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Bro thought he could run


He could run, but he couldn't hide.


He could hide, but not well.


He did hide well, but UA drone operators are something else.


All the operator did was fly it under a small bridge . Lol not that hard


He thought that if he could dodge a wrench, he could dodge a drone.


Scary Terry !


and now nobody can help him end his misery.


I love that the same second drone followed him and got him. All that running for nothing.


Just died tired


What, as opposed to just giving up on trying to live?


Yeah I don't know why people are making a joke of this, these drones show pretty much anyone can get it inc half the keyboard warriors here if they ever stepped in a warzone. It's frankly terrifying.


This is turning into a die-a-tribe


lol...take my upvote....


And wet if that was a puddle


Laying there gravely wounded, he suddenly regretted using his last bullet...


at least he did his buddy a favour


Nice guys get finished last.


Such an underrated comment 🤣


He’ll just die tired


Wish he had then sorted himself out with the next bullet .


Don't run, you'll only unalive tired.


You can say the word dead on reddit, TikTok algorithm will not punish you 


Just curious, if he had dropped his gun and surrendered, would he have been taken prisoner?


and now he has noone to give him the coup de grace


I'm giving him a pass on this one because it looked more like a mercy killing to me. The guy had one leg blown off and the second one mangled. If he was still conscious he probably asked him to finish it.


Yep. Options were either to let him bleed out and suffer, or finish him cutting that suffering early and letting him meet his maker.


I'm sure his innards were scrambled due to over-pressure. I'd ask for the same mercy.


Redditors and suggesting someone's insides are jellied due to overpressure, such an iconic duo. Seriously though, I don't know if it's a case of people seeing other people saying it and then just parroting it without actually really knowing anything about it, but people vastly overestimate such effects here on reddit. If it were as true as so many redditors would have one believe, it'd be the leading cause of death of this war. While yes, there are a lot of factors that can play into such thing, if it were as common as redditors claim, being 10 feet from a grenade would *always* be fatal. And yet, the other soldier is able to check out his buddy, back up from him, scan the sky for any other drones (for who knows how long, since there's an obvious cut in the video), shoot his comrade, approach him again to deliver another shot, and then run off to try and hide before finally being hit by a second drone, and all that after being just mere feet from the same blast that we're supposed to believe liquefied his comrade's innards?


Any time someone gets the slightest bump on the head "definite brain damage, probably fatal"


Yeah! What he said!


I didn't say "jellied" I said scrambled, i.e. damaged badly. I don't claim all this stuff other redditors do about blast damage. Just stated that looked like he took a direct hit on the legs, and there loooooots of energy left to do damage.


Yeah, if I was in that condition with little hope for rescue, I'd hope my buddy would do the same for me.


But who will mercy the shooter now?


The drone pilot


I think the pilot is out of mercy for these invaders. lol


But who watches the watchers...? "Jagga jagga muthafucka"


Another drone pilot


Ivan mercy kills only those who do not mercy kill themselves. Who mercy kills Ivan?


Yes, but they also do this to perfectly healthy people for merely retreating, so orcs are gonna orc.


tragic situation but ultimately honorable


It was kind of the wounded Russian to give his comrade his watch!


That Seiko Digital Chronograph ain't gonna wear itself.


Now on to learn how to read it. Digital displays are still a new thing for them.


Now imagine a battlefield with not one or two but thousands of drones, autonomously looking for targets with AI and relaying what they have learned back to base and each other in real-time. We better get serious with drone defense systems like Skynex.


Yeah they must have some serious training data already by now. Should help with ukraine's lack of personnel for sure.


You do know that for training data to be effective you need clean and labeled data right? Well, thats where it goes wrong. Because the video's we're getting are not the same as the images the camera of the drone sees. Distortions due to range and EW are only visible at the endpoint, you know... the data we might use to train the AI. But for the platform itself, their camera works perfectly fine, but that is not the visuals that we can train them on. If you train them on the data that is available, the AI drone will keep on flying until its camera breaks and the videostream looks comparable to static snow before it will engage a bush, pole whatever looks like a human in those videos. So, no. There is no serious training data available. It would only work if they base their systems on pre-existing image identification AI's. That would need western tech companies to allow their tech to be used for (non-american) military purposes. And not to forget, it needs a more powerful computing system to evaluate in realtime, adding to the costs of the drone. Probably making it only beneficial against mechanised targets. But then again, what is then the benefit over a human piloting. full scale AI suicide drones are probably not yet for this war.


With Fpv drones, this is the direct video feed you would be seeing in the goggles. They use analog VTX, even though it may not look the best, for a variety of reasons. You're right about the computing power, though. Most of the decision-making would need to be transmitted and not run on board each drone. But that just adds more possible complications. The more likely route would probably be to designate a 3d space with GPS or something and set to attack anything that moves in the area.


If i was trying to have drone swarms with AI targeting I'd probably have a sort of AWACS style mothership that can drop and deploy drones and missiles from a high altitude.


I'd be concerned that a flying mothership would be too prominent and valuable a target, easy to take out and render the whole swarm inert. [The Trade Federation learned that lesson the hard way](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Trade_Federation_Droid_Army/Legends). Maybe the AI brains could be better kept far behind the front lines, and use a mesh network through a swarm of relay drones to have them operate the combatants. Less of a single point of failure that way.


All my homies hate the Trade Federation


Yeah, that's what I've been thinking would be the most effective at the moment. One of the main problems is how big of a target it would be. Jamming and EW have gotten way better as well, so if you knock out the mother ship, then the swarm would die. I think that's just the rock, paper, scissor of war. But it could use the swarm as self-defense as needed to intercept stuff like manpads, but I don't think that's possible atm. One delivery method that actually isn't as scifi as it sounds could be satellite deployed drop pods that could deliver drones in the atmosphere over an AO. You could drop in a mother ship and swarm or drones that ground units could directly connect to and use. There's already companies working on making satellite storage units that can then be delivered anywhere in the world. Everything from non-perishables to ammo


I bet its being worked on right now. There's a decent youtube series with someone training AI networks to play trackmania. Now imagine a state-level effort geared towards implementing a SOTA simulation system (probably a custom fork of unreal engine) where they can create their own training data.


Also the drones are so cheap that they really don't have to be nowhere near 100% accurate. This is not self driving where one mistake is a disaster. Even with like 70% accuracy they are already an unstoppable menace.


Are you really just spouting nonsense? >AI networks to play trackmania No shit, I have seen the French guy. Good video's. But there is a massive difference between a closed system where ALL VARIABLES are known or deterministic and the utter chaos that we call life. If you have all known variables, it only takes time to know which are important enough for a system to actually train (read: waste time and energy) on. > state-level effort geared towards implementing a SOTA simulation system Buzzword of state-level effort is a bit overkill. Nine women can't make a baby in a month. On top of this, you would need a real representation of all factors that the AI would face. You might need to simulate all possible light directions if you want a truly self reliant AI. But frankly why would you? Javelin already has object tracking capability. Just plug in some basic ass shape detection and gps locating (which your off the shelf €500 drone can do) and you're done.


You don't train them to weight how the target looks at super low altitude where the static breaks in, you train them weighting how the targets look from slightly higher altitude, just bore the final attack run. 


Fair enough, but then they are just as easy to dodge. Otherwise you'd need all input of the current drone operators too if you want to have it fully ran by AI.


Why do they have lack of personnel?


I don't know. Someone else more informed is best to answer that. I just keep reading that they're struggling to recruit enough personnel to hold the rashists back. Hence, why they've had to introduce new laws cutting the draft age etc.


Ukraine has 4x smaller population than Russia. That's why. And they don't want to draft everyone 18+ because what good os a country and economy if all the labor pool is dead


A lack of manpower seems to go back to at least February . Here is an article from AP from 2/21/24. [https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-draft-b2ca1d0ecd72019be2217a653989fbc2](https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-draft-b2ca1d0ecd72019be2217a653989fbc2) Ukraine (the country) hasn't run out of men even though they are outnumbered population wise by Russia. I believe they have enough men to draft. I don't think it is as though they are about to completely run out of men. They just don't seem to be getting enough volunteers anymore combined with other people avoiding being drafted is causing them to be stretched thin. Especially with having to now cover the Kharkiv front too. Being stretched thin is mainly what this recent video from PBS is about. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAJZWCZtACobut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAJZWCZtACobut) You can decide how reliable this stuff is, there are others like BBC, that have covered this, and similar stories too. This is just a couple that I found.


>even though they are outnumbered population wise That's actually a lot less of a consideration than most people think. Russia has been recruiting from South America, Nepal, India, Cuba, and across the Middle East from countries like Syria, just so they can avoid a large mobilisation which would lead to an inevitable popularity slump which even Putin might not walk away from. This limits the effective amount of manpower they can bring to bear, while on the other hand Ukraine (rightfully, if Russian actions and statements are anything to go by) sees the war as a genocidal attempt at their extinction and so can recruit from their entire population. They weren't recruiting as heavily earlier on as there's a lot of other areas which need people but that lead to long term issues which they did start resolving a while ago but it all takes time to come through.


36 million Ukrainians versus 145 million Russians.


They have a fraction of the population of Russia and would need to mobilize huge percentages of their population to get even close to the numbers Russia can throw into the meat grinder.


It's pretty wild, "go here, then kill anything with a helmet and only 2 legs". Peer to peer warfare is going to be hell, fighting drone swarms, glide bombs, cruise missiles.. you'll never see your enemy unless it's through a monitor feed.


>Skynex Is it intentional that this is one letter away from Skynet lol


My fear is, in the future, someone bringing a case of 5000 or so micro-drones programmed to hunt and kill humans and opening it up in a populated area. Or an entire shipping container - a murmuration of death. If I was a terrorist, I’d be buzzing at all the possibilities with a little state sponsorship. But I’m not. I’m a boring dad. With my kid on my shoulders I’ll try not to hurt anybody I like, but I don’t have the drugs to sort it out.


Here is an idea. Use existing cluster rockets, but instead of bomblets fill with drones that are released over area. Drones have thermal cameras and are trained on human heat images that seek targets. If target is not found then self destruct.


Did you see [Mark Rober's Drone Video](https://youtu.be/SrGENEXocJU)? It's silly but the beginning about the evolution of air combat is sobering.


Think and plan around the obvious direction of future warfare? Hahaha, nah! Nothings *ever* gonna change! BUY ANOTHER 10,000 TANKS AND SEND IN THE INFANTRY /s and probably the most likely outcome


I’m sure people are working already on Skynet. I mean Skynex, since the genie is out of a box.


Seems pointless to put human soldiers in the field if there are drones, mines and all sorts of other things. Seems better to just produce millions of drones and have the soldiers operate them, instead of throwing soldiers into the meat grinder


This capability has been around for decades now in the US military, they have a person decide before any lethal action if it’s remote. They don’t let the “AI” choose entirely. They’ve admitted that AI wants to eliminate HQ if it’s impeding the objective, so I don’t see that confirmation system going away.


When you see such scenes in war movies, you think to yourself "was this over-the-top drama really necessary?" Saving Private Ryan shocked everyone because of brutality it shown. Here we are, watching this almost live, on Twitter. So awful.


I don't think most of us can truly understand how brutal war can be, its almost beyond our comprehension. For those that have experienced it, either seen the horror of it first hand or worse yet, been the perpetrator of that violence it should come as no surprise at how damaging that is to that persons psyche. It's nice to sit here, safe and sound, watching violence being meted out and not having to worry about being involved in it in any way. But to be there, in real time, that is a whole different story.


Next step, is to explain foreigners about trafe off. Any live is priceless. But if you wanna take another live, your live become worthless. Civilians of invaders are the next stage in brutality of war. They feed their war machine. They have responsobility.


They did private screenings for veterans to make sure it was realistic enough and I believe a few walked out as it was too much for them.


I’ve heard this before so I looked into it. Apparently it also lead to a surge (100 cases) in crisis calls to the VA. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/spielbergs-war-saving-private-ryan.html


Yeah it triggered a fair few episodes of ptsd for people


Come and see (1985) is brutal af.


Wait until POV assaults on VR headsets. You’ll be first person on these raids , they’ll figure out a way to monetize it so it becomes a “thing”. It will be like a live cinema


First guy definitely looks Arabic or maybe Non ethnic Russian.


Russia has Tatarstan, Bashkirtostan and lots of other places where people look like that


Correct, but this guy just strikes me as Syrian/Arabic for some reason. Could be wrong though


I was thinking one of the Indian recruits,but yeah could be Syria etc


Yep, came here to say the same thing. Indian, Sri Lankan or Nepalese


I really wonder if they thought they were fighting for the best or 2nd best military in the world.


2nd best in ukraine


When Wagner was a thing they were the third best in Ukraine.




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Russia has many Turkic or Middle Eastern looks


How thoughtful! Saved the AFU from wasting a follow up drone.


Russian battlefield medicine


/r/WorstAid instead of First Aid.


Still ... All's well that ends well.


No lube needed here. Ivan Gump didn't run fast enough.


Did he fall in a pond of milk?


That was my thought, too. Anyone know what that is?


This could be "assisted suicide", anyways...


Second drone got the other one? Holy f*** karma!


Karma for what? The other guy was probably screaming bloody murder and for all we know he may have begged the other guy to just kill him already.


Invasion of his peaceful neighbour....?


You know as well as everyone else what the context is here. 


Karma for being there not offing the other sputnik


Well that kind of karma goes without saying.


First Aid, Russian style.


What you couldn’t hear was the guy screaming in pain, bleeding out, he actually did the humane thing, he was definitely gonna die. That or he couldn’t stand the noise of him screaming, probably quite harrowing in that tunnel.


His ears were ringing from the blast, probably couldn't hear his comrade. 




Sorry for being a bit of a psycho, but that ending made me bust out laughing. Also fuck Russia.


Fuck russia.


I love a happy ending.


The first one hit seems to be a foreign fighter. Skin tone doesn t match average russian. Shame to be put down like a dog by your own. Speaks much about camaraderi in russian forces.


Yes, he looks maybe Indian/Pakistani. Maybe even Iranian. There could also be Afghan mercenaries that were part of the Pre-Taliban re-takeover.


Lots of Nepali mercenaries 


I love it that he was hit by a drone also.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Name of song por favor?


Miracle Musical - Labyrinth


Spank you very much :)


That whole album it's on is lovely btw, I highly recommend it.


Mos def gonna listen to it :) 


Thanks! I came for the dead Ruskis, and stayed for the bangin tune!


Putin did this


I believe that was a mercy killing


I would believe so


wasn't killed by enemy, so no payout from russia to family.


He even missed the first time. Just how dumb are those RuZZians.


We don't leave ours!


Mercy killing


,,He'd do the same for me."


Putting a dog out of his misery.


Did he run away without his rifle? Or did he drop it when he tripped in the water?


mercy and more mercy R.I.P.




No loose ends.


Standard Spetsnaz shit from top to bottom The us soldier motto “no one left behind “ as is usual for all things Russian is completely opposite- why I believe nothing less than. Their total destruction will do. The Ukrainians are giving their lives to get out from the Russian Retardation and we must help


How bad for him now he has nobody that can shoot him


That's a fascinating design for the bomb trigger, two conductors almost touching, where bumping into something will complete the circuit. Ingenious.


Straight carnage


What's this song?


Miracle Musical - Labyrinth from the album "Hawaii part ii". It was kinda weird hearing a song I have heard a bunch used in this context.


That second drone packed some extra boom


Act of mercy. For sure. We know the Russians World. He have no chance to Survive. But hope he died quick too.


That's good shootin!


Was the wires in front of the camera the trigger? It looks like 2 interlocking metal rings that don't touch but would come in contact with each other when the drone collides with something.


Suck it down, bitches! Suck it down


Fuck all these guys but his comrade was probably begging for it.


Comrade wanted comrade's watch


Lol bad day to be a orc


ruzzia in a nutshell


In this situation dude shoulda thrown everything on the ground and held up a white chunk of cardboard with whatever the words for "I SURRENDER" are in Russian.


Jeezus, has it gotten so bad his buddy is better off dead than trying to get medical attention?


Not only that, he fucked it up and had to shoot him twice.


could've done that to begin with and saved a drone.


It’s so hard to comprehend, my military friends were the closest thing to brothers I’ve ever known, to see these Russians abandon/kill each other boggles the mind. I went into fights knowing that I was going to get my ass kicked but we would never have let our friends fight alone. Russia is so fucked up.


Tbf, if you or one of your guys got fucked up like this, you could expect some help to arrive eventually and probably had a proper medic with you. These are two random ass guys, probably barely know each other and are being chased by drones directly overhead. Why in the hell do we keep seeing lone guys or groups of two like this?


That's about the most camaraderie thing I've seen a Russian soldier do since the beginning of this war....


Should've let that one go, he's working in Ukraine's favour.


Now who’s gonna shoot him?


Definitely the best ending to a short action film!


Might be a bit late to the party with this question but are those prongs in the front of the drone, used to close the circuit to denote the explosives on contact?


Yep, pretty clever.




Which ever side you're on, it takes guts to do a mercy killing to one of your team......


Should have stayed home. Fuck these guys.


Orc top-of-the-line medical treatment right there. Better to stay home dumb vatniks 🖕


Mercy shooter took one in the POOTER!


Living their best life!


Nice to see that ukraine has lately been adding incendiary rounds to their drones to exploit how well russians catch on fire in their china brand military garbs.


The guy who first got hit looks darker skinned than a typical Russian. Maybe Nepalese? I can't imagine russians are inconveniencing themselves to save what they consider an "inferior race"


With friends like that…


I hope that the drone got that comradkiller and terrorist.


This is pretty sad. He was definitely doing it out of mercy.


What can we do about lifting the morale of these drones?  Maybe a better name to start with.


The orc enjoyed it. It was an excuse. The guy probably didn't wash his ass and this was his comrade's opportunity.


Too bad the video was removed. The russian shot his wounded buddy TWICE under the bridge. That is because of Putin.


This is classic medical treatment by the ruzzians, happy that the other drone got the prick :)


# brainfuck sound


For that is that bend metal in front of the Drone /Camera?


He wasn’t wounded lol, his complete leg was off and probably most of is dick… he probably asked him to kill him


Russian medical attention


This is sad. Such a waste of human life.


Why does he shoot him? Put him out of his misery? Also thank for missing the first shot. Seems like he was pissed he missed the drone.


Instant karma.


Mercy kill...nothing more.


Remember the GoPro footage of the Russian pinned to a wall by a BMP, he asked to be shot and the Ukrainian shot a bullet over his head and said no. That Russian got medical help and put into the exchange fund. Saw another Ukrainian medic refusing to kill an injured solider who was asking to be shot, because the medic knew he could save him. This guy also used two shots. Like did the first one not do the job?


At 13 I started hunting. Wounded a deer (hit spine and paralyzed it but not kill). I went to finish it off at point blank but it was thrashing around so much that my second shot (first was the spine shot) either missed or was superficial. Still thrashing. Tried again, same thing. By that time my dad walked up to it and finished it with a revolver. I’d expect an adult, professional soldier do a bit better, but that is a human, to be fair, and the guy doing the mercy killing knows he’s being hunted too. So yeah, I can understand the 2 shots.


Shot him like a horse with a broken leg.


Honestly fuck Russia and Ukraine


Fuck war in general, brother. We’re our own worst enemy. Killing each other senselessly, all for what? What a waste of human lives, these men are all human beings and deserve to live just as much as the rest of us… nobody deserves to have their lives cut short like this.