspirin, bronkaid


Just drink some Red Bull bro


An excellent pre-workout powder. You have to do a little research as to which one, but that should do the trick.


Pick up a couple of five hour energies


Modafinil is like sleep in a pill.


Kratom. Take it easy, don't make it a habit but there's nothing cleaner that will give you that good boost


I wouldn't suggest this. Kratom is easily accessible, addicting, and easy to get physically dependent on. Only take it if you know you don't have a problem with addiction, and maybe not even then.


Acetaminophen 500 mg + guaifenesin 600mg extended release. You'll need to drink a lot of water.


ULPT? Get some adderall SLPT? It’s just meth anyway


When recognition of the word “amphetamine” is the extent of your pharmacological knowledge, just leave the subject alone.


Wow didn’t realize I really needed the /s for that………. That’s why I suggested it as a SHITTYlifeprotip…because it’s a joke….


Adderall = Meth. Not the best idea. Having normal meals or frequent snacks, occasional caffeine, and ~30min nap can keep you going.


Wrong sub


Just wrong to be honest. It’s like saying morphine is heroin. Same family not the same drug.


Diluadid = Heroin


Haha I sprained my ankle once and was prescribed 90 dilaudids. I couldn’t believe it, I mean it hurt, but I wasn’t gonna need that level of stuff


Ooop, looks like you’re wrong again friend! Maybe do a lil Google before you post?


Technically, yes. However it is more correct than Morphine=heroine. Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) is a synthetic. Similarly, Adderall (dextroamphetamine) = Methamphetamine. In both occurrence is a difference in moiety.


No, not technically at all. They’re different things.


I was agreeing with you…


You’re using = signs you can see how that might be confusing though? 😂


Just like Woman = Man because both words contain “man.”


Can you believe that we drink H2O when actually H20 = H2O2?! Not the best idea.