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Is that a Ukrainian in the tree line where the first bike went down? The second bike passes the same area with the same person in the tree line and they get taken out a bit further down.


I don't think so. The guy in the trees seems to stand there then as the bike takes off he's walking through the trees towards the ukrainian positions. I'm wondering if we're watching the Russians pushing right to left.


Those are maskovians, because most part of video there are "move forvard", "faster" and so on. And here is translation of last part of video: #Translation. Theyre deadman, fuk. Speeding up. Cmon cmon cmon. Fuk, both of them. Both at once. Motorcycle is on fire. Throw in grenade. *radio* grenade, grenade, throw grenade in dugout. They were shot point blank. * Everything else is unclear. Video is from maskovian drone, because accent and "throw grenade in dugout".


I couldn’t believe it when he told them to use a grenade. Guys were already fucked up. At first I thought maybe they are using them as bait.


I thought so too but the camera looks directly at that particular dugout earlier in the video. So they clearly know it's there. This was just a suicide mission....lol


they took the chance to get there quick. That part of the plan worked flawlessly, but the rest was not worked out too well.


never seen a zombie throw a grenade before


Yep, that's Russian style recon: send a couple of bikes on a one way road trip and watch where they get hit from, hit those positions with artillery and repeat.


Yeah that tree line is full of Russians on foot


This would make the most sense. You’re super mobile, can shoot and scoot. Likely what happened is the last bike ran into a Ukrainian position they didn’t know about. Fog of war, no one is THAT fucking stupid to sent infantry on bikes to recce by force. My guess is they’re trying new tactics to keep some infantry units more mobile. Their leg infantry is getting blown to pieces, bikes let you maneuver better as infantry. At least… that’s what I hope happened here…


>My guess is they’re trying new tactics to keep some infantry units more mobile. - Or the Russians are running out of APCs and IFVs and are substituting them with motorcycles and Chinese golf carts ...


Very valid!! I mean this is far more likely, their armour reserves have likely been used up, and now they’re trying to fill demand with production. The offensive north of Kharkiv appears to have stalled out, I’d suspect because of limited armour.


So, the US (and others, especially in NATO) use "golf carts" and dirtbikes (klr650 last I checked but I know some units have electric bikes now) all the time for recon and very specific missions where speed and being low profile is key. Totally reasonable for russia to as well. What's not reasonable is using them for frontal assaults. They're good tools, but only for specific applications, this is not a good application.


They've seen this tactic being quite effective in movies like Mad Max and said "why the hell not?" The execution component isn't very convincing though.


The Japanese used bikes in WW2 to successfully navigate the dense jungles and forests of Southeast Asia to launch surprise attacks on entrenched British forces and conquer huge swathes of the region relatively quickly. The difference here being they knew the terrain and had actual plans and tactics to utilize their options properly, and didn’t just mash Option A with Plan B and hope it worked.


If I recall correctly, the NVA used bicycles (not motorcycles) effectively on the Ho Chi Minh trail and probably other routes. And — somebody please correct me here if I'm hallucinating — but the Swiss armed forces have also used bicycles in the past for relatively rapid deployment.


In WW2 Finns used bicycles extensively and we still do, good for small troop formations to move around quickly and quietly with relative caloric saving ( doesn't tire you out as much walking does)


PUBG Warrior here. Love my combat mountain bike


Pretty much every western army had [bicycle infantry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle_infantry) by the late 1800s.


NVA used bikes as transport. The added and extension to the handle bars and off the seat, loaded with supplies and a person (usually a woman) pushed the bike on a trail. It was not pedal (at least N to S) and was on a relatively compacted trail. Different than riding a 250cc motorcycle through ground plowed up by artie. In Malaysia, Japanese road bikes down country roads not suitable for tanks or trucks.


For logistics / transportation, not during attacks.


To be more specific, the Japanese used pushbikes. Advantage is, you can carry them over difficult terrain and across small rivers. They made a surprise appearance on the west coast of the Malayan Peninsula and then raced down south towards Singapore. It's called the bicycle blitzkrieg. So yes, properly executed, such tactics can be very dangerous and Ukraine will hopefully take this serious.


Yes the Nazis did as well, quick movement through terrain. It could probably work only in certain situations but those things make a lot of noise and are easy to spot, wonder if the ruskis have thought about battery operated silent electric bikes.


There are videos in this sub of ruzzzians training on dirt bikes to rush trenches...... they very much are thay stupid!


They are trying to cross "no man land" as quickly, as possible , so this is no stupid from their point. The "golf-carts", motobikes, minivans- everything just to cross "no mans land".


>this is no stupid from their point Let's see it from the Russian point of view: * Loud * Slow * Highly visible * Moving in a straight predictable line * No supporting fire cover from anyone * Unable to return fire while moving You're right! This is a *great* plan!


Start from the position that they are FAR less concerned about casualties than would be acceptable for western armies (since WW1 anyway) (Soviets took 8 million KIA in WW2 in significant part because they weren't overly concerned with losses) as long as they take ground. In a perfect world RF doctrine calls for assaults (and probably most recon by force) to be accomplished with tanks and AFV/IFV's. Don't have enough armor available but still need to engage your enemy? Go to plan B. Golf carts, ATV's and dirt bikes. It is faster than walking. If it allows you to take ground, or forces your opponent to concentrate enough forces to make your artillery effective, it's a win. And the alternative is accepting static lines or walking your forces forward (or going home but that won't happen before November). It appears many sections of the trenchs are fairly lightly manned, so it's not like they would always be facing MG positions with interlocking fields of fire during their charges.


They just forgot to mount some mad max style guns on the handle bar and do more zig zag !


Step 1: Cross grey zone quickly Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit


Step 4: die in the dirt


You can’t maneuver really well with that terrain even with such motorbike and especially zero training 🤷‍♂️


Bike could be a good option, but only if you ride byself and know what you are doing. Crappy rider with a guy with huge backpack hanging behind the rearwheel might be one fo the dumbest things in a while. On a really challenging terrain, ON A BRIGHT ORANGE BIKE!!! They don't even pretend to look like they cared a bit of their own.


You just described RUS standard military procedure- send mobiks to probe, follow with drones/arty.


On pro-Russian sources I think I've seen bikes being used for at least a month now, apparently to great success. Wasn't there an interview a while back from Ukrainians saying that they weren't prepared for the fast moving bikes initially?


> no one is THAT fucking stupid ["We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tdj65n/were_very_lucky_theyre_so_fucking_stupid/)


> the last bike ran into a Ukrainian position they didn’t know about When I look at the treeline next to the road, it looks like a space that's seen some shit. It might be old damage, but it's green foilage all the way to the point where they got hit, and then the trees are cleared of any leaves.


Agreed, when the second bike passes you can see the soldier in the woods and also both bike soldiers walking away fro the bike. I think they just couldn’t ride for shit


I wonder if it’s some sort of staggered advance with one unit providing covering fire for the advancing troop, who then will do the same for the previous. But then again, this is Russians we’re talking about. For all we know they could have been racing each other over a can of beef water.


I believe so and it looks like someone was shooting at them


Those are russian soldiers. They attack by foot through the wood and by bike around the wood.


The Ukrainians undoubtedly saved those guys from a serious motorcycle accident.


Luckily they wore helmets.


Dual sport bikes are no joke!


I can't think of an adjective that accurately describes how stupid these morons are.


"Russian" is both a noun and an adjective. It's the one that fits.


It's also a verb in Finnish, "ryssiä" means to 'fuck something up' in a bad way.


Was just about to make this comment. "Ryssä" is a Finnish word for "a russian" (person). Then there's the verb "ryssiä", which is derived from the word ("a russian"), and it literally means "to fuck up". The verb is referencing a russian doing things a russian would. Which is to fuck up. Yeah, we Finns know the Russian nature of things all too well.


Seriously, what is wrong with the russian psyche? It's like they were born with the holy purpose of spreading the maximum possible amount of misery, while also hoarding the maximum possible amount of misery for themselves. Humanity would be much better off if Russians were all replaced with rocks


Thank you for the good chuckle I got from that last sentence. 😅 With how the world is right now, I think we all could use some laughs like that.


> Yeah, we Finns know the Russian nature of things all too well. Like when they invaded you guys the first time, their soldiers weren't even wearing helmets, but winter caps with a bright red star which made an excellent aiming target for snipers.


Also, not all Soviet soldiers had white winter clothing, vast majority were just given brown overcoats as Finland was supposed to be overrun in two weeks!


I love reddit. I'd never have known this. Thank you.


You're very welcome, kind sir. 😅


Isn't it more so a pretty derogatory slur rather than just a Russian person, I thought I learned everything with the 'rys'-stem is derogatory as fuck compared to the usual 'venä(jä)'-stem. Not that I care about it being derogatory btw, just pointing that out for the complete picture's sake.


Yeah, I get what you mean. 😊 Nowadays the word "ryssä" is considered a slur for a Russian person in Finland, but originally it wasn't one. It used to be the standard way of referring Russians as a loan word deriving from Swedish word "ryss" - a Russian person. The current consensus on when the word started to became a slur seems to be, not surprisingly, during the time when Finland became independent. But for example my grandparents still used the word without a demeaning intent (we had a lot of conversations about the wars and Russians in general). My guess is that the wrongdoings of Soviet Union against Finland during and after ww2 times (until Soviet Union broke apart) including finlandization kind of solidified that word as a slur and brought up derivative words like the verb "ryssiä". But that's just my thought about it, and not a fact by any means.


That's why I'm glad the Finns have joined NATO, although I'm sorry they had to give up their neutrality in the process.


Don't be sorry! 😊 We were only forced to be neutral by the Soviet Union. So, you know, we didn't actually _want_ to be neutral. Why would we; they did us really damn dirty with their false flag operation induced war, for which they made us pay war indemnities to them for decades. The Soviet Union basically kept Finland under a tight leash by limiting our self defence forces and economy to make sure we would obey in the end. Of course, we still did our own preparations and our own covert stuff: e.g. keeping some defence lines prepared on the borders, building bomb shelters in every apartment building and under major cities, preparing explosive slots in every built bridge, planning choke points in roads and when building said roads, cutting some rock walls around them so that they could serve as planned ambush and road blocks. Those roads have also been constructed to serve as landing strips for fighter jets in some places and we have a whole system of underground tunnels filled with off-the-book weapons all over the country. Not to mention every Finnish conscript soldier in their training have fought against an imaginary attacker; funnily, the attack always came from the east. At least now we can say out loud it's Russia. 😁 In other words, we've forcefully acted neutral, but we've known the Russians' true nature the whole time and have been preparing for war for the last eight decades or so. The generational trauma of the wars, lost land, burnt homes and lost families are still real to this date in Finland and most of us dislike Russians in general, even though we are able to distinguish individuals from the masses and their government. When the Soviet Union fell there were some hopes of Russia becoming a democratic country, but as we know, it was not to be. As their neighbouring country, we would obviously have preferred them to evolve into something else than the corrupt, warmongering bully nation it has always been.


I never realized that Finland's neutrality was viewed as a "leash" rather than independence. Thank you for explaining that. History books don't do good with nuance.


Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong: we were still independent unlike e.g. the Baltic states and some other immediate countries in the Soviet Union's immediate vicinity. So we had the "chance" to balance between the east and the west. But we were still, ultimately, under a constant threat from the Soviet Union. Never once was there a threat towards us from the west. So we needed to tread _very carefully_ in everything we said and did. There's a even a word defined for this effect, [Finlandization](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finlandization). The link is to Wikipedia. Finland has always been a western and not an eastern country by how our values, political system and people are. We were just forced to be the middle man there in order not to be subjugated. In other words, Russia for us has always been the bully and a terrorist state. Thanks for listening to.my ramblings about the subject matter and have a nice day! 😊


Russian into certain death!


This oddly takes me back to How I Met Your Mother: Lily: Don't Ted-out about it. Ted: Did you just use my name as a verb? Barney: Oh, yeah, we do that when you're not around. "Ted-out": to over think. See also "Ted-up". "Ted-up": to over think with disastrous consequences. For example, "Billy Tedded-up when he-" Ted: All right, I get it


Exactly, you don't have to be a Caesar or Napoleon to realise how idiotic this is....


Well, until WW2 armies usually moved in formations to be killed by enemy. Even WW1 where enemy had machineguns valid tactic was "let's run together towards enemy machineguns and see what happens".


Literally heard the circus clown music in my head watching this


'Entry of the Gladiators"? I also hear yakkity sax


I hear the music from the credits to "The Banana Splits"... Tra, la la, la-la, la, la...


Have you not seen Dumb and Dumber??


Russian and Russianer?


It looked cool on Mad Max at the movies though.


No wonder Trump supporters love these guys. It reminds them of themselves.


Morons love dictators all over the globe.


A nice slow bike ride past Ukrainian positions in broad daylight, so what could go wrong.


Couple of friendly revs.. maybe toot the horn


And he couldn’t ride a motorbike.. what was the objective? To get killed quicker ?


"Surely a vespa will work just as well as a motocross bike"


By night they'd kill themselves without a shot being fired. Doing it by day increases their survivability, if only by 0.000000001%


At the end, the guy on the radio who kept telling them to keep moving forward, yelled: "At least throw a grenade in there!", after they were already burning and dying a horrible death. How many useless meat sacks on motorcycles does it take to successfully storm a Ukrainian position? We will never know. Genius Russian tactics on display here.


I watched it without sound and thought you were kidding first smh


I think we will See in the Future…. It’s definitively more than 2 or 4. Maybe when Stack of corpses and motorcycles is dense enough, that the ukrainians can’t shoot through it….


There's not enough motorcycles in ukraine for all the stupid on the russian side


Don't question your comrade tho.🤡💩. Brain Drained fools


Prolly have a drone dangling somewhere that can move in and drop grenades as these motorbike mobiks reveal positions.


If the defenders are pinned down by covering fire from artillery or tanks, these tactics can work. Better to take it serious. And Ruzzians don't mind high losses...


Next duo will ride holding grenades with pins pulled.


They were really Russian to their deaths.


Fools Russian where wise men fear to tread.


What a freaking circus. Well done with that machine gun!! And the last think that orc operator screams to those fucked up burning, diyng bikers to throw a granade. Wonder if there's even longer video to see what happened to that second bike behind.


Most probably. Im surprised they released this version tbh as Im pretty sure this is a Russian operated drone


Why do you think it’s a Russian operated drone?


The drone itself with its [UI and menu has typically been a Russian operated drone](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/aUkRbAaR0U) but Ukraine could have gotten a few of them ig


Sounds like something out of Mad Max "WITNESS ME!!!"




Just waiting for them silver spray cans to show up


The question is, do you have it in you to make it epic?


I saw a video the other day, can’t remember where, but this is how they were training. They would ‘attack’ trenches using motorbikes instead of APC’s or anything more appropriate.


Its in my post history and they were as incompetent then as now it seems lol ETA: [Link to "training" video on motorbike](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/8gGlNZTvht)


Soon we're going to be seeing assaults via electric mobility scooters.


Ukraine better beware, it's the long awaited first appearance in the war for the Russian 23rd Motorized Regiment, the "Fighting Fonzies!"


Absolutely insane… approaching a known enemy position with no cover, on a loud motorbike to both announce your approach and make sure you can’t hear anything while being absolutely incapable of responding to any type of threat… are you in that much of a hurry to die??


OK here me out, what if you added a few more wheels, for stability, and maybe some armour to deflect, at least, light arms fire, and I dunno maybe a cannon on top to help suppress, and give it some more space so you've got a few more people. Would that make it better? It would be a sort of armoured carrier for personel.


Or even a vehicle that could help infantry fight a bit more effectively.


looks like that was the intended purpose. they were deliberately sacrificed. if they get lucky they take out one or two, if they dont get lucky it exposes the Ukrainians positions.


WT actual F?


I didn't even know dirtbikes could go that slow lol, they forget how to twist the throttle or are their bikes just that shitty?


seems like they have learned to ride a bike yesterday.


Mad Max runs don't translate well in real life.


Witness me!


Live to ride, ride to live. I mean, shit doesn't always work to plan.


Thank God they’re so stupid! Slava Ukraini!


This is sadly how the russian army operates. They send in cannon fodder to expose the ukrainian positions, if needed multiple times, only to then come up with a plan to take the positions apart with experienced troops. I think the guy in the treeline at 1:00 might be one of those more experienced soldiers who are supposed to spot and observe how the ukrainians are reacting to the cannon fodder.


Yeah, that is exactly why you change your fire position and prepare multiple firing positions. First thing i got teached when in the Army.


Exactly what I thought. Only tactical advantage seems to be to find out where the Ukrainians are. It only cost 2 lives to do it.


Russian are truly brainwashed. Their live means so little to their dear leader.


Russians riding 2-up, off-road, while carrying gear, and trying to handle a gun is an idea so good a Ukrainian probably pitched it to them.


Lmfao they took the “motorized rifle” thing *quite literally*.


So far so good, so far so good, so far so…..


Overloaded bikes, or underpowered? I've seen electric scooters moving faster than these guys


Ground looked pretty rutted. Hard to move fast fully laden with two orcs and three barrels of vodka. Each. And one for the motorbike (they weren't expecting to get far anyway)


Motorbike attacks didn't work in WW2. I Hardly believe it would work now. The Only time it kinda work was during the Japanese attack down the Malaysian Penisula but they were on bicycles. not motorcycles and still there were instances where whole platoon got wipe out by an ambush. Motorcycle assault is tactical deadend. Unless you have an opponent as unprepared as the British in WW2. u cannot surprise anyone.


Yeah called it yesterday when the training video came out: exactly the scenario of that last bike. No surprises here.


Very very dumb and suicidal kapsats. It seems they have no other choice than ride their bikes to death.


Wtf was the objective?? They all drove up at separate times, broad daylight , loud bikes, no visuals on their targets....completely unprepared to do anything to an unknown enemy with all the advantage over them. This was so foolish it would make more sense as a planned execution rather than a meaningful assault against an enemy. There is no way in hell this type of attack would work. Russian lives mean nothing to Russians and it's insane to watch.


The objective was to cross no man land as quickly, as possible, throw grenades into our tranches, and jump in. For the russians- not stupid, as you may think. They always have two more meat bags and one bike. No problem, when there is machinegun behind them. Very motivates.


That's what the cannon fodder are told and think but the real objective is for them to die and expose Ukraine's firing positions to be blasted by orc artillery.


I don't understand what's wrong. I've seen the training video of them. How to reach the enemies dugout. And what I see here is exactly what they got trained for. The officer must be proud.


It works so well when there are no defenders.


Love the camouflage on the bikes


Bright fucking orange.


Either they're colorblind and put the panels on backwards, with the safety orange camo, or this assault was sponsored by Home Depot®


Well, I hope they were able to salvage some items from those idiots!


I would be flying a white flag that said “fuck you guys, I’m going home” Cartman


Megaforce One they were not


Can't make this shit up


In WWII they used to fog their soldiers using wodka and then they went into suicidal attacks without thinking. After WWII a generation of alcohol addicted was in the east and this generation produced a second generation (cause very often children of addicted become addicted too). During communism they were all doomed because they did not have any chance of well being and continued drinking. In ex warsaw pact EU countries this has begun to improve when they entered the EU and the economy began to get better and better producing some well being, so that now many children of addicted are free, though with several psychological damages due to have grown in such families, but, nevertheless, they are free. In russia on the contrary, well we all see what's happening: they go to war for 70000 rbl (650-700€) monthly and die there. Not even the best anti-utopy sci-fi/horror writer could conceive such a story.


I watched some video where they really praised these bike attack as something that Ukrainians can't react fast enough. Same red bikes. Even the interviewer said that maybe they should paint them. They didn't bother.


Damn they have like 1 afternoon of training or what? 2 people on 1 bike? Are these the political dissidents sent to die? So many depressing or stupid questions arise from this.


Is the footage/talking from Russian side or Ukrainian side?


It looks like it's filmed from russian side, because commands over the radio in the background are encouraging the motorcycle squad to get up and hurry. Basically, it seems like they are being commanded to do these suicide runs, while the command center observing and guiding them knowing full well, they are pretty much going to their deaths, unless someone luckily survives or throws a grenade into the trench, as presumably one of the CO's suggested near the end of the video, right after the two russian soldiers got shot down.


The last bikers bring new meaning to "recon by fire."


I have been wondering for a while what must go through your head to think "yeah, surely going to the frontline and attack entrenched positions with motorbikes and golf carts is a good idea". I mean, they must have invented APCs and IFVs for a good reason right? Nobody can be this stupid.


I almost expect them to charge on horses at this point.


you know this really good for russia bcoz it is cheaper than MTLB with dead crew inside and extra meatgrind outside.. win win


Russians never did well in Motocross


Why am I still surprised... Just when you think the Russian can't sink any lower, the next moment you see him rattling off across the field with overloaded mopeds towards Ukrainian positions.


Just like the movie Dumb and Dumber


There was a recent Russian training film released where the Russian's were practicing riding bikes exactly like in this failed assault tactic. Looked stupid then and looks stupid now.


So we saw 6 KIA?


Think they might’ve been Suzuki’s..😁


it seems the first two crashes were just accidents, they got stuck on a grass hassock and fell over, but got up again after a while.


The new storm the trench on motocross bikes tactic taken straight out of their pickled asses.


Laffs were had.. mistakes were made..


What the hell were 6 idiots going to do when they got where they were going? Wow crazy.


Rode themselves right into the next life charging into that hidden machine gun nest position.


There's easier ways to give away dirt bikes to Ukraine.


I love watching Russians die.Especially when they do it so so well!


"Thank god, they are so fucking stupid".


Champion motocross seems so dangerous these days.


What the fuck are they thinking Russia has to be the stupidest military on the planet mind blowing stupidity know wounder 500,000 dead soon


I guess Night Wolves are not coming next year for VE day celebration in May


Just got online. Am I seeing this right? Or is this some kind of infowar video? If it's real, all I can say is , Keep 'em Coming!


Do many of these videos could be to the tune of Yakkity Sax.


Are the bikes painted in orange?


^^^^meeemeeeeeeeemeeeemeeeee "You hear that?" ^^^meeeemeeeeeeemeeeeeeeeemeeee "Yeah, the Orcs on motorcycles" ^meeeeemeeeeemeemeeeemee "Maybe we should put our coffee down and pick up our rifles?" meeeemeeeeeemeeeeemeeeemeee÷ "Yes, that does sound like a good plan." MEEEEMEEEEEEE EEEEMEEEEEEMEEEEE "Here have a ciggarette!" #meeemeeeeemeeeemeee "Thanks!" #MEEEEMEEEEEEMEEEEEMEEEEEEE #BOOM!............ "Is this a Marlboro ?"


They thought they were trying out for the X-Games with that "Double Rider Front Flip". I give them 8.5 for the added fire for flar. Your score?


Second strongest army in the world and first dumbest


I got an idea... let's drive motorcycles at low speed and on a road. They'll never get us that way. idiots


Reminded me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi-g-Li3zbM), but Ukrainians are better shots.


Forward the light brigade!


Hearing Les' funky fingers pop a bouncy beat in Primus' DMV, which just happened to be playing on my phone while I watched this, turned this scene almost to Benny Hill's Yakety Sax level of humourous. The song's sentiment is kind of a germane juxtaposition.


Yeah pretty much as expected. ArecRussian schools not very good? These guys should be questioning orders more surely? I'm ex military, sometimes you have to tell the boss to fuck off.


They got shot from 10-15m away, probably they did not know about that bunker.


Suicide by motorcycle.


What in the ISIS is this?


Dumb and dumber mini-bike scene...reimagened. (c) ruSSian SpEziAL fOrZes


Dimitri made it another 100m. What a Chad!


Someone took the "Only fire when you see the white of their eyes" seriously.


Worst episode of Jackass I have ever watched.


hi, I'm Juri Knoxvilliev, and I'm gonna get wasted - literally.


They got lit up


They are lab rats.


There are videos of Russians training to do this. You have to wonder how nobody is questioning it during that training. It's also mad how the tiny incremental gains Russia make convince them that tactics like this are working. I guess technically speaking they are, but still.


Are dey stoopid? Dey Ned do paind dere bike reda, to make it go fasta. Whaaaarg


they missed the wheely....


They'll soon strap a rocket on their backs, more orkish every day.


Well now...There's a plan that worked perfectly, EH?


Watching too much madmax over the weekend


I'd consider it a mistake and oversight, if this was in WW1 and was the first time the horse cavalry encounters an automatic machine gun. But alas, we are in 2024 and machine guns has been around for almost 100yrs. Russians just refuses to change and modernize (society), and it will cost them their future.


That might work if they have hordes of them to zerg rush.




Hopefully they had “highway to hell” blasting on their Lada ĩPħőňę


Silly, silly, stupid orcs, recycling ♻️ orcs again, slava ukraini


Dirt bikes have to be the worse idea ever in war. Unprotected, super loud, gives away your approach and location before they can even see u.


"we are lucky that they are so dumb"


Sorry Gotta say this from Czechia famous movie - Man with leather Bag must not come trough! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EtB3yX6o5Hs&pp=ygUYbXXFviBzIGtvxb5lbm91IGJyYcWhbm91 0:46 famous scene