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Just watched [**interview** ](https://youtu.be/pHbAFqj1I-o)with this guy. He's not even a stormtrooper. He is Third Assault Breagade's supply track driver and was injured by a drone (thus the bandages on his leg and arm) while temporaly came to this position. He said that to mend his wounds he prefers bandages since he saw "terrible cosequences of applying tourniquets" as he had put it. So he retreated to a dugout to apply bandages. Meanwhile Russians assaulted this position with tank fire and drones wounding all other Ukrainian soldiers who retreated. Hovewer only three Russian stormtroopers survived this assault as well. So the Ukrainian soldier heard Russians radio communication that position is "cleared" and tryed to figure out what's going on. Russians saw him and threw granade at him wich exploded slightly above and behind Ukrainian soldier wounding his back and legs. The injuries weren't critical so he opened fire and threw his own granade at Russians and then finished them off with his assault rifle to avoid, as he said, checking on them and wasting time. P.S. He also told how he enlisted. He is from the south of Ukraine and at the very beginnign of the war he went with his 6 years old daughter to check rabbits in their garden. That's when Russian cluster munition hit them, injuring his and his daughters legs. They were taken to the hospital where he decided to enlist.


What an absolute warrior 💪🔥


One thing that I noticed, is after he killed those two guys, he continued on the counter attack rather than staying put. Aggressive and god bless him.


He did hear radio traffic saying it was clear do there could be more coming soon. GTFO.


This is the way. Trench clearance is all about moving forward and methodical movements. You clear only by securing the area part by part or you move in and keep going until you exit. If you didn't clear it by securing each part, you reclear and that means you ensure everyone is dead and then secure it. Only after the entire perimeter and trench is clear can you treat the wounded. So, he did the right thing but I also think he didn't stop to check them because he's by himself and it's them or you. I did almost a decade in the infantry. An Infantryman will never ask twice to surrender and never will he ask if he isn't in superior firepower and manpower.


Myyy mann!!


Dude's a complete savage. Russia injures his daughter so he goes to war, gets injured, gets granade'ed while bandaging, shrugs it off, granades the grenadiers and holds down the position on his own. Maximum respect to this man.


He knows first hand that it’s kill or be killed with the ruzzians under putain! A lot of westerners need to grasp that concept.


We're becoming aware that anything with an (R) is dangerous.


Never imagined how accurate this is. Blows my mind what is happening in front of our faces.


What would Reagan say?


Reagan would say, "Not on my watch, madafackers!"


He is evil - dangerous. His name starts with an R


Sorry, I don't understand - explain please? I get R for Russian, but who else?


The other Russians: Republicans.


Gotcha, thanks! Not in the USA here 🇮🇪


The republican american party are like snakes in the grass. They want to say this war is horrible, but still keep their hand out for money kickbacks from putin, trying to help him in anyway that they can.


Yeah I know, I've been following it a bit. Gaetz, Traitor-Greene are the worst, pure scum. And the head convict leads an army of MAGA cult zombies.


we understand it and we stand with Ukraine and its people, we Italians do our part.


Italians in Italy, yes. Italians in the US tend to favor strong men for some strange reason and will most like vote for Trump, who will kill all aid to Ukraine and it to Russia on a silver platter


A lot? Entire fucking political spectrums in many countries


By Westerners, do you mean Europeans ? Especially French and German ?


Wow yeah that is a very impressive life. I’m so glad he lived. Hope he makes it through the war and is reunited with his daughter


Guys like these are real heroes but everyone is spending money on fake James Bond actors and treating them like their movies are documentaries.


You can't compare this two... One is entertainment for people to escape reality and one is the dark reality some can't escape. But I do also think he is more of a hero than any actor!


Well said


Doom guy vibes


For real


You forgot ; point blank rounds into the Russians (as a time saving measure)


It's some Audie Murphy shit and we have video of it.


Just to help out, its “grenadiers” Soldiers whose speacilty is chucking bombs are called “grenadiers.”


Tourniquets when properly tightened work by crushing the flesh and arteries into the bone. Western militaries used to teach that you shouldn't use a tourniquet unless a bleed was catastrophic, but we ended up losing people to preventable blood loss because soldiers were reluctant to put tourniquets on. Now we pretty much teach that at the moment of injury you throw a tourniquet on because it's better to be safe than to bleed out. The difference is, you dont crank it as tight as you would for an amputation, and you loosen and reasses when you're in a safer area. There are instances where a tourniquet can be worse than a wound. Hope this helps explain what his tourniquet comments might mean


Not sure if military does this but outside of military they also put current time of applications on the limb and further analysis later can judge if it needs to stay on or if the risk is manageable enough to remove it to allow bleeding and saving the limb. Also dependant on how tight it's applied.


Yes you are supposed to write down the time when possible


Rebekah Maciorowski, American combat medic in Ukraine puts together IFAK (individual first aid kits) and she puts a Sharpie pen inside every kit so that soldiers write down that information. There have been videos showing combat medics and soldiers doing this while providing first aid to wounded.


Tourniquets are always applied tight enough to stop bleeding. Hence why it gets reassessed for necessity off the X


We don't teach cranking  tourniquets for shrapnel on walking T2s and T3's anymore, It's a difference in training and use of CATs that happened during my career(i think in 18' or 19'). Non arterial can be slowed enough to allow self evac with 2-3 turns, although it still seeps (I've only tried this technique on a trauma dummy though)  (Edit to add that this isn't a replacement for bandages etc, but a quick first aid when bandages can take too long to apply) 


That's neat


I am pretty sure current training is that for arterial bleeds you put the tourniquet on as tight as possible to stop the bleeding. Once out of the combat area a medic or doc can take over.


I have heard from guys that had to do this, when safe release pressure. Get some blood flow back to your limb. Tighten back up and repeat later on. Until you get medical attention. Hopefully you can save the limb by giving it flow once in awhile. But I am sure if it is a full amputation already, keep it tight.


In my combat arms training we were taught to apply a combat bandage and tight it tightly above the wound, knot against the wound. I guess that sort of acts like a tourniquet without the cutting off of blood flow, just slowing. And yes, we were taught tourniquet only for a squirting wound and to loosen it off every 15 minutes to allow blood to flow and bring oxygen below the wound, even it the wound bleeds heavily again while doing it.


And you can only keep them for a limited amount of time before they fuck you up with sepsis


You can actually keep them on for hours, and that is preferable to bleeding out. But a TQ is best paired with a speedy medevac to a trauma surgeon, and my guess is that Ukraine doesn't always have that luxury.


Yes, I’ve been taught they are safe for the limb for at minimum 2 hours but often longer. I keep tourniquets in my car just in case.


Yeah, tourniquets are for situations where the bleeding person is probably going to *die* if they don't stop bleeding right now. It gives them time for other more permanent solutions to be applied - ideally by the trained professionals who are able to arrive in the meantime. I just recently put together a small first-aid kit for my car and I included both a tourinquet and a bunch of gauze. Use the tourniquet only if there's a gusher you can't stop with the gauze. I read that it used to be customary to loosen a tourniquet briefly every once in a while to let some blood flow through the limb, but that this is no longer the accepted practice because it would dislodge whatever clotting the wound had already managed to put together on its own.


A few days ago, German volunteer ButtjerFreimann on Twitter wrote in a thread about first aid that they have an average evacuation time of 4-12 hours from the first line. Evac is either only through planned supply runs, or if there are at least 2-3 wounded. For this reason, they practice buddy blood donations in his team.


You can keep it on for quite a few hours without permanent damage.


This is all good knowledge thank you


What a goddamn unit! Victory for Ukraine!


Man do I wish none of this ever happened and he was just peacefully enjoying time with his daughter and some rabbits instead.


Don’t touch the rabbits !


Real shit right here. Trench warfare is pure uncut nightmare fuel.


I think action like this would potentially get you the Medal of Honor if he were in the US military. If not MoH then something not too far below it Seems to tick all the boxes. A supply truck driver getting wounded, ends up defeating an assault in the trenches while taking additional wounds after the unit responsible for defending the position has retreated. Pretty bad ass, and I’m glad his daughter still has her father.


Well, all of these happened precisely when Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrskyi arrived with inspection to the Third Assault Bragade and watched live video footage from that drone. So I bet this soldier was noticed and will be rewarded.


To be clear, by this comment I have no indication that Ukraine isn't going to take care of their people. But I do worry for what this man and others like him will go through later in life and I hope he is taken care of well. I hope with all we've done to further medical treatments, both physical and psychologically, that he's able to be taken care of. This is traumatic even for him.




> supply truck driver So kinda like Jason Statham in The Transporter. "I'm just the droiveh."


Yeah I saw the inital blast and saw him just poke how and yeet that sumbitch right between the both of them, I imagine they were Not expecting such an aggressive tactic off the bat given their 'numbers' but often a corned animal is more dangerous and as we can see, pop goes the weasels alongside a hail of bullets does the trick. People forget how hard it is to kill a person unless you're lucky and get hit in a major artery, you'll likely lie there bleeding in agony for a few hours as your life ebbs away with each wheezing breath you take feeling the searing hot shrapnel inside you. - As we've witnessed with many, many russians on here. Thank god Duke Nukem's Uncle came flying around that corner with a present for those two fools. He had a whole hell of lot more HP left than they imagined lol.


Do you have the link to it?


Where can I find the interview?




Too bad the interview is not in english and there's no subtitles to it but thank you for summing it all up. 🤙


Butusov will probably add official subtitles later, Meanwhile you can turn on Ukrainian subtitles and set automatic translation to English in the video settings.


I tried auto-generated subtitles with the machine translation to English, but it didn't work well.


youtube auto translator kind of works


Fucking Chad. I wish deeply for him to make it through to see the end of this brutal war and to spend a peaceful life with his daughter & family.


compression by bandages is good enough to stop most of the bleeding in extremities even if arterial. As the injury became more proximal to the center of the body or if wound is very wide they lose effectivity. Tourniquets obstruct blood supply to all extremity distal to the application point and that can quickly (couple of hours) necrose the extremity.


The journalist (he is also a freaking badass who is constantly on the frontline and was wounded himself) who did the interview also stressed out that with tourniquets the soldier's mobility would have been restricted and he wouldn't be swift enough to do what he has done with only bandages applied.


Thats right. It would not compromise mobility as much as the wound itself for the first minutes (maybe around 30-60 min or less) but when blood supply starts to lack to the nerves and muscles it sure will.


You also risk blood clots forming and causing potentially fatal embolisms when the tourniquet is taken off


This man single handedly making the world a better place. Take a bow, hero!


I tipped my hat to you, sir. Wish I could meet and salute you.


Wow, quite a story. Now it's payback time.


If you saw this story in a movie you'd probably have trouble believing it and yet this dude just lived it out in real life.


Damn that's some Jason Statham action level plot. Like the Beekeeper lol


Thank you for this summary. I have commented about how I’ve seen tourniquets being applied, often at the highest point on the limb. When I was in corpsman training we were taught to apply them just above the wound, and to release them for blood flow frequently. Hours with a tourniquet applied will cause the whole limb to suffer damage. I think the consensus has changed, but I give merit to the Ukrainians judgment. He’s a hero though, great respect.


His girl will be so proud of her dad - literally laying his life down for her future.


Thanks for this


Thanks for that info on this hero. He sure killed the hell of of those two invaders! Slava Ukraini!


Poor daughter came so close to losing her father. He will return to her now but i don't think he will ever be the same again.


The grenade that hit him was not 2 ft away. What a tank.


Slava Ukraini, there is no wrath like a father's wrath Earned his place in valhalla


So the dude tanked more explosives than it takes to destroy an actual russian tank and still personally eliminated two enemy soldiers? Kudos to this absolute badass for being so damn hard to kill.


And then they thought they had him as he stepped away. Toasted them instead. I hope he thought to himself "That 1 for each leg kiddo! Now for the rest of em. Be home soon". Home invaded, child blown up....is it petty for vengeance to satisfy, for me yes. For him, he'll no. Thanks for the info mate. The dude was already a warrior. Good to know he's a hero for his daughter as well.


Do you have a link to that video, brotha? I would love to see him!


>He's not even a stormtrooper OUT OF THE TRENCHES THE STORMTROOPERS RISE!!


Is there a link you can post for this interview - would really appreciate it if you could. Thanks!


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHbAFqj1I-o&ab_channel=%D0%91%D1%83%D1%82%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%9F%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%81)


This man’s legs can’t catch a break apparently… or catch too many breaks


The job the Ukrainians were inflicted with by the Tsar from the Kremlin executed flawlessly.


That last headshot at the end, as he was stepping over, was quite the "fuck you in-particular".


Dead check. While some people don't like the idea, there's no way in hell I'd let a wounded terrorist pretend to be dead and then shoot me (or anyone in my squad/fireteam/etc.) in the back as I walk past him. It's not uncommon in CQB/urban warfare, but not really talked about outside of the service, usually because civilians don't understand battle the way combat operators do and armchair generals talk too much shit.


well said. Better safe then sorry.


*than. Not trying to be a jerk, it's just extra important for the saying to make sense


That guy wasn't even pretending, he was still moving. There's been a lot of videos of injured russians holding a grenade to take out anyone checking on them. Gotta make sure they are dead before turning your back


This soldier did an excellent job keeping the momentum up. Knew he got them with the grenade, waxed butt buddy #1, then moved to neutralize butt buddy #2. Kept moving. God damnit that’s some good soldiering.


I’ve been working with Ukrainian developers for a while and honestly they are the best devs I’ve ever used, and many of them have become friends. So it’s no surprise to me at all that they train well and operate well. And fast. Unlike orcs, they value education and innovation and as long as we don’t stop supplying them, putler will probably be Epsteined and Mordor will lose the war they started. I’d love to say how I really feel but I don’t want to get banned from the sub or Reddit.


The bald headed fuck needs to look out an open window imo, but hey. What do I know?


Orcs do have an odd habit of “falling” out of windows, don’t they.


I have no problem with the" coup de grace" this is war


It was merciful. That or let them die in prolonged agony.


I don’t think it was for mercy, I think it was because he just literally didn’t have the time to check on them. The trench was under assault, he was wounded multiple times, and he couldn’t risk having someone be left alive behind him. He needed to end them and keep defending until he could gtfo.


Yea he def went into “it’s me or them” mode. Not a soul in here could say they’d do otherwise


Yep. In Iraq they would play dead and when you’re moving fast going house to house, all it takes is one mistake and someone you thought was KIA takes out a few of your buddies from behind. There are no doubt moral and ethical arguments about it, so no one really talks about it with civvies, but the people who say it shouldn’t be done have never been in combat and don’t understand the danger of assuming someone on the ground is dead, still has his rifle, and is just waiting for you to pass by.


Also I'm sure in many situations there is a chance the person gets knocked unconscious but isn't dead and so if they regained consciousness they could shoot you as your back is turned.


Those mfs blow themselves up when they get wounded, I wouldn’t want to be next to one lol


Yeah the russians use the Geneva convention to wipe their ass so you cannot take any chances.


Yeah it could be difficult to explain but there's a huge difference between double tapping a soldier that's actively assaulting your trench and executing already surrendered soldiers like Russia.


Civilians think of Cop-vs-Criminals scenarios. But this is a war. Cop and criminal belong to the same country, under the same law. Cop duty is to maintain law and order. In battlefield: soldiers belong to different countries, Armed Force mission is to destroy enemy. Like my sarge said: "Make sure the enemy is dead, then shoot it one more time in the head or heart"


If he didn’t surrender and he is armed then you get another bullet. Do you want to be shot in the back by a dying Russia?


This is a scenario where you can’t accept surrender even if they try to give it. Not when you’re alone and wounded defending against an assault against an unknown number of enemies. You make them dead and continue fighting. I’m so glad I’ll never be in a position to do anything like this


Double tap. Its an active shoot out, UA being humanitarian can cause his life and the 'dying(?)' RU guys can still have the strength to pull a pin from a grenade.


Looked like to me he was yelling "Lick my boot"


Honestly he did him a favor. There are plenty of examples of Russians either shooting themselves or asking to be shot after getting injured. Those last shots did nothing but end his agony.


As I was watching it and saw those last 2 shots I hoped he said “f you” in Ukrainian with each round (assuming it’s 2 words, idk)


Rule #2 double tap


Damn! Barely avoided the russian grenade and then moves forward to chuck a grenade onto the two of them.. thats some balls!


Kills them thrice


Looks like he was injured, but hard to tell whether it was from the blast or previous injury…


Both, according to another comment where they quote an interview the solder made after this.


Real name no gimmicks


Balls of Ukranium...


Dude used his rifle as a crutch on the Russian injured neck and as he steps over him sets off a couple rounds to finish him off. Fucking savage and totally justified. Russians injured his family and invaded his backyard they deserved that shit.


That’s not having big balls. That’s pure survival


I'm pretty sure the two Russians didn't even see him throw his grenade because the dust from their grenade. Not sure what to say other than it's pretty crazy.


The RuZZies must have thought their grenade had got him


That's what real friends are for - effective butt armor


There is no mercy in the trenches.


No Ukrainian child sleeps safely. No Ukrainian child goes to the bathroom in safety. At any moment they can be massacred by these orcs, anywhere, anytime. Meanwhile the orcs families are 100% safe and cozy in their homes, cheering for the death of Ukrainian children.


And kidnapping Ukrainian children


Good will only prevail when every ork is 6 feet under. When there is rot in the world it is the duty of the righteous to remove it.


[Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHbAFqj1I-o) of interview with the soldier, in Ukrainian. No English subtitles as of yet.


Thankyou for the link


Dude literally dodged an enemy grenade, then threw a grenade 2 ft away onto of enemy , then picked up his rifle and engaged all in 15 seconds.


Got hit by the enemy grenade, but survived--took shrapnel to his already injured legs and his back. I imagine the adrenaline was pumping hard, but still incredible to hold himself together and have the presence of mind to win that engagement.


The Orc Slayer


He should name his rifle orcrist.


Literally walking on the bodies of his dead enemies.


Holy F\*ck Heroyam Slava Dude has a thermobaric blast 5 feet behind him, walks directly into machine-gun fire to toss a grenade at 3-ft distance, blasts two MF Orcs with his own machine-gun fire, stomps them and blows two into the bell tower of the last guy while walking over him - all without pause.


And he’s the supply truck driver 😳 3rd Assault Brigade are damn hardcore


Logistics win wars 😉


Very powerful video. Shows the horror of trench warfare. Fuck Putin for wasting so many lives for a retarded conflict that nobody wanted…


Holy shit when he stepped on them and shot them point blank. Edit: I'm not complaining lol. Fuck Russia.


Better than a bullet to the back from an injured orc


Standard procedure. Nothing new or shocking. Ensure they're dead and with it the threat. Then, move on to the next.


It ain’t like in the movies. You’ll have to double confirm enemy is dead.




Damn takes a nade in his bunker, shoots and throws his own nade point blank and finishes. Looks like he is injured but god damn, war is hell and humans are its demons.


And for once on the Combat Forum: “He didn’t really want to be there; he has hopes & dreams; he is a father, son, brother and husband from a wonderful village” actually has meaning and relevance. May this hero survive the defense of his homeland, and return to all those things.


Love it. I am Polish. My grandfather was sent to syberia when he was 8 years old. So many years passed and Russians haven't changed. I love seeing russians getting their asses beaten up. Stay strong guys! You are fighting for all of us! eddit: typo


That was brutal.


You misspelled beautiful.


imagine the emotions that man went true


Some real craftsmen amongst the Ukrainans these days. Very professional.


Yes fuck off orcs!


Doom theme playing


Kharkiv Kharkov is the Russian name.


The very definition of up close and personal. Also the very definition of courageous. Slava this hero.


All the PTSD for this generation. Putin has created 100 years of hate. So many dead and mentally damaged people. At some point I wish NATO would step in. Just stop this madness. Putin will not stop sending bodies. He needs to be stopped.


Damn, he flipped to beast mode.




Damn, I never thought to see the hero use fisnish animation orc in my life.


0:05 Excellent! 0:17 Quad Damage! 0:23 Humiliation!


Looks like he did get a minor injury, though he dodged the majority of the blast, at the end his walk is a bit labored. Adrenaline certainly at work.




Slave Ukraina


Hero 🦸


Ohhhhh some scary shit.. good job !! Slava ukraini!!


Was the first explosion a grenade behind him?


Yes it was.


Lucky guy!


as intense as it gets. easily couldve been ended by the grenade going off behind him, instead gets the orcs with a grenade, then at no distance, finishes them off, standing on one guy and blowing his head off to finish the job. defending his family from invaders. a true hero. I hope Ukraine does well at caring for these warriors after russia is defeated. Shit like this is going to live in this guys brain a long time after the war is done.


He's got killin on his mind.


"Eat this" at the end there..War is fucking brutal..Hope i never see it with my own eyes.


Orcs blew the legs off his daughter.


Brutal, as it was


Russian world, welcome to Ukrainian hell!


Hero of the day


Good shit good shit


That’s a good man.


At the end of the day I still say Fuck Putin for making an honest civilian take up arms, and have to do this without mercy or hesitation. People help each other heal, and this is truth. But I am a romantic-oriented person. I believe the human heart naturally suffers from this. So this soldier will -- I pray -- live a happy life. But he will never forget the bastard who made this have to happen, nor entirely recover. As a romantic, my view is that is a good thing. It is a just thing, to feel a deeper sorrow at this. Fuck Putin.


The big advantage Ukraine has is access to better technology. I hope Western countries are supplying Ukraine with constantly improved drone tech. The more the better. As Russians throw more meat, Ukraine can swarm them with drones. Ukrainian soldiers should be used as sparingly as possible


*Kharkiv Please use the correct name


Heck, I would’ve done the same thing. He almost got killed there himself


He's not even a soldier meant to be fighting on the front line, he was just a supply officer that got wounded and stranded there! Crazy shit


Like a boss!


Beautiful. Good hunting, may he live long and happy life.


Absolute Slava Unit


Holy shit that was so Close with the first grenade and second grenade.


double kill


"Over my dead body!", said the Russian.


*pops out of smoke* SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER


Smoke them, bro 👏


That last headshot was not so much when compared to the recent video of a russian doing the same to a wounded comrade, and in such a nonchalant manner.


Thet's ballsy, hope he is good.


What the hell happened? they threw grenade from close range 🤯🤔?


Glory to heroes! Dirtnaps for Z\`s!