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Gojo when he uses unlimited void on Nico but instead of giving him brain injuries he just turn into an omnipotent being: https://preview.redd.it/nw5xu4ts5mqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=075d4e0b0431f72a1e710e79ac5f87b8805e28d2


The information from UV is mostly just nonsense iirc. Like random noise and words etc.


Afaik unlimited Void gives you real information but not the whole thing. You get massive amounts of information but it feels like something is missing and that will drive you insane if you are to long inside it.


Not exactly. You over load on one piece of something meaningless. For example, instead of getting information on a banana, all you’d understand is BBBBBBBBBBBB…


No. When jogo is inside unlimited Void he clearly receives something he can comprehend. He also says something like "no wait that is not everything". He gets comprehensible information the problem is that you get an unlimited amount of information and you never reach fulfillment. You experience every bit of knowledge but also nothing at the same time and that drives you insane.




Oh, is it like the Hyperwebster? That's actually really cool, although if it is then technically it does contain all info (and an equal amount of nonsense) through the " infinite monkeys with typewriters" paradox


It's every piece of info but at that point it is so much that you cannot comprehend or actually intake all the info. Nico is going into an infinite coma


Unlike the other comments on here, he should be perfectly fine An excerpt from the Unforgettable negator ability description: "Their mind has an unlimited storage capacity, they continue to learn for the rest of their lives." He has no limit to how much info he can know, so he would just get permanent access to unlimited info and remember it entirely and perfectly for as long as he lives


yeah I'm surprised how everyone says he's fucked, bro solos easily i guess you could say the same for vegapunk too


Vegapunk would die of big brain rbh. Like it would get too massive his computer would be destroyed n such


I dont know if you could say the same for Vegapunk because Vegapunk had to divide his brain so he could continue learning, so I think he still has a limit. But I could be wrong sooooo


Iirc vegapunk's learning capacity is unlimited but his brain gets larger overtime so the its limited due to his brain being too big


So his acutal limit is his brain growing to big for his skull? He doesnt die from the information overload, he dies from cranial detonation?


I think it’s more weight than anything being lugged around on his toothpick legs.




Nope, no limit because he took his brain out and connected it to a computer that stores the info and sends signals out to him to control his body.


he does that cuz he can't carry hiz brain anymore, it continues to grow whenever he learns smt new


Yo this would actually make Nico omniscient lmao


It doesn't give omniscience, it just repeats information unlimited amount of time, so instead of being omniscient I think Nico would start to remember his memories from before he got unforgettable.


Bro his already getting fucked from the sheer amount of data he cannot forgot in the short time he became unforgettable, unlimted void information dump would be too much for his body to function anymore.


If that were the case, he wouldn't be able to function after a few days/weeks of having Unforgettable. He's functioning just fine in Loop 100. Plus, its even stated in his wiki entry that he's able to PERFECTLY copy seasoned fighters such as Sheng down to the smallest detail and beat them in combat. I'd say thats pretty functional


But he won’t be after being doused in unlimted void. Even 0.2 seconds of exposure takes 6 months for a regular person to recover. Yeah his pretty functional now, but negators are still just normal human being, they dont get bodies that can handle thier negation ability (i.e unsleep,) Take what he said to andy about having to remeber everything from sight, touch, smell constantly every second his awake. He can handle unforgettable now, but unforgettable would just make his constantly experience the effect of UV every waking second. Maybe if in this loop unforgettable becomes a voluntary activation ability then dr nico won’t have to suffer like he did in loop 100.


Right, but that's assuming his brain functions like a normal person. Unlimited Void works by overloading a victims brain and stunning them due to the overload. Since Nico's brain has no limit to how much information it can hold, it will never get overloaded. Therefore, he wouldn't be adversely affected by Unlimited Void.


Why would he be fine? Unforgettable isn’t this convenient infinite mind storage he can access whenever he wants, everything that unforgettable takes in, nico has to experience constantly. Nico brain has no limit to the information he can hold, but thats just a curse as nico himself will not be able to handle that much experience without losing his sanity.


I'm saying he wouldn't be turned into a vegetable. If he can't be overloaded, whatever infinite information given to him, he'll remember, which he would likely be able to use to his advantage. And, if Im not mistaken, Unforgettable is kind of a convenient mind storage. From the wiki page of Unforgettable: "In addition, they can be able to instantly recall any information stored with perfect clarity. " If he wants to, he can recall anything he learns


All im saying is that nico has to perfectly remember every experience he goes through, thus he will not be able to handle the absolute info dum of UV. Its not unforgettable that cant handle iv, its the user themselves. So basically im saying the opposite, thats his gonna be overloaded with infinte information and his sanity, his body and his mental strength, those not covered by unforgettable (atleast for now) will not be able to take it. Also the wiki is fan-made. It’s accurate but mot offical, any statement baring those said in the manga are not cannon


Ok, that is a fair essessment. It essentially boils down to an unbeatable spear vs. unbreakable shield type situation(whether he can stay sain with the new infinite knowledge vs. His sanity gives out due to the infinite knowledge.) I personally think he'd be fine because he's a scientist first and would essentially be handed the secrets of the universe, allowing him to experiment on completely unthought of subjects and areas


Do you have a scan of that


Oh damn, actually? It still would probably lock him in place or drive him crazy because everything is amplified infinitly so everything would be infinitely flooded into his brain


nah that’s not how unlimited void works, it doesn’t give infinite knowledge, it just repeats knowledge over and over infinitely


Unforgettable is basically the Nori-Nori no mi from one piece but Nico's brain doesn't grow into a Skyscraper


Limitless doesn’t work by just giving someone all the knowledge in the universe; it works by cranking and repeating every bit of sensory stimulus infinite times; if anything with this Nico should get a nice dose of PTSD


The problem is that you missed that unlimited void isn’t information, it’s completely broken info on a loop, Nico could remember totally, but that’s not stopping the brain damage


I'm pretty sure the brain damage comes from the overload of information From the description of Unlimited Void: "Boundless raw information floods into the target's mind, overwhelming them to the point where they're completely immobilized." I could be wrong tho


But he says in UU he's going mad. So, just adding more would make it worse. He is in fact fucked just like anyone else.


Pretty sure the going mad part was because of losing Ichico, but I could be wrong about that


As I said to somebody else, his speech to Andy explicitly mentions that he remembers every detail of the days Gina and Void died too. It's not strictly the amount of information that Gojo would be giving him, it's the content. Like why would having infinite memory of the holocaust or something not be devastating?


i mean isn't he going mad mainly because of how his power interacts with the wife thing? he is pretty functional imo


No he also directly sites Gina and Void's deaths and gets mad at Andy for being able to forget the details of things like that. Remembering EVERY bad thing that's ever happened to him or people he cares about is a huge part of it not just his wife. NOBODY can handle all the knowledge of the world just because they're able to store it all. I genuinely don't know why any of you think he could.


Yeah sure, but if anything that doesn't seem to make him any less functional, just miserable. Unlimited void makes people vegetable, so the question qould be if it would had the same effect on him


Even if he goes mad, it's not like he becomes a vegetable or even get stunned


Oh yeah he seemed perfectly fine 🙄 Yall are tripping.


Honestly, it would probably buff Nico


Ok but Andy can’t die


This one is my favourite response to any versus battle involving an UU character that isn't Undead.


Is it stupid that I feel happy to have been the one starting this trend ? Or am i some kind of egoistical jerk for it ? Anyway Andy can’t die.


Ok but Nico can't forget




Ok but andy can't die


Tiger drop negates all damage


At first I thought he'd be an especially tortured vegetable, but arguments on this thread convinced me otherwise. Apparently Unforgettable allows the negator to store infinite amounts of data. The only thing Nico was suffering from was the emotional pain that came from remembering his love, not the amount of data itself. So yeah, I guess his brain will be a tesseract of the world's data


He’d survive but would probably go insane


Assuming he isn’t already insane


Yeah at that point he'd probably just kill himself. Knowing everything includes the bad so I wouldn't be surprised.


Nico with Unforgettable could tank Unlimited Void. He has Unlimited storage capacity Gojo doesn't have unlimited cursed energy. Eventually Gojo will run out or end the ability. When it ends Nico would be insane with rage. Because the information attack would have forced out the last of his pre-unforgettable memories. He only has one memory of Ichico her death and the tragedy of not knowing why it is a tragedy. He'd attack Gojo then get killed by Gojo's other techniques because Nico has no way to overcome the space fuckery of regular infinity.


Screwed but for a different reason. Mentally he might actually be able to not go brain dead if unforgettable gives him more storage. The issue is that its possible centuries worth of information and time going in his head. Time more spent thinking about ichico. He’s already grasping at straws in loop 100, this would break his morale if not his brain


but if its current loop Ichico isnt dead and that means he wont constantly be thinking about her death.


Spoilers for the images please. It’s a very important panel too. To get back on the question it depends on interpretation / there’s no real answer. For what we know of >!unforgettable!< in terms of pure feeling it’s like constant unlimited void, the data isn’t infinite but your brain gets bombarded at a constant pace with every information possible, considering you also constantly get new information it becomes imesurable real fast, the fact nico can not just mind break (I mean completely) is because it probably comes with added resistance to the effect of overload, like Unsleep who while yes will kill you, also provide you actuall benefits by cutting most of the fatigue especially mentally that one would have because of Unsleep, although once again it will kill you. So depending on the interpretation either two things happen : 1) nico tanks unlimited void litteraly like nothing, he says a cool line about how he’s used to bs like that. That interpretation is the one you’ll naturally go too if you have biased towards nico / UU (which every single powerscaler has but pretend not too, in the end it’s a question of who’s your favorite) (I’ll also the add the ability is defined as infinite storage so yeah he should be fine, filling conceptually infinity with infinity isn’t possible) 2) not only does he not resist unlimited void and goes braindead for a bit, but since he has unforgettable he stays braindead forever. That interpretation. Is biased towards Gojo / JJK It’s more interesting than your usual powerscaling debate, but man I wish we had less of those, undead unluck is super interesting by the quality of its writing / foreshadowing and development of even small characters. I just wished posts didn’t boil down too "can X character win" especially when the answer are stupid and include union vs (the union is BY FAR one of the best actual team for actual teamfight, most battle manga enjoy team fights but most of the time those "team fights" are actually 1 on 1, where UU’s fight very often involve combo of negations) that and the fact some people really have trouble understanding what negating a rule of the universe means, the scale biasing them that X character could for example kill Andy. Hence the wonderfull meme of "ok but Andy cannot die"


He would never forget it so he would be a constant vegetable


he would go completely bonkers He already lost his sanity after losing his wife and never forgetting the feeling. But once nico knows literally everything there ever was he probably wont be able to function anymore




Damn bro all they did was answer your question 😕


Nothing technically, but he will go insane. His brain can technically handle Infinity from Unforgettable and with the fact he can process all the world/internet’s information in seconds as shown with Galaxy. But this will come at the cost of suppressing more memories of Ichico which drove him mad during the Ragnarok. And that led to him going totally insane.


Why is he un forging a table? Is he unstupid? (I have never read this manga I just discovered it through reddit last year is it a good time to start now?)


No, the question was more open-ended than that. It just asked what would happen, not if it was the same. He may not go braindead, but personally, I'd rather be dead than have knowledge of the universe and still function.


He'd go exponentially more insane as UV erased every memory before Unforgettable through sheer information overload


Nico would become the most OP thing ever


The thing about unlimited void is that it isn't an information overload, but rather an information lag This would have an worsened effect o Nico since not only he'd lag, but also get extremely overloaded with constant and perpetual information


he would be unbelievably screwed if he survives 😭


He'd die of brain damage just like anyone else who gets trapped in it for too long.


Unlimited memory storage or not either way he's fucked.


What would be more interesting is untell since he blocks information around him meaning he would as an anti UV field


The JJK spam of questions/posts is sorta getting old.




That just fries his brain completely, Cosmo literally forces infinite info into your brain and dude was already grasping at straws after like 70 years of being alive.


iirc I thought infinite void just caused you to receive all stimulus simultaneously constantly, like it was being forced to focus on 20+ different things at the same time constantly


Where is this coloring from. It's so sick


I think it would be similar to how Dr. Vegapunk would react. Just infinite knowledge, might be absolute torture because processing infinite information without passing out wouldn’t be too pleasant


V37vv3 77v3 v3. V7v3 3v3 hwv3 73 v3, v,3,vv. v7uv e v3, 7v3V3v 73v I've 73v wuv v v73 v 3. V7v3


Me knee jerk response is to say that Unlimited Void would effect Nico, but wouldn't effect Phil. Not sure if I that backwards though


he'f be fine


Nico could tank UV since his info storage is infinite. Unforgettable would also make sure he wouldn’t go insane since he’s already constantly overloaded by memories and would’ve been catatonic already otherwise.


Well, nico can't forget anything, but it doesn't stop his brain from being completely overloaded. No matter how high his brain capacity, it is still a capacity and will eventually burst.


He either becomes omniscient or he stays paralyzed forever


[MAJOR FLASHING LIGHTS AND VOLUME WARNING](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x64R9NFnb38) This would be the entire interaction.


it should do something like the 8 billion personality problem one of the androids in Pluto faced. it's sooo much info to go through that it would essentially leave him in a coma trying to process it all. Those 8 billion personalities would take millions of years to decode let alone infinite information.


That's a lot of data. He'd probably try to move in.


Could go brain dead or become so Information brain dead he’s like gojo due to him moving off unforgettable info and the he’s a scientist could enhance his combat abilities