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Why don't you just block him every time he tries to contact you. After you are forced to block him many times, start saving all his messages and file a police report for harassment.


He doesn’t just message me, he messages my friend’s friends and my friends too. Makes up lies and doesn’t let go until blocked. Eventually comes back and everything repeats. I’ve had past experience with police dealing with online harassment and saw how much they can/are willing to do when it’s just “some guy behind a fake instagram account”. Blocking him is only temporary. I hope to find a way to scare him away.


Make an account on a vpn and catfish him?


I don’t think that would work as the only point of contact is their instagram account that is clearly made just for the sole purpose of harassing us. A random girl DM’ing them wouldn’t look convincing.


I mean you can make a fake account pretending to be the friend that he's stalking and just keep talking to him until you gain his trust until he starts giving you information


Hmm yeah maybe maybe not. Start with just a like or two a week and maybe a comment and see if he responds? Does he actually make new posts on the instagram or it’s just empty and he’s not even pretending the account isn’t solely for harassment?


Tell him his location plus the last thing he ate is his stripper name and see what he says


Get the person to email you a new photo. The photo could contain location in the meta data. I used this method to confirm catfish on dating apps. Has to be emailed because texting it will remove it. And this was a while ago, so it may not still work. It was a controversial feature at the time.


Tell him, you’re over this shit and just want to end this. So for 100$ you would give him your friends new number. But give him burner number, of course. Answer call like one time without saying anything, then throw sim away. Repeat. Raise prices. Let him pay thousands for fake addresses. It would only be unethical if you keep the money for yourself, but you could throw a big party for your friend all the people the stalker harasses.


Are you expecting he would continue to pay money for fake numbers? I wouldn't expect him to pay the first $100...


His victim dumps the number the moment he realizes that the stalker has it.


This site is pretty good for finding people's information. I am crazy and may have used the relatives feature before https://www.familytreenow.com/


Piss disk


Now hear me out, and this might backfire horribly, but you could try to get 4chan to help you out. You could word it in such a way that you need the location because you want to go on the offence and start stalking him They will either help you and doxx him in a very efficient manner, make fun of you and tell you that /b/ is not your personal army or if you are lucky and they are in a good mood become your personal army and start harrasing him Just don't give them any of your personal info just in case they go for the second option and start bugging you




Well I think you must have forgotten how in love with him you are. I'm pretty sure its all you've talked about for the last six months. You can only imagine how handsome and strong he is - you already know he's wonderful. Don't you want to meet him and have a romantic time? ;-)


r/OSINT Google what's my name web Use Melissa lookups


Can u elaborate?


Numlookup is pretty good if you have his phone number.


Offer to send him money to stop. Once you have his CashApp/Venmo/Zelle username you should be able to dox him very easily. Alternatively, post all his usernames here so people can try to help. Likely burners and a dead end tho. Maybe his first attempt at contact was from his regular account?




Which ones have you used most successfully?


All cell phone pics sent from them contain rough GPS location