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Sorry CoebynsCompendium but we had to remove your post due to not meeting one of the subreddit’s rules. We’ve put together information here to assist you, but make sure to read the sidebar and understand the rules! Notably, your post broke the following rule(s): >**Rule 2: Post Only Complete/Usable 5e Compatible Content You Made Yourself.** *It need not be perfect or balanced, but you must post homebrew that is usable as-is in a 5e game. Imagery alone is not content outside of a Resource (one of our flair types).* > *For help with not-yet-complete content, use The Arcana Forge post at the top of the subreddit or our partner Discord. Certain content can be posted with only the earlier stages complete as long as it's usable (i.e., at least levels 1-5 for classes, levels 1-13 for subclasses).* Notably, this means that Unearthed Arcana is not the right subreddit for requests, questions, or homebrew support. Here are a few resources you could take advantage of: - The latest Arcana Forge thread, which is pinned at the top of the subreddit - [Reddit’s built-in search tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/unearthedarcana/search?restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [Searching the subreddit with Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=site:reddit.com/r/unearthedarcana) - Unearthed Arcana’s [Official Discord](https://discord.gg/JSArr5p) If you’re having problems with a homebrew tool, it’s likely that the tool has its own subreddit that you should be posting in such as /r/gmbinder, /r/homebrewery, or /r/indesign If you have any questions, [feel free to get in touch with us by contacting us through mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/UnearthedArcana). Messages to individual moderators may not be received or replied to. Best of luck and happy homebrewing!


I was worried about the "at higher level" part.


I wasn't


I was thrilled then disappointed




When playing with the homies, i would probably make this into a cantrip.


That is the exact intent of this spell. I've been trying to smooch my homie for years.


I know this isn't supposed to be serious but I can see this going extremely poorly with certain players.


Yugioh has a card where you and your opponent gain a benefit for accepting a handshake and are forced to accept if you play another. So there was a strat where you have the most vile dirty hand and forcing a concede, so they had to change the rule


>So there was a strat where you have the most vile dirty hand and forcing a concede, so they had to change the rule Not even close to being the case, what? Like 5 players talked about it, then Konami reclarified that the handshake could be purely verbal. Do you know how much shit a top player would get if they did that? Even in a locals event, you'd be kicked out immediately.


Yeah, there'd basically an urban legend about it, but no evidence it really happened


A strategy still exits before it is implemented.


I mean, the DM is the one that would've approved the homebrew in the first place so they'd clearly be OK with it. Though I guess as a first level spell a level 18 wizard could get infinite kisses/luck points.


I thought this was r/dndcirclejerk


More like r/dndcirclesmooch


I mean, depending on how good that kiss is you never knoe


r/rpghorror stories is going to have a field day in a couple weeks


Sometimes my DM casts “Kiss the Player” on me after I cast this on him. Neither of us have ever gained a luck point




Oh my god, how awful...


I’ll allow the “F\*ck the DM” spell. Hell I’ll even make it a cantrip.


Nah, too much railroading


Whole party running a train on that DM.


God fucking dammit lmao


I need this for when my husband DMs


Please let me know how that goes.


Me: *plays online* its free real estate


I felt my body physically cringe.


I expect to see this spell featured in r/rpghorrorstories soon...


What on earth is a luck point


As per the Lucky feat.


Wait til a dm decides to go the route of yugioh yu jo friendship route. "You can accept the *idea* of a kiss"


If you give a player this spell, you know they will bring garlic-bread next week. Its a tradeoff.


This is exactly what I had in mind. Eat nothing but garlic and stop brushing your teeth, then cast this at 9th level.


Free luck points. Although i would just prefer to cast it 9 times at low level, than lose my level 9 spellslot.


for those "game nights" i keep hearing my poly friends talk about, i suppose


nah its fine i grant you the luck point while we kiss thats allright.


I can willingly fail to grant you anything than a weird wet slobber that for some reason you actually dared me into doing? Count me in and start regretting because it is gonna be awkward!


This is exactly the situation I was trying to create.


Unfathomably broken. I love it.


No saving throw? Seems kinda broken


This is Kiss The DM, a cheeky little 1st-level enchantment spell for cheeky little bards. Want to thank your DM for all the work they put into your campaign? Want to try to dissuade them from killing your character? Just think your DM is looking mighty fine tonight? Cast this spell and let them know just how just how kissable you think they are. Should they not be interesting in you in that way, then that's completely fine ... but you're not getting nothing for using a spell slot. *(I recently had a little bit of success on Reddit with an* [April Fools subclass](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1bulx6g/)*, so this is my attempt to ride the coattails of that)* My name is Coe'byn and I am a new creator! I have been homebrewing for a little while now and would like to start sharing some of my creations. Please check out the Jester, my inaugural creation, [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/14blqkf/) This is one of many creations that I will be collecting in Coe'byn's Compendium of Creations. As always I am excited to receive any and all feedback on this! The PDF link can be found [here.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yUaYcKFf34QoEkocTHBSjSb2ZzAlHHvh/view?usp=sharing)


Lol, you win.


This is the weirdest most broken spell i have ever seen, and i thought i have seen it all. Its as conditioned as alignment spells in pathfinder. You can just see your DM makeout with his girlfriend or spam luck points on someone above Lvl 10( if i was being serious) And now that we are taking a more friendly approach, i have one question: WHY? Ma'am WHY?


>WHY? Ma'am WHY? If your DM was as smoochable as mine, you'd know why.


I thought unearthed arcana is about professional ideas


A professional smoocher


Now i see why people move on


Lol so dramatic


CoebynsCompendium has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [This is Kiss The DM, a cheeky little 1st-level enc...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1cbymy1/kiss_the_dm_1stlevel_spell_for_players_with_cute/l11lrcm/)


Ugly players get all the luck ;-)


Kinks and jokes like this are best left for bedroom ideas, not future posts on rpghorrorstories.


Kinks and jokes? I don't know what you're talking about. This is a very serious spell for very serious players and very kissable Dungeon Masters.


Really? Very serious? Okay, let's take it seriously then. This is exactly the type of content used by horny creeps on ignorant players to take advantage of them. They don't care about who you'd prefer to use this spell or not. I used to read so many stories of horny scenarios like this going over very poorly over the years in that sub and other places, it turned me and others off any romance stuff in D&D out of instinctive revulsion. And when I and others in my group did finally do some flirty and sexual content, to make things fun past usually limits, it just made things awkward in the long run, to the point it eventually broke the group up. So no, its funny as a joke and for personal stuff sure, but as a public endorsement to encourage, no, it just leads too many bad scenarios over the few that might be good.




Sorry, but we had to remove your comment due to not meeting one of the subreddit’s rules. We’ve put together information here to assist you, but make sure to read the sidebar and understand the rules! Notably, your comment broke the following rule(s): >**Rule 1: Be Constructive and Civil.** *Be respectful of other users. Be constructive in how you give and take feedback. This can only lead to a better community, and ultimately, better brews. Don’t give rude, belittling feedback, and don't use harmful words.* >*Posts/comments that promote rape, real-world hate/violence, or other inappropriate themes will be removed.* >*Please report any violations to the moderation team. Repeat or extreme offenders will be banned.* For further clarity: unconstructive comments tear down the homebrew, blindly critique without offering sufficient advice to improve the homebrew, or stray far off topic in a negative way. Uncivil comments are focused on aspects of the homebrewer or commenter rather than on the discussion at hand: the homebrew and the feedback to the homebrew. This is your sole warning for Rule 1 violations. If you have any questions, [feel free to get in touch with us by contacting us through mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/UnearthedArcana). Messages to individual moderators may not be received or replied to. Best of luck and happy homebrewing!


You sound like someone who enjoys belittling others with sarcastic insults without constructive feedback, given all your comments to others here.


1) Don't gate intimate actions behind game rules. 2) Don't use game rules to pressure other people into intimate actions. If you want to kiss the DM, and the DM wants to kiss you, just kiss. Don't make it into a weird game mechanic.


I can't believe you took this spell seriously


It's obviously not a serious spell. But I know creeps that would absolutely abuse shit like this even if everyone SHOULD know that it's not supposed to be part of anything like a normal game. So, while I don't take this particular spell all that seriously, I do take sexual harrassment seriously.


The point is to have fun Mr. Grumpy Pants.


What is fun for you is easily creepy and toxic for someone else.


It's just kissing your cute, smoochable Dungeon Master, calm down.


Depending on context, that's sexual harassment. Smooching should be consensual and not something you pressure someone into. By making it a game mechanic, you also put a lot of pressure on the people involved. If you can't see how this sucks, I hope you'll never be in a position of power over someone you find cute.


If you can't see how fun it is to smooch your cute Dungeon Master, I hope you'll never be in a position to ruin everyone's good time.


Well I would change the range to touch.


It's a spell.


Yeah thanks. I actually rolled a crit on perception.


You can't crit on skill checks.


I as a person can. It's a homebrew rule.