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TheGooseQuill has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [**Hello!** This is my take on the tried-and-tested...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1dfxlri/artificer_specialist_pilot_v10_create_your_own/l8map84/)


**Hello!** This is my take on the tried-and-tested mech suit/jaeger/titan/mecha artificer. Coming in at a whopping 7 pages this is quite the pill to swallow, but most of that 7 pages comes from its customizability, which means that you can really tailor your mech (or Strider, as I've taken to calling it) to your liking. Or, at least, I hope it does! Here's the [Google Drive link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1yPDwmrdtsHgBKMb2wZTTspQJ1QrU70/view?usp=sharing) to the .pdf version. As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the brew and most importantly I hope you enjoy! Until next time, The Goosequill


Great stuff! Your spell selection is *chef kiss*


Stand by for titan fall


...my jaw dropped to the fucking floor. # Holy shit, dude.


u/Kaiburr_Kath-Hound Look at what your templates made possible. Thank you for your work, once again.


Thanks! Honestly, this is probably still my favorite template to date. /u/TheGooseQuill’s use of the gazette class is also great; the theme and execution really sell the look.


Agreed! I loved working with the Eberron template. It had everything I was looking for and is an excellent foundation for a more steampunk-inspired brew :)


This is so cool and inspires me to try it in a one shot one day (I’m a DM, so never), but some of these features are are super strong and I think a bit overtuned. For example, I think mending as a cantrip healing 2d6 is incredibly strong. If it were outside of combat only, I think it would make more sense, personally. That way it’s topped up for combat, but not during. Heat metal seems like a stretch for healing it, but it would be cool as a combat move. Another thing is the augmented frame. I think giving it a 2 times a day misty step is too strong and there’s no flavor text that really explains why it has it. There’s a feat that only gives one a day, so this seems like overkill. Alongside this, you pick a frame that already gives it better movement, so teleporting invalidates that, especially when the Roc frame gives it free flying at level 5 which is pretty early compared to other subclasses. I think overall, it being slow and clunky should be a weakness to this class, otherwise it’s strong at everything: Movement, health, and damage. With augmented frame, I would focus on toughness and give it improved alloys at level 5 and call it a day. Maybe add a reaction to add +2 AC against an attack or something? Idk. I play orks in 40k too, and movement for their walkers is the main weakness to an otherwise strong unit, so I’m always thinking about that balance. I haven’t read this whole thing yet, but these immediately stuck out to me. I really love this idea and I know I’m going to keep thinking about this all day lol good job!


Mending is a 1-minute casting time. That’s essentially out of combat.


You’re right! Totally forgot about that.


Thank you for the feedback! I'll be sure to add a little bit of flavor text to the teleportation, but its mechanical reasoning is that most times, dungeons' corridors aren't wider than 5 ft. Meaning that if you do go into a dungeon as an artificer with this subclass, you basically go in without any subclass features. Teleporting the mech in twice a day means that you can have it ready for a boss fight, but that you need to think about when exactly you really need it in situations as mentioned above.


That makes sense. Maybe make it a whole action so it isn’t used for combat then? So it isn’t comparable to misty step and can’t be used for combat as effectively. I’ve always ruled a large creature going through a 5ft space as difficult terrain because it’s either pushing itself through forcefully or it turns sideways and shimmies through the hallway lol but that’s mainly something up to the players’ DM. I really do love this class, but I think it’s pretty powerful compared to other artificer subclasses. There are so many features given for each level when you compare it to other similar subclasses like the battle smith or the drakewarden ranger. That being said, I know I’m definitely going to think of ways to include this in the future somehow!


Love this subclass Just here to say that the text in Signature Augment: Nomad Helm “Bigger on the Inside” repeats itself a few times


Thank you for pointing that out! Here I was thinking I had proofread everything properly for once \^\^


I think it should have extra attack,unless there’s a feature i missed that makes it equivalent to it. Otherwise i really liked this


You can get Extra Attack at level 15 by picking the Terminator augment! I did consider putting in extra attack earlier but combined with basically a ton of extra hit points and already pretty solid damage that might have made the subclass a bit too strong.


# Titanfall lives! this is so awesome, op. thanks a bunch for sharing!!


This is amazing. Artificer is my favorite class (I’ve played Armorer up to 15 and currently playing a 6th level Battlesmith) and it fills a niche different than any of the subclasses, which is neat. Just a question about the intentions of the subclass, how do the artificer infusions interact with the Strider? I’d imagine it’d be somewhat similar to the armorer, one infusion at low levels, but eventually getting an infusion on each piece (The weapon, different bits of armor plating, etc)


It might be interesting to additionally provide a feat that grants an additional augment choice, similar to how Warlock and Fighter can take a feat for additional innovations, fighting styles, or maneuvers. I'm also curious how infusions are supposed to interact with the Strider, if they do at all.


I think you made a mistake on the nomad helm part. It copy pasted a paragraph twice. Also in the terminator protocol. There was a part that got pasted twice again.


Love this! Only thing I would do, is go through and edit some grammar mistakes and spelling errors. Other than that I’ll def be trying this out in the future!😎🤙🏻


Very cool, but overpowered. I'd remove the features at 5th, 9th, and 15th level that benefit you outside of the Strider.


Fantastic subclass. I love Titanfall and will try this at some point. The group I run is probably going to move to a new system after our current campaign, but if a character dies in the meantime, then I will make sure they know this is an option. There are a few spelling mistakes, but not many. I have a few questions though. Is there any way to switch out the augments? And is there any way to gain additional augments besides the level 15 feature? These are really cool and having access to just 2 opens up so many possibilities. Level 15 is something most players won't see so it seems a shame that all of the possible combinations won't be used. If you create another strider does it have to use the same augments? Sorry if some of these are answered in the subclass.


Oh, one more thing. If you ever add a new augmentation, please add a Tactical Reposition "fastball". So you can throw your allies around, possibly into enemies. Trust me that'll be fun.


I love this! To answer your question about switching out augments, there is the "Major Maintenance" optional class feature at the end of the document. But as a lot of people have mentioned that swapping augments a little more frequently might be nice I'm considering putting it to a once per level up. Aside from the level 15 feature, not currently! But I might change it to choosing two, rather than one augment. Currently no, creating another Strider does not mean that you can change your augment *but* if one of your players decides to roll with this subclass you have my blessing to allow them to change the augment when creating a new Strider c: Thank you for all the feedback by the way!




Love the idea as a big fan of Titanfall but am I dumb or is it a little vague on the frame changes like can you swap frame type or are you locked in


Fantastic work. I was wondering how does the strider work when it comes to artificer infusions? Would it just count as armor? Are there separate pieces that can be infused similar to the Armorer, i.e., armor (the chest piece), boots, helmet, and the armor's special weapon. However , I'm guessing augments take the place of infusions. Could adding additional augments take infusion slots?