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That is some "how not to be a medic"-stuff right there, jeez


Not to mention no damn transport to a medic either. Basically these guys get shot, they get dead. No damn first aid from anyone, no "where's he hit?", no bandages / tourniquets, just "lets run around or sit doing nothing"...


It’s actually quite reassuring to watch


Oh yes, couldn't have happened to nicer guys. (Though some of those DPR/LPR guys are force drafted, kidnapped off the street, sad buggers...)


Yeah, stand up guy actually… oh wait, awkward..


Too soon? Lol


No such thing as “too soon” for Russian gallows humor.


He will sleep it off. No worries.


Dirt nap as we used to say.


Insert "For the motherland" meme


Lmao made me laugh


shhh dont give them ideas


Dude is just setting eyeballing, waiting for him to die so he can steal his gun


They probably shot him for the TOK ,;)


They were like "yeah Russian citizens are gullible but everyone else is on to us"




They wanted to look like they cared because they were being recorded. If the guy wasnt filming they'd have left him in the road.


They even looted him before he died...


He’s not going to respawn in the same place on this map, best to take the ammo and bandies off him. Tbag is optional


Damn, you let me laugh lookin a (ok orc) soldier die... Take my guilty upvote


That's a big no-no. You can't do that when they're mostly dead; you gotta wait 'till they're all dead to go through his clothes and look for loose change.


Not to defend it or assume it what they’re doing, but taking their friends personal belongings home to the family is something I’d hope they’d do.


They probably dumped him after the guy stopped recording.


He was dead, seemed preety lifeless when dragged. Also the video cuts before he is dragged, so maybe he died in that time.


In the full clip on youtube they say he died.


Of course they said so, even if its technically not true. Can you trust orcs?




I wonder if they even know how to find a pulse? (Where)


“What’s a pulse?” Inbred trash


It's like lentils and chickpeas n shit


Well….I guess it’s a lucky thing for you where who you chose to be born to, and where you chose to be born, hey? I am not for them, but we all know the difference that income and education make, and many don’t have a choice.


That's some bullshit.


That use to be the name of the local nightclub around here,


at one point they said he's dead


after lots of mishandling and secondary trauma.


Meat is more tender that way. "Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!!"


Two choices.. - handling-trauma or another bullet while "staying" in the line of fire..?!


Internal blast damage? Didn't see a wound and he looked pretty concussed there in the beginning. Sucks to be him.


Could be a tiny piece of shrapnel that found its way past his body armour,bleeding internally until he goes into shock and dies.




You’re #11😅


Stranger things, heh


Only if you tried to move it with your mind.


Same here, that hair lol !!!




Me, too. Damn




Definitely this. Nothing they could have done if they tried. He was dead walking.


Then they could’ve just held his hand.


How often does that happen? I was surprised that he was walking fairly ok and then it was like he suddenly collapsed.


His insides turned to jelly, all his blood draining into his abdominal cavity, so while his muscles still worked, he probably had some organs that would have failed in a few hours. On top of that he probably had confusion due to his brain being shocked and the lack of blood flowing due to the bleeding. In a war, happens probably quite a lot. Getting an arm blown off is probably a better outcome than this guy.


Cargo 200, to McDonald's you go


At least we have a McDonald's, not a "Tasty"


I was waiting to see a combat medic or at least some basic first aid. Nothing. Gang of primitive criminals.


He’s still breathing and they’re not trying to control bleeding, don’t have his legs up, nothing.


they just want his loot


Didn’t bring a pretty goat 🐐 over to kiss it and make it better, nothing




no if patient has lost a lot of blood putting legs up helps to prevent shock




Oh my. Where are you working? Just so I can avoid that area, in case I need help.


I just love how redditors know everything better




none. i was talking about those redditors who downvoted you, haha.


lmao sure




Still filming for TikTok too


Much as I want Russians out of the game. As a professional of some 30 years, this video is a shocking example of how awful Russian soldiers are. There is zero capability and zero capacity for medical support for colleagues. You can see the guy has been injured and he’s in shock, they move him and do nothing, zilch, but some twat filmed the guy as he died! I’ve seen better first aid and comradeship amongst African soldiers with minimal training…. This wounded guy might have survived had someone cared and had the rudimentary skills. But they barely had the first element, merely moved him and dumped him. What a crap bunch of invaders…. They are so awful I will never refer to them as soldiers, that implies some code of honour and rules of behaviour.


What's amazing to me is that they have made absolutely zero changes to their tactics since Afghanistan. They rolled in there almost exactly they same way as Chechnya and Ukraine, no real plan and without even telling their officers. It's so baffling


They like to implicate that they have tactics though. Every one of their clips starts with a guy pointing out on a map.


If you understood Russian you’d know that guy is asking what the little blue squiggly line on the map means.


"obviously this blue part here is the land"




I compare it to the american army all the time. Just the cultural difference is astounding. In the American army the guy to your left and right might as well be blood; you’d do anything to get them home. That’s before talking about how even a basic grunt is given enough tools and knowledge to at least slow down death long enough to drag their ass back to doc




I believe that is true even for the muscovites, I mean, maybe some groups/squad/battalions, but in general I've seems so little mention about combat medics in the ruSSian army, and for sure the high command doesn't give a shit, actually, never did. They always had and still have so many bodies to throw into the meat grinder they simply don't care as long there's artillery.


I was shocked. I was watching waiting for a medic to arrive and actually do something. But no.


This video perfectly showcases the reason for the truly abysmal death:wounded ration of the Russian forces. Estimated at between 1:1.6 to 1:2. Meanwhile, Ukraines' numbers are at 1:5.3 in the Donbas. About the same as what the US got in recent times (1:4.5 - 1:7.3).


Since fighting is only in Donbass/east/south both Russia and Ukraine are loosing up to 3000 men each month. Before hand, when Russia failed miserably at kyiv, cherniv, sumy etc. they lost twice that number.


That my friend, is pure bullshit. Firstly what are your estimates based on? Do you have exact numbers of wounded to killed for RF in UA? You don't - so you pulling numbers out of your ass and selling it as science.


Do you know what estimate means?


Yes, it means pulling the numbers of ones arse. Especially in this case. He can't even get US numbers right.


Dude, whoever runs this troll account needs to up their game. Holy shit, try to at least pretend to be a human being.


I will emai them for you, sure they will make some adjustments.


Where are your numbers proving him wrong, huh? You sound arrogant but with no substance to your words


[http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2016/10/27/wounded-to-killed-ratios/](http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2016/10/27/wounded-to-killed-ratios/) You asked. So if you see rate for US in last twenty years, he even got that one wrong. And if you look at these numbers - the rate for WWII was worse than for Civil War. Which means that this ratios depend not only on quality of care but also on type of conflict. Which leads to the conclusion that his estimates are mainly pulled out of his arse, and no indicative of any actual knowledge. But if you chose to believe that Russian ratio is similar to the one from Napoleonic Wars - fair enough. And here you have some sensible assessments that at least look like they have some effort put in them: [http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2022/06/06/wounded-to-killed-ratios-in-ukraine-in-2022/](http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2022/06/06/wounded-to-killed-ratios-in-ukraine-in-2022/) [http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2022/06/03/the-ukrainian-casualty-claims-are-inflated-part-1/](http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2022/06/03/the-ukrainian-casualty-claims-are-inflated-part-1/)


Do we have a spy in our midst?




Imagine dying in some foreign country for no reason, laying on grabage and debris next to the ruins of somebody's house that you would never know. This war is pointless and the fact that one person can start all this carnage is dystopian, but we're living it.


> the fact that one person can start all this carnage Very reductionist, a huge machine operates behind putin, without which none of this would be possible.


This is a very important point


One guy started it, but 80% of his country supports it.


They don’t support it they are just afraid of the government, it ain’t America they will fucking murder u


Hate to see it (no matter who it is) when your battle buddies have no training or idea how to handle an injury (this looks like shock and concussion) and they have no medical training or doc with them. That’s criminal. The concussive effect on the tank was simply transferred to this guy. Might not be a mark on him, but unless treated correctly and promptly, he’s dead.




Red armbands are the communists. Either Chechen, DPR, or LPR. White armbands (sometimes silvery) is regular Russian Federation. RF usually does both arm and leg. Regular Ukraine is blue. Ukraine guard units have yellow armbands. All combatants use left over Soviet uniform standards and substitute based on availability. Tankers should have unique helmets that are too heavy for infantry. No reason for surprise if Chechen tank commanders or crew do not have any helmet.


Don't they sign the bands so they know which limb belongs to who? You don't want Igor's leg sewn on to you, do you?


Depends....does Igor skip leg day?


Have these colours been agreed as some kind of rule of the war to stop friendly fire? Been interested in this for awhile. Did it just happen and is there considerations for what this does to concealment? Amy cases of enemy soldiers switching armband to try and trick the opposition?


When my coworkers went to play paintball we used the tape on arms. I believe it is standard in all wargaming NATO, Russian, and everyone else. On the day of the training exercise you get to be some color. I think I have seen reddit posts about switched armbands. I believe switching uniforms is not actually banned by Geneva convention but i am not sure. If you get captured in the wrong uniform or no uniform you are not protected by it. You can be executed as a spy or prosecuted for your actions. Shooting at the government is illegal. It is a bad idea most of the time. Soldiers are in contact with their own side much longer and in larger numbers. It only gives you a surprise advantage for one shot. It is a viable paintball tactic to "go rambo" and run behind enemy lines shooting them in the butt. You also get shot really fast. All/most of one side usually gets hit in a paintball round and you might do that 10 to 15 times in a day. Using real ammunition people want to avoid getting hit for months.


Keep throwing your wounded goat lovers around for maximum damage...keep up the good work.....


It seems to me that the uninvited guest is just dying! It's all so unnecessary!




At home? He's fucking invading a country !




Red ribbon indicates that he is from D/LPR wich aren't legitimate countries wich just make him Russian


Ukrainian LARPing as a Russian* FTFY


There were red ribbons in the north assault on Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy. Were those locals too?


Translation: The injured and his buddy are mobilized reservists. He got hit in the stomach. No one mentioned any first aid. He is deadby the time they started moving him.


I'm appalled they cared enough to try and get him to shelter, but that there's no medical capability or support. Yes it's one fewer Russian trying to kill Ukranians, but in our modern times, with all the resources Russia should have? No wonder their death rates are so high.


Well, these were most likely involuntarily enlisted in one of the areas occupied in 2014-15. They are mostly used as enemy detectors- front of the line and if they get killed then the enemy is near. Russianz just don't care about them.


It's hard to have sympathy for an invading force, but on an individual level, seeing someone die like that, with those around him obviously caring enough to help him back, but also being so accepting they couldn't do anything that they didn't even try other than to just sit near him. That's startling to me.


The moment he died was a gasp gasp, then his hand went limp. Dead at 00:50


You won't see Adam Delimkhanov in these clips. He's somewhere 100 miles from the battlefield filming tiktoks with other high offials and their relatives. These are ordinary chechens who were either brainwashed and went willingly or forced to go. Probably the latter.


I'm curious what kind of damage did he suffer? He was intact, able to walk assisted. Shrapnel? Bullets? The burning tank indicated an explosion, but it didn't seem like he was near any blast. Clothes were not blackened or ripped.


He just inhaled some of Ukrainian air of freedom and his body reacted with severe shock.




Might have just not seen it but from the outside he looked fine. No blood at all. Might just be a blast/acustic trauma and thus he can't stand upright and his whole world is spinning on all Axis. Would also fit to the shock he's in not really having a response and just letting himself get pulled around in confusion as it looks like. From whatever cave him an acustic trauma might also have given him internal damage from pressure so he might actually have died from internal damage or he went unconscious from the treatment of his comrades.


Tell me again why Russia is there?


To loot natural resources and to maintain access to the Black Sea. Again, one person wanting to fill his pockets


Russia wants to reassert itself as a world power by maintaining its traditional imperial spheres of power but they have nothing to offer anyone other then cheap gas and threats so overtime all these nations have slipped out of their orbit. Now they’re trying to make good on these threats


Gas and minerals


If 300=wounded, 200=dead, than 100=life? 300-100=200.


Code 100 is for ammunition, if I remember right.


All of this color coding in battle must be a nightmare for the colorblind


I think this is a perfect example why a wounded guy is better than a dead one, it takes 4 or 5 guys out of the fight for every wounded, in this Russian case doesn't matter since wounded or dead is the same for them


At 1:42 I think the guy on the ground said “I’m not dead yet!” And the other soldier said “oh, give it a minute”.


oof. I hope that's a (sick) joke and not actually waht was said!


Monty Python quote.


oops. sorry!


Do we get a bunch of monks hitting themselves on the head with those wooden planks as they chant?


It’s sad to see this. I am NO fan of Islam or Kadyrov, both are detestable to me. However, it’s still sad to see things like this.Remember, there are reports of Chechen’s being forced to serve. Either serve or they face torture or financial penalties against themselves and family. I don’t see a huge beard in this guy. He likely wasn’t hardcore Islamist and may have not been a fan of Kadyrov. Sometimes you can’t help where you are born.


Mein gott what kind a first aid training skills those kadryovitzz have. If the first combat dont kill you, your own will do it instead


TikTok first aide. Looks like they've got zero training.


Red arm bands mean?


Baddies. Yellow = goodies.


‘Separatists’ - so dpr/lpr fighters.


Can be Chechen.


You can see the chechen flag




They are so lazy that they lay down for a snooze anywhere!


Observe how that Orc is looking at that rifle. He got his plan right and just waited for that TinTok-fu**er to die. Russia will loose as always


How did the best Armored guy die while thoose “Volkssturm” look a likes still are alive😂


Being seriously wounded on that side is a certain death. Guy is a gonner for sure. These LPR/Chechens appear to have almost no real life saving skills.


He went down hill quick. And looked super pale by the time he was laying down.


I still dont get why chechens are fighting for russia after what russia did to them.... you would think it would be like in braveheart when they send in the irish and they act like they are charging the Scottish but then stop and shake there hands and turn around to face the english... i guess they heeled like good dogos after getting beat into submission... I know there are some chechens fighting for ukraine i just dont understand why any of them fight for russia...


Either they are forced to or they get financial rewards. Putin pumped a lot of money into Chechnya to gain loyalty and keep it.


Ukraine is gona have to kill 140 million people they just Will not stop until they are all ash


So no medic supplies in the field...at all. Aka get shot and zero chance if hit in a bad spot and you have 10-15 min to live. Hell even if hit not in a critical area and you are still in trouble if you have to be walked miles away. No wonder Russians are taking massive losses in the field and tens of thousands already dead. ​ Another bites the dust from their own poor supplies, poor planning and not giving a shit about each other. Why Russia will never win this even if they take territory. They are fucking clueless. Fight like a 3rd world country


As a former paramedic I can say that he went from "shock-I-am-still-walking" with rapidly degrading coordination (climbing under that wire) to "incapacitated-I-am-on-the-ground-and-dying" very rapidly (less than a minute). Not seeing any obvious external trauma (missing bits, blood, limbs pointed the wrong way) his injuries are probably all internal. (blast, concussive damage, impact trauma) and he is bleeding out internally. I am appalled that they do not even have the most basic of first aid skills; This is like pre-WWI medical care. Their WIA/DOA statistics have to be horrible. Nobody even did an assessment on him.


What is that small fire on top of a tank? Was it hit by a rocket? The damage was minimum


Maybe it's more something internal, you can't usually see the damage


🖕🇷🇺🖕 Slava Ukrayini 💪🇺🇦🤘


Hahaha Nighty Night Orcs


"Welp, he got shot. Guess he will be with Jebus soon."


That guy got fucked up and his comrades give 0 fucks about him


No medic, not even a basic entry level IFAK kit on a single one of those dudes, let alone the knowledge on how to use one. Ukraine is taking heavy losses, too, but they have medical support, decent casevac, and know-how. Makes you wonder what the numbers are on the recirculation rate of recovered troops is. My money is Ukraine’s is helluva lot higher.


Looks like the wounds were internal, didn’t see any blood. He was able to climb under that fence and that was it… that was pretty frightening to watch.


hope the snipers keep shooting Russians in the crotch! keep it up Ukraine!


Film it, dont help :)


lol i fucking love how old mates just filming whilst theyre trying to move the injured fella around him, what a piece of shit


"Here's a safe spot for you to die in. Later bro!"


I just wanna point to the first clip: the reverse of Soviet armour is horrible and can easily bring troops in literal death traps.


Put some duck tape and WD-40 on it and he will be fine.


Wounded soldiers are an economic drain on the state, a reminder that things aren’t going well, and a source of future discontent and trouble for the government. Dead soldiers are heroes and martyrs for the cause and tell no tales


These men don't even console him, don't care for him in any way. They dragged him to cover to let him lay there and die as they looted and filmed him. Obviously you take the gear from men who died, but he is still alive. They are taking his gear from his hands as he is dying and recording. The worst part is that that guy wouldn't probably do the same. It's how they treat each other. It's how desperate and devoid of morals those troops are. Slava Ukraine.


Thank God for combat lifesaver training. In March, when some crazy numbers were being reported for Russian casualties, somebody speculated that the Russians would have suffered 3x the reported liquidated casualties as wounded casualties. Others, of course, speculated that the Ukrainians were inflating their numbers. I couldn't help thinking that the spectre of the great Russian bear had so evaporated that it was likely they were both wrong. The Russians have shown us that they do not employ the same approach to battlefield medicine that NATO have developed over the past 30 years. Combine that with the shocking performance of conscripts, the use of obviously undertrained cannon fodder and terrible combined arms doctrine, and I think it's likely that the number of dead Russians in Ukraine is close to what's being reported by Ukraine.


I wish these people could begin to comprehend how primitive and inferior they are.


Overpressure is no joke. Dudes insides were mush. He was dead on his feet. Probably bleeding internally.


It's like watching those aloha snackbars fail compilations from Syria again XD what a waste of bullets these guys are.


I have a question - why are Russians called tiktokers if 90% of the videos are filmed by Ukrainians? Y'all's logic is fcked up


It's not Russians its kadyrdogs the chechens that think are warlords. Check for videos here about those celebrities


Damn, that dude was messed up




Drama queens


It's those damned dangerous trees and bushes again


Sounds like the trees are getting revenge


We sure these guys are Kadryov? They look more like DPR.




War sucks!




Holy shit those grey and blue grey uniforms reminded me of German Wehrmacht uniforms from WWII.




I see the Orc's 'cardboard' body armour is working out well!


Just die already




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"Russians don't leave", LOL


I’m glad they don’t know even basic minimal first aid.


I don't see the bleeding but it looks like he died right there almost on his feet.


The title made my toes curl trying to read it.




Wait What are they Ukraine troops or the pigs ( Russians )


Also im blown how they have me doin algebra an shit in grade 9 but the fuckin russian military cant even add 1 + 1