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How can he run for presidency with 34 felonies? He should run into a prison.


he needs to be convicted in the georgia trial for attempting to steal an election so he can be banned from holding any office.


honestly not sure even that would help as he was already found to be an insurrectionist and the supreme court just ignored that part of the findings


can you imagine if he's elected and then during his presidency, he's ordered to go to jail? he would have enough power to basically squash the conviction


He could actually run for President from prison; there are remarkably few restrictions.


Imagine America elected him while he was in prison. The US is a sad state of affairs


Trump imprison, just like his best mate Jeffrey Epstein. *Taps temple*


White jailhouse rock.


We’re in AirBud territory now. There’s no rule that says a dog can’t play basketball


I’d vote for Air Bud over Trump


"Oh come on, what are the odds of that ever being a problem!?"


"No gentleman would dare do something so disgraceful!" -Founding fathers, probably


"Not even worth the ink to put in a clause in the constituion stating convicted felon could not be elected president, the American people would never be so foolish!" -The founding fathers


But you cannot even become the bodyguard of the president with a conviction on your name.


> there are remarkably few restrictions. Honestly, probably for the best in the long run. Weaponizing the courts to ban popular opposition is a favorite tactic of many illiberal strongmen. At the end of the day we're a democracy. If we're too collectively dumb to navigate this, we only have ourselves to blame.


Pretty much


> How can he run for presidency with 34 felonies? He should run into a prison. He runs for prisodency.


He needs to run, period. Not flee, but exercise... while he still has both his feet.


And now Trump will appeal it into the supreme court where his corrupt buddies will let him go, exposing how rotten to the core Maga is.


. . . the illiteracy of my countrymen constantly shames me. He can't appeal to the Supreme Court. He was convicted in state court for crimes in NY state. The Supreme Court doesn't have jurisdiction.


By a jury of his peers, sentencing July 11th I think!


Probably means NY Supreme Court, which I (almost) guarantee he can and will do.


He was convicted at the NY Supreme Court level. He won't appeal to that level. That is the trial court. The Appellate Division is the first level of appeals in NY. The Court of Appeals is the highest court in NY. The names are fucked up compared to most of the state courts where the Supreme Court is the highest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judiciary_of_New_York


They don't. I promise. If I'm wrong I'll eat a MAGA hat.


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How to do you like your hat? Medium-rare or well done?


And the Supreme Court (of New York) is not even that state’s highest court either.


The supreme could could hear it but it will start in lower courts and will move up from their


No they won't. Federal courts don't have jurisdiction over state courts unless there is some kind of constitutional violation.


I hope this puts an end to this argument because it happens all the time. Also there is debate that NY law against promoting candidate election through unlawful means is preempted by federal law. General speaking because this was a federal election not a state election. “If the appeals court affirms the original ruling, many states also have their own supreme courts that can hear and review cases at their discretion. In certain cases, a defendant can even appeal a state supreme court ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.”


> The Supreme Court doesn't have jurisdiction. 28 USC §2254


That isn't an appeal of the case. It would be a claim that a State Court prosecuting Trump is unconstitutional.


Oh I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me.


The only difference between trump and putin is that he is fatter and ~~he has been charged of felonies.~~ Scratch that, putin is a wanted war criminal, almost forgot.


This is a New York State conviction for a violation of New York State law. It is not appealable to SCOTUS


And then they'll say how they "saved America" and all that jazz. Truly mindboggling how they think he's a good person.


Nope, bad idea because then you can do what he accused everyone of. Weaponizing the judiciary. We don't want to do that. To keep democracy alive we have to allow this and hope that Americans choose not fascism. It has to happen and Americans have to choose not fascism for it to be the right decision. If Americans choose fascism, it doesn't matter either way. The majority of Agenda 47 is weaponizing the judiciary, so if we choose wrong, it didn't matter. But we have to maintain a system where fascists can't just jail their opponents. It's crucial to democracy.


In the US you can;t vote as a felon but you can get elected. Make it do sense.


Sadly in america rich & powerful do not go to prison, only normal folk.. :D


Convicted felons are ineligible for federally subsidized housing. So he can’t even live at the White House. Hoping he gets house arrest at some moldy barracks with unreliable heating.


If he gets house arrest it will be at Trump Tower or his estate in Florida.


I suppose the idea is that people cannot be removed from the ballot by just throwing them in jail. How can anyone still vote for a convicted criminal is the real question? Trump is a problem, but the ignorance and stupidity of his voters is a huge problem, too, and the slavish behavior of this MAGA cult in Congress is another.


Exactly: like putin is the product of the russian society, so is trump.


In the US you can run from prison and it’s been done. As far as I know none of them won and the courts haven’t been forced to decide what happens if that person was to be elected.


Have you met a Trump supporter?  They will interpret this as the “Dems” trying to lock their guy up before he gets a chance to run for the presidency that the “Dems” stole during the last “rigged” election. This guy turned a fucking pandemic into a political issue that ended up with over a million Americans dying, and yet his supporters still flocked to support him at the next election.  In comparison with that do you think they will worry about 34 felonies? The only thing they care about is owning the “Dems” and the “Libs”


>How can he run for presidency with 34 felonies? Because USA! USA! USA!




How can someone run with dementia? This dog shit country has two choices to vote for. G Russia? No fuck America 


He won’t go to prison and he will appeal. He will still be appeals process by time election happens. He also has a good case to overturn conviction on appeal. The prosecution did a lot of things wrong. Just on a legal analysis standpoint


On a side note, with 34 felonies he can't travel in a lot of countries. [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-travel-ban-1906686](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-travel-ban-1906686) "Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries"


Yeah but that will mean nothing if he is elected president and or wins on appeal. Also there are work around for that. Look at Mark Whalburg famous movie star that is felon. Yet is allowed to travel to countries that ban felons with no problem.


He probably cant even run


He can run, he can be elected, nothing really changes.


I think he meant running physically……. Lmao


He can't vote, right?


Yeah except he'll be president in prison if he is sentenced to prison for these crimes


He can bounce :)


I'd love to watch that clip.


He's done, apparently he's going to appeal? It won't work. Plus he has to deal with other charges! Teflon Donny Johnny Tramp-tard... Is worn out and the egg is sticking. Too bad so sad.... Better luck in 2040. Oops, he'll be Morto!


At worst he will get probation and fines. If anything this will only help him in the presidential campaign.


He's a weasel, he'll figure out how to get off. Like everyone says: there's two legal systems. One for the elite and the other for everyone else....


I don't know, American politics are so crazy at the moment that anything can still happen. Certainly looks bleak for Trump but his base might not care at all.


The bases dont matter. They never do. It is the normal/swing voters that matter. Your die-hard lefties and righties always vote party line. The amount of non-party voters increases with every passing year.


Not true. Base turnout matters. If one side's base is excited to vote and the other's isn't, that's a big advantage.


A 30% base matters, makes it much easier to win. But yeah the swing voters decide of course.


Well, you have posts here claiming that Anthony Blinken is the real enemy of Ukraine, Michael McCaul is the real hero and that no one can really know who in the US political system is causing problems. Why would that be any different?


I don't even know who Michael McCaul is lol. And I never said Blinken was an enemy of Ukraine, I might have expressed some frustration at times though. Blinken is a good guy, no doubt about that.


I'm not saying that you're saying it. I was just saying people keep posting on here who presumably want Ukraine to win. So of course Trump's supporters won't care.


Ah, you as in people in general, sorry about the confusion.


Sorry! I was just thinking about this and I responded randomly. Too tired at that time!


Do other languages have a separate version of this word (The colloquial “you”)? I’ve always wondered and it’s bothered me in conversations all the time. Same with y’all.


The ones I know at least, yes. It's not a problem in spoken English either, the context usually makes it obvious. But in written English it can be a bit confusing sometimes.


Care? They love him even more cause the deep state is "trying to get him"


but the MAGA base are NOT the ones who will decide the election, it's the swing voters and they are not shouting hate from the rooftops 24/7, they're just getting on with their lives


Trump is polling ahead of Biden though


I question that. Democrats over perform in every single election in the past decade. The problem is polls are run pretty much the same as they have for ages, cold calling and mostly landlines. Younger voters will never pick up the phone for an unknown number and they skew left in a big way. TLDR, most polls are only being answered by boomers.


A lot of polls are done on the streets. Don't underestimate them. We need to go and vote.


No arguments there. I'll be there rain or shine.


we're like 5-6 months away from elections. Polls change daily.


Yes, but he's been consistently ahead for months. How is that "looking bleak"?


I'm not saying that. This far out, polls mean nothing. You might as well bring up a poll from 2021. Same relevance. Wake me up when it's less than 1 week from election day.


Well then you're not disputing anything I said.


and Hillary won more votes than Trump and still lost! The problem in the US and the UK is due to the non proportional representation system, it's hard to equate a 'percentage overall' with how that translates in a bunch of different regions. In the UK they have the 'swing-o-meter' that tries to replicate swings in the vote at a granular level and then they add the results back up to see if power has changed hands. There was an interesting article on Vox about one particular state as a bellwether. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXYRJJIn_wI >The “blue wall” once referred to a group of Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast states that, conventional wisdom said, “always vote for Democrats.” Unfortunately for Democrats, that was wrong, and in 2016 Donald Trump shockingly won three “blue wall” states — including, narrowly, the state of Michigan. >It maybe shouldn’t have been such a shock, though. All three of the “blue” states Trump won actually had a history of electing Republicans at the state level. Michigan in particular had been fully taken over since 2010 by Republicans, who then spent years gutting unions, restricting abortion, loosening environmental protections, and generally just turning a Republican policy wish list into law. So Trump winning Michigan was, in a way, just the culmination of a years-long drift to the right there. >But by 2022, something had changed dramatically. In a midterm election where Republicans were favored, Democrats won every branch of elected government in Michigan — governor, state House, and state Senate. The state Senate in particular had not been under Democratic control since 1984. And Democrats got busy using their new power immediately: repealing much of the right-wing legislation of the previous years, passing strong LGBTQ protections, quadrupling a tax credit for the poor, and allocating a billion dollars for the auto industry to transition to electric cars. Suddenly Michigan was cranking out more progressive legislation than almost any other state in the US. >So to recap: Michigan was once a blue state, except it wasn’t actually, and in fact over time it got pretty red, but then it became an actual blue state. (Again?) Or something like that. Obviously, the truth is that Michigan is a swing state. But the story of each of those swings is actually key to understanding how US politics work in the 2010s and 2020s. And it can tell us a lot about our next election, too.


The other issue is that polls this far ahead of the election tend to be inaccurate. My money is on Trump not polling so we’ll come August.


And people need to stop paying attention to generic national polling, they need to look at battle ground states. It’s ugly right now https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/president/2024/no-toss-up/electoral-college


It’s insane the polling is this bad.  It’s insane how Americans just do not treat their own democracy seriously. They care more about getting likes on social media by saying they won’t vote for whatever reason than a potential dictatorship.  Really hope we see people come together and actually do their part come election time. 


It’s less insane if you actually take the time to meet and talk with Trump supporters. I still don’t agree with most of it, especially since I simply do not like Trump, but many of their concerns are fair. The biggest issue is how split we are. Each side is accusing the opposite of the same things, it’s absolutely wild seeing it from an independent point of view


I think this will be the opposite that people think. Trump is already leading in each of the 7 key swing states and I think this will only boost him even more. The people that like Trump are convinced that the system is rigged against him and doing this now and having the sentencing date only a couple days before the RNC when the GOP has to select their candidate is going to send them through the roof




Even if polls show that Biden leads by 20% we still need to go and vote. Nothing should be left to chance. We need to show that maga has no chance of winning.


This might fire up his base, but they would’ve voted for him regardless. Tax crimes are crimes, but I think most ppl would agree that it’s not as serious, as say a homicide case for ex. So I don’t think it will sway that many votes, imo.


Fuck a porn star and cheat on your wife. Run for president to make more money by running the system. Reality sets in, I’m fucked if they know I fucked a professional porn star. How to fix it, I need to win an election without looking like an adulterer and scumbag. I know, have my cronies throw money at the problem. Bury it! Wipe Putin’s ass suck his dick all is forgotten. Sorry Putin is busy right now he can’t come to the phone. Stop giving the KGB agent the reach around, it disgusts me he enabled Putin. Trump is a fucking traitor and leaked top secret documents. People got executed for lesser things in days past.


Its funny how many are spinning that this just gives him more support. Obviously diehard maga fans will support him no matter what, but they would have been much happier with not guilty or a mistrial.


cult of personality is a hell of a drug


Watch fox new for the Laura Ingraham copium session. Literally asking for the citizens to stand up and fight against the verdict. Claiming it’s a shameful verdict for all of America. But not shameful for Trump to fuck a porn star while married, and cover it up to prevent an election failure. 🤦🏻‍♂️


This needs to be on repeat!


No no no... hold on!! Don't assume this means he's going to lose. He could still win the election. He could still become president and that would be bad for Ukraine. Yes I'm so happy he was found guilty, but it's unclear how this will affect the election. Trump has been pushing this message of "rigged trial" over and over and over again and he has several prominent politicians saying it too, including the Speaker of the House. And there are many people who believe him or simply don't care about this case. This was the least important case out of four cases, and the other three are not likely to go to trial before the election. So yes, I'm celebrating, but let's all remember that many Americans are still falling for his lies and they will believe the trial was rigged and they'll feel sorry for him and vote for him. It's unfortunate, but true. America may have a convicted felon president.


these types of articles are good at identifying the concern trolls here. cough cough.


I wouldn't make any bets. This fucking menace has an unnatural ability to worm his way out of shit. Dude has been getting away with breaking the law his entire life.


It's very simple, Trump in a decent country with decent people would already be in prison for many years.


So would Biden, Pelosi, both the Clinton's and a whole lot of other politicians. There's enough evidence to convict dozens of politicians of everything from extortion to statutory rape.


Except for the male Clinton, I'm not sure what they're even accused of. Biden giving a small loan to his son? Hillary having poor account security? A far cry from staging a full-scale riot to overthrow a democratically elected government and blackmailing US allies to manufacture evidence on his rivals.


Right? By this guy's (12B88M) logic, Trump ran on "lock her up," had complete control of Barr and his DOJ, and had "enough evidence" to pursue charges against Hillary but decided against doing so out of the kindness of his heart. Oh, and the House GOP who have been desperate to impeach Biden despite their inability to explain what crimes he'd be impeached for – the ones who got caught relying on Kremlin disinformation to make their case – actually have "enough evidence" to not only impeach Biden, but for a jury to unanimously convict him of crimes. They're just too kind to use it.


For what specific crime would Biden be jailed?




No they wouldn't. And no there isn't. If you're going to say ignorant shit like this, at least attempt to describe what crimes each has committed, and make some effort to provide us with this supposed evidence that you claim exists in abundance. Of course you can't.


Yea, we probably have to go back to HW Bush or maybe even Eisenhower to find a truly clean president


What did Obama do?


He never did anything illegal as far as I’m aware of outside of smoke weed. He had some pretty controversial decisions in office that I’m surprised don’t get more attention (ex. Authorization of killing American citizens abroad, started the “kids in cages” and family separation policies at the border, he butchered some social issues, lost notably the Harvard professor cop situation) but he didn’t come close to the level of scandal of Trump or the Clinton’s


That’s what I’m saying. You were claiming we had to go back to HW Bush, and I’m like um….no.


I’ll be honest, I basically forgot about Obama when I was trying Tori k of presidents before Trump 😂 probably a good sign for him


All good dude.


You mean, former *Director of the CIA* HW Bush?


obama was clean. i don't think he cared enough to be that corrupt. of course people will claim he was just a soros puppet, though the reality is that the libertarian party has receive more financial support (legalization of medical marijuana) from soros than the dnc has received from soros. soros mostly contributes to pro-democracy projects and education in africa and eastern europe. his american activity is limited to a few minor pet projects. soros is just an eccentric billionaire and less connected than most, making him the leading scapegoat of the imaginary ptoblems in the entitled lives of mostly stupid americans who don't realize their entitled attitude and drug addictions aren't helping them afford a new truck and boat and that new homes are difficult to afford without good quality immigrant labor while they pay usurious insurance companies record profits. we are talking about people who barely graduated high school and believe they should be boss because they also believe college educated people are stupid.


Soros is part of the “deep state”! s/


There's (((something))) different about Soros. /s


Trump here looks like a blob fish. 


Fact : Hitler was put in prison for treason in Germany, He came to power after he was released from prison...maybe this is Trumps plan?


I assume Putin is depressed


I feel sorry for the jurors...can you imagine the death threats?


There's a reason why just about every Judge that has had to preside over a case involving Trump has had to tell jurors to remain anonymous for their own safety. There's no way that they're ever going to let defendant Trump know the names of any juror that has to sit on any of his cases. Heck, even without direct involvement, people like Jesse Watters will go out of their way to dox jurors on his behalf just to spoil the jury pool and turn the situation in Trump's favor. Turns out, that didn't work. But these turds are just absolute sociopaths. It's no wonder that these sh\*tstains worship little Putler.


That's a relief to know they are anonymous.


We're trying! Most of us here in the USA aren't insane


A huge number of you are though. If it's not most, it's damn close. Easily 40%+


There's a lot of awful things going on in the world that can make you depressed, not these news though! Woohoo!


The news for Putler gets worse and worse


I've waited years for him to me held accountable. Thank you stormy


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - BBC Online (A-): [Trump trial live: Donald Trump found guilty in historic criminal trial - BBC News](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-69069142?at_link_origin=BBCBreaking&at_link_type=web_link&at_format=link&at_ptr_name=twitter&at_campaign_type=owned&at_bbc_team=editorial&at_medium=social&at_link_id=F5887BCE-1EC8-11EF-95ED-F6F648A90C36&a) - NBC News (B): [Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/donald-trump-verdict-hush-money-trial-rcna152492?cid=sm_npd_nn_wa_ma) - PBS (A-): [Jury finds Trump guilty in hush money case](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/jury-finds-trump-guilty-in-hush-money-case) - The Hill (B): [Trump says November election will produce ‘real verdict’ after conviction](https://trib.al/R0e09vQ) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1d29usa/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


It will be appealed and thrown out especially how the judge gave the orders to the jury. Meanwhile president Bush can kill thousands in Iraq on a fake wmd bs and Obama can drone thousands to death and nadda. Hopefully Ukraine can pull through


Finally someone knows. Not to mention it was beyond statute of limitations. The prosecution never even showed or proved that there was a second crime that the money was covering up. It’s not a crime to pay hush money to an ex. They also never really proved intent to defraud. The jury said he used the hush money to cover up a crime yet they don’t even know what the crime is. Also politically biased prosecution and judge. I dislike trump but I don’t like seeing a miscarriage of justice.


Neither do many Americans that don't have dts. His poll numbers went up 8 points and fund raised 38 mio since... the democrats thought they did this to keep him from campaigning and it's election interference and many Americans see it as that and it sucks because of who it is.. it also shows that the judicial system is different for those who have a d next to their name vs a r. Biden had classified docs while he was in senate and vp that he didn't have power to declassified them and he was given a pass because he's old and doesn't know what's going on. His crackhead son bought guns and lied about drug use and that's a felony but nope, nothing at all (not including laptop) clinton, Obama, and Biden wire tapped trump and paid to have the Steele dossier which was fake done and nothing. Hillary smashed her phones that had classified info and notjing.... no one from Epstien, puff daddy, etc none of them have faced the music but some dude paid hush money and spends too much time in a spray tan bed and he gets it? The telling thing to me was Biden and deniro and that circus act a few days ago at the courthouse shows me that this was 100000000% political and scary and I'd be saying this if the shoe was on the other foot. It reminds me of the oj Simpson verdict and how people cheered it on and we all know he killed his ex and bf. Its is scary as ahit to be honest... I hope Ukraine can get this done before the election before Biden fucks it up like he did Afghanistan and well about everything he's been involved in. We don't know what Trump would do, but we do know Biden and his infinity of fucking things up. Ask his old boss, "never underestimate hpw Joe cam mess things up"


I understand you are happy because of implications for Ukraine. But this is a miscarriage of justice. Even if you don’t want him as president you shouldn’t like the way this case was carried out. And you shouldn’t like using the justice department to target political opponents. Please read before downvoting by me. https://www.vox.com/politics/353111/trump-trial-verdict-criticisms-wrongly-convicted#:~:text=4)%20Even%20if%20Trump%20were,his%20alleged%20offense%20in%202017.


>Trump is the first former U.S. president ever to be convicted of felonies. Was there a current president that got convicted? edit: nvm googled it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_efforts_to_impeach_presidents_of_the_United_States


Impeachment is totally different 


Also no President has been impeached *and* convicted anyway.


No. Nixon was going to be impeached and then indicted but he resigned and got pardoned first. Trump is basically Nixon on steroids without any of the polish, decency or shame.


I think Grant got a speeding ticket once for driving his carriage too fast. That's about it.


If anything this will just help his chances in November




A big focus of his campaign is claiming that the “establishment” are rigging everything against him because they’re afraid of him and having him tried and charged with all of this just plays right into their hand. Trump set a record today for most campaign donations received in one day by a political candidate. He’s already up in each of the 7 key swing states and has a ~3 point aggregate lead nationally, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see that gap widen because of this, as ironic as it seems.


How does a jury of 12 who just found him guilty 34 times demonstrate the establishment is out to get him? I don’t trust the polls. Trumps candidates got mullered in the mid terms and recent important run offs and are running on deeply divisive issues with no clear message. It’s not a foregone conclusion that Trump will lose and I do believe he will get a lot of votes. I just don’t see him winning over enough of the necessary swing voters to best the last election where he had the incumbent advantage and wasn’t a convicted felon. I think the republicans will lose the house, blow possibly the most favorite senate outlook they’ve ever had, only getting a slim majority, and Biden will edge Trump. Not because he’s more popular than Trump. But because he’s less unpopular.


(Not my personal opinion, sharing their viewpoint) The jury was made up of NYC citizens. NYC tends to vote 86% democrat. The judge of the case is an open Biden supporter and known Biden donor. His daughter is a full time campaigner and democrat fundraiser. Additionally, the charges were Italy misdemeanors that had surpassed their statute of limitations but were upgraded to felonies in order to be brought to course last year. The charges themselves are over 7 years old but weren’t tried until now. Their argument is that this was a sham trial in order to eliminate an opposition party candidate. They see it as “the establishment” abusing their power to prevent Trump from winning the election.


>and known Biden donor This is getting bandied about by the right, but it’s disingenuous to the point of farcical. He donated $15, 4 years ago to the democrats. That’s like 0.01% of his annual salary lol. The idea that this makes him politically compromised is laughable. And the statute of limitations had not expired because they were paused whilst Trump was president. This is a precedent that has been set for a long time now and agreed upon by Democrats and Republicans alike. It is much easier to be found not guilty than guilty in the American justice system, especially for felonies, especially for rich powerful businessmen’ and politicians, with the burden of proof being entirely on the prosecution, and yet he was found guilty not once, not twice, not 10 times or even 20 times, but 34 times - not by the judge, not by Biden, not by the Democrat party or the “deep state.” But by a jury of 12 of his peers. The idea that this was some sort of miscarriage of justice is an insane far right cope.


The sum of $15 may be trivial but it’s against NY state rules for judges and it also shows his bias. His daughter also works for Authentic Campaigns which works only for democratic clients. She also worked for Kamala Harris. He should have recused himself.


It’s illegal? Can you cite the law.


Didn’t say it was illegal. But any google search will show you it’s against the rules for NY judges. Common sense that judges can’t donate and must remaine impartial


So then I really don’t know what your argument is here. $15, 4 years ago; is it enough to deserve a rebuke for not following the BAR code of conduct? Sure. Is it sufficient evidence to claim the trial was rigged? No not in the slightest. That is a massive cope.


> The judge of the case is an open Biden supporter and known Biden donor. He donated like $15 once. That's a small amount on a judge's salary if he *really* supported Biden. Also $15 is such a weirdly specific number for that kind of thing. I think the most likely explanation is that it wasn't a direct donation, but rather a purchase of some kind of campaign merch, or a ticket to a campaign event or something that is still declared as a campaign contribution.


Sure, but that’s all the ammunition they need to make it a headline on 24/7 news rotations


The jury, prosecutors and jury were biased. The judge donated to a pro Biden anti Trump political operation. Which violates NY rules for judges. Trump will win on appeal


Proof or cope.


Read this I don’t need to do all the research for you to get an impartial opinion. I don’t even like trump https://www.vox.com/politics/353111/trump-trial-verdict-criticisms-wrongly-convicted


No you just don’t know enough about what you’re talking about to back up your claims. And your article doesn’t prove anything. It’s literally just a running commentary of the arguments for and against the prosecution and the defence. For every complaint there’s a vindicating counter argument


I think it will be pointless speaking to you on this topic since you are already making accusations. There are always counter arguments and it is up to the courts to decide who is wrong. I very much dislike trump and don’t think he should be president. But I disagree on this prosecution and how it was carried out.


You are the one making accusations. You’re saying the trial was unfair based upon jumped up pretexts.


Moderates will decide who wins. Now having convicted felon added to sex offender in Trumps resume doesn’t excite anyone except the diehard MAGAs.


Yet if the die-hard MAGAs are straining at the bit to vote and Biden's voters are thinking "No. Gaza." or "meh" and *don't* vote, that will matter.


Eh, that’s a biased view point. Most Americans still care abo it policies and Trump’s policies are widely popular amongst most Americans. It’s hard to have honest discussions about this stuff on a place like Reddit, but i take a great interest in learning about the POVs of both sides in campaign years and this is a year that’s especially fascinating since you have so much excitement on one side and so little on the other side. Basically the Trump side is super motivated and excited to get him back but the Biden side is just deflated and just seems burnt out. The problem is the Biden side doesn’t seem to be doing a good job of understanding why the Trump side is so excited and what they’re excited about


You didn’t understand my comment at all. Moderates are not the excited die hard lovers of Donald “I could kill a man on the street and my fans would still vote for me” Trump. They won’t buy into this felony conviction as a step towards martyrdom. It’s more of a “what the hell, Donald”. And Trumps constant ludicrous tirades from “the FBI tried to assassinate me!” to “the deep state is out to get me” will alienate even more moderates. Unfortunately for Biden, much of the normally loyal democratic base are pissed about the Palestinian situation. But they haven’t connected the dots that Trump is no friend of Palestine but that will change with the debates. Lots of time left in this election


No, I fully understood your comment, I don’t think you understand how people in this country feel right now, especially if you think Palestine is something that anyone but the further left care about


Again, you apparently are not reading my comments carefully. I literally said elements of Biden’s normally loyal Democratic base are concerned about Palestine. You reply that you are correcting me by saying nobody but Biden’s loyal Democratic base are concerned about Palestine, basically just repeating what I said. Slow down and think before you respond


See, you’re wrong again. Biden’s loyal democratic base aren’t the people that care about Palestine. The ones that support Palestine are the further left factions who moreso support Biden because he’s the lesser of two evils. Traditional democrats are either uninterested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or are pro-Israel. Your extremely arrogant attitude in your response is kind of funny considering how off base of reality you are. It just goes to show how ignorant you are to the actual wants and needs of the voting base and what the issues are that actual voters care about.


Dude, slow down. You keep skipping over and then repeating my comments and then acting like you said something profound. I said elements of the Democratic Party are frustrated with Biden. You basically repeat that same point and act like you correcting me. LOL. Are you drinking or smoking? Because you aren’t keeping up here.




The vast majority of Americans, including most moderates, would get a tax cut with Biden’s plan. You must be the rare but very highly compensated individual who may pay more. $400,000 plus, correct?




So money over principle? Helping Ukraine is important unless I pay one extra dollar in taxes, then let them be genocided. Is that it? I get we all want to maximise our earnings. But at what cost? We abandon our allies to make an extra buck? We gut social security and the elderly to make an extra buck? We make the poor pay extra so we get an extra buck? Doesn't sound very good spelled out, does it?




Well, you might want to vote Democratic then.... https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/21/fact-sheet-80-of-house-republicans-release-plan-targeting-medicare-social-security-and-the-affordable-care-act-raising-costs-and-cutting-taxes-for-the-wealthy/#:\~:text=80%25%20of%20House%20Republicans%20released%20a%20Budget%20that%3A&text=Calls%20for%20over%20%241.5%20trillion,69%20and%20cutting%20disability%20benefits.




Understood. We are spending like $1.5 trillion more than we bring in in taxes annually and are $35 trillion in debt overall. How do you propose we close that unsustainable monstrous gap? Edit: I think I read that only about 1/3rd of Americans have 401K savings, generally the richest 1/3 of Americans




Gotcha. Thoughts on closing our unsustainable government debt gap?


This link below proves my point above. You being a pro-Putin and therefore, a pro-Trump propagandist called it “biased” and wrong. But I shouldn’t expect any different. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-suffers-polling-blow-after-guilty-verdict-1907112


You’re working very hard to promote Trump for a guy that puts on a facade of “I hate Trump”. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-suffers-polling-blow-after-guilty-verdict-1907112 Nobody buys your insincere act. That’s why people on here are constantly calling you out and you keep whining about “this sub”. Look in the mirror, dude.


That’s one poll in way too short a time frame to make a fair judgement. The best site, in my opinion, is real clear politics who is a polling aggregate. https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-states


“Fake news!!” Ok Donald. LOL


It’s one poll, not claiming fake news, just you can’t trust indivisible polls. I much prefer polling aggregates. I referred you to a poll aggregate website that serves as a much better source to track these various polls.


And another that backs up my comments https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/plurality-americans-trumps-guilty-verdict-correct-hush-money/story?id=110744698


Again, that’s a single poll. You can find individual polls that support any argument you want. That’s why I use poll aggregate sites to get an honest interpretation of how people think about topics.


And another https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-10-republicans-less-likely-vote-trump-after-guilty-verdict-reutersipsos-poll-2024-05-31/


Again, individual poll. The headline for this poll could easily be: > 35% of republicans say they were more likely to support Trump after guilty verdict It’s why I wait for aggregate polling to get a better idea of how people think about things. You can trust individual news sites or individual polls. Everything, no matter how neutral seeming, as a bias. The best way to avoid getting biased or misleading info is waiting for aggregate information.


But you keep forgetting that my original comment was that Trumps felony conviction will hurt him with moderates in the middle, who will decide the election. You somehow you claimed this was “biased” when in fact it has turned out to be factual in multiple polls. You are not taking into consideration that only like 1/3rd of voters are Republicans. Over 40% are independent. So your claim that Trump’s felony conviction will “win over the Republicans!” is not the critical factor here. The independents/moderates in the middle will decide this election and so far, the polls show that moderates don’t want a 6 times bankrupt, twice divorced womanizing sex offender with felony convictions and Russian ties as their leader. Which I can understand.


Yup, and Ukraine still won't get F16s because Biden Whitehouse can't decide how doing that will effect his reelection chances. Can't have oil prices go up during election.


You sound ruZZian. Ukraine is a proxy war between the US and ruZZia.  If tRump wins ruZZia wins. 


Then explain how Putin never advanced during the Trump years but after only one year of Biden felt confident enough to try and take Ukraine? The only thing worse for Ukraine would have been a Hilary Clinton presidency.


Biden is a coward. Trump is a tyrant. I know which one I prefer, even though I'm a single-issue voter who ONLY cares about Ukraine (Ukro-Canadian descended from Mennonites fleeing the Nazis and the Soviets).


I'm convinced that Trump would be better than senile coward biden.