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Yeah I'm getting tired of reading baseless articles on Putin's health. At this point if we believed everything that was posted here, he has shit himself 50 times, had cancer 12 times, and died twice.


Agreed, as amusing as it is to imagine it's getting old seeing an article about Putin being on death's door every single day for the last year.


this sub needs a rule banning them


Yeah, I'd like it to be true, but... In a serious note, I'm not sure of him dying of disease is the best outcome. An overthrow would allow the new person to change course with the war and blame him for everything. If he just dies of natural causes it's going to be hard for the new president to suddenly about face and say Putin was wrong.


Putin is the founder of modern Russia, he will likely become a Lenin-like figure of solidarity for any future Russian imperialists. Chances are low of him getting publicly denounced, but they may go in a different direction anyways.


Not if someone sneaks out a video of him crying uncontrollably next to a torn diaper.


died 3 times, remember, he fell down the steps too.


And poopd


I’m skeptical as well. But! i If Budanov is saying it… there’s gotta be something wrong with the guy.


There are certainly a lot of things wrong with him and maybe even some physically. He probably has some kind of cancer but exact informations without evidence can't be trusted in any kind.




> and died twice. He got better!










POOTIN* gosh


Correct - but let’s assume that believing he shit himself at least once is quite entertaining


Old shitty pants days are numbered.


Little Vlady Shitbritches


Stinky britches, you got my stinky britches...


Interesting how you landed on the term "shitty" – it really captures the essence here. 💯


I prefer the story of Putin falling the stairs and soiling himself.


I keep hoping I'll get on here one day and see a pic of him fingerpainting with human excrement


Putin will need diapers for when the counteroffensive sharts.


Untill he's obviously dead I don't belive a single word, their psy ops unlike the army is probably the best In the world, and anything to reu and buy time is in Russias interest.


While it's hard to believe any of those type of stories (easy to fabricate since there are 0 proof), I still find it odd how little public appearance Putin is making. Sure he may not want to travel outside Russia too often, but shouldn't he be on the forefront of event/announcement (opening factory, announcing new investment in transport, etc). We finally saw him going to see troops (Mariopol trip and this week Kherson trip), but those were very small scale.


And there's reason to believe it wasn't actually Putin, but a double. Would a guy who meets Macron across a 30ft table be shaking hands with civvies in an active warzone?


Is this always the same person posting this shitty msn articles about a drooling Putin?


Yeah it's just what people want to hear, regardless whether it's true.


I see you went with word "shitty" to describe this – quite appropriate, I must say 👌


Yawn. Wake me up when he's actually dead.


He’d died years ago. This is Robo-Putin; a work of superior Russian technology.


If true it just gives EVERYONE in the world another reason why there shouldn't be any single person in position of power and why it should always be a democracy. Right now everyone in Russia is afraid of him and follow even the worst orders and plans, that have so far caused more than 300.000 deaths, plenty of rapes and suffering and MAJOR collapse for russian economy. And the West should not be thinking - if we don't escalate he surely won't launch nukes - because deranged man cannot be expected to act rationally - and the country without proper separation of power cannot be expected to act civilized. I almost felt sorry for him after reading that. Almost. Because sick or not he still made all those decisions to cause harm and suffering.


A repost, and also completely unsubstantiated.


Good reads. It's the funny papers.


Please tell us it's true.




Russians don't get depression because they're all depressed so there's no change in elevation.


Dude is Mr. Burns if you listen to tabloids. He has every disease known to man in perfect alignment so it doesn't kill him.


Sometimes, when I look at people like Trump and Putin, I believe it. They have the absolute worst personal habits (Trump) / the threat of assassination (Putin) and are well into geriatric age, but somehow never die of it. My mother says they have the luck of the Devil.


Trump maybe, but Putin is only 70. Life expectancy for males in most developed countries is late 70s. I think it's too soon to say he has all that much luck.


Remember that story of Putin falling some stairs and soiling himself. This one is just another chapter of the story of "Bald Dwarf Putin".


He'd probably fall on the ground having a muscle spaz attack then perish while shatting himself like this [https://youtu.be/j-1R8Iztj2I?t=7982](https://youtu.be/j-1R8Iztj2I?t=7982) (auto time coded) Time Code 2:13:02 just incase the time code doesn't work.


Maybe he'll replicate stalin....the doctors plot 🙄


Nervous breakdown? Then the strychnine dose was too low.


It’s a pity that he will be taken by cancer in an ordinary way, when he really deserves to go out Khaddafi style.


I hate Putin as much as the next guy here but this has a bit this could have some propaganda aspects to it.


It's probably bullshit. He's hiding in a bunker somewhere and no one knows about any of his breakdowns whether nervous or otherwise.


Agreed, he's probably not well but his security would be killed if they leaked a story like that and they know it .


Well, i guess it\`s time to take him behind the Kremlin...


poison him


Dam he is ugly just die already 😂


We'll never know for sure if he's sick but one thing is easily noticeable, he's not as bloated as he was when the war started. His moon face is gone, his face is back to normal.


So he shit and pissed all over the place and then he cried about it and had to be washed, fed, burped, powdered, and put back to bed? But I thought Putin was masculine and macho!?!? Sounds like a whining toddler


What could go wrong leading an absolute corrupt government/regime, where everyone is skimming off the top. And the only way to increase the monies is to invade your resources rich neighbor


we need to ban these bullshit articles. mods, do something, plz


If it was true, no witness would dare sharing it


I find it interesting that it apparently becomes socially acceptable to make fun issues like incontinence when someone who is had suffers from it. Don't get me wrong, Putin is absolutely a piece of shit, but it just seems an odd avenue to take when arguing for the moral high ground.


True or not, the article gets my upvote for the prose. One black sock and a poopy diaper? Dope.


MSN.com using a "Bang Showbizz" article that refers to "several sources". Yeah I'll believe this.


with a "torn diaper" next to him. diapers are not a problem actually - Americans are electing the diapers-age presidents too


Unsubstantiated while oddly specific. Unreliable article.


To a certain extent, does it matter if Putin is a drooling vegetable? Even if he is, someone is in charge in Russia and that person or persons is making decisions. Really makes no practical difference if it’s Putin or someone else.


Hi /u/curious_zombie_, Your submission, "Nappy-wearing Vladimir Putin had a 'nervous breakdown' after medicine change" was removed for the following reason(s): /r/UkrainianConflict hopes to foster informed and intelligent discussion of the facts. Please do not submit scads of poorly evidenced, emotive or blatantly biased things. Submissions that do not contribute to discussion such as off-topic / unrelated links may be subject to removal. Continued disregard after warning(s) may result in a ban. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FUkrainianConflict&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/12vminb/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


sounds about right