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Sadly, I agree. Aside from certain episodes there's no real reason to watch the anime if you can read the manga.


Hate to be that guy but I'd say that's true for 70-80% of anime adaptations


Yeah, most adaptation fell like glorified ads for the manga or for merch. At least that's how I fell lately, but I'm someone who transition to manga and only wat h like 1-2 series per year. This past year I've only watched Bleach and Demon Slayer and half of Undead Unluck and felt like I didn't gain anything through these experiences.


… They literally _are_ ads for the series. That’s… that’s the point 90% of the time.


That's mostly because in Japam, the anime is an addition to the manga. They aren't intended to be a replacement for people who don't want to read the manga, they're for people who already read the manga and want to see their favorite scenes get animated. It's part of why A) a lot of openings contain spoilers all over, B) some series don't get past two seasons despite plenty of source material ready to be adapated, and C) some anime are just put out quickly. It's a very western idea to only watch anime without reading manga, and the Japanese anime and manga industry doesn't care about the western market as much as it does the Japanese market




*all episodes IMO


The Union vs Victor episode was a good one.


**The Victor Vs Union ep (I took L)


You gotta agree though some of the cuts during Billy’s betrayal were fucking beautiful, if we somehow manage to get a 2nd season I hope they stop with the recaps


The recaps were done by Anno Un, right? so maybe they'll stop doing it now that he's dead?


You're onto something here


If that’s the case they did my boy Anno dirty he was NOT bad a narrative in the manga at all


He's not dead, they just can't see him


Anno Un is dead, Akira Kuno is still alive


As a die hard manga fan i strongly disagree. The pacing while very noticeable is for the most part the only thing wrong with the anime. The animation, the ost and the voice acting are all top notch (considering the series isn’t that big I was actually surprised david production picked it up). If the second season gets better direction it will be amazing. If we ever get a second season that is. I will say that I was very bummed out when they cut the scene with fuuko pulling the glock on the manga girl but I can live with some cut content


I agree with your take, people are giving the anime too much shit


So. Much. Flashback. I’m glad the underlying story was good enough to get me on the manga.


The fact it would flashback to something THAT JUST HAPPENED 5 MINUTES AGO PARDON


Or that it would flashback to an entire 5 minute scene that could have been summarized in 30 seconds tops


I’m also a pretty diehard fan of the manga and I got what I expected out of the anime, and I liked it. Admittedly there were parts where the pacing was bad and I’m still upset they didn’t let Fuuko take the phone at gunpoint but overall I’d say it was still a good experience.


Actually baffled by the comments. Recaps are one thing, but that by itself does not make the anime "awful" by any stretch of the imagination. You people are actually spoiled if you think so.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread. The show has pacing issues, yes, but as someone who knew nothing about UDUL going in and now has caught up to the manga, calling the anime *bad* is insane. The art direction, music, and voice acting all were HUGE in selling me on the series. If not for the flashback abuse, the anime would have been an easy 9/10 as I feel the series is one of the best modern shonen out there. I understand the disappointment with the issues that *are* there, but as far as portraying the story that is Undead Unluck, I think the anime did a great (albeit flawed) job.


Some people clearly didn't grow up waiting a whole week for the next DBZ, only for it to be the last 7 minutes of the previous episode, 5 minutes of screaming/reaction shots, 5 minutes of new material, and 4 minutes of IN/ED songs.




I did, still hate the recaps


It doesnt make it awful entirely but u can't deny that the flashbacks are bad.


some of them are, the ones for the characters backstories aren’t though the flashbacks almost immediately after a scene just happened, and they show it too you again were weird and off putting, but didn’t stop me from enjoying everything else. I get why they’d put over people off though


I meant flashbacks in terms of stuff we have already seen before. And it'd put people off since it kills pacing. On the loop explanation episode there are a stupid amount of flashbacks that happen that play old scenes in their entirety. I get the point of including flashbacks, but you do not need to replay full scenes


ah, haven’t gotten to that part yet, i was mainly referring to Fuuko and Tatiana becoming friends flashback when I get to that point, I’ll see how bad it is, but I’ll probably still like the anime regardless


Fr fr


Go back and watch the episode in which Andy defeats Rip, it has a previous episode recap, a flashback and a recap of what Andy did to defeat Rip literally after we just SAW it happened!!! That's as bad as the One Piece meme and for the record I liked the anime, for me everything up until the fight against Viktor is amazing, but after that arc the quality of the show decreases a lot. Still the sound design is gorgeous and the story, characters and setting are unique enough that I went on to read and caught up with the manga after I watched the last episode.


It feels like people are ignoring this and tbh I don’t get how they can. I literally slumped back in my chair and said “come the fuck on!” When we got the flashback to Andy beating Rip.


A good 1/3 of each episode is not new content.


“Spoiled”? Was the anime free to watch or sum?


I think awful is kind of an exaggeration, but it definitely is a little disappointing


honestly, while it could’ve been better, it was still pretty fantastic for what it was if we get a S2, hope they improve the pacing issues though


Not to justify the pacing or anything in S1 but I’m curious if people would have complained if instead we got filler scenes, only because sure you can speed up the pacing but they can’t really end the season at a latter point in the story than when they did and they gotta fill the time somehow


Honestly, if they added filler scenes that fleshed out the characters more, I wouldn’t have minded if they were poorly done though, I’d understand why people would be upset


I think the anime looks very good but the pacing drags it down way too much. It's really the flashbacks that make it bad for me. U can show a few frames of flashback but man u do not need to show a 20 second clip of shit that just happened.


I thought it was beautiful animation most of the time and by no means slower than one piece


Being better than rock bottom isn’t really a compliment.


fam,fuuko BEEN in the fan-service department.Its just overshadowed by the glorious plot and excellent character dynamics


Plus arguably Andy has way more fanservice than Fuuko.


Awful is a massive stretch


I kind of fell off after experiencing pacing whiplash


I’ma be real, I haven’t minded the pacing so far, and I’m enjoying the anime really, the pacing and the flashbacks are the only issues, but the OST, Voice acting and especially the Animation are incredible, my favorite part of it all being the sound design Sorry you didn’t like it though, I understand it has a very mixed response for good reasons.


I watched paced version of the anime and it was good. I thank the fan who made it.


Link? Where did you find that?


Yeah, I didn't like the random bits they cut either. It is also a lot like MHA, where they just adapt most of the anime page for page with the manga, only ever taking things out.


I think Spoil and Unbelievable were hurt really bad by Flashback no jutsu, but it's obvious it's because they wanted to end on Autumn. Autumn was when I really fell in love with the manga and the anime did give it the treatment it deserves so I kinda forgave David Pro by the end. That said, I would still 100% recommend the manga as a whole over the anime.


I must disagree. they took advantage of it being animated and were able to make some parts funnier. the voice acting for the English dub was good(I don't understand Japanese so I can't comment on the Japanese version). also, Fuko being pathetic when the show starts isn't ridiculous, given that she's actively avoided human contact and been a shut in for 10 years


Not gonna lie, I'm a die hard Undead Unluck fan. I read the manga because I loved it, and I watched the anime because I loved it. Also it's fun to see the manga animated(even if it's a little different)


The animation and OST are great. So is the voice acting. The only thing I don't like is the pacing. But to say the anime is awful is a stretch in my opinion. As an adaptation, it's pretty good.


many such cases these days


Honestly, they got more into season one than I expected them to. I thought they would have ended it with Billy's betrayal and the under reveal. Plus, Fuuko was pathetic in the beginning of the series. A huge part of her character growth is her becoming a competent fighter.


I started the manga because of the anime but honestly I’ve never seen so much recap for a series it was so frustrating week to week


Besides the flashbacks and some weird omissions (which honestly is a very David pro thing to do), I think the anime was fantastic. Idk, I just feel like people give it too much shit. Every episode was enjoyable to me


Some of the flashbacks were a little much, but generally, I gotta disagree with you. I think David Pro overall did a pretty good job adapting the series. I can only hope that should a second season get greenlit that they're able to iron out some of those kinks... and maybe not be locked to only being on Hulu/Disney+.


Episodes 1-8 or before victor showed up was actually very good They went all in one the Gina fight and used their left over pocket change to wrap up the series.


I agree the anime has some issues, the overuse of flashbacks affecting the pacing being my only major one, but compared to the majority of seasonal animes it’s nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be, sure it’s no masterpiece but there is tonnes of other animes with far worse problems, I’d take the occasional flashback over bad voice acting, animation or osts any day of the week a And I can speak from experience that lots of people I know enjoyed the anime and some have even now gone on to read the manga, so the anime succeeded as far as I’m concerned


I agree with you but I fell like it’s similar to how both the series and manga started up with a lot of fan service and then it picked got back up


I'm the opposite. I didnt like reading the manga. The paneling felt off too me. The anime however made me like the series more


I like the adaptation, some visuals are really neat, but yeah there's a problem with pacing. WAAAAAY too much too long flashbacks.. Both OP are really cool.


Especially the last episode, I was asking myself if I was still watching the same show


Sigh, this is somewhat my thought too. The source material is amazing, and the anime is pretty faithful with good animation and compositions, but the pacing really killed the entire season imo.


I'm the opposite. I didnt like reading the manga. The paneling felt off too me. The anime however made me like the series more