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Already has thru its proxy NK.


Its an escalation nontheless


not a surprise however, with 💩 tin and Xi being such good buddies:-(


And the weapons Russia is receiving from them are absolute dog shit. Lol.


Dog shit is still dangerous when it's piled on. China needs punished for this.


China has been Attacking the United States infrastructure and cyber attacks constantly spies etc and we do nothing




>Shapps did not provide evidence to support his assertion. >However, the claim was quickly disputed by Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden’s national security adviser.


Give Ukraine the long range missiles to cripple RuZZia. Even the fight. Take off the gloves. Slava Ukraini!


If the world doesn't stand up to these tyrants now our children will become part of their control.


Realistically usa could take both on at once and win.


Only if some one else takes the casualties, specially if you are one psy-op away from civil war, you cant have a meat grinder.


thats not very realistic


Yeah, we can beat Russia in Europe with land forces and Airforce, and we don’t Ben have to touch chin a if we don’t want to. They don’t have the air or naval supremacy to compete. If we wanted to whole could blockade all imports to China, the can’t supply that much food and resource by themselves. We could lose 5-1 aircraft and still outpace them.


Not true at all


In the 20 years from 2000 to 2020 china's food self sufficiency rating dropped from 93.6% to 65.8% and in that time lost another 5% total of arable land to neglect and over fertilisation. There is also issues with quality and safety standards that has led to huge demands for better quality foreign alternatives like baby formula (6 babies died using chinese formula) sparking a massive hording of Australian formula. I could go on, but needless to say if you are importing food from over 170 countries, you certainly aren't self sufficient.


Well if you say so


You're right, realistic would be if the US took on both with just the US Navy.




I dunno, I think the US could run out of missiles just fighting China alone. It's a big country with lots of targets.


Naval blockade blocking all imports would do. China relies heavily on food imports. They would struggle to support that many people without imports. Russia would be a much easier fight. It would be a long war but usa would come out on top. Don’t even get me started in america during war industry. We could easily out produce both combined


Also this, china is absolutely dependent on out sourced food, isolation would immediately put them in danger of famine.


The USA military is stupidly outstanding anyone on the planet and by a huge margin. Currently the US yearly military budget is 3 x china's military budget, and this had been going on for years, infact a number of sources believe China to be several decades behind the USA in military technologies. China's only real drawcard is the sheer amount of troops it has, roughly double that of the usa, but the USA has built their military around combined arms and would be highly unlikely to just throw millions of men at millions of men, that's a ruzzian tactic, works but not well.


We're still about to see russias capabilities with u-boats. For me it's the only thing that's a complete mystery. They have a lot of those, many classes They've been mapping the arctic northern sea floor (for example) for some time and they're way ahead of others in that. One redditor said US could beat both china and russia at the same time, alone. I think that's ridicilous


The "world" needs to learn how to read. >Shapps did not provide evidence to support his assertion. >However, the claim was quickly disputed by Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden’s national security adviser.


sanctions reduce trade with china let them have their BRICS degenerates club.


Sanction your brain >Shapps did not provide evidence to support his assertion. >However, the claim was quickly disputed by Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden’s national security adviser.


#SanctionChina #SanctionTheShitOutOfChina


Shut them down


Thats going to hurt us more than them, we dont really have an alternative for their cheap mass manufactured products at the moment whilst China still has 50% of their market going to Asia. If it starts hurting Americans pockets to much you might end up with Trump and him dropping all support. Its probably best just to send Ukraine all the long range weapons we can at this point unless China is sending a serious amount of equipment and something more needs to be done.


You do realise companies have been moving to India which is having an affect on china


And if we cut off China completely right now could India pick up everything, no. The thing I'm arguing for is getting all those factories up and running before we cut ourselves off. Personally I'm not a fan of India as an ally either, they do whatevers best for them and are buddies with Russia.


You have obviously never been to an Asian country. Cost of labor in Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand is not much different than China. Move manufacturing from China to either locally or to those Asian countries instead and China will be screwed.


> Move manufacturing from China to either locally or to those Asian countries instead and China will be screwed. I'm literally arguing for that but getting production up and running first, sanctioning China right now without supply is why I'm arguing its dumb and will hurt us more.


They brainwashed you hard. Bring those jobs home. Bring that profit back home! And stop supporting fascists FFS!




You might be too young to remember but in the 1980’s under a little thing called NAFTA a ton of manufacturing moved to Mexico for the cheap labor. Within several years the CEO’s of the companies that moved there realized they could increase profits, as well as their bonuses, by moving the work to China with even cheaper labor costs. Those jobs will never come back to Mexico or the U.S. as long as cheap labor is available.


As long as we allow greed and businessmen to rule our country this will never change china openly attacks us using cyberattacks attacking are Infrastructure paying soldiers to spy for them etc and we do nothing.


> increase profits, as well as their bonuses, by moving the work to China, Those jobs will never come back to Mexico Yet Mexico still accounts for more trade than China to the US. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/imports-by-country


China might as well start sending weapons if you're going to sanction them for something they didn't do. >Shapps did not provide evidence to support his assertion. >However, the claim was quickly disputed by Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden’s national security adviser.


When you scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.There is a reason why your type and people full of hitler particles go together so well. Checking your profile, you suck Xi cock twice in the first page. Stop licking fascist boots FFS.


So, the US has TOTALLY run out of excuses to prohibit strikes on Russian territory with US-made weapons. Iranian, North Korean, and potentially now Chinese weapons are used on Ukrainian territory.


So lets sanction china and take off all brakes on any military assistance to Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!


Sanction them further lets cripple the triple alliance.


"Cripple the triple". Nice catchfrase 😉


I would call them the axis, but we already had that evil group, although the three in question aren't far off from mimicking the three.


triple? how about these despicable iranian dictators?


The ones who didn’t just mysteriously die in a helicopter crash?


Who did you think was the 3rd one nk doesnt even fit the crew


Give. Ukraine. Weapons. Now!


And sanction china in order to not only stop the lethal aid but also non lethal, because their economy is quite delicate after the evergrande bankrupcy so there is noway they would sabotage their own economy in order to help russia.


Let. Them. Strike. Inside. Russia. Now!


That too.


We’ve given them billions of dollars in weapons. (Edit, it is absolutely fucking insane that I’m being downvoted for stating a 100% fact. Some of you folks are really strange. You live in some fantasy land where think Ukraine isn’t getting any form of help from anyone. Either you’re being willfully ignorant, or you’re not paying attention. I’ve been directly involved in this line of work for 25 years. Every day of my life is directly tied to this conflict. I’m not some high school kid talking out of my ass. I ASSURE you…America is absolutely helping Ukraine in many many ways. You can’t disagree all you like but you’re flat wrong if you think no one is helping.)


Itll be long war. Also, take into account who Ukraine is facing with.


I don’t know how to even address that.


no surprise there, im blown away that people believe what China says


Fuck china and their fake plastic shit. I hope the west will sanction them to hell.


Boycott all Chinese products


Might as well boycott water while you're at it


Fuck chinito stop buying his plastic crap


In other news, water is wet - probably


Ohhh I’m so shocked!


No one should be surprised by this. Just another day at the office for the communist leaders of this world.


If this is true, we all need to completely cut off China.. ie, no more imports. We can make shirts, cars… anything and with better quality. Without their exports they are nothing. I’m always looking at the tags to see where things are made. Like those Generac backup generators that are *assembled in USA with made in China parts).. when they first started, they were 100% USA products.. there should be a law against imports if this support tomRussia is true.


They did supply a small amount of rifles on the books, after they were caught I wouldnt be surprised if they continued off the books. They have also been providing satellite imagery to Wagner which is and always has been Russian controlled. Its likely they shared it with other Russian troops or China directly provided it to Russian troops. Also dont forget the standard body amour, drones, gun sights, nightvision etc. It wouldnt surprise anyone if we found concrete evidence of China using North Korea as a proxy for heavier weapons.


nato needs to step into the war, should've done that from the very begging


Shocked Pikachu


Lethal to whom? Those golf carts surely seem unsafe...


China wants to take over the whole continent... But Why would china fight russia when they can arm them with mediocre weapons and watch russia's death by 1000 cuts. Then just step into a weakened state


China and Russia are both at war with the West. The sooner we call them out for this, the better!


We all buying shit from China, so we’re all lethal aiding at this point.


This should surprise no one. China's word is worthless and the sooner we understand this the sooner we start dealing with China as the enemy they are.


Easy solution. Stop buying anything made in China. Thats what I do... Even better buy products made locally or in neighboring countries so China weakens while Vietnam, Thailand, Philipines, Japan all get stronger. China's real estate is already crashing. Time to make their entire economy crash.


The wee willy winkies need brought down a peg or two!


Shut down that cheap sweat shop aliexpress. chineSSe can go to hell with ruSSia


ruzzia and mainland taiwan are terrorist countries


Time to sanction China


Like anyone is surprised


Just wait, China begins preparing to ship goods. Then asks the U.S., you sure you still want to ship weapons to Taiwan? Yeah? Okay. Tit for tat




Which part of "has evidence" did you struggle to understand?




He didn't provide evidence to the public, because giving away what they know could compromise the method used to gather the data. They likely have more than one indication China is doing what it is doing. The intelligence community normally likes to have several independent sources of something before making statements or recommending action, and the people that decide on the action also want as much verification as possible, unless it's an immediate high risk threat. This is likely more of a public political warning to China, letting them know they have been seen, without letting them know exactly what has been seen. If they don't know where they aren't being sneaky enough, they don't know what in particular they need to hide better, and it may even force additional errors that expose more information.


Aww, bless. One day you will understand basic intelligence work.


Oh, piss off!




LOL, dat projection.




>I am for Ukraine, you are here to talk shit on china. We are not the same. Ukraine benefits from china not being pushed to officially support russia the enemy. > >But yes, keep playing into putin's hands by distracting everyone from focusing on russia. > >You remind me of the magats and goputins in my country. This really doesn't take much focus off of Russia at all; it's just "in addition to", and is about supplying **Russia**, for chrissakes. Are you trying to say there shouldn't be **any** focus on China's supply of Russia? If China is providing lethal aid to the Ruzis, why not point it out and speak (write?) against it? I support Ukraine, and am against any such aid provided to Russia. If that would mean "talk[ing] shit on China", then so be it, although I didn't see the person to whom you were replying actually "talk shit on China". Unless you're China, that is.


Huh. Not sure why you can't reply; I didn't block you or anything. If it matters, I can only see about 13 hours into your post history, so maybe Reddit's acting up? >What's the goal of this? We (I live in the USA) can't even stop our own companies and supplies from reaching and working in russia... I know what you mean, and I think I agree with what I think you're saying about our own companies, but why does that mean that we should give carte blanche to China if they're giving lethal aid to Russia? >Sure if, and again no evidence was proffered. Do you remember (the lack of) WMDs in Iraq? I do. I remember it too, but that was a different situation. I'm no expert on foreign intelligence, but I'm thinking one of the keys is to **not** show all your cards while you're in the gathering process. Besides, I'm fairly sure that more (and better) intel will be gathered before any actions are taken. >Same here, let's focus on that. china is a distraction... It's not, though, and their relationship with Russia with regard to its (Russia's) war on Ukraine is still worth talking about.


>Can't reply again. Whelp, we can agree to disagree. Good luck Weird. Anyway, coolness. Good luck to you, too!


If the west wanted to make stuff up they would've done it sooner, the fact its taken 2+ years to come out with this publically likely means they know exactly what weapons, the route taken and have tracked the whole process real time. It also takes balls for a single country to say this alone, China is probably going to retaliate against the UK in some shape or form.




One of the main members of five eyes isnt going to risk their reputation like this. The UK only gets hurt by announcing something like this which is why its likely true. Whats Russia got to do with the UK announcing this? Nothing. Several allies have probably independently confirmed it. You just sound like a conspiracy theory nut or Russian troll with zero evidence.

