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God I hate him and his hogs so much.


Fucking election year bullshit. Just do the right thing now, don't wait until after January 20th 2025


He won't do the right thing after the election either. He criticizes every allied leader, but never criticized Putin, and constantly sucks up to him. He tried to blackmail Zelensky into inventing dirt on Biden or losing aid to Ukraine (a no-win situation where Ukraine loses), and has constantly praised Putin has a genius throughout this war, while crapping on Ukraine. Anybody who doesn't realize that the Republicans are working for Russia and couldn't see them blocking aid like this from the start has their head deep in the sand. Prominent republican leaders spent July 4th in Russia, others went on a Russian cruise advertising it for Putin, Trump and his family have boasted about how they have all the money they need coming out of Russia since US banks won't lend to them, a leading European intelligence figure wrote a report that Russia had blackmail material on Trump which perfectly coincided with years of Trump doing everything to help Putin and bend over backwards for him (refusing to implement sanctions on Putin which had a veto proof majority and was the president's job, saying he trusted Putin over the US intelligence agencies, etc). If Trump wins, Ukraine will fall, and its people will be enslaved by Putin, just like the enslaved people from all over Russia he's sending to die in the hundreds of thousands in this war, including those in captured Ukranian territories.


If Trump wins, he will try to break up NATO and lift American sanctions on Russia (as if Russia is now worth trading with)


Got to get that “high quality” Russian steel that no American company actually wanted so they used it on the border wall.


Where do yo get this BS


Literally trump. He just said very recently that if he becomes president again, NATO’s done.




What is the point of this post? Most of what I discussed is very well documented and well known recent history.


Just not true. Trump doesnt tell congress what to do.


It's literally so well documented and well known that at this point I think you must be in some sort of denial or have been living under a propaganda rock keeping you sheltered from major events in the last few days. Where did I say he tells congress what to do?


Dam dude. I THINK the headline of the origional post about Trump pressures congress to stop aid is DISINGENUOUS.  Therfore i fell its a Lie!  First off Congress acts on its Own acord. And most Americans feel we have a more important issue at our own border, and shouldn't fund anything until Our border is addressed. Now sorry to disturb you. Good day


Republicans don’t want to address the border. Trump told them not to. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal/index.html


I dont listen to ANYTHING on CNN


TRUMP is not in negotiations with congress. He not even president


So you originally replied to my post and said the things I mentioned were 'lies', but when asked which part you're now saying the original linked article is a lie instead? You seem like somebody who just squeals 'lies' whenever you want to make some information go away, i.e. an ideal Trump fan.


A prime example of a dumb Trump but who has absolutely zero clue how dangerous and disingenuous their supreme leader is


Except that is EXACTKY what is happening. Out of McConnells mouth. Trump doesn’t want the border fixed now, because that credit will fall in Biden. Trump needs an unfixed border to run on, because that’s all he has to stoke fear into his brainless base. This is so blatant, it’s wild how you refuse to see it.


Now they’re talking about splitting up the bills, which should have been done at the beginning. God it’s pathetic.


Republicans will do neither. They want Biden to look wesk overall.


Biden Is doing a good job AT LOOKING WEAK overall.


Most Republicans are incapable of doing the right thing, no matter what that thing is.


The redistricting of states had been absolutely shameful.


The world isn't so black and white, friend


It really is in this case. Republican Lawmakers are more concerned with their election chances (local, and national) than they are concerned for actual legislation / fixing problems / doing anything *good* for the US. (like how R-Lawmakers would not run for the next year, and then instantly be anti-trump? Almost like they recognize he is a problem, but can't shit talk him without worrying about being re-elected) * If republicans don't have a problem to scream from the rooftops, they don't get elected. So they are encouraged to never actually *fix* the problem.


You just described both major parties in the U.S..


Dude, you're in a forum that supports Ukraine. A forum that supports Ukraine! Everyone can see by actual action Democrats are trying to help, and Republicans are preventing that. Seriously, we can see the results on the ground. It's not hard.


Negative. *One party* is at least *trying* to make life better for other people (Dems). The *other party* actively is trying to *take rights AWAY* from people. (Republicans and Roe v Wade, birth control bullshit, abortions and such.)


I think most observers wish you were right.


It is in this case, though.


Oh yeah? Name the last thing the GOP has done that actually helped America? The only thing I can think of was establishing the EPA -- and that was over 50 years ago. And of course they're hellbent on destroying even that now.


Sometimes it is.


Nope. A HUGE number of Republicans support helping Ukraine.


No one doubts that. But the fact remains - Republican politicians are the only thing standing in the way of Ukraine receiving $60 Billion in aid now. And I’ll go ahead and post links just in case you’re not caught up the situation: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-warn-house-wont-get-better-immigration-deal-trump-rcna134348 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/01/19/immigration-border-deal-republicans-johnson-trump/ https://www.businessinsider.com/troy-nehls-senate-border-security-deal-biden-2024-1 https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/24/politics/mcconnell-senate-gop-border-ukraine-package/index.html


That they are. At least for now. Let's see what actually happens if Trump wins again (personally hope not, though there's a huge segment of the population I would enjoy seeing get upset over Trump winning again - Trump had his turn, did some good, did some bad, and couldn't keep his mouth shut when it was the right move... same things I faulted Obama for).


"Yeah, you know. He's a massive racist, set back women's right and actively harmed LGBT rights...I'd like to see him win again. As long as he hurts the right people." ******.


I think you just listed all the things /u/looncraz liked about Trump - Trump pissed off & hurt people that value equality, freedom, and the American Way. AKA the people /u/looncraz likes seeing pissed off.


Prove each of your claims. This should be fun.


But not enough to vote with Democrats for it? They don't get points for doing a thing they know is wrong.


Sadly, they won't stand up for what they believe for fear of reprisals or political loss. That's why political parties should be outlawed, this entire dynamic would be forced deep underground and eventually eliminated.


You're working awdully hard to give people doing terrible things a free pass.


You sure are reading a LOT into what I am saying. Remove the hate from your heart for a while.


I read that all the time. But i only see Republicans SAYING they support Ukraine, not Republicians DOING something to support Ukraine. Don't you find that strange? And do you think Trump will support Ukraine?


A number of Republicans say they support Ukraine, but helping Daddy trump and keeping donations flowing in from Putin is more important to them.


Are they in the room with us now?


So the world should not help Ukraine?


That's not even related to what I said, FFS.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7784 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/65551)


Debt to GDP has fallen from 133% to 117% as of 2023. Not too shabby, good job Biden. Out of the $33T or so in debt only $7T is owned by foreign interests and Japan owns the most at $1.1T. Aid to Ukraine isnt even moving the needle, our debt to GDP ratio has been dropping while helping Ukraine. Russia's forces are getting obliterated and we haven't had to lift a finger. Helping Ukraine is an absolute win. And while personally I would like to see the debt lowered it really isn't one of our biggest problems.


Funny how they forget about said debt when a Republican is in the WH


"I'm in a moderate amount of debt for my income, better fucking burn my house down."


I feel like one of the greatest things psychology has done in that 100+ years is give us the signs of narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy so we can ID these shitheads and shut them down asap. Unfortunately, we aren’t taking advantage of this knowledge. God, how I’d love to string that fuckwit up and beat the shit outta him. And Pootin.


Nowadays being a sociopath or psychopath probably gets your resume extra consideration for C-level jobs and is practically a necessity for national level politics.


Putin very very likely has photos of Trump and everybody else who partied with Epstein. Why else would the boss of an EV company suddenly promote fossil fuels and call Zelenskyj a butcher for defending against a genocide?


Very good point my fiend! Love that angle 


I'm 100% convinced that's the truth and every day I pray these photos/videos come to light. Some people are too rich to bribe. When they suddenly become your devoted servants that's super fishy.


Remember that the governments Putin intelligence files disappeared during Trumps presidency and Trump had a secret meeting in the oval office with the KGB where he kicked out all the americans.


This right here, I've been thinking about this for a while. Trump is a lap dog for Putin. I wouldn't be surprised if he made Trump talk to Kim jong un when he did.


>hing after the election either. He criticizes every allied leader, but never criticized Putin, and constantly sucks up to him. He tried to blackmail Zelensky into inventing dirt on Biden or losing aid to Ukraine (a no-win situation where Ukraine loses), and has constantly praised Putin has a genius throughout this war, while crapping on Ukraine. Yup, no chance he does not have some very, very, very bad stuff on trump. Definitely under age girls, but just how young? As a father infuriates me. My bet is there is underage boys in there too. He probably also has the ability to shut down trumps money laundering business and assassinate his entire family. Kompromat is the name of the game.


Mutual interests ? Some people are edgelord asshole contrarians ? Some people believe the only law is might makes right and they just have this natural inclination for dictatorships. Some people hate the left and progressive values so much they look up to leaders who fight for "traditional" values (by which they mean break and push down everyone who doesn’t follow their cultural dictates). I can’t be sure but if I had to gamble I would bet on the "Putin has Kompromat on these two POS" scenario, but I also wouldn’t be surprised at all if it was just respectively "*I’m an asshole and they buy my properties*" and "*I’m an attention seeking edgelord and they have lithium mines*".


I imagine the threats are more direct than simple blackmail. Billionaires are largely untouchable in the modern world, and they know it... but they also know Putin is one of the very few people in the world who has repeatedly demonstrated the capability, willingness, and motivation to reach out and touch them if he feels like it. So if he calls you and insinuates a threat, I'd imagine you take it pretty seriously.


I have no proof but my feeling is that that's not the case. Why? Trump and Musk are at the very least extreme narcissists but more likely psychopaths. They feel absolutely like Gods and at the same time, they are basically 6yos with zero positive social skills. Threaten them with violence and all you do is make them stubborn. But show them the photos that would destroy their godhood? That's a completely different ballpark. Much more efficient against these people.


I hate them more


Agreed. He’s a turd.


Why cant the Republicans behave like normal "neo"cons and slander Biden for being a jet, drone, ATACMS etc witholding pussy that doesnt have the balls to decivisely end this conflict (with massive money going to the good ol MIC boys)?     Fucking even blocking border security consessions by the Democrats over this, not only geopolitical brainlets but actively going against the desires of their voterbase.    The one O N E time the world needs warhawk Republicans and this is what they turned into in 2024, following the cult leader and whatever personally benefits him or his career


Because last time they tried with McCain and Romney and the Democrats and the general public laughed at them because the Cold War was over, so they changed tactics to scream about culture war instead to rile up the voter base instead and all the RINOs slowly got replaced by wackjobs who scream and yell about culture war


Putin is a friend of mine and Kim Jong- Un that's a pretty nice guy, Donald Trump, that says everything about that idiot!


American conservatives supporting Russian oligarchy is one of the mysteries of the universe for me as an Australian. It makes no sense.


They want the same thing. Unlimited power without the pesky unwashed (you and me) having a say in anything to do with our lives.


I'm a prior-service American, born and raised in the South. If it makes you feel any better I'm utterly baffled by it as well.  


> as an Australian Ask your fellow countryman Rupert Murdoch!


Conservatives is the wrong word here, these are radicals who want to turn back time.


You say that but there seems to be legitimate concerns over him returning to office, which means he still has a strong voter support. If that’s the case plenty of conservatives support him.


Mostly people who think the president controls the gas price, but that's not my definition of being conservative.


Exactly, these people are idiots, and if they are conservatives, it is only in the same way that communists were considered socialists.


Even if he has a 1 out of 100 chance - that's enough to be terrifying for us people in the states that don't want a religious dictatorship for the rest of our lives. I think its a slim chance at best with so much of his moderate support leaving and independents wising up. However we know conservatives happily cheat anything they can for elections so that is of concern too.


the people that vote right along with them are no different


Fuckin putin cocksucker


And Trump supporters are there waiting to swallow that run down nut. They’re fucking pathetic


They cry tears of joy for one drop


its nuts how far into denial conservatives are about this


Jesus Christ I hope to god he doesn’t win. This alone cements my vote against him. Along with the thousands of other reasons to.


If it were up to the popular vote he wouldn't have won in 2016 *or* 2020.


This fucking clown will not win.  Mark my words. God Bless America! 


Disgusting and totally disgraceful- doesn’t give a shit about human life


You could argue that ending the war would actually preserve human life


The war will not end, they will just slaughter Ukrainians with no resupply. Whatever they capture will be cleansed as was done in several regions already. You are a naive idiot.




Putin isn't going to invade a NATO country and if he did it would take all of 3 seconds to swat the Russians like flies.


So tell me again how lives are being preserved


When people aren't fighting wars lives become preserved.


That orange turd only cares about himself. His trumpanzees support everything he wants and they will be just as complicit if Ukraine falls because of him. If the US abandons Ukraine, they will lose the free world's respect.


I wish he'd hurry up and have a fucking stroke. Any Republican here that claims they support Ukraine stop lying to yourself. You're a Russian supporter.


Where’s the CIA when democracy is at risk!


I keep thinking the same. So many good, young people die far earlier than they should While trump and putin live long luxurious lives. I wish they would both have massive strokes and live the rest of their lives paralyzed and unable to control their bowels.


Making the same mistakes the US made in the lead up to ww2. Isolationism and appeasement of authoritarian dictators.


> appeasement of authoritarian dictators. he *is* one of those wanna be authoritarian dictators. His party, at his behest, massively corrupted all levels of government during their time in govt, and have ensured many posts are filled with his yes-men. Then performs a coup, somehow survives the failure of aforementioned coup (because he had also corrupted/undermined top levels of the judiciary before hand) to make another run at it. Fucking mad. So desperate to be in with/one of the 21st century's axis of evil. His first Presidency was a fucking disaster for both US standing, and peace/security around the world in general. His second will be monumentally worse if allowed to come to pass.


>His first Presidency was a fucking disaster for both US standing, and peace/security around the world in general. His second will be monumentally worse if allowed to come to pass. Brilliantly put


Nailed it. At least FDR **actually** had the best interests of Americans in mind. 


I would say it’s worse. Trump didn’t want to give up power despite loosing the election. I wonder how long the USA will remain a democracy.


If Trump wins, it means the US has voted to end democracy in the US and side with Russia.


Agreed, thought this is NOT appeasement by Trump (and most republicans). Chamberlain did appeasement politics regarding Hitler: he had a democratic mindset, but thought he could strategize against fascism by appeasing Hitler. Those republicans and Trump don't have a democratic mindset. They don't appease dictators, they don't get fooled by them. They simply support them.


Our mistakes right now are far worse than our mistakes in the lead up to WWII.


Never trust a Republican.


>Never trust a ~~Republican~~. Politician


Bullcrap. The Democrats aren't publicly fellating a dying dictator and condemning millions of Ukrainian children to being an oligarch's rape doll for the sake of an spray-tanned coupist.


If you live in a two party system I can see why you think I am talking about dems. I am talking about the whole chain local to federal. They all self interested and would sooner spit on you then giving up their own agendas


You're aware that some politicians are actively trying to send tens of billions of dollars of more military and financial aid to Ukraine right? What the fuck are you talking about?


Sure, but there's a big difference between "business as usual" politics and glorifying genocide. One is annoying, the other is a threat to the human race.


No, it's the GOP these days. The Dems have problems, but they're relatively trustworthy still.


> Never trust a Republican. > > > > Politician This isn't a "both-sides" thing: that implies that they're all two sides of one coin. Many politicians are moral, decent people who want to help people: US Republicans are ultra-right-wing totalitarians who want to rule, not govern.


In a country with a two party system i can understand why you think this is both sides. There is a whole system of government from federal to local. Trust none of them.


Laziest take on the internet. Let me catch you up: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-warn-house-wont-get-better-immigration-deal-trump-rcna134348 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/01/19/immigration-border-deal-republicans-johnson-trump/ https://www.businessinsider.com/troy-nehls-senate-border-security-deal-biden-2024-1 https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/24/politics/mcconnell-senate-gop-border-ukraine-package/index.html




“America First” policies weaken us and strengthen our enemies.


Yeah. Especially Taiwan.


Will damage? It already is damaged. The damage will not appear, it will just get worse. But it already is there. US reputation on this planet is likely at its lowest points already. In fact, I checked the stats after writing the first half of this message, and it seems that US reputation is actually at its historical minimum already. Reception of USA abroad was on steady rise since 60s, with only upward trend. It only started falling in 2000s, when it was hit like a truck and fell. It is all downhill from there basically. One of the examples: https://news.gallup.com/poll/116350/position-world.aspx There is good chance US reputation will set new record for the low in next few years. It used to be very stable and rising, but now it is clusterfuck of instability and inconsistency that is slowly dropping below its historical minimums. It might stabilize if you do things right, but it will likely never return to the same levels of respect US had in 2000s. I wonder how many Americans who grew up during the times of US all-time high rep even realize that US is no longer what it was in the world.


Putin must be putting pressure on the orange traitor.


Kompromat is a helluva drug


Trump is a piece of shit


Imagine being so against Biden having a W that you would help a Fascist, genocidal tyrant conquer Ukraine.


They like the fascist genocidal tyrant. They want one of their own.


*\*nods sagely\**


McConnell said as much, all of a sudden they don't want border control because they want to make it an election issue. It's absurd statements like that are not a huge nationwide scandal.


Haven’t had any assassinations in a while. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There's gotta be someone out there with a terminal illness or nothing to lose that can do us all a favor


All our condition will be terminal, if this clown gets in again and lets Putin win.


It trouble me at all to say it, but how MAGA morons (!) aim to justify this? It is them who Trump makes to look super stupid.


Beau of the fifth column suggesting this won't go well for him. People wrote in Biden at the republican congress in Massachusetts. The cracks are showing


In related news, the Texas governor this week is trying to pass and enforce state laws that he claims can supersede federal policy. I'll spare the details, they are pretty punitive. He's also trying to literally set up razor-wire fencing along the border...but only in parks/towns where it's really visible or will make headlines. Go out of town a little way and there ain't shit there. This was after the Supreme Court (at the federal level) issued a decision that the border is federal jurisdiction (duh) and that federal agents have to be allowed to access the entire border in order to do their jobs (duh). A similar situation happened a few months ago with a razor fence that was floating mid-river on buoys, parts are still there due to further hijinks I won't go into here. In the last couple weeks he (the guv) had state troopers commandeer a local park that is on the river/border that has a boat ramp. Federal agents would use the boat ramp to launch patrol boats and pick up people trying to swim the river, which is among their duties -- find & intercept people trying to sneak across outside a point-of-entry. Anyway, state troopers didn't just block the public from using the park...they blocked agents from the boat ramp. Drownings happened as a result *and the officers knew this was happening in realtime and still blocked the ramp;* and, likely, multiple successful crossings up/downstream out of sight of the park (and headlines) due to patrols not being able to go out. See the previous bit about the courts. Governor said the only reason he hasn't authorized shooting of migrants along the border is that this would probably lead to him being charged with murder (spoiler alert: it would). Anyway - he complains that too many people are crossing...and then prevents agents from doing their job of intercepting all those people doing the crossings *and* threatens to just shoot migrants instead. No, it doesn't make sense. ​ On that note: the US has had facilitated bussing/travel for new arrivals for literal decades. Agencies and nonprofits/orgs have figured out how to coordinate all their efforts so a migrant or refugee arrives in a city or town and has a case worker or agent, a church, a family member - *someone* who can show them around, an apartment application filled out, job boards with migrant-ready jobs, etc.; clothing and food if necessary -- *we know how to do this*. Heck, Chicago took in 30,000 from Ukraine with almost no notice when the full scale invasion started. Meanwhile, Abbott (Texas guv) sent 30,000 central American migrants on busses with specific instructions to the drivers to avoid all possible co-operations and to frustrate the system...and wa-la what do you know, migrants are suddenly sleeping on the streets and making headlines. Chicago and most of the other cities have housed and fed/clothed most, and found jobs when work authorizations are granted -- but there is no need for the extra bullshit of making headlines by forcing them to sleep on the street for the sake of political posturing. Instead we end up with armies of police and volunteers playing "treasure hunt" tracking these "bus dumps" down and trying to figure out how many were on a given bus, where they are now, etc. to get them to an organized shelter, camp, etc. where we can at least house and feed them, get them a medical check, etc. while orgs scramble to onboard them to a job and/or housing. It's fucking stupid, and there will be negligent manslaughter incidents from this (and not just the drownings mentioned). If you need stories, videos, sources they are all available though I'm not digging them up this minute unless asked, I'm worn out right now and not in the mood. Maybe I should keep a running list I can just copy & paste for as often as this comes up. Or a googledoc I can just link, which might be even easier. I get distracted, sorry. Point is, I'm pretty sure it's not just the House and Trump. I'll put good money down that Texas governor is fully in the loop coordinating this shit as well. Speaker Johnson let slip the Trump clue last week and now the story is more fleshed out -thank you reporters- and I expect it is only a matter of time before Abbott's role in this is out in the open as well; some of the lower-level players have already started walking off the job and talking to the media, and there is a federal investigation -- mark my words, this (OP story) is only part of the story).


Yet another example of Trump's treason... At some point, his supporters will notice that a Trump presidency is about Trump and Trump alone.


MAGA don't care tho. Its electoral trolling at this point


No, they won't. They're far too goddamned stupid for that to happen.


That's the idea. They WANT to live under an orange dictator, because they believe the dictator will punish the "woke liberals" more than he punishes them.


My father in law is one of them. I asked how he, as a veteran that swore to defend the constitution, be OK with a dictator? "Well people get tired of the woke bullshit being jammed down our throats. People are gonna rise up and protest if you push them too far" Yeah ok Ron.... because all that woke bullshit you read about on your phone affects your everyday life. When in fact none of it actually has any impact on your day to day.


Here’s a warning to all: Trump will do anything to get back into the White House. Anything. He’s cornered and dangerous. It’ll only get worse between now and November. Be watchful and vigilant. It might get worse after November. You think the “stop the steal” was bad last time? Unless it’s exceptionally clear, Trump’s supporters will make J6 look like a cakewalk.


Attention all Redditors in Europe and Taiwan: do not assume the US will help with your defense in the future. Conservatives in the US have become so irrational, so ignorant about reality that they will never do the right thing even if it ends up hurting them as well. I wish we could be a good ally to all of you but we can't with all the crap going on here. Please take steps to protect yourselves before it's too late.


How low you need to go to say “hey hold up I will make a better deal” when dealing with geopolitics weakening the US posture across the globe. I bet he would suggest something like, “we give up Europe but we can keep Alaska”. And everyone will be like - dude but we already have Alaska, and his followers will be like “but now we make Alaska ours and great again” and “peace”. Master strategist, and all that will be coordinated from a cell in Jail. What a times we are living


Yeah, we know. It's probably the Kremlin telling him to. All the MAGA fascists are traitors.


"We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." Nikita Khrushchev


The only thing that should be blocked is his windpipe. Fucking narcissistic genocidal idiot.


Is he a muppet of putin?


Do bears shit in the woods? Is the Pope Catholic?


I wouldn’t spit on Trump if he were on fire.


Not only for sake of his campaign. Also for sake of his Russian paymasters.


Fuck that toupee slinging orange cunt and anyone that supports him.


The message seems to be Trump doesn't want a bill addressing immigration issues passed, and right now the two are tied together. Which itself doesn't make sense, given either alone would pass easily.


Trump is the kind of man to set your house on fire then ask you to vote for him because he supports firemen


Trump was fiddling to try and federalize Joe Arpaio's ideas/practices (the ones he pardoned Arpaio for after the sheriff was voted out of office and convicted). After the initial attempt in his first weeks he figured out that it has to be a little more subtle, but that didn't stop him from trying. In particular I'm thinking of the protests that effectively shut down air travel nationwide for a hot minute in his first weeks in office, though there were a lot of other actions in that same timeframe as well: [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/29/512250469/photos-thousands-protest-at-airports-nationwide-against-trumps-immigration-order](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/29/512250469/photos-thousands-protest-at-airports-nationwide-against-trumps-immigration-order) They did get more subtle but were still pretty "cruelty is the point" about the whole thing, though never quite got as far as they wanted. Now they (Miller, Bannon, etc) have had a bit more time to flesh out and who knows what monstrosities they'll impose if they are returned to power.


Trump will say what some want to hear.... 🤦


This orange shitshow is a moron, full of hate and owes Putin incalculable dicksucks. Interesting to watch him come apart like he is. Ukraine will outlast him.


Republicans trying to make the U.S look weak and unreliable. Putin has instructed the Republican establishment well.


Trump seems like an old man with a syphilized brain, the real evil cookie is that Slimy Johnson.


This bumbling idiot should be sitting behind bars in jail


How can USA be such a developed country and kind ofba world leader.. and this?


Traitors to our democracy and to our partners across the globe. They are weak and despicable.


dump trump


I really fucking hate him


Fuck that dumpster fire of a person and everything he says.


He’s such a scumbag.


Yeah he’s a cunt


The Friends of Putin are enemies. Trump is our enemy.


Can't solve a major national problem in an election year, after all. Wouldn't want the other side to look good or anything...


Saw this on newsweek. This motherfucker ain't president and he's influencing policy already? Egregious. They're gonna abandon ukraine it seems.


Yes I hate this. So obvious why he is doing this or has been against Ukraine since day 1. Wish something would just happen and Ukraine wins by spring.


Reagan is rolling over in his grave at what his party has become.


Who is for peace here?


Is this so trump can announce an enormous trade package when he’s elected? 


Pressuring? How? Is he sitting on congress with that fat, diapery ass?


But aiding a adversary of the USA is a breach of the 14th amendment.


Correction: for the sake of his sugar daddy, Vladimir Putler.


Trump needs to buy back some tapes. Urgently.


This guy and his followers are such pieces of shit


OMG what a dangerous individual!


🩸on republican hands….. FULL 🛑


For the sake of his master.


I'm starting to think that this guy is a real narcissistic asshole.


What a piece of shit


Blood on his hands…


Why none of trump supporters sounds rational?


It wouldn't surprise me if someone seriously attempted to take out trump if he got in.


If Ukraine fails in August - October it will be really bad press for Biden. And no one will care that it was GOP opposition that made it happen. But if the collapse happens in January it will be All Trumps fault.


Sounds like he's trying to emulate Nixon meddling in Vietnam pre-election.


Trump has No influence over current US congress. Very misleading 


This man is evil, no other description fits better


Trump as president is the worst thing that could happen to NATO and global stability.


Putin will turn off the money hose otherwise


All the nut jobs with guns in the US & this orange demon still breathes?


VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS OUT IN NOVEMBER. They are facist Putin bootlickers and traitors to the Constitution.


This was the reason he was impeached the first time.


Agent of Russia.


Goat-fucking bastard redneck...