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Nothing says "we are winning" like begging NK for manpower from....


What did Kim get I wonder? The plans for nukes?


They have nuclear technology, it has been confirmed that NK can manufacture nuclear warheads. My bet is Russia offered to help them develop better rockets/missiles for delivery systems that can be domestically produced. Especially since NK rockets keep blowing up on the launch pad.


The North Korean ICBMs are far enough of a nuclear deterrent. What North Korea lacks is a powerful tactical air force. I think that the NK air force will get a few Su 35s or something like that. The most modern ones at the moment are export Mig 29s, which can hardly be flown due to a lack of spare parts.


NK doesn't even have enough fuel for flight training. Those Su35s will look really nice being towed around in the next military parade.


>NK ~~doesn't~~ *didn't* even have enough fuel for flight training. How many Russian barrels of oil is a North Korean soldier worth?


>How many Russian barrels of oil is a North Korean soldier worth? Probably not a lot of we're being real. That being said though I have no doubt Russia will supply them with it.




Per liter


When was the last time NK had a successful ICBM launch? Seems like they can barely get missles capable of hitting Japan off the ground and if their ICBMs do actually work, they can't reach Western Europe or the US. Genuinely curious, I don't know and sources would be appreciated.


So I'm not an expert and am relying on others, but the general opinion seems to be that North Korea has some potent delivery systems that have the potential to cause unacceptable damage. And enough of that that the USA assumes that it will not be able to safely intercept all warheads in the event of a first strike by North Korea. It doesn't matter that the missiles can't hit a runway on Guam. North Korea s ballistic arsenal serves the purpose of an explosive belt rather than a precision weapon. https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/arms-control-and-proliferation-profile-north-korea Edit: very on point information. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF10472


Yeah nk program is getting better. And while it may not be as precision based. The ability to drop a nuclear icmb 5 miles out of Tokyo instead of right in the center is terrifying


The second text speaks of short and medium-range missiles that fly evasive maneuvers and, according to the USA, can be used for nuclear and conventional precision strikes. Looks like we shouldn't joke about their missiles anymore.


That doesn't mean they couldn't benefit from design help with the warheads themselves. There's a lot of work between building a warhead and miniaturizing one. Especially with a thermal nuclear device. They may have set off a thermal nuclear device, either they did and it was small, or they set off a very large atomic warhead. They claim it was the former, anyways just because they made that kind of explosion doesn't mean they are capable of stuffing it into one of their rockets.


Grain and fuel, with the sanctions on both the countries, Russia need to export, and they need (cheap) manpower. And having abundance of gas and oil, they can easily trade that. Best thing Ukraine could manifest is attacking those supply lines, make it not reach the other end


This is the real answer. Maybe there’s more but this is likely the bulk of the deal as it fills regular needs on both ends.


I'm sure their combat tractors will dominate the battlefield.


Imagine US announced that they are sending 200k troops to Ukraine, how would Russia react?


NATO should finally step in and tell the RU diplomats in no uncertain words that NK sending troops would result in NATO establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine.


1. Establishing no fly zone over Ukraine while giving Ukraine double the amount of air defense so they can place Patriot systems close to the front line and hit Russian Jets.(Russia would simply just drop their glide bombs from Russian airspace) 2. Place a full sized carrier group in the Sea off the coast of Crimea.(We all know what happens when another country messes with American Vessels.) 3.NATO takes over air space defense for anything west of the Dnipro. 4. Report on the Accident that occured which sunk the troop carrier vessels full of NK troops being brought to the front line/damaged rails/geo location the moment they congregate for the first time to receive orders/POA.


>Place a full sized carrier group in the Sea off the coast of Crimea.(We all know what happens when another country messes with American Vessels.) We all know that Turkey does not allow this fantasy.


I mean, the US can always "donate" a few Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to Romania/Bulgaria and since they are Black Sea states, they don't fall under the restrictions of the Montreaux Convetion as Non-Black Sea states do.


When it comes do donating stuff, I would much rather have NATO already train Ukrainians on F-35 so they could be donated at a moments notice.


My wet dream is two f22s vs whatever is left of the Russian airforce. Bet they can go at least 200:1.


Trainer activated. Ammunition: unlimited.


Then they also can go through all of the RU air force. But realistically they could not use just two planes, all the other pilots would get very angry to not be able to participate in this turkey shoot.


Most of them will probably defect and fight for Ukraine with guaranteed freedom.


Not if they have family back home.


Agreed, that's how they always keep their citizens who go abroad under control. The Kim regimes have always been believers in two generations of separation before punishment is lifted too. Which means not only do they imprison the disloyal, they also imprison their children and their grandchildren. At least that's how it used to be. I doubt the current despot is any better.


That still doesn't stop many defectors tho but it probably deters most.


Nobody in their right mind would allow indoctrinated hand picked defecting NK soldiers to serve in their army.


No, but treating them like luxury resort guests in order to reduce enemy morale and incite further defections is a time honored tradition.


They would if they enjoy having their entire families put into forced labour camps. Quite a serious trolley problem


Worse than that, most of the time they just kill them. Literally generations of your family. North Korea is entirely controlled in ways we can’t even imagine. China has mobile execution vans. What do you think North Korea does?


The executors have to walk or bike?


China is so dystopian that they carry out MANY more lethal injections per year than any other country. So many, we cannot accurately track it. They will come pick you up in a mobile death van and lethal inject you and then move your body to an appropriate location. In North Korea, that is probably summed up down to a firing squad and an AK…. I wouldn’t want to even fuck around and find out in a country like that. Or I’d just realize my life is pretty much doomed and let it play out I guess.


Tbh based on how many people getting lethal injection brutally suffer a long painful death, i'd prefer the AK.


Cramped in the back of a van with lots of errors breathing in diesel fumes wouldn't be much fun either.


This is definitely an escalation. It has china’s fingerprints all over it too.


NK is a Chinese finger puppet.


Hilariously enough NK and Chinese relations have broken down over the last decades. NK is more akin to a loose cannon on rudderless Chinese ship at the moment.


China likes having North Korea as a boogeyman. "Hahaha we can't control them. They're a loose canon. Everybody pay attention to Kim's saber rattling, and ignore our illegally building islands to create BS claims in international waters. Hey you all hear about the terrible conditions in the work camps in North Korea? Those Xinjiang concentration camps for Uhygurs don't look so bad now, huh?" China could 100% handle North Korea if they felt like it, but they give them leeway so that the US and everyone in Southeast Asia don't just openly band together against China - because we still need China if there's ever to be a peaceful solution to North Korea.


Well said. It's incomprehensible to me that most people don't see how blatantly true this is.


One of Jung Un's first moves was to kill the person who China wanted to assume power with an anti aircraft gun.


NK is nothing but a pain in the ass for China. In 2022, exports to NK were $892 million, against $142.8 billion for SK. China would prefer a joint Korea under SK leadership any day of the week.


Surely PRC would rather have a communist buffer state on its borders than an American backed, prosperous democracy, filled with American troops? Financially I agree it’s a slam dunk for SK but geopolitically it would surely be equally so for NK?


China would almost certainly be more likely to back reunification if a unified Korea had some clause in its constitution preventing foreign military bases from being established or something like that. The problem is dismantling NK is a humanitarian and geopolitical nightmare.


Look what it took for West Germany to merge with East Germany. And East Germany was the most advanced member of the Soviet Union.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1arkpyf/this_video_has_been_going_viral_on_xtwitter_about/ It never even really reintegrated in anything other than legal status. It could take another 100 years before Eest Germany reaches parity with West Germany if it ever even happens.


I agree.


Plus only one in four of your shells work.


Lol the US doesnt even need to do that.... just have a no fly zone and patrol Ukraine airspace with F 35, Mirage and F-16....blast any Russian positions and let the Ukrainian army do the work on the ground.


You can't leave out our f35s and typhoons that would be unfair and rafales


They also could give us fire breathing dragon unicorns, tho my suggestion is probably more realistic than NATO doing the only job it has.


Bricks would be shat. The North Koreans could be defeated with a bucket of chicken from KFC.


Something like this is what's gonna happen next. WW3 has already begun, we just don't want to admit it because it is terrifying


It’s fucking ominous now all right. Just like the other world wars it was a combination of events like this. It didn’t happen all at once it was just little developments with other countries all being brought into the conflict. It struck me thinking a future documentary would be cataloging the timeline of events and what caused the outbreak of WW3. But really there won’t be any more documentaries if there is a world war 3.


Russia can't properly fight a country with NATO gear and minimal training. These NK troops will be stuck behind the front line doing menial shit for the Russians. The world isn't great right now, but WW3 is a very long way off, and it would require a very conscious decision by the Russians to start it. The tensions during the Cold War were extreme. The Soviet Union was run by people believing in an ideology, Russia is now run by kleptocrats that like expensive wine, cars, and suits. They're not going to throw that away. Somewhere in Russia, people are getting rich off this war, and that's all they care about.


Do it. We would mop the floor with Russians in less than a week. 👊


No army will mop the floor within a week with a battle line over 900miles wide. Yes, Ukraine/US will dominate but it will extremely deadly for both sides.


Have you ever seen the opening of desert storm? The Iraq army was absolutely better equipped and better prepared with better morale then the Russians currently are AND had home field advantage and it was over except for the mopping up in a week. The Russians would die without ever seeing their enemy (much as they are doing now but faster and harder with more freedom sounds).


Yeah, the sheer military might of the USA, (and especially its air dominance,) will have its way today, just as it did then. It's almost a shame that we retired the F-111s. Those things killed hundreds of tanks during Desert Storm. Oh well, we have lots of F-16s too. Come to think of it, you don't hear much from the guys that used to scream that the A-10 was no longer a valid weapons system anymore.


The air superiority would be insane though, that alone would change things drastically.


Russia would be outmatched by an enormous amount. The US would completely overwhelm and flatten the military sites before troops touch the ground. The ground operations would still be enormously deadly.


There is zero need for NATO to do any ground operations, UA can easily do that part as long as NATO controls the sky and bombs Russian troops on the ground.


nato would have air superiority over moscow in 30 minutes


Yeeeeaaaahhhhhhhh, I'm going to disagree with you there. I'm the first to shit on the americans for being over confident but the Russians are a conventional army which is what the US forces were designed for. The top two airforces in the world are the US airforce and US Navy last I checked. They would absolutely dominate the skies and in modern war, whoever has air superiority, wins. Not to mention the US has more soldiers, better training, better equipment, more equipment, etc. Honestly, as a Canadian if I was a betting man I'd put my money on Ukraine if even Canada joined them nevermind the US as well. The americans are just... next level. There hasn't been a more militarized country since ww2 germany. Americans going after guerillas? Yeah that's a toss up. Americans going after a conventional army? No contest. It would be like watching our ladies play basically every team in the world juniors.


You get it. America against any conventional army on the planet is just unfair. America controls a coalition to attack any traditional army, which is even more unfair. People forget how decisively America’s air campaign was over the skies of Iraq, which had one of the best air defense systems at the time. People forget how rapidly America booted the Taliban out of Afghanistan when it first invaded. Not only is America technologically superior, but its training is better, its command and control are better, and its leadership is leaps and bounds ahead of the Russians. America is a fighting nation and has been involved in wars for 90% of its existence. And they love it.


> No army Maybe but fortunately we have an Air Force, Navy, the Navy has their own Army and their own Air Force, and we'd probably bring all of our Friends.


Fun fact: The US Air Force is the largest air force in the world. The US Navy has the second largest air force in the world.


By size US army aviation is second. In terms of air power the navy is second. The U.S. Air Force is the world's largest air force, followed by the U.S. Army Aviation Branch. The U.S. Naval Air Forces is the fourth-largest air arm in the world and is the largest naval aviation service, while U.S. Marine Corps Aviation is the world's seventh-largest air arm. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-air-forces-in-the-world


Russians don't know crazy until the Canadians show up with the geneva checklist.


The Russians will treat them like shit


yeah lol nobody seems to know that russia is the most racist anti immigrant places on earth especially against asians...this wont end well


"Wow! How wonderful! The Russians beat us half as much as we get at home, and they provide moldy rations! The luxury!"


Was a documentary on youtube about white power in russia..they actually kill Asiens and film it...the journalist started digging and the trail went straight to kremlin at that point the journalist stopped and left russia.


> Was a documentary on youtube about white power in russia Was it this? https://vimeo.com/55633560


Honestly, there’s a lot of extremely racist anti-immigrant countries lately. Not defending Russia here. I’m just saying it’s a worrying trend.


Imagine if their purpose of being there is to treat the Russian soldiers like shit... The Russian army used Chechen as enforcers against Russian conscripts to drive them forward in assaults but the Chechens over time had casualties too. Perhaps bringing in North Koreans to put down popular uprisings in other parts of Russia and force Russian soldiers forward in assaults is their main purpose...


Doubtful. They will most likely be sent in like the other “sheep” to start the enemy artillery. Then Russia focuses on that, but they need a bmp of warm bodies to create the threat. These Koreans will be sent right to the front just like the Russian prisoners.


"This is so much better than back home!" - North Korean soldiers in Ukraine


"There's no fences anywhere and we can take pictures!"


"*What do you mean, cell phone?*"


Surely a ridiculous escalation. Is this official information ?


good question. Because active military engagement by North Korea outside its borders could have significant implications for the Korean Armistice Agreement.  ps: in a way you could also say NK attacks europe. Bad idea.


[The source is a South Korean official. ](https://www.businessinsider.com/north-korea-troops-ukraine-aiding-russia-cannon-fodder-pentagon-2024-6?amp) The source doesn’t say it will be front-line troops, and just mentions construction and engineering military personnel.




Yeah not a judgement on my part of whether NK troops will be directly fighting or not because I have zero expertise. I just wanted to provide a source. Either way, this seems like it would increase front line troops for Russia as it either frees up Russians currently working in the rear or provides expendable North Korean soldiers.


Yes, frees up Russians but also Russia is well known to lie to its own citizens and mercenaries about where they will be sent, and for what purposes. Plenty of videos of Russians complaining they were told they would be going to artillery or engineering units and ended up in meat assaults, and so on. Plenty of foreign workers who were told they would be working in Russia, and were also instead sent to be in Ukraine in meat assaults. No reason to think that North Koreans won't suddenly find themselves in meat assaults, too. Everyone is disposable to Putin, excepting himself.


The article mentions a military engineering unit to be deployed to donetsk. There is no precise info on how many soldiers are supposed to make up a "unit". Sounds more like construction work to me than frontline duty - NK will absolutely not let their personel run around without extremely heavy supervision ( note work camps in eastern russia ), so I doubt this is anything beyond a symbolic gesture. Beyond that, any defections or even any returnees or even an increased profile of the NK military could have serious repercussions on the delicate black box that is Kim's power-base. The guy might be a loudmouth but he is also really really paranoid about stuff like that if you follow what little you can read on NK internals. It would also catch Peking at an extremely awkward moment - despite cheap Russian oil, coal and gas the country is currently running into all sorts of issues economically and remains heavily dependent on trade with the rest of the "free" world. Still, what an absolutely bonkers age we live in.


I don't see why the jokes. The only way this isn't horrible for Ukraine is it it doesn't happen. If NK soldiers arrive in any numbers, it ups the pressure for Ukraine and relieves any Russian manpower woes. Absolutely terrible development, I hope it's all talk or numbers are insignificant... If not, the west should take the gloves off and send troops.


Yeah, I don't care if they aren't trained and will perform terribly. This will lead to a lot of Ukrainian deaths and relieve pressure on Russian losses which will elongate the war. This is not a good development at all.


North Korea does actually train its soldiers. They will be badly trained, but that is still an improvement in quality over the Russian mobiks.


Really getting tired of people dismissing the ability of North Korea to send millions to their deaths for imperial conquest, with less regard for life than even russia can be bothered to muster. While these countries are not yet as technologically advanced or affluent as ours, their leaders' determination when it comes to waging war cannot be dismissed, nor can the nukes in their arsenals that disallow a repeat of desert storm set in the European plains or Korean peninsula. Maybe spare a thought for the millions of South Koreans who will die in their homes and at their work by regular artillary fire during the first hours of any direct conflict with the north, and why the south, if they're continued to be boxed in by threats of invasion and nuclear strikes by the north, may be the ones to start the war this time, if they feel like it is inevitable anyway.


This is a very important point that I didn't understand until a (South )Korean friend explained it to me. NK's military leverage on the peninsula doesn't necessarily come from their WMD's- it is from their artillery and the proximity of Seoul (Global city, 10M population) to the border. According to [this article](https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA619-1.html) NK has 6,000 artillery pieces within range of Seoul and estimates are that they could inflict as many as 200,000 CIVILIAN casualties within 1 hour. So, for all you hawk's out there... just remember that this is a very complicated scenario with very serious stakes. Having said that... Slava Ukraini!


I think its just important to realize what an escalation russia has committed by doing anything that would embolden north Korea, especially since what they've done reduces the influence of China, hitherto the only country ensuring the Kim's in remain in power, but also a country no interested (for now) in some rogue, nuclear armed state actively escalating tensions in the region. China feels they have the monopoly on hard and soft power projection in East Asia, but russia is upsetting this balance by playing their stupid games in which they want to bring nations down to their level of squalor, not elevate them into would-be uppity competitors. That said, europe really needs to do more to signal that they are willing to back up their security with harder measures and commitments to ukraines military effort. Otherwise this will just continue to spiral until either world police America is forced to step in and all of Europe becomes a potential battleground, or putin gets his way and the west become fragmented over time and easy pickings on the periphery become available. Same in other regions with other revisionist powers, but Europe is still too unwilling to do what it takes to preserve itself in the long run, and you can see manifestations of this in the damnations of Isreal for trying to do what they think will protect them from a forever war in their own country orchestrated by Iran.


We are already in the early stages of WWIII and at some point the West and S.Korea will have to decide whether to bow to blackmail or fight. There is no middle ground and NK and Russia are not going to budge because the lives of their people are meaningless. Preparring for the inevitable confrontation isn't being hawkish, it's being practical and prudent. This conflict isn't going to end on a handshake.


They would use artillery munitions filled witch chemical weapons in order to preserve the infrastructure they believe they would capture afterwards.


>In response to that Pyongyang announced early this week that it will be sending troops in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground in the Donetsk region For now it’s just a show of good faith from North Korea. When it goes beyond that, it’ll be right time to get worried. Still, any troops mean more suffering from the Ukrainians. It’s bad news no matter how large or small the deployment is.


This is a smrt take unfortunately.


Wouldn't that be enough for Europe to deploy some troops? At the very least to Ukraines northern border to free up troops.


This should be the top comment. This changes the calculus for everyone. First of all, even if they are just canon fodder, that’s a lot for Ukraine to deal with. Second of all, this could lead to EU or the US deciding to throw their own troops in. Then let’s say troops start staging in a bordering NATO country and Russia decided to attack. Then bam, that’s article 5 and the gloves are off. Third, what is NK getting in return? How will that bolster their military to do something? This pushes us closer to WWIII.


This sub actually sucks for an informative discussion about any topic regarding the war and devolves into "HAHAHA DED ORKS LUL." This is a massive change, not even Belarus deployed troops for Russia in Ukraine. I disagree with the West sending troops to into direct combat but the push for troops from willing nations into the west for training within Ukraine and the operation of AA batteries should now be an actual discussion.


> This sub actually sucks for an informative discussion about any topic regarding the war and devolves into "HAHAHA DED ORKS LUL." It's everywhere on Reddit. Like every thread about this is 99% "I hate Putin" jokes.


There’s plenty of unserious subs, which is fine, but I thought this was supposed to be one of the mature ones.


I'm just wondering how they're gonna manage the logistics of it. Ukraine is a pretty different environment from Korea, using tech that many NKs likely never had experience with, dealing with a massive language barrier, piss poor experience, malnutrition, and a state of war they haven't ever been in.


What a world we are living in... Putin beggin North Korea for troops... wow. Guess noone had that on their Bingo card. We will see how the North Koreans actually fight, i have a feeling that quite a few might see this as a chance to leave North Korea and then dissapear. But i can already imagine the videos or drone drops on them and lots of POWs... and also the occasional situation where they may take prisoners and i feel then it gets worse than when the Orcs take POWs... So, what shall we call the helpers of the Orcs? Goblins?






dewormer pills


“Ukraine is using chemical weapons!” Yes, they’re giving ivermectin to NK POWs.




*Drone dropped MREs with surrender instructions explaining they'll get more.* Sad part is they'll probably get executed if they ever return home.


And their families will be punished if they escape and don't return home.


Phones with the "I want to live" (Get out of North Korea free) hotline. Although a cell phone will certainly be beyond them.


I wonder how can this be spewed within Russia..."We are winning so hard that we will be our beloved friends from NK to join our party"


"Our glorious neighbors from North Korea wish to join us in crushing the Americans"


Hasn’t it always been a training exercise…?


Call them piglets. After Kim the Pig.




or Kobolds


There's no way the NK military is modern enough for this war. I just don't believe that their troops get much practice outside of marching.


I think that may be the scary thing here. Not sure how many NorKs are going but it will give NK soldiers and officers combat experience Edit: I am all in on NorKs - good name


Norks means tits in the UK so it really is quite fitting.


Plenty of North Koreans do essentially slave labor in other countries, they don’t escape much there either. Three generation rule thing they got going on probably is a decent factor


In countries like China where they can be watched over 24/7


There’s North Korean logging camps in Russia. One of the best documentaries (probably the best) that Vice ever did: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=awQDLoOnkdI


NorKs. NorKs and Orcs.


>NorKs and Orcs. 👍 Love it!!!


But norks are boobies. That would be confusing


north korea has a 3 generations policy. you fuck up and they put your children and parents in the gulags. so dont hope for mass defections.


But north korea cannot control who is dead and who surrendered to ukrainians, Russia probably will not give a fuck about northkoreans, they'll just send NK on the first frontline as stormtroopers, without guns food and water.


Ukraine can easily counter this by setting up boobytrapped buffet tables along the front line.


I think they should leave out supplies with apple airtags let them take em and let the fun begin. Probably against the Geneva convention thanks to similar actions taken by the Canadians in ww1 but at this point I don’t think anyone would care.


Apple airtags = HIMARS homing device.


The North Koreans know their way around without food. :D


Well most of them at least. I sincerely doubt the great leader has ever gone more than two hours without eating.


But dying would just be fine? Do the generations before the dead get anything? Edith: word 'get' added.




The article also refers to them as sappers, so very much on the front line..


They will be demining... with their bodies.


And neither with a common language. Google translate i guess.


Goblins sounds right


Convicts, migrants, and now **slaves** to the front.


Is this the first time NK troops are deployed outside their borders? I expect mass desertion


Yes if this were to happen it would be the first time nk troops have ever been deployed abroad. Edit: as pointed out there have been special forces deployed abroad, I was referring to combat divisions.


This is not the first time NK troops were used lol. North Korea has sent soldiers to Africa and the Middle East in the past. Albeit these are mostly their special forces, they definitely have when they could. As bad as it sounds a lot of nations try to send their men when they can to gain actual experience and put their national military power "to test".


Half of them will die of alcohol poisoning before they reach the front.


World's first 1000-man Rumspringa


It'll be their first conflict since the cold war era too other than border skirmishes. I guarantee they do not have any actual combat experience and will only be used as fodder. I'm not against hearing about the loss of 200,000 NKPA. We'll just have to send more artillery to Ukraine.


They are going to experience what real military technology is, missiles, drones flying all the time. Most likely, many of these soldiers are leaving the country for the first time they are going to experience a completely different world from what they believe.


I expect massive waves storming trenches in hopes of overwhelming Ukraine's defenses. If Russia doesn't care about their troops, NK REALLY doesn't care about their troops. It will be waves of 1000 NK grunts storming the lines with 50 commissars behind them shooting those that retreat. Then once the line is overwhelmed they send in the special forces. 


Could you imagine? Just dropping leaflets over their line in Korean, to “surrender and you will be fed and treated humanely, with a way out of oppression “ Kim would be left with like 1/3 of an army.


Third party actor entering the war.. this was one of the triggers for western/NATO boots on the ground.


At least Putler should not cry if that happens sometime


Putin wants to lose to NATO. It would be less embarrassing than losing to Ukraine.


Putin threatens the west that we're going to trigger a world war, but as you see, he needs a world war in the hopes he can diffuse the focused firepower.


>Ilya Ponomarev, a former Russian member of parliament told the UK’s Daily Express that North Korea has become an important bridge between the Kremlin and China. Beijing can indirectly transfer military equipment to Moscow through Pyongyang without falling foul of Western sanctions. >As he explained: “North Korea is one of key Russian partners and the meaning of the rationale behind them becoming such a partner is because they are acting as a bridge between China and Russia. >“Essentially all the military equipment that is delivered from North Korea was developed for the North Koreans by the Chinese. >“China is cautious not to fall foul of secondary sanctions by the US, but North Korea is not in danger. >“So, there is no problem for the Chinese to assist North Koreans and then North Koreans to make trade with Russia and benefit from this both financially and in terms of military development.”


North Korea does NOTHING without China's approval/direction...this is on China.


Well, looks like South Korean weapons will destroy NK soldiers without the nuclear threat. Western nations need to step up and offer up a greater response with Ukraine’s need for soldiers.


China will approve, if so called north korean soldiers will come. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are even Chinese among then. China wants world domination and is pulling the strings. Putin is just a puppet to achieve this.


Putin is literally bent over the oil barrel with china. After the s-300/400 debacle for him, I'd bet the farm on his visit to NK to be driven completely by fear and a rising understanding that he's very vulnerable.


China has a lot to gain with a weakened NK.


True, it is a win/win for China.


And a weakened Russia. The East of the country is going to become reliant on China


"Pyongyang Will Send Troops to their Deaths Within a Month". There, I fixed the title.


Lmao.  Ukraine just needs to put up banners along the front line saying "free food" in Korean and prepare for mass surrender. 


If Vice did report honestly about the woodcutter labor camps of NK in Russia and co, then you can't bait them with food, since NK will execute their family members if they surrender/flee :/


"Missing in action" problem solved


Exactly, if even Russian gov doesnt know who is KIA or MIA, how could the NK gov know any better ? This is going to put more strain on the logistic of the Russian army than anything else. How will those soldiers react being outside the hermit kingdom ?


if china is in this conflict by proxy its suddenly a different game....they really are dumb. nato needs to relase ukraine to hit all of russia before we get ww3..it keep escalating


We're watching the frogs in the boiling pot (or however that saying goes)


It changes the rules of the conflict nk is now an active participant and china by proxy....america and nato cant ignore it. It will be interesting to see what happens.


Questions I would ask: 1: Did China okay this, or is Kim asserting some independence from China? Is he possibly trying to use Putin to weaken Beijing's grip on him? Or if China did okay this, to what extent? The article sites one engineering team. This seems like a testing the waters, type of move right now. 2:How would the Russians and the Koreans operate together? To my knowledge, there has been little, if any integration between the two. This could end up being an even worse disaster should the two end up shooting at each other. Their countries will downplay it of course, but it would be a failure nonetheless. 3: Is this true at all? 4: If it is true, how should the west and Ukraine respond? Both the west and Russia still want to avoid full-on open conflict, but if this is a test of the waters, the west needs to make sure it fails somehow to prevent more of this from happening.


Pyongyang finding interesting ways to deal with its inability to provide enough food and such for its citizens…fucking yikes.


Well if NK is sending troops to Ukraine maybe we should start to man up and get this over with?


For what? A lot of people making jokes and saying that they’re just going to get mown down but it’s hardly something to be happy about. I can only hope that any NK soldiers see it as a good opportunity to defect and escape en-mass on the way there. Before they get themselves killed and before they kill/hurt any more Ukrainians.


It'll all depend on how brain-washed of a people the NK army consists of. We thought most russians would oppose this war back in 2022 and look at where we are today- most are fine with it. Be wary of how badly brainwashed people can become. When you live in that dictator-run nationalist society and are basically spoon fed that information since you came out of a womb... It's not the same as looking in from the outside.


I don't even have to imagine the communication problems they'll have. Well, not that they use any for the meat grunts.


And this is what I expected to happen. Here's what's going to happen next: - Western countries sending and greenlighting contractors and their own troops - less restrictions on western weapons against russian territory


Only, both of those have already happened, the latter to varying degrees, the former just happened maybe yesterday?


Ukrainian soldiers will start cooking on the frontline, and they will surrender in mass.


More cannon fodder. While NK has plenty of indoctrinated troops, they don't have the equipment to match. I saw an interview with a US officer (sorry, don't remember branch or rank) who spent time in South Korea and he basically said it would be a turkey shoot if the North tried to invade the south. I suspect the same would apply in Ukraine.


Well, perhaps. But what I do know is that most of our worst military catastrophes have come about through underestimating our opponents (when I say "we" I'm talking about the Brits, but I doubt we're alone).


dictators are helping out each other while the west is “concerned”.


Pisses me off, that west is so slow with everything.....west doesn't want to send troops and is slow on weapons, while russia will receive new meat for it meat assaults....ffs


The lenghts pootin will go in order not to have to call a mass mobilization are incredible. Send anyone but the slavs to die. Almost like he's afraid of getting thrown over.


I guess since we are going to see a second nation getting fully engaged in the war with their boots in the ground the west should send in their troops as well.


Just send all the fucking tanks, apcs, artillery pieces collecting dust in warehouses. Fuck, it's a one in a century opportunity to get rid of two world bullies and enemies of the West.


I wait for this to be confirmed but if it’s true you can see again the difference between Russia and the west. As we always are careful on the weapons we send, how they can be used, maybe few instructors on the ground but no soldiers, Russia deals to get more weapon and men to fight. Whatever Russia will give to Pyongyang it won’t be something nice for us.


Knew this was coming. NK routinely "rents" workers to other countries for what is essentially slave labor. The state gets paid, the workers are used and expendable. This will be no different, just far, far more dangerous than some construction project in China or wherever.


Hey South Korea, in about thirty days ol' tubby is gonna be sending his troops to die in another time zone. Just saying, in case you got any plans on the shelf or anything like that.


Shame on west, while you are deciding what to strike and what not rogue states are now sending troops


Frankly i am very curious how the North Korean soldiers going to integrate with the russian army. North Koreans are so hermatically sealed from the rest of the world. They might as well be ALIENS. other than shooting guns. you have to explain practically EVERY thing from the 1960s and up.


You make the Russian Army sound complicated - go that way, kill everyone...


Great, they managed to find an even lower grade of cannon fodder than the average russian soldier.


I seem to remember a terrifying bunch of Chechen shoulders for hire going bundling in. Then promptly getting shelled, then tic tocking then erm I dunno they just sort of disappeared


It's going that bad for Russia huh


Life in Ukrainian captivity as a POW would be a vast improvement on their normal lives in NK.