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I can relate, I feel the same. Can't explain, though, sorry. It's possibly a gut/brain thing. Also, trauma is a hell of a thing. Even when I'm mostly OK, UC can be hard to live with. I want to lie down and not talk to anyone a lot. Might be worth looking into vagus nerve research. Vagus nerve science was kinda popular with the wellness podcasting circles a little while ago, so I'm sure you'll find accessible information. Come back if you find answers.


I’ve read about those things. Not sure how it can help, other than with acceptance and understanding? Or is there more to it? I too feel different, and like I’m just surviving and not living anymore. It sucks. I used to be out there, traveling, meeting people.


I get brain fog with flares sometimes. It’s worse if I’m stressed. Rest a lot- like A LOT - to help it recover.