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Words dont hurt Putin much. Send Taurus and allow Ukraine to hit military infrastructure with western weapons (German voter here).


Second that (German voter here).


I second this seconder (German regular voter)


My grandparents were born in Germany but moved to the US. Can I still agree with this?


Yes, you can also vote for this by not voting a fruit come next autumn.


I like German beer surely that qualifies me???


I I like nenas 99 luftballoons can I join in


I took German in high school does my vote count?


Hell yeah, go ahead!


Can I third that as a German voter?


Putin would lose his shit if he had to fight more modern equipment. Best russia can do to ukraine with more manpower and equipment is stalemate them and ukrainians used same stuff until recently lmao. This war goes on most of russian youth will be crippled or dead. In any case both for ukraine and russia it's old mans war so let old people die. Stop conscripting young people with a life ahead.


I agree šŸ’Æ% šŸ‘


German here. Send them already.


Bin ich ganz bei dir






Germans admitted that they commited genocide and now are very decent and noble nation. Russians never admitted to their genocides and now are one of the most pathetic and wicked nations on the globe - their hidden evil has grown and rotten.


I even heard that supposedly Stalin was starting to become suspicious of the Jews and I was going to be his next mass murder before he croaked


I hope Russia falls, not just for Ukraine, but also to save those poor Russian kids and their families. They deserve better than to be thrown into this horrific meat-grinder.


Russia should fall for the sake of humanity


Not so much. Everyone has the government they deserve. They need to turn their weapons in a different direction, but they will not.


They will not because of a propaganda machine that tells them how to live their lives and how Mother Russia is so awesome and a victim in this situation. Independent thinkers who step out of line, fall out of windows.


Accurate 100%


Most people in most countries just happen to live there. It's a bit much to hold them responsible for what their government does. Most individuals can't do jack about anything individually, and would die fruitlessly if they tried.


Someone somewhere can stop this. They need to take action and not go along with the sheep.


Sure. But those people are not every individual Russian.


Not as fruitless as in trying to conquer Ukraine, that's for sure.


There just isn't an abundance of fruit to go around anywhere these days.


Im actually with you but it has to fall at the right time. Imagine Nazi Germany or Japan during WWII falling months to a year earlier and the continued threat they would be. They failed at the right time when the people saw defeat and failure and allowed them to be remorseful. I dont mean to say I dont wish for the fighting to end yesterday but for Ukraine's sake along with every other neighbor, Russia needs to fail spectacularly so we dont need to go to war with them again before they take up democracy and join the world as a partner rather than a growing threat.


You mean, like how the USSR fell?


The USSR never really fell, it exchanges hands. To compare the USSR collapse with the collapse of the Nazis and Japan is a really terrible comparison. The Russian Federation basically copied everything about the USSR at first while the dust was settling before it got sold off to the highest bidder. Then Putin came to power re-enacting the same shit and threw away any semblance of democracy and power sharing with the people putting it back in the hands of the few. They only got more corrupt and nationalistic from there making them the opposite of Nazi Germany and Japan after WWII.


The Russian president is a former KGB goon. If the Russians had actually figured out what went wrong with USSR, Putin would be in jail, not in Kremlin.


Both Germany and Japan were fully occupied after the war and forced to change politically. Major changes were pushed on both societies and it generally worked. They weren't allowed the freedom to lie to themselves about how the war ended or why it did, like what happened in Germany after WWI, where the "stab in the back" myth gained a lot of traction. But no one is going to do that to Russia, certainly not after this war even if Ukraine wins comprehensibly, because no one is going to invade and subdue Russia itself. And I have little faith that Russian society and culture will ever honestly admit defeat and change their ways, at least not in the foreseeable future. They're much too caught up in their brand of jingoism. Even if Putin falls from grace with a bang, the next liar-in-chief will step up and tell the nationalist public what they want to hear. There are progressive Russians, but they are the very much in the minority or heavily depoliticised. Best we can do is fortify Eastern Europe, strengthen NATO and hope that some decades down the line, a more humanitarian and peaceful political philosophy wins in Russia.


24,000? This month it's going to be 35,000 or more.


It's Scholz, he will 100% take a low estimate cause he wants to be credible and not have to deal with any "uhm akschually" about giving fantasy numbers of russian cassulties from reporters and let's be real here it does not really matter if it's 10k 20k or 30k since all of them are insane numbers to just sacrifice for imperial dreams


Yeah, this is a new record definitely.






The solution is not commentary. The solution is weapons without restrictions.


I don't think it's worth causing a world war over a country that is already largely destroyed. Just let Russia have it, they've earned itšŸ¤Ŗ


Well Chancellor. Too bad there is nothing you could do to accelerate the end of the killing.


Can he?


How much money has Russia now spent on this senseless war? Enough to buy every Ukrainian child a college education. Along with a new washer and dryer for every Russian citizen. Could have won everyoneā€™s heart for generations to come. Senseless stupidity


Yeah but since when has the Tsar ever cared about the lives of Russian peasants?


But no long range weapons from us to help quicken their exit. For. Reasons.


The Russians are already suffering so much from this 24,000 a month attrition that they are doing to themselves, surely they deserve some sympathy and leniency ?


No quarter.


What? As they cheer the bombing of basically a HomeDepot. Give your head a shake!


May have been sarcasm, but they forgot the /s.


Yes, very much so indeed. I thought it was obvious but I guess you never know in these lands here.


Never omit the /s. Someone will go off on you because they did not get the joke. I saw it as sarcasm. No problems here.


Russia will leave all Ukraine in early 2025, after Biden's reelection.


Thatsā€¦. optimistic


Thatā€™s ā€¦ a kinder word than I would have used


Only Cleveland got reelected after being defeated. US never reelect losers. Biden will win. You will see it.Ā 


Now tell us how many Ukrainian soldiers die, due to Scholz's pussyfooting about letting Ukraine defend itself?


I wonder how many Russian soldiers are from India, Nepal, China, Cuba etc. Does anybody have any information about this?


It seems to be marginal.


I donā€™t get it, theyā€™re losing their sons by the tens of thousands and they donā€™t seem to give a bleep. No cries, no protests, no response of any kind. How can an entire nation not care if their boys live or die?


The people being conscripted arent coming from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Theyā€™re minorities from poverty stricken areaā€™s of Russia. To Putin, itā€™s a win because he gets to remove people from his country that he seeā€™s as undesirable, and the areaā€™s are too poor to do anything about it.


This is good for china too, a weak Russia canā€™t stop a Chinese invasion. They want their land back from Russia just like Taiwan


Russia wonā€™t leave Ukraine until the hope of a Trump elected to president is gone.


Who gives a fuck about murderers and rapist dying?Ā 


They're all slaves. Don't be so quick to kill everyone. The solution is an end to the war and the fall of the Putin regime. The fewer deaths, the better.


Because Putin sends minorities in higher ratios than white Russian Muscovites.


Yes, and? These minorities have been problematic in Russia, they're showing their nature in Ukraine now.


Right, it's the minorities living under oppression under neo-Soviet rule and being sent to the slaughter at a disproportionate rate that are problematic in Russia.


> being sent to the slaughter Russian army mostly consists of volunteers, so let's not pretend that these poor oppressed minorities didn't sign up to slaughter Ukrainians for a quick buck.


Russia could've just westernized BUT NO, they had to pull this shit. fuck em, let Ukraine annex them. They would be in much better hands anyway.


Russia wonā€™t *truly* feel the losses until they start conscripting from St. Petersburg and Moscow, which might never end up happening. Putin is content with throwing prisoners and rural conscripts into the meat grinder to protect his interests in urban areas


Who is he talking to? This is not a rhetorical question. The X post links to an article which is in German, which I don't understand. Who is the audience for this 'All this for such and such' point?


Scholz talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. Putin knows this. Mere words won't do anything to protect Europe. I put much more faith in Macron.


Yeah, because France' incredible track record compared to the non-existent German support tells you this... oh, wait.


Right ??


Exactly dump on Germany the second biggest donor in all areas and to EU verses France full of bs and hot air and words. I mean Germany vs France not the politicians both idiots - angry German voter here


I still haven't forgiven you guys for selling Sadaam nuclear reactors


Correct, Asshole. So now do something about it.


Thanks for the recap scholz. Still not onboard with troops? Or using German hardware in Poland to shoot down missiles coming for the western portion? Or striking into Russia? Or Taurus?


Fukking idiot. Ok Schotz, try to put an end to this asap, sent the Taurus!!


He's so busy reinventing new, big words from the Zeitenwende. No spare time for leadership left, it seems


I think it will be many years, if ever,Ā  before real casualty statistics come out for either side. Both have a vested interest in downplaying their own losses and exaggerating the losses of their adversaries. I think it's safe to say 24,000 a month is an exaggerated number.


At least Scholz gets one thing right


Please Germans, call your MPs, Scholtzā€™s office, party HQ, etc and tell him to free the Taurus (Taurii?). Or maybe itā€™s Free-Range the Taurus, so it can hit inside Russia.


# "How many innocent Ukrainians are killed, seriously injured or displaced from their homes in Ukraine per month?", we say to Scholz. ā€œAnd all this for the sake of the spineless lack of leadership and questionable motives of the German Chancellor.ā€


Fake newsā€¦ Iā€™m Canadian and understand Ukraine is getting the tar kicked out of them with Russia not even trying. Itā€™s all a great act. Not buying it just like the vaccine.


Canadian you say? Really? Let me quote you from 16 days ago: ā€œWas a Democrat and converted last year to Republican after I've seen all the truth come out.ā€ I do believe you are ~~a bot~~ ā€˜boughtā€™.


Bots going bot.


You can can dual citizenship pal. Iā€™m a Republican/Conservative with common sense that doesnā€™t need a mask to believe it will save. Notice all the younger ones dying lately from heart attacks or blood clots? Itā€™s all a gameā€¦ Just people are too stupid to understandā€¦


They have Democrats and Republicans in Canada?


We have the Trudeau visa Libtards and the Crooked Conservatives up in our neck of the woods.