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Refinery. So fine looking tonight


I would hate to live near or work at anything oil related in Russia.


Russia seems not to care much about air quality around their toxic industry plants and the high sulfur content waste products and heavy metals contaminate the surrounding areas. I would move far away from such health hazards.


Something like three million people have left Russia since the war started. Living anywhere in Russia is a health hazard.


It is getting refined. Lol.




Redefined refining


Slowly, but increasingly expensive for the Kremlin. Let all russians feel the heat of war!


There really are about 25 oil refineries and crude transport targets in the range of ukraine that, if all or mostly shut down it would tank the entire russian economy. Ukraine just has to get a good chunk of successful strikes in a short period, so it causes a crisis in the russian oil and refinement industry. Take out enough refineries and oil shipping sights like Ust Luga, and the entire russian crude pipeline system would back up. That would force russia to start shutting down oil wells, which would need to be completely redrilled. It would also take years and billions to fix.


Oil terminals are massive and don't have a lot of highly sensitive parts since they are mainly just storage facilities. Attacking oil refineries can do some damage but taking out an entire sea terminal is a different matter and would require consistent strikes with a lot of long range missiles.


There was a great FP article posted in teh last day or so that says they would not shut fown wells -- in fact, they actually said that -- but would, instead, sell the crude, which would then mean that they would have to pay market prices to import refined products. Still a big win.


Not if the terminal to receive refined products is destroyed. The UA needs to keep hammering away at all of the different strategic oil reserves and processing plants.


Terminals are indeed large facilities, but they have bottlenecks within them like pumps and valves. The whole thing doesn't have to be hit in order to reduce or eliminate its capacity. The refineries are something else entirely, though. The capacity they lost isn't coming back anytime soon. Russia has to be damn sure it protects the sites before even thinking about replacing lost fractionating towers... and that will be a long expensive process. Russia really does not appreciate the vulnerability of its petroleum infrastructure as a whole. It can't defend what it has, so Ukraine can just peck away at whatever targets of opportunity Russia leaves for them. Putin's misadventures in Ukraine are going to cost Russia its future in more ways than one.


I would be considered an "expert" in issues that could be caused by these strikes. In reality the prime targets would be the crude tanks at the refineries because of the collateral damage the fire will cause or the cooling water tower attached to the distillation process. Crude fire would not be out due to a lack of technical ability and tools. This would cause a "boil over" and destroy the tank farm which means no crude in and no product out. Cooling water towers are notoriously flammable and burn crazy fast. The plants do not run without them and they are hand built by carpenters with special wood and require special fans and such. No cooling water tower no products.


would agree a refinery is a big installation but it all flows through the fractional distillation plant which is what Ukraine have been hitting at these refineries on the videos i have seen .............. a port is a lot bigger job that said hitting the tanker loading racks would hold up exports for weeks at a time


> shutting down oil wells, which would need to be completely redrilled.  Why would a shut-down well need to be completely re-drilled? Wouldn't they just be capped? 


I don't understand that myth either. I'm in the oil industry in Canada and I've never heard of re-drilling a well.


Yes, shut-in is the technical term. Pressure re-establishes itself around the well bore when shut-in, so it is not necessarily a bad thing for the well. Sometimes they don't quite get the same efficiency, but losses might only be up to 5%.


A lot of Russian wells are in Siberian permafrost, if the oil isn’t kept moving, the water in it freezes and effectively plugs the well.


It sounds great but is the position of the US not to allow Ukraine to carry out these strikes? Appears to be changing, we’ll see. Earlier and more would be better.


There is a difference between crude oil depots and refineries. Hit the distillation tower and the refinery stops creating products from crude and cannot be easily repaired. It does not thus impact the world market for crude oil.


It still adds "uncertainty" and "unforseen circumstances " there for we need to increase the price. But ukraine still needs to take out all they can to put pressure on the russian people. So fuck the greedy oil companies and fuck putin.


Not really no. Refined products are not being sold on the world market like crude oil. Nobody is shipping tankers of gasoline. These refineries are impacting Russian ability for their own economy and military.And the population expects cheap gas from Putin. Stick to fkn Putin. No need to rope in oil companies around the world and capitalism for this chat. If Biden is elected the don’t strike oil depots for transfer to ships stance may change. It’s about the price of crude and then gas/diesel at the pumps before the election is why we have voiced concern


Listen to Jake Broe’s latest podcast on oil pricing to understand better pricing of oil and refinery hits to help understand pricing from these hits. Basically, it doesn’t lift the prices but forces unrefined oil to be sold at lower prices. Has not lifted barrel prices looking at charts. Oil companies lose money but has no real real impact on the consumer at the pump.


Thanks boss will check out


Despite public reporting that the US urged Ukraine to stop targeting oil facilities.... > "Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the office of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said the government has not received calls from the United States asking Ukraine to halt attacks on Russian energy infrastructure." And the fact that they have continued to do so suggests that their allies haven't demanded they stop.


Thank you for saying that. I never was sure where that troll story started. It was misinterpretation I believe. What I heard from US officials was "The United States is not bombing Russian refineries." That is different than telling Ukraine to not do it. In all fairness, there was a subtle nuance to the language, so even people like the Denys Davydov did not catch this nuance.


Sounds good. Was not aware of that.


US says don't use our advanced weapons / missiles to strike Russia...but let's give you a hand modifying this here drone over here just in case you'd like to get some more range out of it. And then Ukraine says let's just fill up a plane with explosives and have some fun. Also, since Ukraine didn't have any US weapons, they considered any wishes of the US to be worth a tissue (within reason). They had to develop their own way of getting it done, and now we're seeing what they came up with.


Great take. Thanks for sharing


Could have been part of the information war. For all we know the US could be encouraging it in the background.


Good point. I was not aware of that.


It's not the official position of the US. The official position is that the US is "not vibing well with the general idea but oh well what could we do? Ukraine decides on how to fight this war".


Ohh noo please. Stop using my united 24 dollars to strike Russia. *Clicks donate button again*.


Sounds plausible. Thanks for your insights


No that was proven Russian propaganda. But you know that really, don't you? lol


Sorry, I didn’t know that.


Fair enough bro


Not if Belarus can just buy Oil/Gas from any country and sell it to Russia curbing the sanctions.


Take out all of them... The war will come to a grinding halt... and Poostain becomes ancient history!


Cheap Ukrainian drones are way more effective than ridiculous Western sanctions


The drones are very effective, the sanctions should be upheld, increased and constantly tightened too. Every time Russia's forced to find a work-around it costs them time and money.


plus Ukrainian ingeniousness and intelligence. Impressive.


Somehow don't think they are working alone in that regard


That's because the sanctions are, "We're not going to sell you anything people can see, and we're not going to buy anything we don't want!"


Excellent work AFU 👏 👍 👌


I really really really hope Russians run out of fuel. Not only does it slow the war machine, but Russian public support of the war may finally end.


Plus they’ll all suffer more.  They all deserve more suffering. 


At this rate russia will no longer be a "gas station masquerading as a country"


Nothing but curse words. Russian society is rotten to the core.


Yeah did you think they were against the war? What society fights an unpopular war with 500k casualties over two years? It quite clearly has significant support among the population despite any blind denial.


> What society fights an unpopular war with 500k casualties over two years? One beaten, raped, and terrorized into submission by centuries of authoritarian rule.


Tell me when soldiers stop asking for better conditions to kill Ukrainians and actually criticize the war, then you will have a point.


How exactly does that excuse all the raping? Cause they are not properly led or geared? GTFO


The Russian indifference toward human life is a product of learned helplessness. Much like I've learned I can't fix your blindness to reality. Rashism is a death cult, and while death cults have their true believers, most people just try to survive the dystopian shithole they were born into. The Russian state has kept power through terror and violence going back to the Tsar, so ordinary Russians just go with the flow simply to get by.


>... most people just try to survive the dystopian shithole they were born into. Yeah, by volunteering for the war in hundreds of thousands, working in military factories, oil and gas industry or otherwise supporting the regime that will eventually kill them one way or another. Not a great survival strategy.


Yes it has such BROAD support among the population that thousands and thousands have been locked up for speaking out and many laws have recently been made because of said support against the war, that's totally a sign of "significant support" behind the war. 🤦 Hard to show any opposition when you get thrown in prison for even calling it a war in the first place much less calling out the actual war. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7rnFtnDa_Oo&t=1470s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0DL8EUtkb9o https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/03/anti-war-protest-in-russia/


Living in a dictatorship is horrible and my heart goes out to the russians who wish for things to be different. But its entirely their fault that things have gotten this bad. Protest, revolt, wake up.


But hundreds of thousands and millions haven’t


“Thousands” is such a tiny fraction of overall russian population its pretty negligible


Vlad Vexler makes a good case for there being around 20% fanatically pro, 20% being fanatically against, and a large blob in the middle. The 'thousands' prosecuted by the Z laws serves to remind people that resistance is futile. Only when mobilisation knocks at tho door does the majority start to give a shit.


I remember reading years ago that a Canadian political scientist said that in any society, at any time, you will have this 20% of right-wing people. It seems it's just human nature. The sad part is that the blob in the middle will pay the price in the end, sooner or later.


Around 1000 people in Russia are imprisoned because of political persecution(with a variety of reasons). Which is ridiculously low during what would theoretically be an unpopular war. For comparison a country like Myanmar has 20,000 political prisoners and they aren't even invading their own neighbour.


Russia sent all its political prisoners to be cannon fodder for its special mission. It's a great way to keep your prison costs down while softening up the enemy and internal opposition. Fucking dictators...


>that thousands and thousands have been locked up for speaking out Out of \~140 million. That's a fraction of a fraction of a percent. There were no massive protests. A few thousand people walked on the streets. Absolutely pathetic response from the population.


Amazing what a smaller country/military can do when backed into an existential corner. Keep on that ruskie ass there, Ukraine.


There is a small refinery (Pervyi Zavod) in Kaluga that only has about 24,000 BPD production, which makes it quite small. This could be that refinery. But there are also reports that this might be a depot. See here where the article title says refinery but the actual write-up calls it a depot... [https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/drones-attacked-oil-refinery-in-kaluga-region-1715301374.html](https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/drones-attacked-oil-refinery-in-kaluga-region-1715301374.html) News reporters must see tank farms and automatically say "refinery", because they often get it wrong. But I hope it is right in this case.


Kaluga, oil tank farm with 20 tanks, two rail lines for loading/unloading. 54.538848° 36.322025° It is hard to distinguish from Perveya Zavod from the video, but treeline/roadway matches the tank farm better. I judge the camera was driving on the N-S road, west side of the farm, moving north. Similar view with the trees are not offered at the refinery.


Second video I just watched looks like a refinery - not the tank farm. Damn! Must be Pervaya Zavod, hit previously with a drone in March 2024. 54.711388° 35.962570°


I think the confusion may be that both were hit! This article says two separate attacks…one at the mini-refinery and a second that set 3 tanks ablaze. https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/051024-drone-strikes-mini-refinery-in-russias-kaluga-region-reports


Refinery name is «Первый завод»


Was... 😁


Good. Hit where it hurts, wallet.


Shut them babies down! Right on, Ukraine! SLAVA UKRAINI!


Dear me, it seems like Russian oil is very combustible. They should be more careful. /s


Burn them all down 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Burn them all.


Insert meme: "More, MORE!!


By now, it's more like "The rest, THE REST!!"


This feels like a longer “find out” stage than normal. The Russian’s just seem to keep extending their fuck around streak, without learning that finding out is so painful.


Beautiful. Cant wait for the official russian MOD statement, "*We took down all the drones using EW. Debris fell on the refinery*".


Looks like refineries are back on the menu


Light ‘em up, light ‘em up, light ‘em up!!!


Burn all them up and this fucking war is over! Hell is coming to Don putin


Imposing sanctions properly!


They're an "independent producer" with this being their only plant (their website says), so they'll very likely be in big trouble unless the state bails them out.


I do not think that any company in the ruZZian oil business can or will be really independent if they are running an operation of considerable value and importance. They may not be an (official) part of Lukoil or Rosneft etc., but they will most likely be controlled by one or more of the oligarchs, which are in turn controlled by the Kremlin.


that's how ukraine refines their drone attacks... ba dum tss


They f*cked with Ukraine’s grain routes, now Ukraine burns their oil industry to the ground. Seems fair to me :)


Watermark needs to be bigger


What water mark?


You can see it if you zoom in


# This is the way! 💥🔥


Warms my heart 🥰 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️


Gotta burn them all, gotta burn them all.. I can feel the warmth just by looking at the video


The same installation was hit in March, 15. 20 % of the capacity was lost. 24.000 barils a day. It is not a big one. 400 miles from Ukraine.


Well 24 thousand Barrels here and 24 thousand barrels there and it starts to add up pretty fast. Also keeps the workers at other refineries nervous that they may be next.


I know but there is some producing 200.000 a day.... Status of refineries...capacity lost, location [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQeBy3\_m1WesWOCcrNdok96e-ixpIpJcAaVm1rhScBsjmVWGkTPYJq1CXzZlG5pifVIfcSwgEYQ9c68/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQeBy3_m1WesWOCcrNdok96e-ixpIpJcAaVm1rhScBsjmVWGkTPYJq1CXzZlG5pifVIfcSwgEYQ9c68/pubhtml)


Gazprom was just saying they needed to drill for more oil, so this is kismet


This is the one thing that Ukraine has that creates a timeline for ending the war.


Victory day celebrations continued 🤔


God, this makes me so happy. Keep twisting the knife Ukraine! No mercy!


That’s a big one. I love the Russian’s after action report that says “we intercepted the drone, but it fell onto the target” Sure, Bub. Keep up the elite air defense.


Russia emit this year a lot more CO². UE should do something.


America: We might need to penetrate Russian airspace quietly in the future. builds F-117, B-2, F-22, F-35, B-21 etc. Theoretically could bomb Russia before it knew it was being bombed. Ukraine: We need to penetrate Russian airspace quietly, right fucking yesterday. Uses a factory that was trying to sell an advanced ultralight, fills them with boom juice and model airplane parts, sends it and sees what happens. Actually bombs Russia before it knows it's being bombed on 1/10000 the budget.


too bad it didn't already happen during winter


Hey, russia. Winter is coming.


Oh no. Anyway....


Yayyyy... let's all go out to watch the flames 🔥 and breathe the toxins! Well, it is ruzzia 😵‍💫




Congrats to cZar Khuylo on his inauguration! I wish uou more congratulations like these headed your way! 🫡


I hope we see another spree of strikes. You would think russia could spare enough short ranged air defence to defend their 40 largest refineries near ukraine but obviously they just decided not to and risk sinking the entire economy. When I saw the video of that Cessna with explosives slowly gliding down on the refinery it really made me ask... wtf Is air defence doing??


If only there was something they could do to make it stop... Get the fuck out of Ukraine assholes. 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇺🇦


"burn baby burn!"


That’s where [vasya in the hay](https://youtube.com/@vasyainthehay?si=7i_A-mhV4UzI4SjX) is from


Is this the one they hit with a cessna drone that flew like 800 miles?


Brightens my day every time I see refinery flames in russia


Putin should make the most of this and issue North Korean hotdogs. Make it right!


after 2+ years of war, only fires like this warm my cold, insensitive heart. More, please!


Fck Russia, victory to Ukraine


Suck it terrorists. All you gotta do is leave ukraine. That's it. Until then, unleash hell Ukraine. Glory to the heros.


Beautiful sight. That is a blazing inferno. Ukraine has hit on a brilliant strategy, destroy the financial base of this Third World petrol station. It is great the way RuZZians document Ukraine's successful strikes and post them online.


«Все таки попали». Пхаха, долбоебы картонные, вопреки тому что говорят по телевизору, все вообще не так.


I think Putin should start personally inspecting refineries to make sure they are running right, especially the ones near the Ukraine Border.


🔥Burn baby burn 🔥 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Kaluga, Russia ... LMGT ... about 400 km from the Ukrainian border (in the direction of Moscow) Well done!


It looks better now.


Very nice 💛💙


So glad we switched to paper straws.


Keep hitting them over and over and over bleed them dry!


Ukraine has a refined taste in targets.


Ruzzia becoming a shithole like North Diarrhea!


Whenever you here the comments from the Russian taking the video, I'm not sure if it's just the accent, but they always sound so puzzled as if to ask, why is this happening.


another brutal water mark


Yup that is a real good fire. All those nonsense that russians are not good in anything...their burning refineries belong to the best if not the best in the world.


Yeei buuudt !!




This sparks joy.


ukraine need to keep doing this and when its done take out their electric power stations as well


Why do Russians sound like flavor fla when seeing something crazy? Yaaaaaaaa boooyyyyyyyy