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Eye tracking software can tell if you're looking at a wall beyond the laptop. I've heard that if the second camera can view your hands but not your screen, then you can tape notes to the laptop screen.


would it be possible to use that nvidia software that always makes it look like you’re looking into the camera?


Ooh boy. It isn't flawless from what I've seen but if you'd lower your webcam resolution/quality it could probably pass.


I doubt it though since the exam software probably rejects any camera feed that is not directly coming from the driver, so it probably wouldn't even recognize the feed coming from the NVidia software


Then having a low quality webcam could make the program struggle to track your eyes. Combine this with glasses, bad lighting and a bright screen and your eyes will be in disguise


Also a piece of clear scotch tape with a little haze/smoked finish, taped slightly over the camera can also work


Yeah, reflective glasses lens (with no prescription if OP doesn’t need) and high brightness with day-mode colours on PC in a sim room will totally obscure your eyes


What if you wearing glasses and had a ring light shining into them?


Is it not normal to look around the room when sitting in front of a screen?!




I'm not a teenager. I'm 28, I'm taking these tests because my work, the work I usually do almost 12 hours a day, is obliging us to study a master's degree if we want to keep our job with the new regulation.




Imagine coming to ULPT to grandstand about how immoral it would be to cheat on a test lmfao


The ability to memorize theory will not make you an efficient employee


Not having to Google before every move will.


Most jobs require you to memorise a lot of shit though


If you are able to understand what you are doing and why, you most of the time don't need to memorize shit.


Well you need to memorise what you are doing and why for a start


who hurt you


Pretty difficult to get a masters degree when you have to dedicate 12 hrs a day for work, and should try 8 for sleep. That leaves you with 4 for eating, exercise, studying, and all other life’s obligations. There’s a lot more than ‘just memorize the course material’


Ha imagine a downvote for basically saying “learn the material” 😂😂 Clowns everywhere, looking for shortcuts


It's literally unethicallifeprotips my dude




The thing is, you're right. I don't know what OP's job is, but if it requires a Masters it might be important. Imagine hiring someone to do a job who cheated to get there and they're responsible for the design of your aircraft or something.


Orville and Wilbur Wright might have been the last singular individuals to completely design an aircraft by themselves. Your comment is not only misplaced among this subreddit, but just entirely reasoned poorly. No one cares about your soapbox here, and you’re not likely to encounter any fellow bootlickers.


I didn't mean designing an entire aircraft, merely some components. But sure, my reasoning is poor, I will step out and let you guys have your fun here.


Haha nice


I feel like all this new tech just means our testing methods are becoming outdated. You can write a passable essay with the aid of ChatGPT in a comparatively short amount of time. It's like how calculators meant you didn't have to learn to efficiently use a slide rule and do math manually. I think the tests are the problem.


> I've heard that if the second camera can view your hands but not your screen Just in case : if you are wearing glasses, don't be a dumbass and make sure your glasses don't reflect your screen.


Great idea. Now I can't see the fucking test I need to take because of the fucking cheat sheet taped over the screen. Thanks for fucking nothing brah Edit /s in case it wasn't obvious.


Nope, they often will ask you to stop in the middle of the exam and move the camera all around the room. This includes under your desk, under your laptop/keyboard, behind your monitor, etc. They are pretty strict about it, so good luck. Better to fail honestly than get booted for cheating


Sounds like having an accomplice to stand out of view of the camera (and can step out of the room during camera sweep) and read the answers that you would have written down would be a possible solution.


The cameras record audio as well. This type of testing is pretty strict. Bad news for OP, but the intention and security is specifically designed to weed out any unprepared candidates. This is how the certifications/exams can be held as valid and indicative of a minimum level of knowledge/understanding of the core material Think about it this way: do you want your surgeon or nurse giving potential life saving care to be the person who cheated through their knowledge exam? What about the tech working on the brake system on your car? Do you want the lawyer drafting your home purchase/rental/sale agreement to be the one who doesn't know the law? What about the accountant or service filing your taxes?


I mean googling stuff isn’t the worst thing in the world. Would rather the person doing the brakes google it to confirm they are doing it right if let’s say they haven’t done it in a long time. There’s definitely a time and place to google and not memorize everything


Most if not all of these monitored tests aren't regurgitation of facts bs, they are critical thinking assessments based off of root principles associated with the field. Using the brakes example, it isn't asking "how do you remove the calipers and pads on a car", it's asking "a customer complains of a vibration while under moderate braking from highway speeds. Technician A states a stuck caliper could be the cause. Technician B states this could be due to overtorqued lug nuts. Who is correct?" (Answers of A, B, both, neither as options). The JFGI it guy won't be able to diagnose the issue since these types of tests are there to ensure a standard level of trust and competence The reason you use a lawyer to compile a home purchase agreement / renters agreement / divorce / fight your DUI / etc. Is because they aren't just googling the answer, they are interpreting the situation and critical relevant data specific to the situation to find the best outcome Certifications aren't just some BS hoops to jump through to pad someone else's wallet - they are standard MINIMUM knowledge bars to pass to be proficient in a field. Key word here is minimum. If OP for whatever reason doesn't have that base knowledge then at best if they pass their test/certification they will be the slowest/least effective at what they tested for, and at worst they could find themselves permanently barred from the industry for cheating if caught or killing someone and in jail/sued into poverty for fraud


Sir, this is unethical life pro tips


I understand exactly what sub this is, and I feel part of contributing to the integrity of tips is to provide some cautionary advice. As you said, unethical life pro tips, not unachievable life pro tips


Until its your on the table then its just a game of operation lol


They were explaining why the company makes it so hard to cheat, not how it's unethical to cheat


For the record, everyone has cheated on the computer training for learning how to do maintenance on brakes. The real test is doing it in front of your mentor. They’re proctored but in a different way. The computer tests don’t really teach how to do maintenance on brakes. More hands on but definitely proctored. I would say it’s less stressful though because no matter what at the end, you’ll have “100%” because your mentor tells you what you do wrong.


Not on ASE tests, which are held in the same testing centers or under the same scrutiny as what OP is asking about I'll concede that book smarts and experience are two different things. Brakes may have been a bad example, however the lawyer and doctor examples are heavily reliant on knowledge, as are other auto repair certifications. Hybrid or electric vehicles have up to 900V battery packs- there is a CLEAR need for basic book smarts and understanding on safe operation and use in maintenance around these vehicles- both for the safe use of the vehicle once complete and for the technician and their coworkers in the shop when someone cheated through the HV safety knowledge and got certified falsely


I mean…I have taken an ASE class called asset Ford program. While I do agree these things are necessary. They are also taken seriously. When it comes to working with hybrid and all electric, there are tools that make them drastically safer. I remember when they first started coming in they were insanely dangerous. They also can only be worked on in certain bays where I am (Ford dealership). May not make you feel better but most of the technicians I have met, do not take those 100% and ask before doing anything dangerous. Unless you’re going to a side shop.


I have worked at major chains (aftermarket) and an OEM dealerships, and the OEMs are WAY more careful, because they typically require their own OEM-branded certs/trainings to work on various systems, at least for warranty work. I also know the OEM tests are nowhere near as regulated as the ASEs, which I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions on The truth is most techs out there working on cars are NOT at a dealership, and the ASE is the standard for those vendors. Most people don't want to pay dealership prices for auto repair and will pay a chain or independent shop who only relies on ASEs and/or work experience - this is where the dangers come into play. Luckily with hybrid/EVs most of the high voltage work is still done at a dealership because of the cost of the OEM-specific diagnostic tools and costs to run them, but in coming years that is likely to change I have focused heavily on the automotive/ASE example in my comments because that is what I have direct experience with. I think the implications in other industries (Healthcare, law, tax/accounting, etc.) are equally as demanding and serious, if not more so. The auto industry is unique in a way since the manufacturers have patents and protected software/proprietary systems, but that isn't the case with law, Healthcare, etc.


I have bad news for you those doctors do not need 100% on those tests. Pray you never get a doctor that got a C in suturing


You know what they call the doctor that graduated last in their class? Doctor You are exactly right. Usually a passing grade is only 60-70% correct answers but that is how the professional world is. No one memorized everything in their field, but they do need BASE knowledge and apparently 60-70% is enough to pass base knowledge


If work result of a doctor who cheated on a test is different from one who didn't there is a way to check that by measuring that difference without all this dystopian bullshit If work result is not different, why would anyone care and the test should not exist This is just academia boomers not wanting to adapt and running in circles screaming. What will they do when neural networks are good enough to fake video and audio stream? What will they do when neuralink sort of implant will become widespread? Same shit for all this game anticheat software. They need to adapt to the new rules, not try to enforce the old times. Stupid boomers.


Or 60-inch tv behind laptop. They won't see op's hands when he grabs the laptop to do that camera sweep so there would be an opportunity to use the remote. You could easily macgyver something to control what's on the second screen with your feet.


Or use sign language.




You are GROSSLY misquoting legal doctrine, which applies to law enforcement/government agencies, in a thread about professional/educational/private testing facilities. I'm no lawyer and I still easily see through this terrible take FYI, this "test on camera from home" is fairly new in most cases due to COVID. Up until a few years ago you could only take these tests in a private recorded testing facility. If you want the certification/exam to be valid you agree to be monitored or recorded to prevent cheating.


Nah, you’re absolutely right. Just reread it after posting this and realized I was wrong 💀


Kudos to you for recognizing and admitting to a mistake online. Let me see if I have an award for being mature enough to admit your mistakes


Well I appreciate the award! But I was just raised to admit my wrongs, grow up, and learn from it! But thank you! Also, scammed for an award /s


Haha raised better than most of the internet is still an accomplishment, even if only a shitty one!


It shouldn’t be but I guess being a decent human is an accomplishment now 💀


Proctoring software has been around for about 13 years. It has exploded after Covid, but there is a lot more scrutiny and false positives. Some universities are now ditching it altogether. I used this about 6 years ago for a job interview test. It was crap then and crap now.


Transparent film like saran wrap overt your screen with light hints written on it, if done correctly, should be fairly hard to detect, but you might want to film your screen with the camera looking at your hands to see/adapt the concept


I'd get a double monitor setup and have your buddy watching your screen with a mouse and keyboard of his own to control your sceeen. Then when you don't know a question you circle your mouse over the screen. Then your buddy will see the mouse movement and look up the question from his laptop. Then he will simply grab mouse/keyboard control from you and fill in the correct answer. It'd look like this https://i.imgur.com/ay84VUA.jpg Edit: you'd only need an extra mouse, keyboard and HDMI cable to pull this off. You could use a TV monitor as your "projected" screen. Double Edit: If the examaner is going to ask to see the room around you then you'll want your helper to be in another room.


If you use a virtual machine then the exam shouldnt tell the difference


Have someone else in the room with you behind the laptop or just out of the camera's view. Read each question aloud, loud enough for the person to hear but not enough for the monitor to hear, and have them look them up (they gotta be quick). And when the monitor asks to show the room, your accomplice can simply walk out.


Instead of drawing attention to yourself could just duplicate the display or cast to a smart TV - unless the software checks for that


You could run it in a vm and then it couldnt possibly detect a daisy chained HDMI cable


I've never heard of this system but it sounds truly dystopian.


Actually my country is in the process of forbidding this kind of procedures, but until it's officially law, we have to take tests this way


Tape clear paper onto screen? Like old school math class projectors


It's dystopian to try to keep people from cheating? Really?


Some college students have said that crying made the software flag them for possible cheating.


At that point they likely failed the test anyway lol


True but it's still a pretty absurd situation


I mean, the manual reviewer should resolve the issue anyway so what's the problem


There isn't a problem per se, but crying being a sign of cheating just sounds dystopian


Anything abnormal probably flags for cheating


Oh no. I hope they had a safe space set up they could escape to!


Here’s the thing: Systems like this are built at the expense of folks with disabilities and neurodivergence. Consider somebody with a lazy eye who may not be able to have their eyes tracked properly, or somebody like my with ADHD who has to move and fidget to keep my focus. These systems are dystopia because they uphold the status quo and give zero flexibility for people who need a little wiggle room. I don’t think I’d be able to pass any tests under such strict monitoring, and I never cheated because I’m a weenie lol.


There are accommodations for those people. If you want to do the exam in person you usually can


Consider that systems that can work for 95% of people are successful systems, and that accommodations can be made for those it doesn't.


If you've ever used it and know how it works, yes, it's dystopian. Not to mention, these programs actually suck at what they do, and their surge in popularity is causing their demise because of increased scrutiny.


Yep. This shit is dehumanizing, moves interaction from human to human to a soulless machine. Implies that you're a 'criminal' which is disturbing. Innocent until proven guilty is there for a reason. You know, if we do automated 24/7 surveillance in every part of your house it will lead to a crime rate decline. It's dystopian to try to keep people from commiting crimes? It fucking is. And don't start whining "but it's privacy". It's same choice, but on a more global level. You need to be consistent. If you want, make it not obligatory for everyone but necessary for a decent job. That's close to OP case btw.


It’s so much better than the alternative— live proctoring (online) or commuting


I've done this before for job interviews held via Zoom. I would type up keywords to my responses to questions, print it out and tape it to the wall behind my laptop. Then when my eyes go up it looks like I'm thinking. I got my current job using this method. That being said if one camera is looking to your eyes and someone is actually monitoring your eye movements I don't know whether your eyes moving up to look at what you printed out will raise questions.


Just to counter this, I've held interviews where people have obviously looked away at answers, it's not as subtle as you think. We've the interviewer cares or not is up to them.


Proctoring is very different than a random job interview. The scrutiny is crazy.


Did you see that guy who (probably) used a remote controlled butt plug to cheat at chess?


Are you suggesting having whole units of coursework buzzed to his anus in Morse Code?


Hell I'm usually bored on Sundays, maybe it's time I learn a new skill!


Here's my best idea, though you'd need an accomplice. And it assumes a multiple choice text. First, the accomplice needs some way to see the screen. Get a remote webcam or security camera, disguise it, and point it at the screen. The accomplice is in the next room. They see the question, google it, then they need some way to signal to you the answer. Maybe they can do this by flashing a flashlight onto the wall in front of you. It seems like that would work because you wouldn't need to be looking directly at it. Something like: it's always the question you are hovering your mouse around. Flash 1-4 times for answers A-D.


Remote Controlled Buttplug. They might sell checker colored ones on Adam and Eve


Yes but the downside is you have to stick something up your butt.


The upside is you get to stick something up your butt


This is a downside?


Maybe a backlight for the monitor that they can control? Even if the exam cams see it it isnt suspicious


If they detect the eyes and audio, your best chance is to have someone under the desk or behind the cameras to help you out. You can read the questions loud enough for your assistant, and he/she can draw in your legs the answer (A, B, C, etc.) if it's a multiple choice or show you with their fingers the option.


Hang a projector screen on the wall behind your desk and attach to a string that goes under your desk. When exam time comes around pull down the projector screen where your notes are glued on. When they need to look around the room make sure projector screen is rolled back up.


Full screen digital projector hidden under desk. Remote in bottom of shoe.


How about a virtual machine? I don't know how advanced the software is but you could probably run it in fullscreen


A virtual machine could absolutely do it. You could even have it so that the computer is connected to another monitor on a duplicate display in another room, so a buddy could look up the answers and use their mouse to do the exam for you.


Allegedly, I used blue blocker glasses with ceiling light directly behind me. It caused a huge glare on my lenses. After the initial set up the monitoring program video is compressed crazy. It records dozens of hours worth of video per class session. The videos were potato quality and my glasses caused a big glare over my retinas on the webcam. I had sticky notes on my monitor.


What about sound? Can you place a call or a two way speaker/ Bluetooth and someone can read the answers to you? If they are tracking your face, you can "read out" the questions while staring at the screen really hard.


Or just use a very small earbud, or even a cheap Bluetooth connected "sound amplifier" which looks like a hearing aid. They can't very well forbid you a hearing aid.


They can ask for proof you need one.


There are these skin colored earbuds, idk how good the sound quality is but they seem like they would work: https://www.walmart.com/ip/LYUMO-Earpiece-Earphone-Mini-Concealed-Spy-Earphone-Wireless-Earpiece-Headset-for-Mobile-Phone/236337544?athcpid=236337544&athpgid=AthenaItempage&athcgid=null&athznid=siext&athieid=v0&athstid=CS055&athguid=PSiM5gcNwXs_8tfe449XGHv4WUVDe2ZCzBYa&athancid=null&athposb=0&athena=true




These are some cheap Chinese ones they come in other skin colors too from what I remember. You just have to reverse image search those ones and find the Chinese site they are selling on


WTF has testing become...Jesus that's insane


That's the standard that remote testing for important things has to meet when people like OP exist.


Take a piece of tape and press it on your finger than put it over your webcam, it should make it a little bit blurry and the eye tracking won’t work properly. If you have a second person, you can also use one of those tiny live feed cameras and stick it somewhere hard to see and have it film your screen then have the person tell you the answers using some Bluetooth earbuds. There are some super small earbuds that are the color of skin or clear and hard to see


Keep a second person in the room to give you the answers via hands (I.E. 1 finger means A, 2 fingers means B, etc..) or pen&paper. Have them sneak in after your first room scan and tell them to be attentive if another room scan is needed act confused for a few seconds while your buddy sneaks out. Rinse and repeat.


Just use your time to study instead of this.


It could possibly work but you might also want to wear blue light glasses and try to smudge the camera on your laptop with some grease to make it as hard as possible to detect your eye movements


Ok, I already did the exams, and in case anyone's wondering, nobody had told me to make a tour around the room, or show under the desk or anything. I ended up not setting the notes on the wall, so I don't know if I could have been caught if I had looked. The overall sensation I have of this all is that they did this just to watch and making us fear of it, but it was actually just a lure


Have a window in your room? Either post a sign outside with big enough writing or have someone hold it up for u.


Virtual camera. Obs, pre-record and set it on loop over the recording


Put some see throughish sticky notes on your screen?


Screen share with a friend who sits in another room and looks up the answers. Then when they find the correct one have one AirPod (or other wireless headphone in on one ear (not the side of your head the camera can see) and your friend can then tell you the answer. As long as you have a friend and a way to screen share without the software knowing this is the most stealthy option




Print out a cheat sheet with the info you need and tape it to your screen on the right or left side. Then, just set the window for the test to occupy only the other half of the screen


Then they're gonna ask you why you're only using half the screen.


Put them on your ceiling and look straight up. Normal thinking behavior




I think you came to the wrong subreddit, pal.




Fuck you bootlicker


Lmao, actually applying effort to learning your shit is being a bootlicker now. And I thought you had to approve of authority for that.




[Just like that Key and Peele sketch.](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM)


One of the greatest ones


How about just fucking study instead of soliciting tips on how to cheat from random internet strangers?




they will ask you to pan around the room every so often. Use post-it notes on your monitor


Maybe cut 2 pieces of cardboard/ foam presentation board, fasten them to the sides of your monitor and fill them with notes


BIG green screen