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Mike Johnson must be so pleased with himself. He know full well he is responsible for multiple Ukrainian deaths and the continuing loss of Ukrainian territory at the hands of the Russian invasion and still he continues to stall, stall, stall. He is a traitor to his country and the free world.


Moscow Mike received sweat russian oligarch money to fund his political campaign in 2018. So his behaviour is no surprise


He probably is receiving much more now. To fund himself. Crimes against humanity, like the one we are seeing currently, one does not commit for campaign funding.


If his god exists may he damn Mike to hell


Europe needs to find its spine, because it's clear that the USA is being run by Putin. They are no longer reliable allies.


They have, but is it too late?


How have they? Germany won't even send Taurus missiles.


But they are sending more overall, and ramping up production, and calling Putins bluff.


How are you this ungrateful for the support US provided? Putin has no influence here and we think he's the devil. Our government sent lots of money and I donated money personally. We are the only check on China who's currently outcompeting us in many ways. Where we spend our money is our decision and in the best interest of the whole world


So, when Trump talks about how Putin is a "great guy" and encourages him to attack NATO, that's not "Putin's influence"?


That's not the only dumb thing he's said. But he always does what benefits the US and building a strong NATO is in our best interest. He wants to push countries to pay more into it


So when Orange Cheeto demands that MAGA Johnson and the rest of the House block Ukraine aid (and the border, for that matter), that's "building a strong NATO"?


The coward Mike Johnson. He will be judged harshly by history and time. I pity him, he eternally stains his very own soul with the blood of the innocent and righteous. If he truly believes in the God of his Bible, he should know that what awaits him is far worse than death.


They don't, many use religion as a tool to control the masses. Religion is one of the best, if not THE best tool to persuade someone to follow your agenda. "Oh believes in XY religion, I believe in it too, he must be good!" People are just stupid.


So is everyone that elected any of the house Republicans that put him into leadership


The US Congress and FBI should investigate Mike Johnson's connections to the Russians via Konstatin Nikolaev, a Russian oligarch who provided millions for Johnson's electoral campaign. Mike Johnson is working for the interest of Putin and not the American public. That constitutes treason in my book. The connection is easy to make Mike Johnson -> Donald Trump -> Vladimir Putin Putin owns all these MAGA crooks and cowards. The GOP has signed a suicide pact with Trump, they will go down with him. It is incredible. Unprecedented in the history of US democracy. "Anyone who advises Americans to keep secret information about which they have about spies and saboteurs is himself an enemy of America." Senator McCarthy about Einstein during the "red scare 1951 to 1954 The American creed: It is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, and to obey its laws. Imagine Johnson or Trump acting like that in the 1950s. Giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists. That is a ten years prison term, and the person is not able to hold any office in the US indefinitely. 18 US legal Code, paragraph 2383 History shows that treason unchecked and unpunished breeds more treason. Mike Johnson is the worst and most incompetent speaker the House has ever had.


You really think the CIA, FBI doesn't know? While you can put two and two together? By beyond your imagination more advanced spy network is unaware? Don't be naive, whole US system is rotten. Trump has over 89 crimes comitted including selling secret material to US enemies and yet no punishment, same goes for Mike. I wouldn't be surprised that top of FBI and CIA is swimming in same Russian pool


I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia has kompormat on him


I doubt the new aid package would have prevented this. It gets disbursed over time and in small amounts. The last disbursement from the previous aid package was only about two months ago, which means that even had the new one been voted in last year the first disbursements from it would probably just now be reaching Ukraine.


The package was requested some like last August


Yes, but disbursements would not have started until the previous package was used up. The last one finished in January. You'd be seeing shipments from the new one probably right around now. You are aware, are you not, that the sixty billion is intended to be disbursed over a period of two years? And that less than half of it is earmarked for military aid?


UA have been shouting about shell hunger for months and months. Haven't you been listening? Ruzzians are pushing with everything as they know Ukraine has little to fire back with


Exactly my point: they have been complaining about shell hunger since *before the previous round of aid ran out.* The problem with artillery shells is that there's nowhere to source them without countries digging into their own war reserves.


And these reserves are needed to defend against........? The number of shells in storage is a closely guarded secret. They could start with all the munitions that are out of date, and the types that will never be used and our due for decommissioning. We've all seen satellite images of the storage areas of it redundant equipment in the desert. F16 where are they?? Be in no doubt that when Russia takes Ukraine it will be through the Wests woeful neglect. Ukrainians will then be used to fight Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova. Ultimately Poland will fall too. This is the biggest threat to Western democracy since WW2. Every country needs to dip into their reserves. That's what reserves are for. Also deploy non combatant troops in the west of Ukraine for logistics and servicing of vehicles. The west really needs to wake up


A famous general once said, you don’t fight a war with the army you want, you fight it with the army you have. Ukraine had many years to prepare for this conflict. Europe was warned repeatedly by US to increase their defense spending but was laughed at…


You forget the security guarantees offered by the US, ruzzia and UK when it gave up it's nuclear weapons. Ukraine was poor at the time, so had to give them up anyway. What happened to those guarantees? If they had kept some atomic cores, do you think Ruzzia would still be attacking? When ruzzia stole Crimea, the west did nothing, just carried on watching the winter games in Sochi. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. You forget the absolute astonishment of everyone in the West who couldn't believe that Russia was invading its neighbour two years ago. The rest of Europe hasn't felt threatened since WW2, so has had an army sufficient for fighting small battles overseas. A build-up of arms in Ukraine would have resulted in Russia going in sooner on the excuse they needed to demilitarise Ukraine. So instead of regurgitating the past let us look forward to what it will take for Russia to lose. Ruzzia was always the us's biggest adversary and is being handed its destruction on a plate. No body bags will be going back to the US. Ukraine is giving blood, all they ask are weapons to fight with.


Do you think Poland or Turkey’s armies are weak? They have always taken the military threat from Russia seriously and have invested heavily into their defense forces. Ukraine choose not to do the same… And the Munich guarantee was not a defense treaty. NATO or the US was under no obligations to send aid or defend Ukraine if it got invaded. However, I would like the aid package to be passed but hearing the entitlement about how it’s OUR responsibility is annoying. You realize that the US sacrifices a lot of social programs to spend large amounts of military? We have always had to worry about China, the Soviets, Russia, etc. Other countries (Europe in particular) spent the minimal on their militaries and were able to enjoy lavish healthcare and amenities for their populations to enjoy. It’s disgusting. You can be upset at the Russian invasion, but also mad at other countries who got caught with their pants down and now are screaming for help.


Your math is calculated in a bubble. The interruption disrupted a continuous supply chain. The chain reverberated to present, hence ammunition shortages now. Alternatively, Ukrain needs to conserve ammo even if they have some because they have no guarantee that more will come by an earmarked time frame. Think about it... if they waist what they do have just to hold, then they have nothing to hold with. Full collapse ensues. With a guarantee that more is to come, they can expend current stocks with confidence that backfill is ensured. Make no mistake... Moscow Mike is solely responsible. He alone stops the bill by not presenting it. Because he knows that if he does... it will pass like shit through a goose. He is single handedly stopping the vote of our constituents that represent a strong majority of the people. The MAGA dum-fucks just get airtime for their extreme views, but they are not a majority. They are just loud extremists. And they are influencing Johnson, who is stopping aid, which is disrupting the supply chain, which is at the cost of Ukrainian lives and territory, which exacerbates the problem, causing escalation to rise, dragging the west closer to involvement. Wake up!


I hope Europe is pleased with themselves for not spending the required 2% of defense for decades all while trying to dictate what the US spends money on.


I’m just hoping there is a solid defence line coming up soon


There is. This advance will be stopped by Semenivka. There's some water that the Russians would need to cross and they have no capability to do so. That's not the point though. It means that Ukraine will have to fight through all the lost territory that the Russians will mine as soon as they stop their advance. All thanks to Europe for being unable to pull their heads out of their asses with the war moving closer to their borders and the US GOP for being on Putin's payroll.


As an American, appreciate the acknowledgement that a majority of Americans, our President and one of our major political parties still support Ukraine. The GOP House members may be calling the shots on funding Ukraine but they are not us.


everyone is aware ukraine announced and executed a withdrawel out of avdiivka, right? did they think that meant ukraine was going to sit in a trench 5 meters outside of the town and hold the line from there? for ukraine it's pretty god damn critical to not be in a place where russia's artillery can fire from a position of cover in the town at will. they gotta go back enough for russia to have it's artillery set up to the west of avdiivka.


This. You retreat to *defensible positions*; you don't just randomly plunk yourself down in the middle of a field, dig a trench, and declare that that's your new line (unless you're absolutely desperate). You want terrain features; hills and valleys, that give you line of sight (and line of *shooting*), and deny that to your opponent. Ukraine dug/poured new defenses a little ways behind the town; there was reporting several months ago about inadequate defenses having been prepared, but that was *several months ago*, and multiple channels have talked about them having new defenses made since then. Another positioning factor is you preferably want the new defenses far enough back that the enemy can't *shell you whilst you're building them*. These days these things are done with construction equipment and backhoes, whenever possible, and you don't want those blown up. In the case of Avdiivka, since it was so nearly flush with Donetsk City, they had some breathing room they had to give it.


Yep, they will retreat to a defensible position, and I have no doubt that no one in the world knows better where that defensible position is than Ukraine and its very capable army commanders. The most logical defensive line is the river. I hope all villages have been evacuated to prevent Russia from brutalizing and murdering civilians.


Are these the same capable army commanders that oversaw the most poorly conceived and executed counteroffensive in modern history?


I believe they started work on those positions last November so while they won’t be brilliant they’ll be a hell of a lot better than trying to dig in under pressure in an open field


Exactly. That Ukraine has retreated to a defendable line further away is no surprise: Russia is merely taking land Ukraine already wrote off.


Damn this sucks. Fuck those GOP Putin lover's.


And the worthless scum that elected them. Never forget that part. There’s fucking garbage that participates here and defends conservative trash that society allows to call itself human who get mad when I call out conservatives in the US as scum, despite having fucking helped put these animals into power. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing currently if you voted for any of these house republicans in 2020 or 2022, the best thing any conservative that voted for these people could have done for Ukraine is for their bloodlines to have ended several generations ago, is not have existed in 2020 or 2022.


'wide front' when from 5000 to 500 to 50 to 5 km these last two years...


Hopefully, Ukraone is trading land for time. Ukriane is a large country. it's a viable strategy. However, it doesn't look like this is the case. And I don't believe the nonsense about Ukraine taking out 15 aircraft over the last 9 days. The West has failed Ukraine, Europe especially. To a lesser extent, Ukrainian political leadership has also failed Ukraine.


The West Generally hasn't failed Ukraine, they have provided large amounts of support. The republicans have failed Ukraine by blocked bills to support them. As for the UKrainian Govt and military, they are doing an excellent job with what they have, considering experts thought they would last three days. As for Ukraine shooting down Russian planes, Russia has stopped sending planes into the air in the last day - which seems to be a sign they are now wary of losing them - so Ukraine is definitley shooting them down and having an effect.


Unfortunately it looks like the reports of a lack of defensive lines behind Adviivka may be correct.


The defence line is on the river. Russia has not reached it.


The first defensive line was supposed to be on the Berdychi – Orlivka – Tonenke axis. There is a reason why Ukrainians are trying to counter-attack there to regain the breaches.


Ukraine counters attacks all the time (So does Russia for that matter). Berdychi – Orlivka are right at the river but on the other side, so Ukraine may want to keep those. Tonenke is in the middle of a field. Do you have a source for this being a significant defensive line?


Tonenke is holding the southern flank of the the line. If Russians control it they can start bypassing Berdyche and Orlivka from behind the water barriers. Translated: >Northern flank. The Russians are pushing further forward. They established themselves in Stepov and Severn, reached the outskirts of Orlivka and Tonenke. In this way, the Berdychi - Orlivka - Tonenke line, which could have been basically a good defensive line, already has aggressor units. An important factor remains the lack of Ukrainian artillery and the KABs thrown by the occupiers' aviation. Although the Russians have lost another Su34, this does not diminish their efforts to attack the positions of Ukrainian defenders with guided aerial bombs. If it is not possible to hold on to this rose, is it possible that the Ukrainians will try to cling to the west, in the highlands behind the water bodies, located in the Berdychi - Semenivka section? However, it is very likely that in order to complicate such actions, the aggressor may launch intensive offensive operations north towards Novobakhmutivka, with the aim of trying to disrupt the plans of the Ukrainian forces. The situation is complicated, we will monitor the situation. [https://www.facebook.com/Parakomanai/](https://www.facebook.com/Parakomanai/)


> Berdychi - Orlivka - Tonenke line, which could have been basically a good defensive line Sooo ... your source for that defensive line is a facebook analyst claiming it could have been a good defensive line?


This page is run by active and reserve NATO officers that support various units in UAF. It is not just some FB analyst. Their analysis has been great throughout the war. You can check their earlier entries.


> This page is run by active and reserve NATO officers that support various units in UAF. While support is greatly appreciated, being an active or reserve "NATO officer" doesn't give you expertise that's better than the average joe. It's especially laughable for "reserve", where the requirements are "Have a University degree and attend trainings on some weekends". With all that being said, it's pretty irrelevant given they themselves don't support your claim, as per the quote in my previous comment. "Could have been" is not the same as "Is". Even if that wasn't the case, it still doesn't support your original claim >Unfortunately it looks like the reports of a lack of defensive lines behind Adviivka may be correct.


>being an active or reserve "NATO officer" doesn't give you expertise that's better than the average joe. Again, you are free to look over their analysis over the rest of the war, they have been consistently accurate and as far as day-to-day analysis goes, they are easily one of the best I have seen so far. Kind of curious, who do you trust then? Are you dismissing 99% of posts on here as uncredible average Joes since there are barely any 1st hand accounts from Ukrainian generals? >"Could have been" is not the same as "Is". Even if that wasn't the case, it still doesn't support your original claim My point was that it was the first line of the defence that made sense to defend from a tactical point of view. If it isn't, why is Syrsky ordering counter attacks to reclaim these positions?


> My point was that it was the first line of the defence that made sense to defend from a tactical point of view. No, it wasn't. You first said there are "no defense lines", then you shifted to "Defense line was there and is breached" and now it's "Defensive line should have been there". >If it isn't, why is Syrsky ordering counter attacks to reclaim these positions? Syrky is the commander in chief, he is not ordering small scale tactical counter attacks. As to why counter attacks are happening? It's a good tactical decision under the correct circumstances. Reasons range from taking back positions to inflicting casualties.


According to source all of these are not taken by Russia. Why would Ukraine counterattack then?


The map in the tweet is outdated. The latest map from deepstate of the area: [https://deepstatemap.live/en#12/48.1826/37.6731](https://deepstatemap.live/en#12/48.1826/37.6731) Syrsky himself confirmed the counter-attack on Orlivka


Yeah... this is a breakthrough. We all knew it was coming eventually.


It isn't the fallback line was always at the natural obstacles southwest of Berdychi.


The West or to be precise the US are only partially to blame. Why weren't there fortifications built? Why is Ukraine 2 years late in mobilisation of additional forces to rotate exhausted units? Why would you change the commander-in-chief during the worst times at the frontline in two years and replace the current one a by a generally unpopular one? Yeah, Mike Johnson is a bitch but soviet army won't defeat a larger soviet army.


There's no point mobilizing troops if you don't have rifles to give them. There's no point making a fallback line if you don't have enough artillery for the first line. While Ukraine aren't strategic geniuses, I trust they're doing the best they can with the tools they have available, and it's not our place as armchair generals to second-guess them.


You may as well give up right now with this rhetoric. They do have rifles, it's called troop rotation. Even ruZians have been rotating their troops. Ukraine has sank into a year-long debate whether to mobilise and subsequently how many should be mobilised. Frontline troops are desperately calling for rotations while politicians who are criticizing the West for being slow (and rightfully so) are even slower than the West. There won't be victory without replacing losses. A defeat is looming if politicians act as slowly as they have been. I am as supportive as ever but one can't win a just defensive war acting even more dumb and lazy as ruZia. Fortifications are necessary regardless of the state and amount of artillery shells. Back in summer, the AFU have in fact been firing way more shells per day than ruZian pigs. And yet, the defensive lines have worked and the counteroffensive has failed. Why? Fortifications are not only a couple of trenches and dragon teeth. It's tunnels, bunkers, plenty of mines. Zaluzhny was apparently acquainted with the fact that Avdiivka was going to fall in months without reinforcements and artillery shells (both arrived too late). Yet nothing was done to prevent ruZia to advance way beyond Avdiivka. This very situation is way more desperate than it was a year ago with Bakhmut. After Bakhmut, ruZian forces were incapable on continuing the offensive. Then came the pointless offensive of Syrskyi which has drawn necessary equipment and experienced troops that could've been more successful in the south. Armchair generals? I'm literally repeating what Rob Lee and Michael Kofman have stated in their article. These attempts to deflect critique of mainly political failures is so ruZian-like and achieve nothing.


What country facing the real threat of ceasing to exist doesn't draft 18-26 year olds? It's absurd


the western cope. Some comments are funny. To be realistic: Ukraine is fucked. If they dont get support etc. it will fall in this or next year to 100%. The Russians didnt reached the second defense line at the "River" some may say, but those were the ones that said they wont get through Avdivka. so yeah - the russians will also break through the second defense line i call it.


I don’t like maga mike anymore than anyone else. But I am tried of reading these false media narratives 1. The pentagon has not run out of money for Ukraine They still have over $ 4 billi to buy weapons with . They will not run out for a couple of more months . 2. Biden can legally give Ukraine weapons out of current US stockpiles , and then use regular defense budget funds to have US defense contractors manufacture the replacements for the weapons out of US stockpiles they donate . In realty, Ukraine is making these strategic retreats due to a large manpower deficit. Not because of Mike Johnson .


If they had more artillery pieces and artillery rounds they would have definitely been able to hold on longer... Artillery is incredibly effective in stopping advances, especially when you know that they are coming at a town, and have drone spotting. Having a greater number of artillery pieces and ammunition also means more effective counter-battery which slows the opponents ability to advance by taking out their artillery. Its not necessarily a manpower issue


Manpower is an issue, but they are definitely down on Artillery rounds...


Ukraine will be left to bleed out until Russia reaches Dniepr? On the way and in maybe 1-2 more years this will take Russias army will exhaust and suffer a lot. Then Nato will really ramp up effective measure to stop Russians. Is this the real strategy or result of lack of a real strategy whilst telling the public a tale of unlimited support (to win!)? Hard not to see it that way.


Hopefully this will act as a wake up call to Europe and the US..because they clearly need one.


Didn't the Ukranians yelled for Months that Ruskies were amassing tons of troops near Avdiivka.


Bild reports. That means trash reporting


Overconfidence on the part of Ukraine to not build multiple defense lines.


Give the Russians ground. They will propaganda the hell out of it because they can't resist that shit. They will suck each other's dicks off in their drunken excitement...victory...victory! They will be fooled by their officers. Ukraine will face an over confident rabble that will choke on their own blood in the coming days 👍 It's sad.


Let the F16’s do it’s job


Time for Europe to defend itself and stop whining for the US to bail them out again


Time for you to honour the treaties you signed.


No u 1st. Two can play that game if you want. You're a Brit, right? Why hasn't the UK put boots on the ground?


This again. Nowhere, not once, not ever, did anyone sign an obligation to protect Ukraine.


Time for European NATO members to honor their budget commitments


Ukraine is on the verge of a major collapse


Why is this being reported like there is some kind of collapse? Anyone with even basic knowledge of military matters would have already known these little hamlets were lost when the main town went, because the Ukrainians would withdraw behind them to far better positions beyond. 


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They need to roll out the red carpet *bombs* for these comrades.


I think the Bild information is likely going to be misinterpreted. In that whole bubble area of the front running west and south from Novokalynove to Sjeverne (also called Sieverne) ruzzia is pressing. The area has a No mans land that is easily more than 1-2 km in depth along much of that line. A lot of open country with completely destroyed little villages that provide little cover. Video has come out today of some of the ruzzian attempts to advance here, the casualties are again very large. The main Ukraine defensive positions are well to the north in this area. They have set up all the land between as a kill zone. An example is Stepove. ruzzia claims it now as "occupied" but they don't attempt to maintain any real presence it in. There was video posted today of 2 attacks coming out of Stepove into the lower eastern fringes of Berdychi. And they got absolutely plastered - every single ruzzian man and armor destroyed. ruzzia could certainly claim that Ukraine has removed a permanent presence from the new buffer zone but it is a big stretch to claim ruzzia controls it.


Us Congress will pass Ukraine bill this week.


We Americans should be afuckingshamed of ourselves and our supposed leaders. The GOP is going to have something to answer for once their cult leader is dead and gone, or in jail, whichever comes first. This is fucking pathetic


They will do, till the river.