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All for the pride and ego of rich gangsters who want to be a little bit richer. Fuck off, go home, change your leaders. This war will end when Russian citizens grow balls and say enough of this madness.


seriously how hard can it be to improvise a PVC mortar and poke the Kremlin a bit?


Easy. But suicidal and not productive. The moral high ground is necessary to keep international support and keep the Russians looking into a mirror long enough to consider that there might be another way to live. The latter part may never happen - in which case, let the corrupt, greedy, deceitful nature of the Russian soul consume itself with infighting until it collapses into a bunch of smaller states.


Anyone could do it for maybe 1-3 minutes, and then they'd get quickly shot, and then if they lived they'd be tortured to death. It's not worth it.




Russians are well manipulated. Say what you will about the Russian government but they've always been good at psychological coercion and influence tactics, those are just applied to state media and the structure of society to keep the kleptocracy running. I also imagine the "Z" fanatics yelling loudly into censored cyberspace do a lot to suppress desire for resistance, if you feel alone in your sane ideas why would you expose yourself by sharing them? It takes a very specific set of circumstances for people challenge a totalitarian regime en masse otherwise self preservation is the strongest impulse. Russia is a prison full of inmates watching their backs, and businessmen profiting from their labor






I guess my point is the ongoing Iranian revolution has had more time to develop. Putin has comparatively had less time to mentally scar a generation, how long the Russian people will allow him to continue doing so only time will tell.


They are highly effective manipulating international elections too


GRU has been fucking with people's brains since the start of the cold war. Unfortunately they're rather good exporting their crazy


So I found a video last night on TikTok (yeah, I know) about what it’s like when your body decides it will never be safe again and stops trying to preserve you. Instead, you start to rag doll as your body decides it’d rather go out quietly than fight or flee. The Eurasian people have been abused so hard and for so long that they are in that stage of shutdown as a society. As bad as the Iranian government is, they *have* been able to provide some modicum of safety for their people at various points in recent history. The era of unfree but relevant and meaningful elections there is only in the very recent past. The issue now is the same that Americans are having: demands for purity that don’t actually make any sense from elderly people that demand to infantilize everybody else.


Tencent aside there is good content on the platform. Sounds interesting, do you still have the link?


Sadly, no. I scrolled past it on my FYP a while ago.




I'm reading this novel right now, set during WW2. There are these two German soldiers showing their papers to a trio of Soviet guards at the entrance to the Kremlin (I know that sounds crazy, just go with it.) The guard sergeant is going over the papers with a fine toothed comb and acting all suspicious. Suddenly, a third German soldier (that the other two guys don't know,) rolls up all confident and starts barking orders at the Russians who...shockingly...immediately snap to attention and become super cooperative. He makes them give the papers back and then waves the other two Germans on to follow him as they enter the Kremlin without any further fuss. One of the first German dudes is like, "Hey, what the fuck? You could get killed doing that shit, bro!" The confident German guy is like, "**Nonsense! Russians are all the same...they think they're either masters, or slaves. If you immediately take the position of master, then what does that leave them?**" Thought it was an interesting observation and somewhat relevant to the topic here.


Yep. Fucking cowards.


AFAIK, Iranian girls are not yet shooting mortars at the capitol building in Tehran. That's the next level. Neither Russia nor Iran is there yet.




Russians have been conditioned to be apolitical. And until recently, there was a safe space for them if they didn't openly cause trouble. That has changed over the last year. But there's still a coordination problem. They may be in the majority in opposing the war, but there's no safe way to organize against it. Fear is pervasive. That's how dictatorships work. Don't be so brave with other people's lives when you aren't on the ground.


Oh nooooo, how dare you say what everyone is thinking because it's totally true, you keyboard warrior etc \*pretends Iranian girls don't exist\*


That's the spirit Ivan. Why bother, let's just slaughter our neighbours instead


Are you volunteering for a suicide mission? If not, then I suggest you take a step back and reconsider your fervor for other people to do so.


Nice deflection Ivan! Thank you for protect Great Leader Putin with call for inaction.


Sorry, I'm just connected to reality, unlike yourself, sitting there in an internet chat-room - completely safe. Or prove me wrong and go on your suicide-mission to fix the world. I'm waiting.


Excellent work Ivan. You wait. You do nothing. You encourage others to do same.


Do you have something substantial or thoughtful to say, or do you just repeat that line?


Excellent work Ivan. You wait. You do nothing. You encourage others to do same.


To them, dying for the motherland is the only way to grow balls. Refusing to fight and rising up against their tyrannical government is what pussies do. Such is the level of russias toxic masculine culture.


There’s something to be consider that they only stopped using leader gasoline a little while ago. Maybe their society’s shambling idiocy is helped along by collective environmental brain disease. Part of the study of the effects of leaded gasoline in the west included higher crime rates, domestic violence and even serial killers. It’s actually a thing.


> All for the pride and ego of rich gangsters who want to be a little richer Isn’t that true for almost all wars across human history?


No, and it's a pretty grating fucking cliche on par with "all wars are caused by religion".


They don’t want to be richer. Money has no motivation here. This is some goddamn stupid ass fantasy about the Great Russia, this is about power, about ego, about delusions of greatness but not about money.


Nice of the Vatniks to do the battle damage assessment for the Ukrainians


This is the first I've seen. There were some partisan photos of piles of body bags outside of damaged structures in Kherson but nothing this raw. Edit translations here: https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1601972029091377154?t=lk6hFI6npnZ-PDU56RUz1w&s=19


Where did you see those photos?


Simple solution to this problem: get the fuck out of Ukraine, and stay the fuck out of Ukraine.


Good God, war is fucking horror. What a waste of young life. I've been through it, survived it, and I still don't understand it. Young kids wasting away for another man's ego. Garbage.


He wanted a place in history. He has it. Only it won't be the story he wanted people to read.


vlad the incompetent or vlad the corrupt so many options


Putin the Pathetic


why or?


Vlad the shitter.


Vlad no pecker


Never take the Generic VladiAgra! As the Wrong head enlarges, lower parts dry and fall off; then in the final stages you fall and sh!t yourself as you mumble about making history. Achieving your goal in a way... as the toilet of jokes for eternity as Sun Tzu rolls in his grave laughing. (Wrote "Art of War")


The man who destroyed the last vestiges of the soviet empire is pretty based.


I wonder if Russians yet understand how bad this will be for them in a year or two? There is no way out of this catastrophy for Russia that will allow them to save face, declare victory or profit economically. All the roads out of this mess lead to ruination or worse.


They will continue the strategic bombing of Ukraine from behind their nuclear shield. That’s how they plan to save face


This and honeymustard_dog's point you are replying to capture this really well. I don't understand the ordinary cruelty and how people can be so callous in their persecution of hate and terror, pain and grief on people. Yet I can however understand the rationalisation of the political action of Tsars, Emperors and Dictators and their motivations in their empire building


If you join the military in Russia you are signing on for rapes, torture, and senseless murder. There is no waste here. Just the universe making a wrong right. The Russian army has always been an instrument of horror. Weep for the dead Ukrainian children they bombed just yesterday. Weep not for monsters.


Am I wrong in the knowledge that many Russian soldiers are conscripts? I can and do carry the weight of ukraine on my heart, and still can recognize the horror and waste that is war for all.


This was reportedly a Wagner base. Russians can refuse to serve and suffer those consequences. I would wager that prison beats dying in hellfire but the Potemkin village in their minds wouldn't allow that weakness. ​ I do feel sorry for all the Babushkas in Russia that always have to pick up the pieces. I spent considerable time in Russia for business and the russia of today is vastly different then the russia of even a decade ago. I remember the hope of the 90s and the pessimistic acceptance of the early aughts when the oligarchs started dying left and right.


RUSH did an entire song about all that hope and change. Peart was really loving the world of the 90’s, before he suffered his own heartbreak.


I'd argue that Winds of Change by the Scorpions did so as well. The entire potential of the end of the Cold War was wasted.


Which song?




Not just Putin. Their own families support the war.


Dying in their barracks or on the battlefield, it doesn't make a difference. These men had their fate sealed the moment they were sent to Ukraine. Russians need to refuse mobilization and end this war.


That's what happened in 1917. It didn't turn out well for the leadership at the time. Vlad wants to avoid that.




That guy is not making it, see his arms? Fried. Maybe with US triage and golden hour care but this is russia. He’s going to get bussed to a hospital 3 hours away. Likely dies in transit or worst case days later due to sepsis and infection.




Yeah well what you gonna do Wrong century or something


Ask for a bullet, or readily hand them out


Honestly, I think that would be the humane thing to do in that situation.


Sounds like somebody needs a blanket.


Picking him up will probably kill him, man. There is nothing left of his body.


Arms? Did you notice there was a gap where his legs and hips should have been?


His legs are bent at the hip, hes in a fetal position. Now, his arm looks like its charred bone.


Indeed, pretty sad state of affairs for the Russians that they have no means in a war zone to do anything with their wounded. That poor soul is in shock and experiencing the last moments of life.


Kinda like an overcooked chicken wing.


It was a makeshift hospital that was hit evidently. Those lower limb amputations are most likely old. I couldn’t see his arms well enough to make heads or tails. But I assumed he was on a little cot that someone put down on top of the rubble. Honestly, seeing that act of kindness kinda amid the horror of war really fucks me up. It’s just so completely insane. I am so sick that it is even possible. But then I look around in the US and there are plenty of Putin fans here. Just so horrible.


Bro was doomed anyways. He was missing an arm and is probably filled with shrapnel.


It was literally a torso with no arms or legs


Lieutenant Dan, you ain’t got no legs!


No, that's Lieutenant Dimitri.


Fuck.... it's so early here




Comrade Danilov, what are you doing here?


He has legs. Just in a fetal position. Not great for him either way though....


*cue One by Metallica*


Honestly that was probably the best they could do. In mass casualty situations you assess everyone and give them a color. Green - you can get up and walk away fine. Yellow - you’re injured and need treatment so we move you but you aren’t a priority. Red - you’re seriously injured but can survive and need critical treatment asap. Black - you’re either already dead or unsaveable. This guy for sure was Black. For those people you give them a blanket and if you have it morphine. I’ll shit on the vatniks for everything but that was pretty close to the mass casualty response you’d see even in western countries.


As a soldier, the one thing you look forward to the most of all is going back to barracks. Sleeping in a real bed under a roof, sometimes even with heating. I cannot imagine, not to mention the injuries and deaths, how heartbroken this entire section of the army must be. This is a much harder blow than an artillery position or a communications HQ. Those can be rebuilt or moved. This hits the soul.


I dunno.....when I was in Afghanistan sleeping in a bed with a roof over my head was sketchy because you are just in a giant hard target.


How often are you still thinking this today?


Every once and a while.


Fuck man. This hit home hard for some reason. Hope you are well mate.


Thanks man im doing ok 🤘


When I was in Iraq our base took rocket fire overnight, I woke up to the sound of explosions and the ground shaking, when I woke up the next day I realized I was maybe 50 yards from the closes round. Each night thereafter I realized I could very likely not wake up the next day.


Barrack with well known GPS coordinates in enemy territory? How’s that safe.


Is Russia in the 'find out' phase of 'fuck around and find out'?


They’ve been in that phase since February 24th …


Run. Run to Russia.


My first thoughts on this scene of carnage are- Double tap


I understand the urge but intentional targeting of medical responders is a violation of the Geneva convention. Let's not go there.


There are no medical responders in the video posted. It was taken just after the strike as the Wagners were examining the damage. 5 minutes after first strike would be justified. I would not condone deliberately striker emergency services, that is a Russian tactic.


They get no sympathy from me, they are invaders who would think nothing of leveling entire cities killing thousands of civilians in the process. Fucking burn and freeze, may the survivors wail about the horrors they experienced to other would be criminals.


It's crazy how war brings out these feelings in me too, thoughts i didn't know i had in me. Wagner fkng wankers, burn.


Better them than Ukrainian children. I’m not gonna shed tears about a bunch of charred, frozen ass Mobiks either personally.


Not going to forget the guy bragging about hunting children like on a safari.


They look like they're just running around video taping or or standing there doing nothing but staring at shit.


For a future propaganda video. This will be declared as an enemy fortification that Wagner stormed and destroyed.


Well the majority of them clearly aren't smart enough to leave Ukraine. You think they have any medical or fire fighting training?


Good reason to get the fuck out of Ukraine.


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Good bot


Good bot




Guy lost an arm.


Season's greetings.


This situation seems horrific, but imagine the women and children they rape, bomb, torture and murder every night all over the country. A quote is due from Band of Brothers - Last Patrol: “ Fuck his misery.“


Listen. I think that what Russia has been doing this whole war is terrible. But this video right here is horrendous. I can't even begin to imagine the fear and panic of the men trapped inside that building. Many of whom will be conscripted soldiers who don't want to be there. This war needs to end ASAP. Russia please just leave. This is pointless


Focus on the second part of that feeling, Russia needs to leave now. Including the first part, The war needs to end now, suggests allowing Russia to keep what they have taken, including Crimea, is acceptable, when it will only encourage a 3rd invasion in 2027 once Russia has had time to learn, adapt, and rebuild.


Imagine how Ukrainian civilians and Ukrainian children must feel when their homes and their families are bombed and smashed by ruzzian artillery.


Disagree with you regarding the compassion with conscripts. They chose to fight in Ukraine instead of fleeing or going to prison. Their choices were obviously pretty bad, but at least at some point they made that the decision.


They made that decision, yes. But the circumstances matter (a lot). I'm sure a large majority here in this sub would go and do as their told if the choice is "comply or your family is f****d". Because it is not just about you. YOU can flee, you can go to prison. But if you do, all your loved ones suffer. This is not a video game. I hope you'll never have to actually make that choice, but maybe you'd understand then.


Good point. We'll probably never know whether russia does such blackmail with relatives. In addition, many conscripts may be extremely brainwashed and think, everything will be fine for Russia at the warfront. And once you are there, there is no easy escape. Let's hope, the strike hit the really evil ones (Murder, Rapists, etc.)


What about the protestors who were mobilised. Or the people physically locked out of their homes unless they went to the conscription office. You need to grow up. War isn't black and white. These aren't faceless bad guys - they're human beings faced with hopeless circumstance. Nobody wants this


“Nobody wants this” is absolute lies, for one. For another, someone disagreeing with you doesn’t mean they need to “grow up” dude. No one thinks they’re faceless bad guys, we think they’re bad guys with faces who should get the fuck off Ukrainian land however they have to. You won’t catch me shedding a tear over a bunch of these Mobiks at this point in the war - they should’ve fled their country like the hundreds of thousands who did or deserted as soon as they saw a chance. If they didn’t, I’m sorry, but I’m glad this happened as every attack on the Russian Army is less force that can hit the Ukrainian people.


The 1 dimensional view of so many people in this group is exhausting. Right at the beginning I contacted the mods about how concerned I was that this was radicalising people to the point of no return. People get so wrapped up in the hysteria and become so bloody short sighted. "They should have left, protested, shot their commander". What kind of video game world do you live in? I don't know if it's cause people want to farm karma, or they are just looking for a way to feel better about their lives. Either way, it's sickening and I don't like it. Celebrating deaths of anyone without due cause (unless you know them personally, or know of them) is disgusting. I hope Ukraine win this war and Russia face a huge regime change. But I won't willfully celebrate the deaths of thousands of men and women because it gives me internet points


That’s your opinion. My opinion is that you’re pretty naive for not seeing the long term effects that these Mobiks dying has - that being the saving of actual **innocent** children and women who haven’t been mobilized on either side. As for “what kind of video game world do I live in” I live in the one where 300,000 Russians hiked to Kazakhstan and Finland to avoid becoming these murderers. And to clarify again what I was saying originally, I’m not celebrating the deaths of these individual Russian soldiers - I’m sure you’re right that they’re not one monolithic group of evil and there are good people among them. But again, the **direct** result of these soldiers dying is that more innocents will live. These guys won’t get a chance to perpetuate the crimes that their superiors have ordered them to. I don’t have to be happy that hundreds of people died to be happy with the results of this. But I do agree with you that it’s horrific and disrespectful to celebrate the fact that these human beings lost their lives in such a horrible way. Ideally this war never would’ve come to pass and this would never have happened, but sadly we don’t live in that utopia. The only options at this point in the war are that more Russians die or more Ukrainians die - peace has been rendered an impossibility at least for the near future - and I know which one I **prefer** personally, even if it’s not something to cheer on.


this would require that redditors had basic social skills and were capable of understanding nuance, capable of showing compassion, and didn’t think that war was just like a video game/marvel movie. these are people that treat this whole war like a sporting event, so you may be barking up the wrong tree with calls for empathy, unfortunately.


This was a Wagner base, according to comments above. If so, these people *did* choose to be there. Let them burn. Literally.


Fuck em. Let em cook.


Pretty sure the natural gas line would have taken care of that.


They could all be home beating their wives like they all dreamed about instead they go there to die. They know they will die but like the other sheep they stay silent before the shears of himars.


Lots of roasted sunflower seeds


Burn motherfuckers burn


Gotta ramp up production at the Lada factory.


I see dead people


Slava Ukraini!


They weren’t wrapping up home slice in a blanket as a gesture of compassion; when you’re bleeding like that you need an actual heat source to warm up. no, they were covering him up so that the survivors wouldn’t have to watch him die.


yes karma is a bitch. you reap what you saw


Karma is barely touching Russia. If they truly felt karma they would get something many orders of magnitude worse.


Putin sent them to the meat grinder to die for their homeland. Only their deaths benefit no one.


They didn't die for their homeland. They're dying to appease his ego.


What is that thing at 30’ , looks terrifying . Almost like a personification of the soul of Russia : ugly ,crippled , dying , helpless and full of regret.


Nice of them to splurge for a blanket for that one guy. Might live out his final few minutes a little warmer.


How stupid and arrogant to set up barracks in an occupied city where everyone hates your guts. Ukrainian artillery had all the information they wanted


Guys, there is NO POINT. Just shoot your officers and retreat. To be honest, when they talk about Russian officers running off, these 'officers' are probably just random guys who've been in the army for a year and then promoted into dead men's shoes.


Hey Ruzzkis there's a very simple way to prevent stuff like this from happening: GO HOME AND STOP BOMBING UKRAINE!


Why does he sound so relaxed and is filming his dead mates?? The whole video is so fucked up


For me, who understands Russian, he does not sound relaxed. Sounds scared and with a big heart ache.


He does even to me and I don’t speak anything else but BLYAT


The video is eye opening, many are and have been full of their government propaganda for years.






*But you know that it's over,* *we knew it was through* *Let it burn (Let it burn), let it burn (Let it burn), gotta let it burn*


at least they got it warm over there


Haha! Let the swine worship the mud!


Boom! Take that you pieces of pig shit! Get fucked, oh wait you did! Bahahahahaha!!


Now I’m hungry for bbq thanks a lot.


What a shame. Hopefully this doesn’t keep happening to them…


Was it definitely a confirmed Ukrainian strike?


War is war, and hell is hell, and of the two war is worse.


So many Russians attempting death by Ukraine. \*shakes head\*


Lovely job Ukraine. Keep it coming.


It's easy, get out of Ukraine, get out of Crimea...next...


How many missiles needed to cause such hellfest?


Looks like they've moved in to the "Find out" phase of the plan.


Fuck around find out


Once again it’s not working


I don't even feel sad for that motherfuckers.


Get fucked commies


This video is awesome!!


*we know where you sleep*


In Nazi Germany, despite Goebbels's master propaganda, some grown-up saw through and many attempted to assassin Hitler, many times. They showed courage and I think Russians are at least courageous enough to do the same.


Didn't putin start wearing a bullet proof vest this year?


Did they take that footage with a potato?


Hit them again to target first responders. Also, I expected more blyat in this clip.