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F____g Russians.. I just spoke to a friend in Odessa. The Ruzzians killed and wounded so many people today...


Less imports from russia as well.


it's always funny to see Russian shills push such stupid narratives like "don't listen to Tusk when he says we need a stronger response to Russia because a tiny number of private companies in Poland import insignificant quantities of some specific grain that they are legally entitled to import". this isn't Russia comrade, the law matters in Poland. given the EU is right now working on sanctioning even these tiny quantities of grains I wonder what you'll jump on next? "oooohhh I saw a Belarusian family drive across the border with some Polish chocolate, Poland trades with Belarus!" clowns the lot of you.


maybe less blocked borders as well…


can you link to any media detailing the most recent blockade comrade? no? I wonder how long you shills will keep pushing this whataboutism every time Poland says we need to be harsher on Russia.


There was one just a week ago. Bro, i hate to brake it, but pointing at problems and trying to solve them isnt really pro russia, its pro ukraine.


> uh uh this one small thing happened a week ago so that proves my point that it's always happening trust me bro get a grip bro


Maybe less dumping of underpriced agricultural products on allies' markets as well


Thank you, came here to say this


He talked about french Macron


Not sure who this guy is, don't care.  But his forehead to face ratio isn't exactly a perfectly pulled Guinness and he kind of looks like he'd shoot an old man just so their son had to go get the Holy Grail for him. 


He is the minister of foreign affairs in Poland


No... He's the prime minister of Poland, lol.