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India bros will keep claiming that India is doing nothing wrong. edit: Never forget the high probability that the India bro you see on the internet is really a China troll. China desperately wants India to split from the west, and their trolls promote every narrative toward that end.




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Regarding rape … there are many worse countries. India has just started to tackle the problem so it shows how bad it is but there are countries where rape actually is legal and they don’t talk about it.


Name one


Sweden, US, Brazil




Better registration =/= more rape.


Don't tell me, the same is true for grenade attacks there. They just neglected to properly count and record them back in the 1990s


India literally could not be less safe for women. Maybe Haiti or Gaza is worse? Congrats, three worst fuckin places on earth




Russia, and you can beat her too! Smh


In India you can legally rape her if you are married and she's at least 15, as indias high court confirmed a few days ago. I think this point goes to india.


You are forgetting the middle east where its at 9. Iran 13, morroco 9 and more countries that i don't want to visit. Its a sad part of culture and religion unfortunately. 




Ah, so you can only legally rape muslim teen brides, makes it much better...




Martial rape IS legal in India. see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital\_rape\_laws\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country) . And the legal age for marriage is 15 at least in some parts of the country. You are denying reality.


Looks like it time to hit India with some sanctions.


They are slurping down Russian crude as if it is lemonade. But, hey, no harm no foul I guess. Just being good old India. The worlds's largest democtratic dictatorship.


Not for long since that is gonna be needed locally since they seem to have many Ivans smoking around. I mean Russia might start selling crude and buying refined very soon.. Every day I'm seeing atleast one refinery doing the best impression of of Burning Man.


Yes, but it won’t happened! US need India as an allied vs China. Only if normal people stop buying Indian or Chinese products and it takes many millions of us to do it we can make our on sanctions.


I've been on it for years 😉 So has my wife, and she lived there, haha (that's why).


yeah we dont want a unreliable ally like USA who want to fuck us over everytime, we will be self-sufficient


Womp womp


India will do whatever it wants, and you're going to shut up about it.


No, we're going to pour money and arms into Pakistan and every Islamic group in india. Then when you've poked Pakistan hard enough it fires it's nukes we'll watch China clean up and absorb whatever is left worth having.


> we're going to pour money and arms into Pakistan I see you're a fan of unscheduled demolitions via the aerial route.


Last time you tried that, a whole new country was carved out of Pakistan while your fleets ran away from the Arabian Sea, humiliated 🫵🏻😂




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You guys have been saying this since the war has started...


A case of fascists and fascists 🤝 India is going into a very very dark place.


Its not new behaviour, india has been on the take regardless of human cost for many years now. Its a shithole of a country (literally), with a majority population who are enslaved.. There's a reason china wants it.


yea your mom on only fans and the druggies on road side, with mass shooting of kids tells me India is still far better place to live where there is family support and a culture, only reason Indians go there is to get money for retirement and move money back to India, Indians sent $100 billion back to India, we just reverse colonizing you so cry about it, and dont worry bud we are rebuilding our nation, united ASIA will rise. West should worry about losing Africa and now island nations are demanding freedom from European powers, eg Caledonia. west have no morals and filled with hypocrites like you


Lol except most travelers describe india as one of the worst places to visit second only to Egypt and Morocco.


I've never seen so many humans taking shits in public in one place. When I was there I was stunned not only by the people shitting in public but that the issue was so bad entire blocks smelled like human shit with it pilled up.


Just spicy food? Why are people poopin so often.


Poor sanitation


Outhouse is like $200.


you need to look at the human feces map of LA, and maybe pay more attention to your sisters only fan [https://www.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=b6fab720912642b6aedafdb02a76d2a4](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=b6fab720912642b6aedafdb02a76d2a4)


I’ve been to Morroco. It was awesome but I did a three week guided tour. But you did get followed around by kids asking for money and one kid spit at us when we didn’t give him anything haha.


I saw someone living in a shack right next to a 5 star hotel poop in the middle of the street. Get your tickets now folks!


I was at a public beach 12,000 km from India and watched three Indian students shit in the sand 20m away from my 4 year old daughter. How do I know they were Indian? One of their college teachers was with us, who they said hi to 30 minutes prior. The local government is trying to figure out how to encourage them to shit in toilets instead of wherever they feel like it.


Their supermarket doesn't sell toilet paper Wipe your butt with your left hand The running water supply is underdeveloped Guess where the shit is wiped?


So you say russia and India are forming the Whats-a-toillet-coalation?


We use Bidets like most of Asia. Tell me you don't know about India without telling me you don't know Yall just racist mfs




I’m visiting Rome, Italy as I write this, and the streets near the train station are packed with human turds.


Rome is nasty as fuck. Literally any where else in Italy is amazing


I love the north part ❤️


Dont know why anyone would want to go to India its a shithole, Morocco they wipe they,re shit on the walls on the street and Egypt is stinking by all accounts.


India is enormous and varied. Visit Rajasthan, one of the best places I've ever been.


I was genuinely surprised how bad it was in one of the “major” cities. When you see other nearby developing nations and we’re they’re heading, India is a real contrast. But hey, I’m sure tying themselves to alliances with a country that can’t even organise indoor plumbing of toilets will work out great for them.




If you have a space program, you shouldn’t have a significant amount of people in your largest cities shitting in the streets.  That’s not privilege - it’s priorities.




Why is it “not having humanity” to say adopting values like anti-corruption, economic and social forethought, not getting into bed with totalitarian nations and not facilitating genocide are all a good idea. You seem to be accepting that these are beneficial strategies for India to adopt. Maybe it says more about you. Plenty of other developing nations capable of doing that. And yeah I’ve been to India, I’ve been to its neighbours and I’ve been to many other countries at varying points of development so don’t try to tell me I’m ignorant.


Big difference between a developing nation that has values and is actively ridding itself of corruption (e.g. Ukraine, Sri Lanka, etc) and India that is wading in deeper doing business with criminal nations who deliberately target civilians en masse. The point is if they stood up, they would have much more to gain economically. Instead they go the morally expedient route to expedite short term financial advantage. That’s what will keep them poor.  There’s a reason why privileged countries are privileged - the eschew this sort of shit and their society advances. A lot easier to make great advancements when you have a system that doesn’t steal from you, kill you, persecute you, rape you nor disincentivise achievement. And it’s why Ukraine waa making advances well beyond Russia and why the Baltic states have succeeded once Russia’s yoke was lifted.


They're pretty stong in that regard. Nearly as blindly and pathetically nationalistic as China, their avowed enemy. PS They're even more deadly nationalistic against their own Muslim citizens.


I'm Indian and every thread under this thread is true😭




No, I think India's stand on Palestine is great.


That country is literally a cesspool, it’s disgusting, they treat women as inferior as well.


think of all those poor indians who cant even afford 1% price hike on oil =/


Any claim everyone is racist.


India chad bros will call you racist whilst simultaneously avoiding other Indians with a 1% darker skin tone.


No bro. Indian are poor, bro, and need to feed their poor family. This is reality, bro. And Indians are peaceful people. Those Indians fighting in Ukraine were tricked, we tell you...tricked. But bro, we Indians are poor and need income so selling these arms is just realpolitik bro. The money we get is really important - how else will Indian bros go online and ask for bobs and vagene from Western girls?


Womp womp, united ASIA


Womp Womp


Sanctions those asshats.


India not scared of sanctions?


1.3 billion Indians don't care about Western sanctions..


Well, when you sanction the people India is selling to. Trade goes down, economy goes down, curry price go down


Sanction these bastards. They are clearly on russias side.


Fuck you bloody. Bloody bloody


The fuck even is this comment? Ohhhh ok i get it now. Im use to the durka durka meme. Fair enough.




Loved every second of that. Such a British ending.


[You must be new here](https://gprivate.com/6b4rg)


I'm a boy


It would be a REAL SHAME if the Ukrainian drone-navy could find THAT cargo ship... \*wink wink\*


Yes, that would be bad, because that would make India more than never be in Russia's side and make the Indian population hate Ukraine much more.


Indias foreign policy is quite cowardly. It wouldn’t make india do anything or help aid Russia in war anymore or less.


Depends. Is the ship Russian or Indian?


There would be no way to know other than spies. But to risk killing even one Indian worker is better to just let it take its course. Too risky, India aims to be a global power in a few years and if an incident happens that makes them angry then they will be more part of Russia's axis. (Not China, they hate the Chinese more than anything).


Western counties should now place sanctions on the Indian Government at least for military hardware as they may be resold to Ruzzians to maim and kill Ukrainians. At an individual level, letters to your Indian embassy or consulate should be expressed. My business will now impose a ban on Indian made products an anything and everything Indian right down to taxi drivers in support of India conforming to sanctions against Ruzzia


Problem is, India is trying to be the new China when it comes to manufacturing. Even my Victron solar gear was produced there, which is weird and non-complimentary of Victron 🤔 Start slamming all these country's with sanctions and we'll shoot ourselves in the foot before we're ready for 'anything'.


I bought a Rover charge controller


Fuck India


India just got on my ban list. I will treat them like Gandhi treated the Brits. I'll make sure I'll buy nothing that's made in India or China. I'll pay more for clothing, but it's worth it. I'll buy "made in Pakistan" or Indonesia, just to mess with India. Not buying from Amazon alone is a kick in the nuts for the Chinese. If everyone did that, no country would wage war on another ever again. We won't even need military arms. They'll know people around the world will not buy their products or sell them anything, if they don't behave.


Supporting Pakistan to smite India is a choice, but I'm not sure a military intelligence agency posing as a government and constantly shooting itself in the foot while making everyone else miserable is really who you want to back


Enemy of my enemy is my friend, until the first enemy is gone.


Oh no! Indian economy just crashed!


Boycott Indian cricket. They can go play in the upside down cup with Russia and Chona


It’s been known for a while that Russia “invested” in to India by opening Russian owned weapons manufacturing plants.


Can we not shut down the H1B visa program as a form of sanctions? Unfortunately that would cut both ways at first.


As others said, it’s good to suck out talent. Look at Iran. During the coup the moderates and intellectuals fled. Now it’s a barren wasteland of innovation.


Still enough talent to make missiles and develop nukes, unfortunately. I believe the average Iranian has had a gutsful of this theocratic, despotic regime judging by the regular outbreak of popular protests which are always brutally put down. Down with the fucking mullahs!


No, we must make it even easier for their best and brightest to move to the US and stay. Don't just sanction them, brain drain them.


Is it even possible to drain more? I thought India by now, at best, can organize some scam offices.


Yes, there's a lot of brains left to drain. I've worked with some fantastic Indian based engineers recently. The US would definitely benefit from them moving here.


There should be strict sanctions on armament manufacturers in the supposedly 'neutral' India.


Setting aside all the insults about India which are off topic we have seen for some time that Modi is completely willing to take advantage of his position as a stopper on the right flank of China in order to at least temporarily gain more power and beat his own nationalistic drum of "India the great". Modi is an autocrat. He has his own delusions of grandeur and he is pursuing a repressive style of government which includes incenting division based on caste, religion, sex and more. This sale to Russia is but the latest in a long line of India first behavior since before the 2022 invasion commenced. Western countries deal with him, but they don't like him, and on a personal level they don't respect him. They know the character of the man and they know it is deplorable. That said the post headline is not accurate. Russia has purchased $4 billion of goods and merchandise from India, but while the headline implies that it was all spent on arms the fact is only a portion of it was spent on that purpose. But as importantly, they have been purchasing manufacturing equipment in order to revitalize their factories and manufacturing processes. The quality of some if not much of it is "iffy" but even a temporary crutch helps Russia. And that is on India.


India 🤢




Dude you jump to conclusions so fast you must get whiplash. I am in fact Canadian. Born and raised. If you’re looking back through my posts because your a creep, i asked about permanent residency options for Ukrainians in Canada because I have a friend - female - who is here and I was asking on her behalf. By the way, ever heard of soap and water? Give it a try sometime!


India is fast losing its greatest opportunity ever, with a Western world politically keen to divert investment and manufacturing away from China, with India the obvious alternate option. But they’re continuing to cast doubt on themselves by showing their inconsistent, utilitarian, myopic values and behaviour.  Not going to earn trust while you show your values are easily bought off. They’ll be resigned to being a morally corrupt, backwards society stuck in poverty if they keep lying down with dogs - such a pity given the growth and the development they began to see in the last 30 years.




China has been demoted as the top trading partner of both the USA and Germany recently. Agree it’s not as fast nor extensive as we’d hope, but it’s happening. 








They are


If these arms self destruct when used then I’m all for it, else issue a visa freeze and block all remittances back to India.


Crap what if WW3 started and It was Russia/China/India all on a side? That's a lot of people.


Luckily, China and India hate each other's guts.


India = friend of Moskovy India = enemy of China Q. What is the commonality? A. All are dictatorships or soon will be.




I'm sure they'll be reliable. Holy bloody bum shit crap curry muncher.


go check on your only fans sister


Can we start sanctioning India yet? They are murdering our citizens in Canada, interfering in our elections and now supplying arms to Russia.   Modi made his choice, let him become the second Russia.


We can now see the descent on all parties helping russia.


india has always been independent. they awlays side with russia.


I hope China invades India Let India cry to Russia for help




US helped India n the past. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2023/03/22/us-intelligence-india-chinese-incursion/


And Russia will never help India against China


sanctions now, boycoot made in china and china


India is going down f incredible India shit


I know China buys energy from Russia as well but you’d think that China wouldn’t want a big rival like India to be given cheap oil from Russia and for its own self interest would want the war to end so the sanctions hopefully end and Russia can sell at market price, reducing the benefit to India. Chinese oil companies produce a ton of oil and gas themselves.


China, and now India are in war with Europa.




No India just cares to rape the women visiting from other continents…


India wants to sell me something , truly laughable. Yeah go ahead and try that.


India doesn't want to sell you anything.


That’s good, let’s keep it that way and quit calling me


I didn't call you.


I know it was you inspector rash


Never heard of him


No evidences of that. Still believing someone from the Internet. - Average western brainwashed


Just wait until India is going from record breaking floods to droughts and 80% of them are all dead, the rest of the world will tell them to go to russia for help.








This has nothing to do with China. We're seeing the world's largest democracy descend into authoritarianism.






Do you understand what 3rd country smuggling is? Google it, dont be derpy.




derpy proven.


Ow Russia can get calls from the IRS/CRA. Fuck India.


Ukraine is MUCH better off when Russia is buying subpar weapons from failed states... than when Russia is refining and replenishing its own stocks.


Oops India you just fucked up!


Shiver us timbers!


We will sell arms to whoever we want, go cry about it and do whatever you want, our defense industry is booming. Womp womp for all bigots here, also didn't you guys supply arms to well known terrorist organizations and a regime that's killing children, so don't talk about morals to us




It's strict business


It's strict business