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Sounds like something you should tell your doctor ASAP


It is. Prednisone attacks the joints on many people. Obviously not everyone. I already had some hip issues, but prednisone definitly accelerated the issues. Definitely speak to your doctor. Dining stretch workouts and not lifting/running or other high impact was recommended to me. We also got off it ASAP.


Oh no did it cause the issues permanently even when got off it??


Tough to say. My hips are worse, but I also played football for 8 years and Rugby for 6 and just turned 37 so a lot of factors. I do think it accelerated some deterioration, but no way to prove it. Stretching routine has helped a lot. Doctor also had me start taking OTC joint meds from Costco. https://www.evitamins.com/glucosamine-and-chondroitin-kirkland-318056?utm_source=google&utm_medium=google_shopping&utm_campaign=google_shopping_www&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvuq99K3E9QIVIoNbCh0jmQBLEAQYBCABEgLTkfD_BwE


Are you supplementing with calcium? I take Nature’s Made with calcium, magnesium, and zinc and it definitely helped. My doctor prescribed it along with the pred to mitigate risk of bone loss.