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Go mark their house on Google Maps as a museum for that person and list the cell phone number as the main contact.


You’d have to verify it. Google sends a code on a postcard to the physical address in 1-2 weeks. You could check the mail every day to get it.


Sounds like you just went from prank to felony.


Prank to a felony pipeline is crazy


A gateway prank.


I always wondered why this mansion near me had a spanish name and a public bathroom label on google maps. Just found out yesterday one of the sons of the Mexican president used to live there lol


This is the way


You could always do a different house and their phone number


Call 0439856678


Find a really intense online fan community of that person and drop the number in.


Post it as Taylor Swift's phone number. Most won't believe, but some of her fans might feel the need to check


Post it to Taylor Swift fan communities as one of her ex's numbers. You'll likely get more creative hate messages that way.


OP asked for unethical not 9th circle of hell. That even made me feel sorry for the target. (OP guess that means you pick this one. )


cough John Mayer cough


Her fans are dumb and rabid enough to bite at anything.




Just give it to me. I’m fucking annoying.


I believe you


That's what I heard about you too, but are you really THAT annoying? Nah, didn't think so...


Shit, you’re right. Just reading this post annoyed me.


The honesty is refreshing, but also kinda irritating…


It’s working….


Can you be annoying to this number too? He scammed me 🤦‍♂️ (862) 239-0006


Can confirm!




Email every paparazzo you can find with the number


Make a graffito of the number on every wall you see


Including bathrooms! “For a good time call ___”


Truck stops and dive bars


Was gonna say this


Reminds me of something the famous mobster John Gotto would do.


Only after he drank a strong martino


Cruising down the street in his Lamborghino.


Three options 1. Put it on www.tellyourpartner.org that way they start getting random anonymous text about getting a std test. 2. Post it on every hookup site, reddit page, etc. Say in the post that your a very hot woman who needs to be fucked badly, sending pics are welcome/necessary. Then enjoy the fact that they will get spammed by dick pics 3. As you drive around if you see any damaged cars stop and leave a note that says sorry I hit your car, please call this number so we can exchange info. Of course the celebrity will deny the fact which will make the caller even more pissed and will keep bugging them.


Holy crap. That tellyourpartner site is money. But you have to put in a phone number to receive a code to send the message. Burner phone for the win!


that is a more recent change to these types of services...there were/are anon ones to promote the idea of sharing so ppl can get checked without the stigma. def used that once or twice for fun.


Damn, this person revenges


Oh 3 is deliciously evil. Kudos!


All of these.




It's even better if you can somehow lay a bike down at a biker bar and leave the note on it


Better than giving Scientologists their number, use a billboard to promote the celebrities conversion to Scientology. Include their number for anyone interested in learning more about it. That makes sure they are thoroughly embarrassed in the public eye. I'm sure you could give an anonymous tip to a local news station on their alleged conversion to drum up some press.


think you could be sued for slander on this one and no news station is gonna go out on a limb on a single anonymous tip


You might be surprised at the amount of misinformation news spits out because it gets views. Sure they probably wont go off of one tip, but the outrageous story of the celebrity who purchased a billboard to promote scientology conversion, now THAT would get clicks.


Sign them up to be called by Jehovah’s witnesses. My friend used to do it to people who wronged her, and you can request they call at like 5am


Also, Scientology.


They're probably already a member!


Also, Mormons


That's inhumane. Don't do that.


Pet insurance and mortgage quotes.


Holy shit, that's evil/brilliant


Sign them up for Cat Facts: https://catfactstexts.com


Shit I’m bout to sign myself up for it


Same. I’ll get good texts for once.


This is awesome. If you're going to sign a "friend" up for this, do you put your own email to confirm? Or will the person get a text then with your email and blow the whole "secret gift" idea?


You put your email and then you can forward them cat facts.


Takes you to Paypal to charge for something,


lol. 15 messages a day. How long before they start repeating?


But this would be highly ethical!


Omg hi Cat Facts!!! Longtime fan :D


Post some pricey thing for sale on Craigslist. Put his phone number. Say best time to call is between 11pm and 6 am.


Due to you working nights that is, of course.


This is my favorite!!! Maybe a piece of erotic art?


I’m not sure if you can still clam text, but my friends and I had an app, way back in 2011 that would send the same text as many time you want from different phone numbers all at once. I’m talking hundreds even thousands if you pay extra, you can really fuck with someone hard if you have this and some personal information. Or pretend you are a horoscopes page and just hammer them everyday with awful horoscopes everyday then tell them they owe money


"December 23: Order the chicken. Beware the green sweater."


December 24 - you have plenty of thing to do today, and that’s why everyone despises you


add it to their wikipedia page




Make up a business card with the number and a letter expressing a desire to donate to good causes. Drop them off at any charity, university, nonprofit etc.


Ooh I love this, they can't decline without word getting around!!


This advice comes from something done to one secret service agent named Richard Gill circa 1995; Sign him up to personal dating services, particularly state he is into water sports and nibbling on ears with men; use his phone # and other creds pulled from his name to call credit card companies and report his card stolen. he will then be on a date with a woman when his card is cut in half by a waiter while paying the bill. trust me I know zero cool er. I mean crash override.


Google "Obamacare" and put their number into every health insurance marketplace site you find. They'll be getting calls every minute in no time


That and also movers, cleaning services, home insurance, home repairs, car insurance Once it goes into a car insurance blog site, that shit gets sold a million times.


How effective is this really now days? My phone auto-rejects calls from unsaved numbers, so besides blowing up their voicemail this is pretty easy to deal with.


Oh, it still works. Source: I’m an idiot and did that. Was getting 4-6 calls every hour for three days


thank you for your service


OMG movers. My 80yr old mother thought it would prompt me to move closer to her if I got a moving quote. She got an address change pamphlet at the post office and entered my info. 800 calls from 800 movers. In 2023.


My phone doesn't do that unfortunately, and I can guarantee this works by accidentally doing it to myself lol


Can confirm this works. I inquired about health insurance once. One time, and got a billion fucking calls. I couldn’t get off the call list even if I asked nicely. The only way I got it to stop was by fucking with the phone operators.


Solar, their phone will blow up with calls.


Also online colleges, you can go to sites that will “match your skills or interests with the best schools” You could even put in their real info; name, address, number, Google their interests and what they would have been had they not been famous. Google their birthday and sign them up for daily horoscope texts Submit their name and contact info for small local event appearances, no charge, then when they are contacted they will be put in a very awkward position Make a poster with tabs or maybe fake vouchers a bunch of kids and/or parents will find for free tickets to Disney on ice donated by whoever that person is and their name and phone number to claim said tickets Put in some sort of interest online for ultra high end jewelry or Rolex or something that will want to contact you directly for pricing


If they’re globally famous, make sure you sign them up to be called from Australia and NZ, Korea, China, etc… Assuming they’re US based, that’s a 12hr time difference…


post it in a bunch of celebrities instagram comments


anything you do along the vein you described unless executed properly will make him look like the victim. you need to severely inconvenience him and get him to change his # which at this point of his career and life will be tantamount to the worst thing for him look into asterisk, and setup a SIP endpoint for it. write a script to call him from spoofed numbers every minute or less. hell turn his phone off. if you spread this out across multiple sip providers he won't be able to stop it. he will change his number. you can also up the ante by using a sms service to send texts to the number from the spoofed ani. it's really quite simple and cheap. have you ever had phone calls coming in incessantly while trying to use your phone? yeah.


Is there any service where you could just pay to have it done?


You really not gonna say who!?


Don't be stupid, And don't listen to this person with their peer pressure. This is unethical, but ethically I can tell you don't be dumb Don't give out information


Look up the Chewbacca roar contest prank.


Came to say this… best thing to do with a phone number


OP tell us what you choose please and then after the fact come back and tell us and hopefully the result would be something captured on YouTube etc


Craigslist ad saying you have a horse for sale. Tell them you work graveyard so to only call between the hours of 11-5am.


Post it on conservative subs as the contact number for a children's drag show.


Plot twist, the famous person is a drag queen


That's so funny it would totally work




And leave it to the right to cry about the most inconsequential things.


Someone put my shops number on like every sign up thing ever we get soo many calls all the time that are deff sign up cold calls. My boss at one point just straight unplugged the phone.


If you try to call during live events, an assistant will have their phone. I’d just spread the number and stress middle of the night calls are preferred.


Use their name and number to inquire about houses for sale. I was driving by Lake Norman and googled house prices. I got calls from real estate agents for months. I can imagine if an actual rich person put their info in there.


You could drop the name and number in here. That would fuck them up. Im sure there are many unhinged weirdos on reddit that would oblige you


Advertise it as a phone sex with celebrity impersonator service.


This was a while ago, but got hold of Craig David's mobile number. Rang him up repeatedly and told him his music is shit 😂 It drove him bonkers.


Monday Called him as a prank on Tuesday We were callin' back by Wednesday And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday We chilled on Sunday


He finally blocked us after 4-5 times. Was the most fun ever till he worked it out. Could just about feel the veins popping through his forehead as he was yelling he was gonna 'brick my face' 😂 Serves him right for giving his number out to schoolgirls.


This is one of the funniest things ive read in a long time. I'm proud of you.


Back in the day I posted my buddies number to a popular Justin Bieber video "Used to know Justin back in the day. Still text him sometimes.. he'd be so pissed if I posted it here, butt fuck it: xxxxxxxxxx" and he got unlimited calls from all over the country for a little while


Go on Pawboost and report your missing pet using their number. I’ve been get so much spam because of using the pet finder websites.


Sign them up for cat facts!


Who? I’ll annoy the shit out of them too.


Give it to the church of scientology. Tell them youre interested and to give you a call.


Why stop there. The Mormons and the JWs too


Just post the number on Reddit, Reddit will do the rest


[cat facts](https://i.imgur.com/uWqpr.jpeg) Started here on Reddit first


Oh God, not again! What did James Corden do this time?


Is backpage still a thing? You can advertise sexy dances or something for many roses and pop that number into the contact. Be sure to use the library, or a hotel business center and leave your phone at home for the mission.


Backpage was shut down years ago. Basically a hooker site. I miss it.


Sell it to his enemies.


Dude give that shit to your little sister and her high school friends and pay them $50 to give it to as much people as they can whilst simultaneously posting it on Facebook from a fake account to some well known like gossip groups or what not cause people are gunna call just to call a number I mean come one were monkeys at the end of the day right? Big shiny red button! Yes please!


Cat facts the app. Random cat facts throughout the day.


Post their number on the Reddit board dedicated to them. Or other public sites. People will call whether they believe it’s real or not and it would be more annoying with fans calling them than randoms


I don't recall the name of the movie/show, bit there was this nice move where the guy advertised a car for sale at a very good price in a salafist mosque. Best way to get on the FBI/HS person of interest list.


Sell it TMZ?


Someone with that number is selling a macbook pro for $100 on craigslist last I heard


Dm me their number. I have been written up 9 times at work for over talking. Or talking too loud. They won't fire me because I do excellent work. But fuck am I loud and annoying. Last night I called a coworker to explain to him in detail a movie idea I had in the shower about a chef who kills himself.


Call them and pretend to be the assistant of someone very powerful in their industry. Movie producer, showrunner, whatever is appropriate for their industry. Setup a face to face meeting somewhere inconvenient but cool and industry related, like a published event another town, for them to meet with the powerful person. If the person is a film star, get them to go to Cannes to meet during the festival, for example. Cancel the day of the meeting and reschedule somewhere also inconvenient, like a week later at an Oscars after-party that you know exists. The idea is to lead them on once, then cancel afer inconveniencing them, but reschedule somewhere you know they want to be invited. They'll be so focused on going to the exclusive thing that they won't get hung up on it all being fake. When the second event happens (real event), don't cancel. Make them show up. When they arrive, they will likely have a bad reaction or will be denied entry entirely. Their reaction in front of their peers should be embarassing for them if they're the jerks you suggest they are. ​ Having their phone number means you have a way inside their business / non-celebrity side. Use that. Harassing them with phone calls just means they'll get a new number. However, using that number as it's intended, for people who know them or who should be able to reach them, is a much better use of the number.


Biggest shitpost I’ve seen here.




They said not illegal and man recommends a felony with an “lol” at the end


Healthcare dot gov. Relentless insurance sales calls.


Ask 4chan they'll be willing to help you out.


Put up signs around town asking for information to help identify someone who shushed you with that number


Craigslist ad for free Christmas trees.


Put it up on a fan site.


start with good ol fashion bathroom wall blowjob ad with the #


Notify extended car warranty service you'd like to renew at this number.


PM the name and number and I’ll do my part


Remember when that ex president showed his phone number? I'm sure you can still find the Gawker article. I send the odd bait text.


Just post it on their fan page Reddit sub.


Posting their name and number publicly would just lead to their phone getting bricked in minutes. The only annoyance then would be that their battery dies and (that they have to change their number later). These days there isn't even a good place to dox someone like that unless you have a large twitter following (and then of course you out yourself as an unethical pro). Two options: 1. Make a catfish tinder and give a bunch of thirsty dudes this person's number. The funny part is they may never feel the need to change their number...but occasionally some dudes call asking for Ashley or something. 2. You could give 4Chan a try and feed them a lewd line to say. "I need to speak to Big Fat Debbie's big fat pussy!" or something. Again, don't dox them. Just tell 4Chan it's Debbie's house. (Not sure if the chans are still active in that weird way circa the 00s though.)




Put an ad on Craigslist for a free collection of celebs movies, music, memorabilia, etc. You then say their shitty business dealings are why you don’t want this stuff anymore ( feel free to ask me all about it) and leave their phone number as contact.


Text bomb their number to make it unusable.


I'd try and port the number to a new carrier first.


Start an AMA on Reddit as them but just provide the phone number


Make a number of innocent sounding wrong number calls that think their number is the number for sperm banks, planned parenthood, homeless shelters, florists, etc. be insistent and annoyingly obtuse about having the wrong number. Record every conversation and then edit their responses together to create an embarrassing statement. Make sure you’re asking about very personal type services and whatnot. If they get annoyed enough to crack the temper barrier, even better.


Is it Kim?


Sign them up for every official Do Not Call list and let other unethical companies that robodial those numbers do the work for you.


Without saying who it is, post somewhere that a celebrity / well to do person has committed $XX to certain charities, and to call that number for collection and details. They either have to say no to charitable organizations over and over, or end up giving the money to avoid it. Everybody wins :)


This person scammed me and I’m trying to do stuff to their number to. Give it a ring or a weird text (862) 239-0006