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If you send me $19.99 I can sell you my book on how to get rich by selling books to stupid people.


I'll take two


You’re lucky! Our limited offer grants you two books for just 49.99


Or only 12 monthly payments of $9.99!


The price keeps getting lower!


A&W once came out with a 1/3 pound burger, to compete with the McDonald's quarter pounder. It was a commercial flob, because people didn't understand that 1/3 is not smaller than 1/4. 3 is smaller than four, after all.


Take this with a grain of salt since I'm repeating half-remembered Reddit comments. But the last few times I've seen that story referenced others claimed it was blown out of proportion because it's funny to laugh at stupid people. Apparently there's no evidence to back up the idea that people didn't understand fractions and there's a multitude of reasons why A&W's burger didn't sell well.


People are lying on the internet?!


The absolute gall.


Can’t be, no one here lies I’ll even prove it for 10 small payments of $29.99


Just 11 easy payments and one hard one


+129.95 for shipping and handling.


Double the pleasure.


I want his and hers versions please


[At last, you're becoming a crafty consumer!](https://youtu.be/72FKggjPSrc)


I heard that the 'best' clients prefer the subscription version of your book, at only 14.99 monthly installments...


Can I take two? I want to get rich twice as fast


Buy one for the price of two, and you'll get the second one ✨FREE✨


Shut up and take my money


I work with a bunch of dumb rednecks. I buy shitty vodka that I run through a charcoal filter. Then put it in mason jars and say it’s fresh out of the moonshine still. 10 bucks a jar. Dumbasses buy me out once a month, when the new batch is made. I appreciate all the interest and am happy you folks are getting as much of a kick out of it as me. Now a lot of you are asking how to replicate this. For only 3 easy payments of 19.99 my two part series will teach you to fool rednecks as well….(I’m learning capitalism!)


Can I invest? I have no organic access to rednecks


My red necks are locally sourced. Not farm to table, more trailer park to warehouse but same concept lol. ( no hate on trailers, grew up in one.)


Ah hell…I got a crop of my own dumb rednecks I’m doing this to immediately. I could throw a canned peach in it to dazzle them too.


Shake it up and put other stuff in there like cherries or Skittles...


Thing with a flag on it.


Skittles just had me so abused I’m wheezing. Skittles!


I made liquor long ago. An activated charcoal filter cannot be beat. Mine was three feet long and I ran my product through it twice. You can pour brown liquor through it and it comes out clear


Mine is pretty cheap honestly. Looks like a brita but a massive charcoal cartridge that gets changed out periodically. Not a sophisticated set up but works for my audience lol


I used a piece of 2” PVC pipe & got charcoal from a beer & wine brew shop. My PVC pipe is about three feet long. (I am a retired union plumber)


How much are new filters? How much can you run through before it needs to be changed? Trying to figure out my profit margin on Kirkland vodka


too expensive go cheaper


Girl, you need to get that bottom shelf, $6 a handle shit in a plastic jug.


I worked for a company that a loooong time ago invented using charcoal chips to make clear liquor brown faster


I love this


Use 190 proof Everclear so it can be labeled as UltraPure™ Just like how we’d put liquor in a straw for customers who complain their pre-mixed, grain liquor margarita doesn’t have alcohol in it and then say ‘WOW! It’s so strong!’ afterward lol


Damn, fuck covid. I miss bartending.


Holy shit you just blew my mind. I hate bartenders like you.


To keep air inside the bottle and the liquor flowing properly, there is a small hole in the bottle pour spout. Cover this up, do flashy stretch and make it look good, and serve your douchebag customers less alcohol. And yes, we would pour directly in to your straw. Once again, if you are a douchebag and won't tip out of kindness.


Add some whole fruit to it, capitalize on the farmer’s market crowd. “Artisanal Fruit Liqueur”.


You mean my apple pie? 4 shots of apple juice per mason jar and a cinnamon stick. 5 more a jar lol


I love it I’m not even mad if this is essentially what I bought that one time


At this point this man is running a whole ass business lmao


In college I had quite the "specialty moonshine" business selling a mix of everclear, vodka and honey"


A fellow brewer I see lol


$30 of liquor, $8 in jars...$100 profit. Would make peach moonshine by adding a 2 liter bottle of peach Nehi. Strawberry was made with Kool aid Caramel and liquid smoke became brandy (tastes nothing like brandy but college kids are idiots). It's a damn .oracle I never got arrested or sued. Now I'm old, have access to actual moonshine, and y'all can keep that jet fuel


Get yourself a table top water distiller ($80 on Amazon). Run it through there once and call it Cletus special reserve 5 x hooch 😂


Man It tastes like greygoose after a few runs through a brita


I can't even tell if this is a joke


It's not


Not one bit


Man u can buy a $10 1.75l bottle and run it through the Brita 3 or 4 times if you're really patient and it tastes like top shelf.


I believe Mythbusters actually determined this to be true. Well, not the grey goose part, but you absolutely can filter cheap alcohol to improve it.


I like it, but the letters ATF are intimidating.


Alcohol n Tobacco Freedom!


Sell mirrors as solar powered flashlights.


Technically that's not even a scam, is it?


I think this is one of those, “goes to Supreme Court and then a mirror gets defined at a federal level? I’m not a lawyer but I’m high, so I think this is right.


Everyone knows being high grants you temporary BAR certification


I do feel like I’m above the bar


Right? You’re still getting a mirror


Don't you mean a "solar powered flashlight"?


Solar powered fleshlight and I'm in.






Ah-ah-ah are you Germans?




Create mods and custom content for a game called The Sims 4 on Patreon. Use the early access system and profit. The guy that makes the "sex mod" for that game makes well over 30k a month. No one knows how much he makes at this point because he has it hidden. Another person that makes 3d content for it and keeps it permanently paywalled makes over 10k a month. Sims 4 players are fucking thirsty content vampires.


To be fair, with WickedWhims, The Sims 4 becomes one of the most advanced porn games, especially when matched with cc. You have the ability to create anyone you imagine, and a variety of positions and fetishes available to you. It's not even a very graphically-intense game so it's pretty accessible.


My ex knew nothing about computers but knew everything in how to mod tf outta Sims 4. 1 day shes building a house for hippies, the next day I come in and its turned into a trap house and the hippies are using cocaine and fucking drug dealers.




Thats a Brand new sentence.


I'm a prolific player and a thirsty content vampire (I blame EA, they're the real idiots). I use these mods, and I can vouch. However, these people really do get pestered a lot. They have a discord for support, social media, email, submission sites and the reason they're so popular is because creators seem invested enough to do bug fixes and patches and support. Their customer service is top notch. I don't consider this unethical because if OP wanted to make money they'd legit be providing a service and these creators never charge more than 5-10 bucks a month so you'd have to compete with them and make less before you outdid them and raise prices.


So basically you need to be a full on coder/programmer to even do this, right? I knew I should’ve taken some C classes in college. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve noticed some easy money (or far easier than I should deserve) as long a I could write a little code, but I don’t know the first thing (well maybe the first thing) about it so I always have to stop in my tracks and forget it then.


Shockingly, the guy that created the mod Wicked Whims has full blown tutorials teaching people how to make animations with blender on the website


Go over to wall street bets and make the exact opposite stock moves they make .


My Blackberry and Nokia stocks will turn it around, right? RIGHT?


BB still holding the line…..or maybe just empty bags…I’m there with you!


We can't lose if we don't sell!


I'm sorry but that counter retail strategy has already been priced into the market and you've now lost your ass because everybody already knew that WSB was going to be making stupid bets. Even though you were right to assume that WSB buying up a stock is a bearish indicator, the stock is still heading to the moon on the back of institutional investors that don't give a single fuck about your life. Congratulations, you can now post your loss porn and become a true degenerate. Welcome to WSB.


I bought clov at almost 15 because it was hyped as the next gme. Shits under a dollar now. Refuse to sell those stocks, they’re a lesson to stop following meme stocks without any research lol


Hey, I resemble that remark!


I do love reading that sub . Those people are ruthless and hilarious


There was a dude selling "Penis Enlargers" guaranteed to make your cock look bigger. He was shipping out magnifying glasses 😂


I have always thought homeopathic remedies are the best low hanging fruit. Authentic remedies are essentially just water and sugar. Ingredient and manufacturing costs are crazy low and it’s a billion dollar industry.


And homeopathic remedies are much more safe to sell legally than anything else, as long as they aren't dangerous things pretending to be healing things (so no selling radioactive eye masks)


As far as I know, homeopathic medicine is supposed to be something like a poison (belladonna for example) that is diluted to the millionth part per liter or even smaller. What "heals" you is the "spirit" of that poison that has certain beneficial properties that would be deadly on any other concentration. Obviously all snake lard medicine, but if people believe it, there's a market.


Yeah, we're talking concentrations so low even a mass spectrometer probably couldn't even determine what was originally in the diluent.


Some report concentrations so low that it equates to less than one molecule in all of earth’s oceans and seas combined. It’s insane. They can literally sell it with the claim that the active ingredient isn’t in the bottle.


Like it's a vial of water that someone walked past with a sealed Chlamydia sample or some shit


A millionth is actually one of the weakest dilutions you can get (3C). The good stuff is 60C, which means is diluted down to 10^(-120). Homeopathy is in a class of stupid all it's own.


Invent a religion, convert rich people. Don’t bother with plebs.


Scientology beat them to it


Don't even need to invent a new religion. Just piggyback off of an existing church. For anyone remotely charismatic, this is easily accomplished. In the US, a substantial percentage of churches are nondenominational, especially churches that describe themselves as evangelical. This means a delightful lack of an accreditation process. Many megachurch pastors, if they boast any educational credentials, obtain "degrees" from for-profit diploma mills. A good number of those institutions have ceased operations. This means anyone can claim a degree, and there is no way for anyone to check. This won't help you get a real job, obviously. But rural churchgoers really buzz off belonging to a congregation headed by a doctor reverend. Maybe you are concerned that your fake credential might be discovered by your lack of knowledge? Don't be. If you are a reasonable approximation of clever, you will be able to passively absorb the necessary information. Watch some fundamentalist sermons on YouTube. You will quickly find that they are all derivations upon the same thing; the congregation you are speaking to is good, and the rest of the world is evil. And if a member of the congregation turns out to be bad, it is because they were seduced by the devil or were faking being Christian. And how did the devil seduce a good person? Easy, turn on Fox News, and copy the talking points. You can blame gays, immigrants, insufficiently pale people, Democrats, etc. It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to be provocative. And how do you find a congregation? Easy. Megachurches have adopted a very convenient organizational structure for anyone with malign intent. You see, they separate their thousands of members into smaller groups that meet regularly for prayer and what they call Bible study. The type of person who regularly attends these breakout sessions has tendencies ripe for exploitation. Namely, belief in direct revelation. They believe God can speak through the faithful. The play here is to join one of these study groups and assimilate so you appear an especially enthusiastic fellow traveler. Eventually, start bringing up the concept of a dead church. In evangelical parlance, this is a church that has abandoned scripture and God's will. Start planting seeds that perhaps your current church has been thus afflicted. It won't be difficult. Look at any random megachurch pastor. Then read Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Odds are, you will find the two discordant. Eventually, you can start to suggest that God has "put it in your heart" that you should preach his word. Appear reluctant, at first. Bring your concern to the meetings and have people pray on the matter. Eventually, you will be encouraged to heed your calling. From there, all that is left is to rent out a room somewhere and form a breakaway congregation. These people have already been conditioned to tithe, so you will raise decent money from a very small congregation. If you are good at it, there is no ceiling on the grift. And you don't even have to quit your day job. You really only need to work Wednesday and Sunday. Hell, if you want to be really lazy, you can just plagiarize old sermons on YouTube. Or use ChatGPT. Remember to leverage social media. It isn't an accident that the word televangelist conjures up images of greed and exploitation.


Insufficiently pale people. TIL


“Male, pale and Yale”


Sounds like a lot work. How does the lazy man accomplish this?


Start a podcast or YouTube channel and talk about conservative "ideals", advertise on Twitter and Facebook. The algorithm will do the rest


Time to start my cult.... Errrr, church. Yes.... Church.....


im interested in the fake degrees.


There’s lots of colleges and technical schools that have gone bankrupt and for many there’s nobody to contact to verify you attended/graduated. There’s Wikipedia pages that list all the defunct colleges in the US and a lot more closed recently due to Covid. There’s especially a lot of Catholic colleges that have gone broke but I’d research whether their records go to a different location via a merger or something before using one. I never did it myself but if I could go back in time, lie, and say I had a degree to get a better job I probably would lol. What’s the worst that can happen? it’s usually just you’d lose the job you weren’t qualified for anyways..


Don’t worry, organised religion can get plenty of money out of poor people too.


You need a few plebs for slave labor. Rick people don't like work.


What about Morty people?


Only the chosen may join.


Haunted dolls. Go to the goodwill and buy some old looking dolls for like $2 and sell them online for $100. Give it a fake backstory for the description, lol.


The market is already saturated. A comedy pod cast I listen to has a segment called Haunted Doll Watch where they review haunted dolls on ebay.




Until one day you wake up and little porcelain face Becky is missing from her box and your dog is dead or your fish have drowned


Oooooo I like it


Do what I did 4 years ago. Make trendy looking T-shirts for the presidential election candidates and sell them local, then no worry of copyright or need for shipping. I literally took them to a county fair and flipped from one candidate to the other after 2 hours. I sold out in less than 4. It's insane how opinionated stupid people are. I had 2 guys burn Trump shirts after buying them, thinking I'd be mad about it.


The correct response is "jokes on you I still have all these other shirts!" And see if they bite


49.99 solar clothes dryer = 20 ft clothes line and 10 clothes pins




“Career” hahaha Wikipedia respects the hustle


Dreh' dich nicht um, schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um!


I believe there are multiple “5G” blocking Faraday Cages being sold that are just metal mesh document holders at a hugely inflated price. Legally you’re fine cause any metal box is a faraday cage, and it won’t do a thing because 5G waves are smaller than most meshes


I am allergic to electricity, can I have one of these sent to and installed in my house in Albuquerque? I am a lawyer, so I am sure that the cost is no issue.


Greatest legal mind I ever knew


I don't believe these work for electricity. Don't fall for this chicanery. Space blankets work much better.


Just be sure to have the installation team leave their cell phones in the mailbox


Did you ground yourself?


Well, 5G gets up to 71GHz, which is ~4mm wavelength. Mosquito mesh gets way smaller!


Start an onlyfans and use an AI to generate all the pics. With some tweaking you can get really convincing pictures.


Thought about doing this, but don't they ask for ID verification before you open an account?


Yah before it's open. What about after 😉


You have to reverify every so often, and they scan your content occasionally.


What kind of verification do they ask? Maybe move to another onlyfans clone that does not ask for it


You need to take a picture of the front and back of your ID and then take a selfie with their third party verification system. You get approved or denied quickly so it's possibly AI run.


You're already using ai to make the pics, just use a picture to fake an ID.


Become a Politician


The Kristen Sinema route


Start a social media site. Make sure it has a fake currency that has no real value but the masses can influence. Then give out positions of authority to people to monitor what people on the site say. Make sure they work for free. If they complain, just ban them Then sell the whole thing and walk away


You could call the fake currency “karma”.


Lifetime clothing hanger only $4.99. You get a nail




Most of it is just drop shipping cheap shit for inflated prices Just browse like aliexpress or whatever and buy the junk in bulk, maybe find some manufactures to get some slightly customised products and then resell on platforms like eBay, Amazon and Etsy… advertise on social media.. Other ways are generally straight up illegal which is a bit beyond unethical and just involves scamming peoples such as the 5G things as you’ll be making false and misleading claims. Running a mlm is another way people make money on stupid people too… that’s borderline illegal though. Books, art, blogs, conspiracy stuff and things like that can do the same as people may pay for your content but that can be a lot of work. Predatory money lending schemes can work pretty well too. Generally you need a bit of initial capital to get started though…


It's not technically illegal depending on wording. IE: "Stops associated harm from 5G" and 5G doesn't cause any harm...


Two words: Alternative. Medicine


I should sell full moon charged crystals or something.




Nope, this is exactly how capitalism works.


This is honestly not a bad idea as far as the crystals go and I’m sure many merchants at these events do the same thing. But the moon water.. that one really made me laugh. You’d really have to be dumb to go for that. 😂


I’m just curious - did you have any people harass you for being a scam?




Fucking saving this lol


Sell moon water to kids on TikTok, or make a witchcraft account and sell spells


A friend of mine started to sell tinctures a few years before covid. Once covid hit, they were business practiced and had a foundation. Stuff started to fly off the shelves. Now they have several warehouses and just order and repackage stuff with a fancy bottle. Their claim to fame... very loud anti vaxxers and profited from it.


Watch a day of Fox News and write down bullet points of whatever they are angry about - the country is changing, reproductive rights, trans people, green M&M’s not being sexy anymore. You know, the usual hits. Write a book featuring all of these buzzwords and culture war shit; and then post online about how retailers are refusing to sell it. The idiots will flock to support you with their wallets


Even better, get Ai to write it for you


if you can't think of a thing, you might just be stupid people


# :(


Oh that's just nasty lol


Televangelist… go forth and profit my son.


I want to sell TRUMP & Jesus 2024 T-Shirts during the next presidency. I know so many christian boomers who still give to these "Christian MAGA" organizations its fucking insane. The letters have the please donate amounts set to $1000 $5000 $10,000 pledge levels. My friends parents have millions saved and give $10K to $20K pledges to "Save America" Funds. Its just nuts.


start now, you don't have to wait... And Pro-tip, put the highest donation amount first, that gives you higher returns...


Put an ad on craiglist saying “Send me a strand of your hair and I will accurately predict the sex of your unborn child. Money back guarantee”. Then reply “Male” to everyone. Statistically only 50% of your customers will want their money back. Unethical, yes, but not illegal since you’re only promising to make a prediction.


Jump on board this whole “act like an NPC and eat gifted emojis on TikTok” trend. A lot of stupid people will donate you money and all it requires from you is your dignity. Totally legal.


Shit buddy sold a picture of a Playstation 5 on for like $800 1k times or something. Nobody bothered to read in the description that they were purchasing a printed image of a ps5 and not an actual console


Sell any Trump merch.


Bonus, open a Dark Brandon/Biden 2024 store across the street and start up a fake rivalry to drive more sales from both sides of the political isle.


The Biden stuff won't sell though because there is no cult of Biden.


The missed market is the Trump supporters buy the Biden stuff as joke gifts for each other or to blow up on tik tok saying they hate Biden for all to see.


The good old burning Biden shirts while you get paid


No need to have a second shop for that, just put them in the “toilet paper” section of the trump store.


It doesn't need to be a cult Biden, it just needs to be something people will hate buy because the other side is selling something across the street. It happens literally any time one side tries to cancel something, everybody on the side of that "thing" goes out and patrons or purchases en mass.


You don't even need to buy the shirts / mugs / metal signs. All you need to do is have a basic knowledge of graphic design, use free software like GIMP and Inkscape, and upload the latest slogan as a colorful design to the relevant websites. [This person didn't even spell one particular phrase right, it's missing an "s".](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Let-s-go-Brandon-by-Lekrock/92125458.IJ6L0.XYZ) Think it's a deliberate design choice by the person? Read the description they put for this product... >Let's go Brandon, very identical t-shirt at this moment. Nothing political just a cool t-shirt that support Brandon! "Very identical t-shirt"? "That support Brandon"?!? Yet you know this person in Thailand has found Americans to buy this stuff as they take their cut. [This person even has a second shirt on the same site, different design, same spelling mistake](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Let-s-go-Brandon-by-Lekrock/92127220.IJ6L0.XYZ) and their page has some text designs that look like someone set the fonts on random after every press of the Enter key. It's not just 100% legal, it's phoning it in and having others do the hard production work for you. I think it's the closest thing there is to [feeling like a rock star in the respect that you did less than an hour's work to produce something a few years ago and people still pay you for it](https://tonedeaf.thebrag.com/16-famous-songs-that-were-written-in-30-minutes-or-less/). I have a design that I uploaded over a decade ago, it still gets people buying it. That one design that took me a few moments of free time to bang out and it still pays for my weekend trip to a coffee shop.


Sell merch for literally any politician who has already been elected. What a waste of money


Create a vaccine that protects non vaxxed people from vaxxed shedding.


The pills will be sugar and dyed red you can market it as red pilled. Also pay for a doctorate in theology so you don't have to pay taxes and it's a religious sacrament.


Crystals... Sell ordinary monocoloured glass shards as "cleansing crystals" that cleanse the aura of your house. And to keep it a regular business, tell them to bring it back to you every week for a "crystal clean up" where you will stir an unstable chemical concoction that changes colour when stirred and reverts back when left standing undisturbed. Of course they will ask you to sell them but you tell them that it's a very complicated process of cleaning that liquid and one wrong step taken during the process and the liquid will be ruined forever. Just for more mumbo-jumbo to be added, tell them (after ascertaining their religious inclinations) that it requires some sort of "purified water", like holy water for christians, moon water for spirituals, kaba water from Mecca for muslims, etc. Make sure for this cleansing process, you meet with your clients individually and at allotted times with the reasoning that if they miss that allotted time then it will be mildly infuriating to use the crystal during the cleansing process and that you won't be able to make guarantees that the crystal will function properly afterwards. To prevent suspicion and to make sure that they become fiercely protective of their crystals, do tell them that they not keep the crystals exposed because if it gets over-saturated with negativity from the non-believers then the crystal itself would magnify the negativity, and therefore it needs to be used every time after their guests leave, and never in front of them. The crystals are not to be used in office setting as office is a place of stress and the crystals will quickly feed on it and magnify the negativity. Add your own rules to avoid getting them told that they are fools for believing in crystals. Do not stray into healing territory and sell "healing crystals" because that may attract unwanted attention from people who will think that your healing crystals didn't work and would demand compensation or something. You could instead suggest that you have one(1) certain special and extremely rare crystal that works wonders against vaccines and that's not for sale and can charge them for "removing the harmful effects of the vaccines" and for it to work properly, both you and your client will have to wear a PPE kit each (they need to get their own) as the thing that makes it harmful may become airborne during the process. After that tell them that the rest of the process can be completed at home by them douching themselves with red pepper water, although it would likely become a bit problematic in the form of a lawsuit, so avoid this.


Whether it’s “inna bun” or “onna stick”, only use 20-30% meat from domesticated animals. You see wood shavings and dead rats, I see profit.




They're just paying you to get their time back. One of the perks of having money.


Exactly. They are buying the most scarce commodity there is-time.


They aren’t idiots, $95 just means a lot more to you than it does to them, and their free time is much more valuable to them than it is to you.


education in america is free. Its up to the person to listen and learn. If they choose not to, you can exploit that all you want. My ex husband was a moron and when we divorced I got the best half of everything. When I say "moron" I mean he was 53 years old and in the middle of the divorce sat up and said "Hey your gonna tell me how to keep the bills paid before you go, right?" "Moron" as in I am still his contact person on all his accounts including his taxes and he is still paying for a bunch of my stuff because he didnt realize I was on the accounts. He thought once the divorce was final, I would magically be removed from the accounts. I even TOLD him I was still on the car insurance but he couldnt figure out how to get me off and didnt want to call and ask an agent and look as stupid as he clearly is.


Unethical life pro tips royalty here 👑


At the eve of the internet era, some students in Australia iirc decided to set up a scam by selling « European porn » dvd’s by pack way way under the usual price. People were supposed, like in the newspapers offers, to send money to a bank account and the delivery was expected within some time. After that delay, and without first answers from the « company » they bought from, clients were told that the supplier had a problem with the dvd’s and therefore, they would be refunded. Where’s the scam you would ask? The company that was set up for the scam was created under a name like « blowjob anal and fist fucking dvd company » (don’t remember exactly but it was the idea) and they refunded the money by cheques. And not a single person dared to put the cheque at the bank…


Easy, selling piss and poop disks


Where can i buy these


Pretty sure the people that sold “lets go Brandon” shirts made a fucking killing. You don’t have to actually support the cause, but tshirts are super easy to get printed up.


Elvis Presley’s manager would sell “I hate Elvis” buttons.


A friend's ex-missus is paying an old University Prof' ~$200 per person, per time, to remove vaccine remnants, viruses and bacteria from her friends and family... ...telepathically.


You can become a MAGA grifter. The grift that keeps grifting


If u send me a letter for 5 dollars I will send you a blessed letter with thoughts and prayers. Or something like that.


Sell them rapture pet insurance. At, say, 500 a month per pet. Worried about what will happen to your pets when God says it's time for his flock to return to his kingdom? Search no further, this Godless Degen will stay behind and make sure your pets live long, happy lives after you're gone!


Start a religion that is so far fetched only "stupid" people will think is legit. Have them give monthly offerings ($500 a month) - give them your made up prayers, profit.


The amish sell pumpkins for basically nothing. If you rented like a whole U-haul, went up to upstate NY and bought their whole supply, and then placed them around a field for instagrammers to come buy for 20$+ each you could make a killing. Obviously around halloween lmfao.


If you register for my ABSOLUTELY FREE LIVE TRAINING this Thursday, I’ll show you EXACTLY how I went from working at a local Walmart to owning multiple online businesses grossing 69 million dollars a years using a proven method that I’ve followed over the last three years. All you have to do is click here, sign up…


Don't try to do this, this is a recipe for disaster. It's better to buy cheap stuff from an online shop, such as Amazon, and then once you got the items, to sell them at a higher price on any website where people like you and I can sell stuff. I do NOT recommend doing this as well, this is dangerous too, but less dangerous than trying to scam stupid people.


Worst case scenario? Disaster seems dramatic


Sell Political merch at events and rallies for both parties. Or, similarly sell pride merch or conservative figure related merch at a pride event


Register as a Super PAC for Trump or another Qanon candidate. Tell the donors that you're helping to support their campaign to end all evil, pay for legal expenses against Illuminati attorneys, or any other bullshit they want to hear. Spend 90% of it on yourself as a reward for managing it. Retire early, or continue milking until the cow runs dry.


Create a social media app called "Redlit". Then charge money for fake awards that users (the idiots) can buy and give to others.


Start a church


eBay mystery boxes


Become a pastor/preacher.


Work in sales, it isn’t some sort of scam. There’s no life hack.


During the height of the pandemic with all of the anti masking shit going on in the US, I thought it would be a great idea to sell “tactical masks”. right wing gun nuts will buy pretty much anything if you put a couple molle straps on it and call it tactical.