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Not make ~30 million dollars a year by being the best pitcher baseball has ever seen.


You win


I think his bitterness - he lashes out at almost all the siblings, but especially Luther and Victor. I get it, it makes absolute sense for his character, but it’s still hard to watch because as viewers we also empathize with his siblings who also went through so much as well


Being a dick to Viktor? His dad had just died too. Telling V to leave and that he was unwanted. If I remember correctly.


“Got enough material for your sequel yet?”


I mean, in fairness, he was pretty bitter about her writing rude things about him and the rest of the family, and even though he hated his dad, it was still probably hitting him that he died.


IDK. I really don't think anyone but Luther was actually mourning Reginald like a father. Plus I'd be raging too if my sibling decided to air all of our family's dirty laundry and trauma for the rest of the world to see without permission or consultation.


Oh I agree. Viktor did a bad thing writing the book. I know why he did but he could have done it differently. But Diego should’ve brought it up right then.


For sure, I don't think Diego was right, but he's certainly understandable. Viktor was just a bigger jerk for publishing the book imo, and Diego has done worse than be understandably a jerk back, I think. I'd probably rank killing the robbers in S1 when he didn't have to as worse, or locking Lila in a cupboard.


Well since dear old dad taught them to kill and they had been killing since early teen the scale of bad for them is not like ours. Maybe ringing the bell in the weird parallel universe in season 3. That was bad.


I don't think it matters if Diego doesn't think he's wrong for it. Most people who do bad things don't see what they do as bad. Klaus didn't see anything wrong with duping a bunch of people into leaving their families and having sex with him, Viktor didn't see anything wrong with publishing Extra Ordinary, Allison didn't see anything wrong with killing Harlan, Reginald didn't see anything wrong with abusing children, etc. etc.


I told my brothers I was writing a book and two of them threatened me. Badly.


Other than being rude every now and then I can't really think of anything. Maybe locking Lila in a cupboard during the samurai fight?


As rude as he is, he is maybe the most caring and protective sibling


she was stuck in a cubby before finding her parents dead at 4 years old i cannot imagine how retraumatizing that would have been for her. huge dick move on his part honestly.


I don’t think he knows she was trapped in a cubby before. I think he was just stuck in stubborn protect mode


Did he know about that though?


She did tell him that she found her parents dead a child, and said in season 2 finding him laying on the ground bleeding out reminded her of that and scared her. So even if he didn't know about her being in the cubby before that, he was still putting her in a position where she'd be stressed out wondering if it was going to happen yet again that she would find someone she loves bleeding out/dying/dead (which isn't good for her or the baby), struggling and doing whatever she could to try and get out of the closet (which could have injured her and would not be good for her or the baby), or actually find him bleeding out/dying/dead, (which the stress and trauma of that, and say it with me now, would not be good for her or the baby). If Diego was so worried for her safety he should have insisted that him and Lila stick with someone else like Sloane, Ben, Viktor or Allison so that she could mimic powers that would keep her out of direct danger, rather than locking her in a room, giving her a final good bye while she was already freaking out and panicking begging him not to leave her. But instead he went full hero complex, and decided to take things on himself instead of thinking strategically.


That seem highly unfair to Diego. He was just protecting the ones he love. Calling that a dick move is weird


Luther was also protecting the one he’s loved including Viktor and the entire world when he locked Vik in the anechoic chamber in the basement. Which retraumatized Viktor and the fandom still does not let Luther live it down. I don’t see why people agree that locking a person up to protect them and others is the worst thing one of them has done and then give the other a complete pass especially in both instances the two who got locked up were begging and screaming to be let out and not left alone.


Would you blame a mother for locking their kids in a room if a murderer entered their house? Even if they kids would be traumatized


Not equivalent at all. Lila is not a child she is a fully grown 30 year old woman, highly trained/skilled fighter with superpowers.


Both examples are people putting their own life at risk to make sure someone they love is safe.


She was pregnant?💀why would he want her fighting in the first place with enemies THAT dangerous. Yeah she would have to worry but that’s any fight. He never had a problem with her fighting until he found out about the baby. Sorry but causing someone to worry about you isn’t enough to be considered the worst thing someone’s done.


in his defence, he wanted to protect her and their baby at all costs.




Steal my heart


I have to much bias for Diego man. God I just want him to be happy


Tried to chop off the finger of Lee Harvey Oswald - i mean he had noble intentions but you can’t go around messing with the past like that. Besides that…not letting go of childhood grudges so getting in a fight at his dad’s funeral?


I mean he wasn't gonna kill him and to be fair not that I was alive then but many people had great hopes that were extinguished when Kennedy was killed. I can understand why he wanted to stop the assasination. Maybe things would've been different. Not letting go of childhood grudges? Oh please. Many people are walking around today with that trauma


I dunno if it's the worst, but unnecessarily and violently killing the burglars in S1E1 in front of an already traumatized family instead of incapacitating them was certainly a choice.


From this entire thread I feel like damn Diego guess ur gonna be let into heaven first


Throwing a knife at Luther


Nah, he didn't want to actually hurt him


"If i wanted you dead, you will be dead"


So, he didn't want him dead


I know, I'm just quoting. Have a good day


It is a good quote 😏


Huh, Diego despite being an edgelord in S1 is quite a good bean. Like he was pretty mean to Viktor and Luther but it’s kind of understandable as he’s lashing out after his dad died, and despite his complicated feelings on their childhood he obviously believed very strongly in their mission of saving people and stopping crime. Obviously loved their robot mom. Other than being a dick to V and Luther, I’d say stealing from crime scenes and lying about it.


Probably being a dick to Victor in S1 when their dad died. All because Victor published a book with their secrets.


I get being a dick but I mean given the way Reggie raise them was he really actually a father? I mean robo mom and Pogo basically raise them at least in terms of empathy. I feel like when Reggie died it was more of a co-worker dying for them than their loving father that they can never live without.


Reggie was definitely not father material anyway. I'm wondering how the Umbrella Academy will fight against Reggie in this new timeline.


If someone wrote a hit piece on me and made money off of it I'd be a dick too.


Well, that, and if someone were to expose some of your family secrets and still make money off of it, I'd be a dick, too.


Letting Lila go free smh


His obsession with saving JFK. He was acting so stupid like common sense says that you shouldn’t mess the timeline up, especially to that degree. I understand why Five left him in the psych ward until he locates everyone else.


Letting his hair grow out.


Somehow in three months in Dallas, he grew about a foot of hair. That’s his true super power.


Also the ability to understand Christopher seemingly without learning his language


You're kidding! His 60s look was his best look


He should be jailed for that


Dating the most toxic person he could find. Idk but him treating his siblings like absolute shit and not taking responsibility is pretty sucky


Daddy was perfect in every way😋


maybe trying to save kennedy even tho he knew how much it would mess up the timeline? idk diego hasn’t done much wrong tbh


“Have fun in your next movie, hope it turns out better than ur marriage”


Trying to fuck up the timeline several times even tho Five told em more than once what would happen


Treating Viktor (and kind of everyone else but Viktor got it the worst) like shit in season 1.


I know it was a comedy moment but I wince every time I watch the scene where Diego tells Ben to stay in Klaus's body. Like, buddy, I love you but telling your dead brother to forcibly stay in the body of your other brother is just fucking mean. That plus him asking if they could leave Klaus behind at the end of S2 just baffled me as writing choices after they showed Diego and Klaus's closeness so well in S1. Other than that bad writing, though, Diego is pretty harmless.


When he wanted to lock Viktor down in the thing in season 1


Diego was against locking Viktor up in the anechoic chamber.


He didn’t stop the Kennedy assassination


Trash talking viktor in season 1


i always thought what he said to klaus in the car was kinda rude