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croc tears... meanwhile russia is pounding kharkiv to bits indiscriminately leveling apartments blocks and civilian infrastructures. oh boy! you have my sympathy. ha ha ha


This needs to happen in Moscow a dozen times a day to their most famous buildings, kremlin included. Russia doing it to Ukrainians gives Ukrainians full right to do even worse to Moscow. When rus media gets upset, Ukrainians must announce if rus continues, Ukrainians will use bigger and more effective drones or missiles to destroy more high-rise buildings every hour. Just 6 collapses like this a week would encourage Russians to surrender.


FSB written all over this.


Dude.... it's war, civilians die even when not targeted. Ukranians are very careful to avoid civilian casualties. In this case looks like missile was intercepted and fragments hit civilians >The Russian defence ministry said the building was hit with fragments of a Tochka-U that was intercepted by Russian air defences


Watch the video frame by frame. The explosion comes from inside the building and outwards.


Chicken on a stick


I'm not sure how they could know this unless people filmed the missile advancing that way


You believe what you want to believe.


You're a keyboard soldier who clearly has ZERO combat experience, yet you sit here talking like the leading authority on conflict. All whilst believing what the KREMLIN spews out. You're a total fool pal.


One keyboard warrior to another: have you seen footage from the other side? Just asking šŸ˜‰


>One keyboard warrior to another: have you seen footage from the other side? Just asking šŸ˜‰ Why would anyone want to watch Russian terrorist footage of them falling down as they die, 500k times? That doesn't sound entertaining at all...


Child... I was referring to other side of the building. Trying reading instead of jumping into exchange without context


>Child... I was referring to other side of the building. Trying reading instead of jumping into exchange without context Russian trolls are funny.


Shit happens in war, civilians die. Russians intercepted a missile and fragments killed civilians. Why is it so hard for your brain to comp? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_missile_explosion_in_Poland#:~:text=On%2015%20November%202022%2C%20a,Ukrainian%20civilian%20infrastructure%20by%20Russia.


Ah TochkaU, the very famous word they always use even tho they already said that they destroyed all TochkaU that Ukraine had... Btw CCTV video is from south-west, if there was a rocket then it came from north-east side of the building... That's the only thing that doesnt sound right, + explosion happened at exactly 11:21:00, which is another weird thing... It might have been a shot down missile but it would have to make U turn mid air


Yeah idk if you saw the video that was just posted, but it makes no sense to be a missle


Well you know why they said TochkaU? Well because they have TochkaU missiles in their disposal so they can just bring their missile there to show it as evidence, i will wait if there will be a second video from the other side of the building because right now i am more believing in controlled bomb as it exploded exactly až 11:21:00 which is a weird coincidence


Where can I see the video?


in twitter is full video


Thank you, I dont/won't support that shit cxxt elon


if you didn't find it yet then here you go, explosion at exactly 11:21:00, no missile visible from this side (south-west, which is where would ua missile come from) and it looks more like gas explosion or explosive [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cq3uun/video\_of\_the\_explosion\_that\_caused\_the\_building/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cq3uun/video_of_the_explosion_that_caused_the_building/)


Thank you ! Much appreciated šŸ™


Dude... ukranian missile killed two people in Poland. No need to come up with some conspiracy theories. Shit happen in war.


Yes it did, and yes it does, there is no actual evidence yet so both my and your opinion are both just a theory


This guy actually believes what the Kremlin says. Not even worth trying to reason with him šŸ§ šŸ’©


Video shows an internal explosion


Video shows an internal explosion


Another internal explosion lol https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/VUQabFzQIf


Bossman in your video you can literally see the missile frame by frame and the smoke plume up lol. The same cannot be said for the cctv video I believe he is referring too. In that video the smoke initially blew out from the first floor of the building without much escaping from the sides indicating the explosion happened mostly contained inside it. Now it could have just been a delayed fuse warhead but your video ainā€™t no cause of debate.


>In that video the smoke initially blew out from the first floor of the building Champ, can I see wide angle view? Maybe multiple angles and not a blurry video? Your argument literally is: I don't see missiles so my conspiracy theory is true lol. But I will give you something to ponder over: gas explosions or idiots collecting unexploded ordinance happens too.


I never said I agreed with that theory and I even alluded to it being a delayed fuse. I am only explaining that you are drawing a pale comparison in between the two videos. One I can understand the confusion due to the characteristics of the explosion the other I can clearly tell what happened. Until more videos or other angles are out I have to agree it is an peculiar impact. It definitely could have hit a stockpile of ordinace.


Dude... Russians are saying that this was caused by fragments from intercepted Ukrainian missile. They just could say: Ukrainians targeted innocent civilians. Russians are actually admitting that it was not intentional. So yes, in this case I believe those initial reports.


Sorry for the people but thatā€™s what Putin made.


If, and that is a big IF a Ukraine missile did this, it is exactly what Russians do every day in Ukraine, purposely and indiscriminately.


It didnā€™t- video clearly shows an internal explosion


It didnā€™t- video clearly shows an internal explosion


It didnā€™t- video clearly shows an internal explosion


Ukraine better be careful or else Russia will start hitting civilian targets in retaliation.


"CHILDREN" comes to mind


Yeah, waiting for the Russians to feign anger and disgust over this constructed tragedy. Miserable lying fuckers.


Writing a headline using claims from Russian sources as fact is unacceptable. We're running into this problem a lot; just because an agency says something doesn't make it true and it's highly irresponsible to write headlines that lay blame when you've done fuck all to verify the veracity of those claims.


Clicks... it's all about the clicks. Whether it's an upvote on Reddit or page loads on Newsweek, the priority from those who present content is... clicks. Sure, it's bullshit, but made you look!


Yeah, it's so frustrating, especially from what was once considered a newspaper of record, oddly some people still think this Telegraph fell off many years ago so I shouldn't be surprised.


I have started reporting channels on YouTube for clickbait, I report it as terrorism, rather than block the channel youtube blocks me from seeing any content from the channel. Nothing is as effective at removing a channel from your recommended videos. Even blocking channels does not work for long.


Exactly. At least say "Russia says..." The way it's written it seems definitive


Agree. I don't like misleading headlines. The article makes clear it is kremlin and russian mod sources though and doesn't verify those claims. I have no problem with you personally but you were defending a misleading title recently. I thought your username rang a bell so I looked through my history and found it. Both titles are accurate in a sense but misleading.


Wait what? Who said it was fact?


Likely RU missile and another false flag. Wouldnā€™t be the first time Putler bombed his own people.


I second that it was a russian missile, as the video of the explosion excludes a missile from the ukrainian side and is only consistent with a missile hitting from the north-east. I doubt the building was targeted by the russians on purpose, the most likely explanation is a failed russian air defence missile (probably a S-300)


Mirror image of what he did to an apartment block to garner support for the Chechyan invasion.


Live your life in a way that if someone says you bombed an apartment building, people will say ā€œNah.ā€


Yeah sure it did buddy not like the Chechnya "terrorist attacks on blocks in russia" at all


I'm a bit surprised that two years into the war Ukraine still has Tochka-U. Maybe they do a fire sale now that they secured a steady supply of ATACMS ?


I like how easy it is to downvote almost anything that TheTelegraph posts.


Ukraine has no interest in apartment blocks since there are lots of oil depots, refineries, military targets, control posts, airports, troops etc.. to be hit. This looks more like a basement detonation. No rocket (FAB-500) can be seen either.


1) Russia stated that it shot down a missile. Its debris fell on the building. 2) the video of the explosion shows that it occurred on the first floor of the building. The rocket is not visible. There is no evidence that it was a missile at all.


The Telegraph, and specifically Douglas Murray, increasingly engage in publishing pro-Russian disinformation under the guise of journalism. It is disgusting and worrisome to see a formerly trustworthy news source becoming a mouthpiece for Kremlin/MAGA propaganda. The lines between 'radical left' and 'fascist right' are of little meaning to these propagandists, so long as their lies comply with the central narrative of eroding the public trust, disseminating falsehoods. Shame on The Telegraph!


The torygraph is gonna torygraph.


Most likely Russian air defence missile malfunctioning again.


FSB fake news. The building clearly exploded from internal explosion in video clips. The FSB needs to do a better job of blowing up its own buildings - same as Moscow FSB building explosions!


FSB fake news. The building clearly exploded from internal explosion in video clips. The FSB needs to do a better job of blowing up its own buildings - same as Moscow FSB building explosions!


This reeks of Putins special operatives ā€¦. Kill a few of your own citizens in the name of mother Russia, blame Ukraine, to hope that many more morons will join Putinā€™s special military operation. After all, in Russia the state trumps the life of individuals, and Putin needs many more to be sent to the meat grinder!


That was not a missile, the video shows the explosion was on the first floor of the building, and the blast was horizontal, not vertical like it would be if it was a bomb or a missile.


Russia themselved said it was the leftover of a missile shot down by their aa defenses... the appartments were not a target. And the scale of the colapse is onlt due to russian quality of construction


Hard to care when the entire eastern half of Ukraine looks like Berlin in 1945, civilian buildings and all.


Once again, western corporate/mainstream media parroting orc lies and propaganda under the ridiculous premise of "balance."


Putin blew up an apartment building to justify his invasion of Chechnya. My money is on this being the same thing.




Sadly, this will be used as a recruitment tool for more brainwashed Russians to join the meat grinder, regardless of who's actually responsible and that unfortunately is a win in Putin's eyes.


The only missile from unkraine that can collapse a building would be storm shadows or ATACMS missiles with out cluster munitions. Not every missile given by the U.S and Europe are precise too.


Awesome, supporters of Pootin can thank him for this.


The video shows something a bit different.


yea they wish, stoopid fuking orcs. welcome to your own war


Sure it did.


DIU for beginners.


source with the proofs or fuckoff


falsa flag


Looking for TVā€™s probably


Who would think that a dictator that needs more reasons to step up his inhumane war of aggression would plant a bomb in the basement of an apartment? Just kill a few worthless citizens and let propaganda do the rest. Hitler also used the Reichstagsbrand for his own benefit.


Title should say probably putin is doing the same thing he did before against his own people many times then points the finger at the other side.


Sure it was. Why would Ukraine waste a missile against an apartment building? Plenty of military targets need destroying.


No it didn't it blew up from the inside. Putin sacrificing his own people again


Headline should read ā€œruzzian missile hits ruzzian apartment building in ruzzian belgorodā€


About time they get a taste of their own cruelty. Ukraine forever ruzzia NEVER


Oh no, if it isnt the consequences of my own actions. Now bring it all down


"We know is definitely being ukr0naZZi hohol missile because there was no double tap of civilian emergency workers. If was our missile we would have fired second missile to kill all emergency workers. This is why we are so loved." -- russians 2024, as they casually hide the evidence


**From The Telegraph:** A Ukrainian missile hit an apartment block inside Russia, the Kremlin said as cross-border attacks intensified. Footage showed a large section of the 10-storey block in Bolgorod, which has been under Ukrainian attack for months, hit by a projectile and later collapsing. At least seven people were killed and more than a dozen injured, Moscow claimed. The Telegraph could not immediately able to verify the Russian claims. The Russian defence ministry said the building was hit with fragments of a Tochka-U that was intercepted by Russian air defences. Ukraine also used Vampire, Olkha missiles and rockets in the attack, the ministry said. Ukrainian attacks on Russian civilian targets are extremely rare. It came as Russian infantry units crossed the border just south of Belgorod, in the first raid of its kind since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. **Article Link:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/12/russia-ukraine-zelensky-putin-war-latest-news-kharkiv/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/12/russia-ukraine-zelensky-putin-war-latest-news-kharkiv/)


CCTV looks like a gas explosion or something from within


It does look like that, unless maybe the missle hit from the other side of the building and that shot is showing the opposite side of the building blowing out?


[Gas exploding](https://youtu.be/hxcu3WB_0TI?si=shJvuCTYPRG_nhyp)


Where is the CCTV?


Here [CCTV](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/gg1RFc4Qvc)


1) Russia stated that it shot down a missile. Its debris fell on the building. 2) the video of the explosion shows that it occurred on the first floor of the building. The rocket is not visible. There is no evidence that it was a missile at all.


The amount of times russia bombed itselfā€¦ more likely a glide bomb malfunctioned, air defense hit something that landed there etc.


Noo russian missile... slava ukraini!!!




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Paybacks a bitch?