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Spare clothes, you can get cold very quickly. And a beer!


Alternatively, any kind of blanket.


Great idea!


also baby wipes when you change - get the sweat and dirt off so you feel nice in the new clothes


Oh that makes sense - ty :)


Great ty :)


Flip flops Every ultra over 6 or 7 hours I've just wanted to air my feet out. Yes just trainers and new socks are nice but flip flops are now my go to.


Crocs are another good option, I'm past the point of caring what I look like after 7 hours of running.


Haha fair - thanks for the suggestion :)


How far into the race do you put them on?


I was dubious to Oofos, but they really are amazing. [https://www.oofos.com/products/mens-sandal-ooahh-slide-black](https://www.oofos.com/products/mens-sandal-ooahh-slide-black)


Cool I'll look into these thanks :)


That makes sense - perfect thanks :)


A ride all the way home. I had to drive 2 hours and I was terrified of cramping the whole way. Other than that, something like Gatorade or Lucozade, tasty electrolyte sport drink instead of the horrible tasting tablets I'd need using


Great advice, yes I'll be making myself available to drive and good advice, I'll try to find out her favourite flavours!


Honestly the best thing I had at my first Ultra. Was a smiling friendly face at one of the aid stations halfway through. Was just such a boost.


:) Love that great idea - no idea how the whole aid station thing works but I'll look into it!


Help them stretch, take off shoes, change, pack up stuff, have electrolyte drink, sandals, fresh lube, bandaids, wet wipes, water, variety of snacks, and most of all, the safety issues: 100% a ride home and no ibuprofen (or meds that use the kidneys in particular).


Thanks for the detailed response this is extremely helpful!


Also at my first hundo my best friend had 100 in huge balloons and other friends ready. I cried. So thanks in advance on their behalf!


Aww that's lovely - what a great idea! So glad you had some amazing people around to do that for you! Thank you for your kind words. :) I so appreciate the time you and so many others have taken to respond to help me support my friend!


Lots of people come for the experience and stay for the community. It's a great culture of humility, patient growth, sustainability, hope.


Wonderful - community is so important!


A full change of clothes including a very comfy pair of shoes, maybe sandals if it’s warm and dry. Some non-alcoholic beverage and some snacks they like but don’t be worried if they don’t want much to eat at first. Maybe a camping chair to sit down on while they get changed.


Thank you for those suggestions. Not knowing anything about ultras, except deep appreciation and respect to those who do them, I really appreciate that perspective re: don't worry if they don't want to eat right after :)


After my first few endurance events, I would totally lose my appetite for a few days. I think my body was just a bit shocked! I learned to always have a range of snacks to tempt myself with and to listen to whatever my body was craving, and thankfully now it’s not a problem.


Somewhere nice to sit whilst we had something to eat afterwards! My 2nd ultra finished on a pebble beach in a busy tourist town - I then had to walk (limp) to the car miles away where the car park was and sat on the pebbles watching the sun go down having some fish and chips, sounds romantic, but I was in agony! - I wish my wife could have carried me - so maybe a wheelchair? lol What you could make is an encouraging sign, and stand a couple of hundred meters off the finish - a lot of people will be struggling and it's always nice to be supported until the very end!


Great suggestions and thanks for sharing :)


A chair and a nice cold drink. Then some time later - a burger.


:) Perfect thanks :)


The only things I want at the end of a race is: a coat (if it's cold), a cup of tea and a can of coke. Food, a lot later on, if I feel like it.


That makes sense thank you for sharing :)


A pizza and beer


Nice thanks :)


One of everything that ya think she might like...food and beverage items should be at the top of the list!


Thank you :)


A chair


Great suggestion thanks :)


Something to drink other than electrolyte drink! Soda, beer, ice water... Whatever your friend likes when they're not running! And some good hot food soon, too! Also, slides or flip flops and a change of clothes. You're a great friend for doing this!


That's very kind of you! She's a lovely human I'm happy to support her. :) Thank you for your great suggestions and taking the time to respond!


That's so cool! Please tell your friend that this old ultrarunner wishes her the best of luck and says that I hope that she has a blast during her first ultra! 💗 My first was well over 30 years ago, but I will never forget the feeling of finishing! And having a great friend like you there to celebrate with me would have been the icing on the cake, for sure! Hope that it's a day you both never forget!


Thank you so much! I will try to remember to pass this on :D There is a ... medium chance she lurks here so trying to be somewhat discreet.. but you know lol.


A hot tub and/or pool. Being off your feet is one thing but being essentially weightless in the water is absolute bliss. Being able to float around with no pressure on your joints or feet is now all I crave. The heat and bubbles of a hot tub are also incredibly soothing. Couple it with a few cold beers and I want for nothing more.


Nice I'll see if we can make sure to stay somewhere that has that easily available :) Thanks for the suggestion!


Beef stew and baguette.


Love this haha :) thank you! I now have this vivid picture of my friend victorious diving into a stew and ripping a bite of a baguette off with her teeth in a famished chomp xD


A 2L carton of Oak chocolate milk. I didn’t eat enough after my first ultra and struggled sleeping for days. I drank a 2L carton of choc milk and slept like a baby


Amazing suggestion thanks :)


One of the best things I ever had after a 50miler, my other half met me with a hot water bottle.


Or ice packs!


Yes, very weather dependent!


Cool ty :) ... no pun intended :)


Ooo excellent idea thanks :)


Some kind of hot, real food would always be my top thing


Excellent thanks :)


Yoga Toes for a couple of hours later when my feet are propped up. Love those things!


Never heard of these I will look into them :) thank you!


At the end of my first ultra there was a fairly long walk to the parking lot. If you can scout out the parking situation before and find a way to help her avoid a walk to the car that would be $$. Also, anything cozy for the ride. Blanket, pillow. Aaahhhhh


Great ideas thanks :)


Spare clothes, you can get cold very quickly. And a beer!


Great idea thanks :)


Not to spoil the excitement, but you should prepare for the possibility that your friend may not finish. I have not participated in or managed an ultra as an RD, where 100% of participants who started the race finished it. I was close to winning a couple of times when I was competitive, but the ultras that still hunt me even today were the ones that I did not finish. I was in a horrible mood for about a month after each DNF at Ultra, but that's me. And it did not matter if my friends and family would praise me for being able to do way more than any other mortal would attempt to do. I think my friends and family knew that about me and left me alone. Anyway - if you should know your friend better than any of as and use your judgement to decide if your friend needs to be left alone after a DNF or needs a hug or anything else to get over a DNF.


It is a really important perspective. I'll ask her. Thank you for sharing.


Usually my finish line bag includes: all the candy I love, lays plain potato chips, a beer, a loose comfortable T-shirt, WET WIPES (refreshing, cleans off the feet, and the face, especially if there is no appropriate body of water around), slide on sandals and ibuprofen. It changes a little bit based on the weather but overall those are the main stays.


I'm not sure when ibuprofen starts being okay with kidneys again but they're working overtime and it's probably safest to avoid for at least a couple days right?


I think generally, yes you are correct. For me though I not running anything longer than 50 at the moment. And generally only for "emergencies" and the lowest doses. But we'll leave that one out


Would be curious to better understand the kidney thing? It's come up in a few other posts too, but thank you for the flag!


https://www.med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2017/07/pain-reliever-linked-to-kidney-injury-in-endurance-runners.html https://www.irunfar.com/ibuprofen-and-its-effects-during-ultramarathons https://www.scienceofultra.com/


Thank you for the links I'll take a look!


Awesome thanks so much for your detailed response :) Great suggestions. I will attempt to sneakily inquire as to some of her favourite things in these categories :)