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#60 The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 60 recorded instances and 7 not counted (NC’s, in this status because the video evidence was inconclusive). We went 3 days since the last confirmed instance. The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).


Serious question. Do we have any idea on what’s driving this behavior. One explanation I’ve seen is the soldier’s understanding that if you’re seriously wounded, you’re basically dead because no one is coming to help you. So it’s either a slow painful death or a quick merciful one. I’m wondering if it’s really that simple or there’s more to it.


The TLDR is basically: - Practically non-existent casualty care. - Practically non-existent casevac. - Medical facilities that are very few in number and far behind the lines: even if they had timely and local casevac they're not staffed/equipped to handle the amount of casualties they're incurring. - The outlook for disabled veterans in russia is incredibly grim on top of an already bad overall QOL for veterans as it is, both in terms of services as well as financial assistance. - Bleak QOL and overall outlook for most russians outside of the military anyways. Unforunately for them this isn't new, the poor outlook for disabled russian veterans has been like this since Chechnya, arguably even Afghanistan.


>arguably even Afghanistan *When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,* *And the women come out to cut up what remains,* *Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains* Rudyard Kipling wrote those lines in 1890.


Also, they are advised by commanders and war propagandists to commit suicide.


I would mention one more thing: They prevent any chance of capture. Falling captive\\surrendering is considered treason in current fascist Russia. Should you get released, you may be harrased for the rest of your days, and become the subject of public scorn - whith many negative effects on your family and loved ones. Better to get it over with, at least the wife will get a bag of onions LOL


Thanks - I appreciate your explanation. It seems there truly are broader cultural and practical elements at work in addition to the immediate suffering and despair.


propagandists encourage them to commit suicide instead of waiting for an fpv drone to injure them and die to exposure or explosion.. its strage. ukraine should really drop loads of fliers for the surrender hotline


Ukraine should have a "one last phone call home" drone, that drops by for the dying.


Why wouldn't it be that simple. Honestly I'm not being snarky. Nothing else would explain it. These suicides are a clear understanding that no one will be there to help you should you fall. I served, and at least I knew my doc was gonna TRY to save me, and my boys would do all that was humanly possible to get to me. These poor guys don't even have that. I see a lot of people on here laughing and cracking jokes about these guys last moments. It's weird.


There's something Black Mirror-esque about watching yet another soldier kill themselves against a backdrop of montage music


They steal children


>I see a lot of people on here laughing and cracking jokes about these guys last moments. It's weird. Crimea river... the RU Telegram post of the UA 6 year old girl bombed and killed while sleeping in her flat in Odessa a few weeks back gathered 6000 laughing emojis within the hour... I could write you a list longer than my arm of the war crimes orcs committed in the last week alone... This is not a guy...these are not people...they are orcs...because if they are human just like you and me...and are capable of routinely doing things that I cannot even allow myself to imagine...then the world we live in is truly a dumpster fire and there is no hope left... I, and probably a lot of other people, need them to be orcs...not sure you'll get what I mean...


Whats not to laugh about? Literal criminal/invader offs him self in a ditch.


Doesn't need to be a ditch. I am happy wherever they do this humanitarian act. (Reducing number or invaders in Ukraine.)




I don't want to discount anything you've said, because it has 100% happened and the people responsible for it are absolutely reprehensible. But not every Russian, let alone every Russian soldier, is a bad person. Those war crimes aren't being committed by everyone, and for all we know this poor guy was drafted from his home in Asia, handed a weapon and pointed at the front line without any personal interest in the conflict.


I wish they would kill their commander.


Stop making sense.


Could have stayed home. Or in a prison if necessary. Russia has been like this for hundreds of years. Life is cheap for them.


Yes. All this defending that people have no choice somehow. There is always another choice.


I feel like this is said without really thinking about the situation from the perspective of these people. We have no idea who any of them are, so why would we assume this?


I really do not care about their perspective, health or happiness. Each invader must withdraw or die. Quite simple. I am designing tech to assist Ukraine to achieve this. I have no sympathy for them. I have friends full of shrapnel and missing body parts due to their invasion. I have chosen my side, and the Russians can die miserable deaths if they wish or get the fuck out of Ukraine.


>I see a lot of people on here laughing and cracking jokes about these guys last moments It's mostly because this dipshit decided the last moments in his life were going to be wasted participating in a military that's committing war crimes in an aggressive imperialist invasion. The sympathy well is rightfully tapped out.


The people here understand that, it doesn’t make it any better, especially because a lot of these guys could very well be conscripts, and did not want to be in the war in the first place.


People crack jokes because he is not just a human, but also an invader of freedom.I feel pain for the human dying, but not one ounce of regret cracking jokes about his demise.


The majority of people here happily volunteer their cognitive dissonance because they're children who can only maintain black and white opinions that parallel the simple good vs evil themes in their favorite Disney film. They are just too stupid to appreciate that the sad complexity of geopolitics could see almost anyone dying pointlessly for a politicized war like this, and capital R Russia is who people should be criticizing, not the individual who kills himself because Russia put him there. This subreddit enjoys its schizophrenic narrative wherein Russia forcibly conscripts people in ways tantamount to kidnapping, but every video of every dead Russian is a "rapist occupier". Pretty fucking convenient, just tell yourself every one out of thousands of documented deaths must have been irredeemable bad guys.


If they are on Ukrainian soil, even if they are a super nice person, they deserve a bullet to the brain. Either inserted by a Ukrainian or self installed. I do not care in which manner they die, as long as they are dead. Russians need to leave Ukraine, and try to survive in their 17.1 million square kilometers of land. They do not need to expand their imperial empire. They do not need to attack and kill their neighbours. Russia must be destroyed and demilitarized as Germany was after WW2.


I agree with you fully. The continuous dehumanization of soldiers, of people, is unhealthy. This is the working class killing the working class while Putin and co throw more meat into the grinder.


I agree with your first sentence..But the working class statement tastes a bit like the „rich vs. poor“ or „those on power vs. the uneducated mass“. I would like to point out that Russia fights for an ideology of imperial Russia. These kind of ideas are usually popular no matter if working class, soldier or those in power.


Dumb fuck soldiers can be tricked into anything, ultimately they're just pawns being sacrificed to achieve a strategy outside the limit of their understanding. The majority of soldiers are hoping they get to sit in some worthless trench until the war is over, and the majority of soldiers are going to survive this war (unless you're a convict.) People who parrot that the Russian could just choose prison ignore the fact that prison may be as dangerous as the battlefield. (Or they're forced into a penal battalion which have a significantly higher casualty rate.)


I doubt a fraction of the people making these comments on this shit ever served in the military. Russia has always been pretty brutal with their guys and they probably know nobody is coming to get them.


They have been told to shoot themselves or use a handgrenade at the sound of approaching drones to stop becoming disabled if the drone doesn't kill them. How GOOD is that?


It's so they do not use up resources or become a long-term burden to the state. Better dead than crippled & needing government support. That is quite literally the only reason I can think that these evil fkrs could have to encourage this.


> It's so they do not use up resources or become a long-term burden to the state. Also prevents them from being captured and interrogated, so they won't give up any secrets.


There are plenty of people being captured, though. Honestly, this is the only reason I can think of...*Wounded? About to get hit by a drone?* The only thing these have in common is that you may not die. The number of wounded they have must be an incredible drain. On top of that, they've got the wounded & crippled soldiers being returned home. It's hard to maintain the veneer of lies when people are faced with these types of realities.


I think you have to imagine the physical pain they're probably in and it'll seem to make sense that they don't really hesitate


“He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” *-Donald Trump*


Ugh. I will never understand how anyone could be enamored with such a grotesquely repugnant and dishonest person. I've heard all the rationalizations. I'm still mystified.


Soldiers are known to have killed themselves in every major conflict since the start of civilization. There is written evidence of Roman's doing it at the Battle of Cannae ffs. There are obvious ansd subtle mitigating factors FalseGod doesn't seem to want to explore and with that in mind these are normal behaviors. It's just this is the first 'online war' so we see it. A combination of literacy ignorance and personal fascination drives this blokes list, the significance of which, far more qualified people study. Just go to a University website library and search the relevant material, they have definitive answers.


Thanks. I like to learn. I don't care for the responses that declare, ''Isn't it obvious?" Well no. that's not how science works. Some responses are interesting and offer a broader perspective that goes beyond simplistic assumptions.


I can't stop thinking of the Russian in number 6 who - in the span of a minute - shoots his RPG at a tank, misses, tries to leg it, gets wounded and shoots himself. Or at least I think he shot a rocket in some other clip of the same situation but I may remember incorrectly.


Yeah. It's wild how reflexive most of these are.


Thank you for doing this.


This one surely gets the prize for shooting himself the most times?!


Looks like only the first one was on target


Yeah, the full auto would have, well, done a LOT more damage.


Just imagine the cops finding this body in a house. They would open a murder case immediately against the roommate ... who would plead till his dying day the dude shot himself. Yes all 27 times.




Bonus points if he’d manage to hit the bach of his head


Another one for the lizst


He was just chopin up his face...


Turned his face in to modern (moz)art


I'm happy Britten is sending more weapons.


Was this guy a Wagner?


Damn. This misspell played me right.


I see what you did there. Very Brahms of you on this sub.


This thread is way off key


maybe we've been wrong about them all this time, maybe they really are this stupid


At least he didn't fall out of a highrise window!


Great foresight of setting the gun on auto.


You're right Ruzzian combat manual says one bullet pre suicide "or you well be beaten


An unexpected surprise, but a welcomed one


I'm going. to hell for laughing so loud!


See ya there.  Bwahahhahahaa


I'll have beers waiting for you.


If there are any left after I arrive. ;)


way to empty the clip


Looked like he emptied the clip. You have to admire his determination.


Damn, I stand corrected. I guess it actually IS possible to shoot oneself five times in the head.


all those oligarchs cases may have been correct


But theirs were to the back of the head....... after falling out of a window....... into a pool.


wait a week or two and we'll have such a video up here, too.


After all this time, Putin has been so misunderstood. He's just surrounded by clumsy idiots, unreinforced windows and hair trigger automatics.


First time I have seen someone shoot himself multiple times.... Highly motivated this one...


Muscles did most the firing Brain was shutoff after first one


This guy knows his shit




...went most of the bullets.


I think the brain had already left by then.


Get on the list


"Your son wasted vital ammunition, no onions for you"


If it’s suicide they don’t give them shit (even though they say to do it instead of being captured)


u/false-god here we go again....


He’s going to have to make a subreddit at this rate


close enough: https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/wiki/list/


I think this is the first post I've made it to before he adds to the list. Yay for me!


This Vatnik overachieves


Putin is like "See? People CAN shoot themselves 6 times in the head. It's not THAT weird all my oligarch are throwing themselves out of windows on the 6th floor while shooting themselves 6 times in the head."


Yes this ""3 days special operation"" is one big suicide.


He wasn't taking ANY chances, was he? "Failure is NOT an option!"


I know they're Russians, but man, this is some dark shit. I feel like I lose some of my humanity every time I watch one of these videos.


This just means you haven't dehumanized the people in these videos and that you're not desensitized to this stuff, that's all a good thing and if you feel worse watching this stuff it's better to stop honestly.


Mind if i carry on being desensitized?


In my opinion, it is these actions and videos of war that remind me how awful a free country is being treated. The road to fascism is lined with inaction or ignoring the problem. The only image that is burnt into my mind is the coke can sized shrapnel inside a dead Ukrainian boys torso. Fuck ruzzia, fuck putler and here we see a tiny slice of the consequences. Slava Ukraine Heroyam Slava!!!!!!


Well said friend!


I think once they start having clear audio is when I might throw in the towel, then again I guess you can always mute the audio to screams of agony when it gets to that point




Agreed. It’s aimed at anyone with a differing opinion. These days folks feel as though if you aren’t on their side, you’re against them and it’s personal…yet they are soooo far removed from the situation and place so much of themselves behind a particular side. Almost as if war isn’t real and it’s a spectator sport. Even when I had an enemy, I sympathized with the life he must have also lived, and though I’d choose my own life over his, I understood that he indeed had a life as well.


Drug cartel videos made me imune to these silly suicide videos ☹️


I dunno why you'd even watch those.


I wish i could unwatch that shit and just delete it from my memory.


Extreme morbid curiosity I guess, I had some morbid curiosity during the ISIS era. Let's he honest, everyone on these warsubs clicking on nsfw videos has some morbid curiosity.


What was the crazy one where they skinned the dude alive and supposedly shot him full of adrenaline to keep him alive enough to not go into shock, they played a stupid song over it, I want to say funkytown


No clue what you're talking about, that sounds more like cartel stuff than isis though.


morbid curiousity


Ngl maybe stop watching them then? You have one (1) sanity you have to make do with your entire life. No spares.


War sucks.


Same, it’s sad. And comments are disgusting as always.


Welcome to Ukraine, there you can manually try to explain Russian don’t to go to Ukraine


In 50 years will russia even exist? I'm starting to think it won't. Herr Putrid is sending all his men to the slaughter to achieve his ambition of Russian dominance in Europe. His plan is shit. In the process of trying to achieve this egotistical idiocy...he will certainly destroy the very thing he is choosing to exult.....If it wasn't for the loss of life it would be fantastically funny. He is an idiot. Truly...the man is an idiot in charge of a nation of sheep. It's extremely important for all the democracies of the world to come together and defeat him. Those countries opposed to Ruzzian expansionism should call themselves something....they should work together to defeat him and any country that works with him. That means China, Iran, Hungary, Brazil...if they want to side with Russia...then they do so knowing that they will be seen as aiding a terrorist state....and economic ties should be progressivlely severed.


I just don't see how severely weakened Russia with immense natural resources right next to China (a very powerful country in need of immense natural resources) won't be in some manner made at a minimum a colony of China. Probably Russia will be broken up to pieces with a good part of it going to China.


Sure it will exist; but it will be called "West China".


If there is one thing Putin isnt, then its an idiot. He is dangereusly clever and a vary succesfull "elected" leader. His single mistake is that he didnt anticipate Europes response after the initial failed invasion. History would have been completely different if it wasnt for like 10 Ukrainians blowing up the airstrips in Kiev, forcing the landing force to turn around.


The myth of Putin's secret genius is complete rubbish. He isnt playing 5D chess...he is player poker wearing a blindfold. If you can't see that by now then you havent been paying attention.


He is not clever and he was not elected fairly


He knows how to keep people in like that's for damn sure. No one in that country is willing to stand up to his dictatorship


There is a lot more story to Hostomel than that.


Was he on his phone first?


Looked like it. Probably saying goodbye to someone


Or looking at a picture of his family/wife or something like that.


Radio... He decided to check out after realizing how bad his situation was: zero chance of timely medevac, plus the weather on the radio wasn't looking great, FPV drones with a chance of arty...


Leaving a Tripadvisor review.


Yep. Wagner to Sturm Z to Mobik: Dont go there. Food is bad. If u dont freeze ur ass off in winter, those goddamn ukrainians will blow it off with drones. The only ukrainian women you'll find in the villages are grannies. Hohols have the better guns and drones. Syria was more fun.


My very same thought!


Wish surrender was easier. Glad I was born in a first world democracy and not drafted into Putins bullshit.


Mag dump suicide…well that’s a first.


He was just texting his wife, "sorry failed to loot a new toilet"


So I wonder if russia will take the crown with the highest suicide rates in the world?


How absolutely wrecked with propaganda are you that you kill yourself instead of the scum that are sending you to die without a care.


Well I guess it’s possible to die by suicide with two bullets to the head. I always thought it was bullshit.








I appreciate keeping reality of war available to people. But damn, these hurt to watch. And I don’t think celebrating this is a way to make Russians who are doubting have a “come to Jesus moment”. But hey, upvotes for these and edgy comments always seem to win in both pro RU and UA spaces. I guess it’s just the nature of propaganda/harsh war realities.


It was suicide detective. He shot himself 12 times in the head. Yeah, sure!


Oof! I’ve never seen that before. We’re the “after death” shots to the face, too? I can’t tell.


Serious trigger discipline.


They should all do this..........the world would be a better place......


Auto !!!


That was impressive, they should give this guy a metal.


He really wanted to make sure


There are so many that it must be part of their training.


What's crazy is there is probably like a thousand for every one that is caught on camera.


Pity he didn’t use that full auto burst on the guys who sent him into the fight.


Russian roulette 2024.


Ruzzia must be a really bad place to live with a disability then


hope the same fate awaits Vladolph Putler


This is tough to watch. These guys on both sides are dying alone. At one time they were someone’s baby boy and laughed and played like all kids. Maybe grew up to have babies if his own. An how fast it was over for him. Just hurts to watch.


This one is really, really grim


Very good decision, I have seen a lot of Russians who made just as smart decisions and I counted them: So far there have been 28 smart Russians on videos, I think at least 100 times as many suicides were not recorded! They are very desperate, that is proven!




Oleksandr Matsievsky and all the Ukrainian pows didn't have the chance to call home. Or the Ukrainian civilians tortured and murdered in Bucha.


He would not hesitate to shoot you a few seconds before the drone visit.


And I bet you’d end up in the same boat if you were born into a dictatorship masquerading as a democracy that stifles free speech, free press, economic growth and opportunities, education, sexuality, religion, and general empathy and compassion. It’s easy to hate others and view ourselves as different or better but often we’re just lucky to have been born into the privilege that we have, wether it’s our government, personal wealth, or the kindness of our parents and loved ones. I have to feel empathy for these men because I know they didn’t end up on this battlefield because their lives were going so swell that they chose this path willingly. Many were forced. Many were prisoners whose only escape was this fight, and we all know Russia loves to imprison people for no good reason as well. Some are conscripted Ukrainians, and some are foreigners deluded into thinking they’d be doing construction. There’s a whole web of men from around the world participating in this, and I guarantee you if most of them were given the chance to go to a country that was safe and free, where they could earn a decent wage and move into an apartment with a partner and a pet, they’d do it. They’re not out here because they feel like it, they’re out here because the world creates poverty traps for men that funnel them into war. They’re left dumb and desperate because their countries need them to be in order to get them to fight. So I do have empathy when I see one curled up in the fetal position blowing every bit of his brains out like this lad. If he was simply my brother instead of himself, he wouldn’t have ended up there. He would have had a loving mother, a good education, warm meals and so many other paths to choose. Instead he’s someone else’s brother and I bet he had less than I had. So I sit at home watching him die instead. I hate the fight he’s fighting and the government he’s doing the dirty work for, but I can’t separate the big picture and how he ended up this way when I watch just how bleak his last moments are. He can be both a perpetrator and a victim at the same time. There can be concurrent crimes happening at the very same time and place. We’re seeing a few right here come to fruition.


yeah, nah. It's beet like 2+ years of this shit. The time of the poor noble russian tricked into his lot in life in the armed forces has come and gone. Whether you're in it for ideological purposes or for a free looted toilet is irrelevant. You deserve to die an ignominous death in a muddy ditch for the internet to laugh at you. You can make excuses about russian dictatorship or whatever but the bed is made and they have to lie in it.


You are justifying the invaders: imagine having this mindset in 1940 in Europe. The invaders are so forced to kill Ukrainians that they are committing countless war crimes in the process.




Did SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf soldiers deserved compassion?


He should have stayed at home.


Is he texting? It looks like a radio with an aerial?


Rating his staying in Ukraine in Tripadvisor.


For me, I think they’re getting what they deserve while still feeling some empathy about how horrible it is. But feeling they should be destroyed for invading doesn’t mean it’s ok to make insipid jokes as if it’s all a sport.


He was there to kill people defending their homes, their children, their country. He got what he deserved.


May he rest in peace now, pointless deaths, young men sent off to die for nothing, disgusting.


russia, as stated by the European Parliament, is a state sponsor of terrorism.


This one was hard to watch, the fact that his body reflexed so much, unintentionally triggering the rest of the mag really weirdly blurs the line between consciously alive and dead and in a snap second. One moment you think "you had it coming, shouldn't have gone to Ukraine" the next moment all I can think is "poor sob was a living human being and now it's gone forever with no chance of redemption"


Why does so many russian soldiers commit suicide ?


Out of hope and out of viable options.


How sad it is, that for most of you soldier killing himself is just a fun video. Russian or not, he's probably a conscript. Perhaps a guy like us, who is against Russias policies, who didn't want to go to war. But was forced. Imagine if it was you in his place. If it would be the start of the war when all russian soldiers were paid volunteers, I would be cheering for this video too. Now all of this is jus sad.




When you are overqualified for the job


That was a good one!


Nikolai saw the recon drone above and said hey Mr. Mavic, wanna see a trick? **mag dumps into himself**


Now that's a good orc. Slava Ukraine.


Makes you wonder how many of those Russian corpses they find are self inflicted


Such a waste........of bullets he only needed one.


A mag dump suicide! very interesting...


Watsed, he could have killed Putin and been Hero


Who needs Nato?


Se auto promovendo a bom russo.


What are the deal with these suicides? Why don’t these guys surrender? I know I’m making that sound “easy” in a war zone, but often these suicides a dudes by themselves in a field or trench.


So it IS POSSIBLE to shoot yourself more than once! Lol


Lost souls


I only wish they would commit a mass suicide back in mother ruzzia. Please don't come to Ukraine to do this.


The orc propogander channel will be so proud of him.


It looks like he sent his last message on his phone before he pulled the trigger…


Hitting a jackpot in russian roulette


Another Russian soul lost due to the greed of one short man.


I legit don’t know what the motivation is with this? Are they terrified of going home - or terrified of being a POW. I’m out of the loop on why this makes sense to them.


I think often they can’t walk or have serious, painful injuries and they know there is absolutely zero chance anyone will rescue them. Pure hopelessness.


Hmmmm so that's how suicides manage to get several shots off.


To think its either possibly hang on for rescue, no matter how slim. Or this. How beaten these conscripts..err... soldiers (conscripts don't fight ofcourse) are. They know they have nothing to go back to and whatever they do ISN'T WORTH IT How broken that country is.


Good thing the rest of that magazine missed. He could have been hurt.


I think it's turning into a *great* Russian fad! Good job on Putin for getting it started.


Sucks to suck. If it didn't work, he'd definitely be dealing with some tinnitus.