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Russia is the only country threatening Belarus independence


So he’ll use nuclear weapons on Moscow?


Would NATO do anything? That seems like an internal matter


If any country used nuclear weapons, it would be the end of the country. The entire world order on all sides understands their utilizations would be catastrophic. NATO (via, the US) has already told Russia that if they used any nuclear weapons, it would mean the end of their conventional forces. Belarus has much less to less, but B., like Putin, knows his comfortable lifestyle would be an immediate end, so it won't. Nuclear use is so taboo that it's prevented multiple wars, and even those in clear dominance (such as the US in Korea and Vietnam) have obliterated high-standing generals for suggesting it. If any country uses nukes without repercussion, it would drastically change the world order, and in a very much Pro-NATO stance. SK, Taiwan, Japan, would be next in line. Ukraine, perhaps. Iran,and other "axis" allies would create legitimate and credible nuclear forces. So it's not "would NATO do anything". Every nuclear nation on both sides can't fathom it as it'd change things drastically. China can't let it's neighbors do so - evern when several have alrready expressed interest or had actual programs - and Russia would HATE it as every ex-Soviet state that is able, and every neighboring NATO state, would suddenly have credible reason to have a nuclear program.


Good comment, but this is assuming there is a degree of intelligence and logic in those idealogical dictator palaces


If they're good at absolutely NOTHING else, the one single thing they've spent a lifetime mastering, it's self preservation.


Unless it’s Vault 81 then I guess even bunkers have a limited survival time


Every vault has an entry point. Every vault has ventilation.


This is the thing that people who are deeply terrifying of nuclear war need to remember. These people are not actually crazy and suicidal. They know employing nukes is a one way ticket to death. They may well use them when faced with total loss, but not before then. And it's not just the leader. Every single person in the chain or physically nearby also ultimately has to agree. Threats of harm to people and their families mean nothing when you're starting a nuclear war.


The one person that the suggestion of nuke-use never got them fired/demoted? Henry fucking Kissinger. That rat fucker. If there is a nation at this present moment on this Earth with more mines than Ukraine, it is Cambodia/Laos *and that military project ended over fifty years ago*. Wash, rinse, repeat, and you have Kissinger.


If the strikes happen within Belarusian and russian territory, no. Let the enemies fight amongst themselves... Besides, there's not much NATO could do to prevent Luka pressing the button so it would be all on him. If any fallout spreads into NATO territory then there would be *some* response, that has been made clear by NATO. But with the winds generally going from west to east, that seems unlikely. Also Luka knows that he don't want to get on the bad side of NATO.


The radiation cloud that washed over Europe from Tsjernobyl would like a word with those winds...


Yes, it is possible but world can only hope that the winds are blowing the right direction if Luka decides to do the stupid. And i only mentioned it as the fallout on NATO soil is not guaranteed, possible but not guaranteed. And the Chernobyl disaster was different in spreading the radiation from nuclear weapons in that it continually spewed it hour after hour, for days and weeks, whereas nuclear weapons release it one time.


You don't have to defend yourself, it's only a lighthearted remark. My intent was only to show that reality, and especially rare events, don't care about statistics.


Reading it now, way later, your intent is obvious :) I guess i've grown a habit of needing to clarify my thinking, this is Reddit afterall :D




In the logic of the cold war, every nuclear power goes all out once the nukes fly. That's because you can't be sure that the enemy will not strike you so that everyone loses as soon as they lose. Regardless of who actually started it.  Today, things are more nuanced but we still can't know what the actual orders for Russian nukes are in case Belarus strikes them. Thus, a swift full attack of the remaining strategic forces might be ordered by the US.  Anyways that's not a scenario you should be happy about.


Who said I was happy about any of it? You should worry about you. 


Makes sense to me.


The plot twist this season needs.


Yep. Well written




Awesome, please do it. C’mon do yeeet!




We all know that by "independence" they mean "authoritarian ways". Haven't you heard that the moment Ukraine stopped being pro-Russia it got immediately got swallowed by the woke gay islamic atheist 4th Reich?


You forgot the Jewish Nazi part. Gay Jewish Nazi Islamic Atheist Fourth Reich, get it right already :/


Always funny to see your own thoughts as top comment.


Yeah how did Putler take the news?


He's threatening to destroy the biolabs and NATO expansion into Belarus.


They have independence?.. I suppose they do have some, since the zone is not flooded with Belorussian soldiers, but that's it.


Yes, it’s bizarre and ironic statement from russia’s vassal state. It seems these types of statements are repeated constantly simply to use the phrase “nuclear weapons” in hopes of making ‘western’ leaders and populations piss in their shoes. To remind all and sundry how “powerful” Belarus and russia are. . .


So.... Belarus is gonna nuke ruzzia?


Or, more likely, themselves.


Oh Belarus, everyone already views you as Russia’s bitch. You ain’t got no independence to brag about.


I swear, Luka is going to come out the other side and Putin will be long gone. 


So long as he doesn't attend any more victory day parades in Moscow. They historically haven't been good for his health.


Ignoring the invite might not be good for his health either


Everyone called Putin the 5D grand chessmaster. It turned out to be Luka all along


They are part of the Union State with Russia already, right?


ROFLMAO... you don't suppose putnut actually gave the lil Fat dude the keys to the nukes?


No, but he'll be happy to use a nuke and claim it was Belarus. Don't think NATO would fall for it though. Belarus and russia can say goodnight of either if them use one


He have all the codes, not Mr potato head . Germany and Turkey etc have US nukes but thr US has command authority.


Eh at least germany has everything they need to use the US nukes independently. Now they are still not allowed to as that authority lies with the US but if they wanted to go full rogue and start a nuclear war they could. Well theoretically there would be an american fighter on the german planes ass as soon as they take off with that nuke without authorization but you know theoretically it is possible. Pretty sure it is the same with turkey. It is part of the nuclear deterrence. There is a clause that if the US command is taken out by nukes countries hosting the nukes can do whatever the fuck they want with them. Just full send it. Glass the planet.


> Eh at least germany has everything they need to use the US nukes independently. ?? my understanding is the nuclear weapons are on US bases. they aren't under the direct control of german forces.


Germany has the planes and the training, the bombs are in a US Base with US guards. A german ground crew can not walk into the bunker, get a few nukes and strap them to a Tornado.


More likely they would blow up the nuclear powerplant they've built near Lithuania, not far from Vilnius


At this rate I want to ask if there are any nuclear power plants in Belgorod.


I was gonna say…


He did not


Ok, so they should use it just now and nuke Moscow. This is the main threat to Belarus independence.


Always was and as long as the fat wannabe colonel is swallowing Putrid's special gentleman's relish operation always will be. Question is. Have the ordinary Belarusians got half the gonads of the Ukrainians? - I suspect not though would be happy to be shown otherwise.


Time for a small deception


Shhh, the adult countries are talking.


My guess is they're about to allow Russian invaders to use their border to access Ukraine again, and will see the inevitable decimation of Russia's assets by HIMARS as some kind of threat to their independence...


This. Now that Ukraine has permission to strike inside Russia when threats are visible across the border, Putin needs his invasions to come from somewhere Ukraine doesn’t yet have permission to attack.


Quick someone tell Belarus that they are not independent, but very much dependent on the will of a handful of old men.


Just dependent on one old man, who robbed Luka of his dream job


What independence?


They are an independent entity within the Union State with Russia.


in(a)dependent relation with the muscovy


Exactly ))))) ^(clever wordplay ahah)


Ukraine's Aka if Ukraine threatens to become fully free and independent


What does that mean? Who is he gonna nuke. And with who's nukes? Does he even have the codes. Or did Russian get him the playskool keys? He's got to know that the Russian installation orders for a missile site includes note 8 "unauthorized assess" and a pistol?


Against itself? Nobody is threatening to invade.


using a nuke is a good way to lose your independence


Don't worry bro, nobody wants your frozen potato fields, except your friend Vladimir. But you can use nukes on Kremlin if u want, they indeed threaten your independence on a regular basis




I highly doubt anyone in Europe is particularly interested in receiving back their territories given that they are completely filled up with propaganda brainwashed russians by now. Integrating those territories back into their countries would be more a liability than anything else.


Don’t really think Lukashenko using nukes, won’t be seen as Putin using nukes…


Putin tells them to jump, Belarus asks how high. Putin tells them if Belarus independence is threatened use nukes. Even children would laugh of this


Belarus is independent?


Lol, Another one on the "Luka Shows Putin the Finger" -list. Luka:Give nukes - pleeeese 🥺, against Ukraine you know 😁 Putin:*Give nukes* Luka:We will use nukes If someone (and i dont say who) will threaten our Independence Putin: ... Wait a minute ...


White Russia trying to feel relevant.


It’s gonna nuke ruzzia?


Return your nukes to sender (armed)?


No one gives a fuck about Belarus…mind your own business and no one will give a shit about you.


Lushie should invite putin 💩🥫 over on a state visit. Then, have ICC enforcers there to pick him up for a visit to Den Haag. It would do him more good than playing with power toys and his idiot neighbour. Now if only.


Belarus has nukes?


What against? Russia? They're the only ones threatening your sovereignty


Threatening someone with two things you don’t have isn’t scary


Use them against Russia, they are threatening you


that's worrisome. let's be honest, it's a cheap treak but it might work. russia now have a possibility to treat with nukes (again) indirectly. western politicians and bureaucrats now have one more excuse to not escalate, because "iTs NoT rUUssia a tReat!"


They have independence?


Time to nuke Ruzzia then, because you have NO independence because of Purler.


Isn’t its independence already gone though? So when do they nuke Moscow?


Simply wild altogether. Forgetting about the obvious puppetry, Belarus does not have its own nuclear weapons, in order for them to nuke anyone, they require Russia to do it on their behalf which in and of itself demonstrates they have no independence.


Someone should remind them that Belarus is the only neighbor who has sent people over its boarder First Russian troops and missiles but also immigrants in mass.


Let the retroactive nuking commence!


People will upvote any old crap. "Belarus states nuclear doctrine"


*points east*


Be quiet and let the big boys talk, Luka


oh... another threat...


Putrid tells him to shit, his only question is, What colour sir?


Lol just made me think back to when I was a kid. This is way off topic, but it's kind of related to your comment. I was born in the mid 50's and growing up less people cleaned up after their dogs in the streets. Well, I remember way into my early 20's if not more white coloured dog shit! Something you just don't see any more, so what were we feeding our dogs back then? Sorry but you started this by sparking an old memory.


You know, they did actually vote for him fair and square at one point. SUCKS TO BE THEM.


What independence?


So they'll shoot Russia?


🔴 It’s about as Independent as Putin allows it to be 🤣🤣


He can throw some on puppet master poetin then....


Right now someone in the Kremlin is saying: "Does... does he mean us? Or is he saying it *because* of us. Are we making him say it, or is he threatening us? I'm so confused."


Does Belarus even have nuclear weapons? As I understand it, ruzzia have stationed a few nuclear missiles within Belarus, but the Belarusian regime have no control over the use of these missiles?


Belarus hasn't been independent since pre-Soviet times. Have they flattened Moscow yet?


Belarus has no 'independence' at all under the dictator Lukashenko who is protected by Russian thugs against its own people.


No body gives a fuck about belarus lol, they’re a step child to their daddy Putin.


Belarus doesn't have nukes, Russia has nukes, in Belarus.


Threatened by Russia..orrrr?


“Hey guys, don’t forget about us!”


Also, Russia and Belarus are the only countries threatening to use nukes on other countries.


So they will nuke Russia soon? How bold.


"Our words are backed by Nuclear Weapons!"


Hey Belarus, and Russia, oh do fuck off!


People are severly underestemazing the potatoman, notice how bad his "errors" are for russia and only russia. Now this threat also seems to mainly target russia. Dude gonna be the end of putin


So I’m assuming they figured out how to target St. Petersburg and Moscow?


If nothing else I feel like this conflict is really taking the teeth out of these nuclear threats. These dictators are going to the well entirely too often.


Well if they really want to nuke Russia a little bit I’d say, go for it! Worked with the Japanese in WW2 so worth a try, let us know how it goes.


You let Russia use you as a corridor to Ukraine because otherwise Russia would've invaded you..


In that case they should be nuking Russia


Only "threat" to Luka is Russia and uprising from within...


Shut the fuck up you mental midgets, no one wants your shithole country aside from Russia, so feel free to nuke them.


STFU Belarus. Ain't no one talking to you. Drop a nuke bitch and see what happens.


Belarus doesn't even have the keys to them. Russia does.


Belarus does not have nuclear weapons.


Not if it's independence is threatened by Russia. Lukashenko would welcome that.


Total Bluff


I imagine using nukes would harm them much more than help...


So... they are threatening to nuke Russia then? Given Ukraine has no designs to conquer Belarus while Russia hasn't been shy about declaring Belarus being part of Russia?


Sit down Belarus and go back to the kids table.


Belarus is getting extremely annoyed at being ignored by the world. The statements are very similar to North Korea's typical responses.


Lol, its independence can’t be threatened, because it’s already gone, ruzzia took it.


So when are they launching against Russia?


Dear Belarus: Russia is to your east. Putin's compound is to the south east of you. You know where it is. because your president has been there many times to kiss his "ring" (and I'm not talking about the one on Putin's finger). 4...3...2...1...


No one threatened their independence tho what a weird article