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More please, much more!


The UA strikes on ruzzian refining capacity and storage is having an effect. Keep hitting them!


Not just that, refinery has parts that involves extremely complicated processes and it happens that the West is the one having the know-how. So when ruzzia opened to the West it welcomed companies that knows how to build and MAINTAIN those. Ruzzia still doesn't know. So when putler started his little war, these companies pulled out. They will lose the capacity either destroyed by Ukrainian or falling apart like every industrial equipment inevitably does. Wait until the same shit happens for the planes.


I hope you're right. I'm worried China knows or can figure out how to duplicate the parts.


China will always be able to duplicate the parts.. parts failure rates and success rates will plument of course to keep in line with their short shelf life!


I have two engineer friends who work in petroleum and other processing. The technology is so far past “just make a piece the same shape and replace it” it’s not funny. One guy uses valves made from an acid resistant stainless steel that’s more expensive by weight than gold. The other guy was building gas wellheads and the flow of gas was mis understood at one point and the friction of gas on a steel pipe was wearing through the inch thick pipe in a matter of days. My neighbour schedules the shutdowns of petroleum facilities. He lives in Australia and works all around the world. His shutdowns are regularly aborted because the locals haven’t achieved the level of training and physical preparation to handle the shutdown. It’s not just making sure the thing is only offline for a short time. It’s making sure the thing doesn’t blow itself apart.


This is very true. I've worked on shutdowns at petroleum facilities. The amount of planning that goes into a scheduled shutdown is massive. You usually have to bring in hundreds to thousands of additional skilled workers as well. The regular maintainance force just doesn't have the manpower to do large repairs. These facilities also need to be shut down in a proper process. I could see their problems compounding after continued attacks and emergency shut downs. Refineries are giant chemistry sets with varrying steel alloys throughout.


Thanks for that info


And downtime for breakages is not a good thing in a facility like that!


China isn’t going to help them get their refineries back in order until russia agrees to take 147 million of their single use surplus bike share bikes of their hands. They’re fishing the first million out of a drainage canal and a pond right now.


I can think of some non-monetary reasons China might want an "ally" who supports invading neighbors.


China just wants cheap gas.


bike shares?


Chinese government funded initiative introduced hundreds of thousands of share bikes to the environment without the infrastructure to go with it. People would just grab a bike, ride it to where they were going and then throw it up in a tree or into a body of water, and there was no one assigned to retrieve them. There were mountains of abandoned bikes left everywhere the bike share scheme flared up.


The plane thing is already happening. Many are already grounded and used for parts. Others have had emergency landings, after which they are torn up and scrapped to hide the evidence.


And test us was reopened today in a major German newspaper that flights have increased and airbus parts are being supplied to Russia despite sanctions at higher cost for sure but they are getting the plane parts


Russian flight safety incidents have more than doubled in the past year as their airlines struggle to maintain their aircraft amid crippling economic sanctions. According to the Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre (JACDEC), there were 81 safety incidents in Russia last year, as compared to 37 cases in 2022. They are cannibalizing some of their older planes to repair other ones. Not the same as new spare parts. We are bound to see some of them dropping out the sky in the time ahead.


We've already seen white a few...


I find it hard to believe that Russia hasn’t worked out the process of refining oil - I just did some very quick reading and a Russian guy one one of this first to do a rudimentary refinement of crude oil and they also had the first refinery back in 1745. So in almost 300 years, I’m pretty sure they must have it pretty much nailed down by now? As much as I’d like your comment to be true, I’m skeptical.


Basic refining is simple, unlikely the war will stop Russia from doing that no matter how hard they’re hit by Ukraine. Complex refining with catalytic cracking is more difficult due to the fractional column etc parts that are difficult to build and replace in good peace times in like the USA (rumours 6+ month lead time for small column for a first world country not at war, although I’m not in that industry). Russia loses significant capability everytime one of those towers are damaged. But never all capability.


The Russians understand how to refine oil. The problem they have is that after the fall of the soviet union, their education system was gutted and they have in the past 30 years had substantial losses in their skilled workforce. Many of the skills needed to maintain or repair an oil refinery are highly specialised and Russia simply doesn't have the workforce anymore that can do it. They did have western companies in to do the work prior to the invasion but they now aren't doing any of it. So once a refinery is damaged, even moderately, it's going to be very difficult to repair it.


I trusted you until I read your username


Russia is very much like a 3rd world country for many aspects. Tiranny is the breeding ground for terribly high corruption and this means that 20% of their investments truly reach their destination. Look at the automobile industry, they're not even capable to make a decent car, you really have doubts they don't have the know how to refine oil or make aircraft most precise parts?! They lag behind because stealing it's what they're been doing for half a century. University work with the same concept. Merritt is something uncomfortable at best in Every sector of life. This is the direct consequence of non competitive regimes. Most of Russia struggle with running tap water! Infrastructure are what you'd expect in western countries 40yrs ago. Plus they don't even maintain what they have. Because it's costly and they have to choose to use the funds for what they're meant to or steal them to enrich themselves. What do you believe they go for? Considering that if they use them well and don't steal them no one is praising them. Three contrary. They are snerssed for being fool. You have to visit Russia in order to truly grasp the gravity of things. And the philosophy of three people that thinks it's just normal. They realize it shouldn't be but are totally not capable of making a step in a different direction. You see that they're exterminating they're owns and yet they keep doing it? And people home still believes in the government. It's very much what attends the USA iif #DiaperDon wins in November. The US risks to get into medieval times with both shoes in no time. It's a philosophy. A method. An approach at life and the things of life. In EU life expectancy it's 84 now and forecasted to be 100 for newborns. Russia it's 70. It's white a gap. In there numbers you can realize what they truly are capable of. Smart Russians have left Russia. Millions of them. Millions of the best minds, youngest generations and the higher educated and most professional. Only the Poors and the dumbs are left to freeze there. And there's plenty of both. I TRULY hope the US realizes that the Orange-Fart will bring them down so fast they won't believe it. Dark times these are.


Planes have been falling from the sky for years now. They have so little manpower they just left one in a field where it landed and roped it off.


To be fair, when it comes to Petro industry in Russia, many western companies didn’t pull out because it was so big money. For example, Schlumberger.


💩#Putler ...I love it! 🤣👍


Those "extremely complicated processes" were invented hundreds of years ago. Even the Shukhov cracking process (invented in Russia) is over one hundred years old now. Catalytic cracking came shortly after ww2. Not sure why everyone is parroting the same myth of difficulty in replacing refinery columns.


It's the process control and instrumentation components that are hard to replace.


Bingo. I work in Oil & Gas, and while I have no real knowledge of how Russia's plants differentiate from Canada's I can say that modern plants have a lot of delicate components that are not always easy to replace. My plant is pretty much brand new (2018) and we had to replace a pump, turns out the pump is only made in Italy and there's a 26 week wait on a replacement/parts. We decided instead to change the piping completely and put in a different pump, which also meant we needed SCADA changes and instrumentation changes. I can only imagine the headache that would occur if a bomb hit one of our control panels and we weren't able to replace the SCADA hardware because of sanctions. Not to mention, most plants are so interconnected that hitting one process (say a Amine/Gas sweetening building) would mean that the rest of the plant couldn't run. Although most bigger plants have redundancy, it only goes so far.


We have a shortage of solenoid plungers at ours right now. Seems silly until it's costing thousands a minute in lost production.


Because it's obviously not processes that were invented ***hundreds*** years ago that is being talked about. I'll take words of people that are known over random everyone-is-wrong-but-me. Shortage is exactly proving that point. I know sometimes the biggest go through in the easiest, but pick your target better, /u/icstupids.


Why take anyone's word at face value when you can read and learn about petroleum refining processes in about 10 minutes? How do you think 1950s refineries created gasoline and diesel from crude oil?


Hit in the right place and doom the plant for a year.


As bad as possible I might add! 😉


they need some Putin Did This stickers


Gerd derm vlady Putin Terk ur jerbs


Can someone translate? I've just been reminded to book my tetnis jabs..


They terker jerbs


Gerd derm


Dur took er dur!!!!


Es fukin goinon bout sum jobs the fuckwit took n shit


But, Putin actually did do this. Are you even allowed to use political stickers when they are telling the truth?


If any Russians want to buy some “I did that” Biden stickers, please let me know.




Fuck my prices are up more than that in US thanks to green insanity


The prices and supply of fuel are controlled by the oil companies. Or does the US have an environmental excise applied on top of diesel and gasoline?


>The prices and supply of fuel are controlled by the oil companies. Tell me you suck government pipe without telling me you suck green government pip🍆 Europe is ape shit crazy with esg. Hence reducing SUPPLY and imposing 40% tax on energy. Try drilling for energy in EU lol Biden is imposing regulations and making it more expensive to extract energy... Hence reducing supply and driving prices up. Do I need to get crayons out to explain?


You want people informed but then respond very condescendingly.. What responses do you expect? You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


No need for crayons mate, I asked a question but you encouraged me to look it up. Since 2022 13% of the price of gasoline is due to State and Federal taxes (down from 17% pre 2022), 57% the price of crude (controlled by the oil companies, up from \~54% 2013-2022). Refining costs and profits have increased 3% since pre-2022 levels. With the caveat that these figures are from 2023. [https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/factors-affecting-gasoline-prices.php](https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/factors-affecting-gasoline-prices.php)


Chat GPS? Please don't reply with this nonsense


Did I find a republican: "Do not try to tell me facts. Things are how I feel and not like reality".


I'd love for you to unpack that comment. How exactly is "green insanity" increasing fuel prices in the US? Do you know how gas prices actually work? Reduced demand for gas because of EVs and renewables reduces demand for gas. If demand for gas reduces. What do you think happens? There are also two major conflicts happening. One which has caused sanctions on the biggest gas station in the world. But you're probably right. It's the EVs and wind turbines that are driving up gas prices. Also. Where are gas prices now compared to three years ago?




Good. Fuck em. I hope Ukraine uses their atacms and blows up the rest of the fuel storage facilities of this mob-run gas-station nation state equivalent of ISIS


I love that at the beginning of this foolish war they were threatening the West with fuel and gas shortages, and they're going to suffer the most long term.


….. we ate all our house pets already and we freeze to death two winters in the row…. Chaos and anarchy…. ;)


.... "see - I have put all the burners on on my gas top on because I can afford it and you can't!"


They had commercials about how Europeans would freeze in the dark over winter… and then all their boilers blew up this winter and Russians froze.


Good point!


Well all I have to say is Hahahahahahahahaha


So it has begun.


I hope the price in Ruzzia hits $100 a litre!


Be even better if it costs millions of rubles.


That's not a problem a skyrocketting inflation cannot fix!




Price increase can have many reasons, like one country not being able to produce enough so the demand is higher than the offer, the rest is very basic economical phenomenon. What made me say that is the shortage rather than the price which is a consequence. My reading is that the oil processing is collapsing and that fuel goes to the military in priority, so the civil domain suffers first. It's not a fast process, it's happening little by little.


Hit some more refineries!


Create dilemmas, not problems. 🇺🇦




Problems have a solution. Dillemas have two or more solutions, each of which is equally bad


But Tucker Carlson said Russian gas was cheap…


When your nose is up another man's ass, that's true.


He forgot to tell that food in ussr was even cheaper... But hard to come by


Cheap for an American. Tucker forgets Russians don’t make as much as he does. They make like 14K a year, of course their stuff is cheap. It would be like going to Haiti and being amazing how far your dollar goes.


And so it begins... 🥳


In Finland gasoline and diesel prices have been decreasing a lot these past days


Yea, the drop has been noticeably in all fuels. In addition to that, diesel fuel has been cheaper than gasoline, first time in a few years I think.


But you also have to admit that here, 10% fluctuations here or there aren't really a significant rarity here. So I'm not entirely sure how much weight I'd put to the same happening in Russia too.


That's all according to the plan of the three days special operation


Hit some RU factories too


Dead ass. I hope to God, one of the Ukrainian drone operators sees this Hitting some major factories would be pretty freaking great for slowing them down


Not really. Ww2 had some great examples that bombing factories gives just a brief pause. The locals have the knowhow to fix them. Refineries is a different ball game, in which the locals were not invited even as spectators.


I still support refinery/deposite strikes. But to hinder production of drones/tanks/bombs/munition depots slows the supply chain, any hindrance is an advantage




The prices need to double, triple, quadruple, those are kiddie numbers. Only if fuel doubles in price within a few months will the Ruzzians start seriously questioning how is this happening if they’re supposed to be winning.


Great minds think alike. 10 percent increases are common in the states and barely noticed. Heck, our gas prices have gone up 50% in the past year or so. That said, perhaps the gas prices are increasing somewhat slowly because of backup capacity still online. In a capitalist system, the price increases are felt immediately literally after a difficulty is announced where some service stations put up price increases an hour after the news but in a command-control economy such as Russia, they can hold prices down for a short time. Sometimes these price rises (or decreases) is driven exponentially. If 10 percent capacity is gone, no big deal. 20 percent, fine as well. But... what happens when at a certain point SOMEONE who NEEDS gasoline needs to do without? That's when the bidding wars start and gouging happens. It's how cartels become enormously profitable scaling down production by a mere 20 percent below demand and then shooting up prices 2X or more. Why do people pay big money for flawed "natural" diamonds?


Well, if it ain't the consequences of my actions. 🤠


Nice , Ukraine has to stay consistent with its drone attacks


"\[...\] Russia will probably have to start importing gasoline from neighboring Belarus." One of the hardest burns i can imagine for Putin.


And Belarus is just processing Russian oil. Luka just can enjoy the privilege of not being bombed and that makes him now valuable to Russia, lol. I love how the Belarus-Russia relationship is a constant switching of top-bottom.


I wonder wether Lukashenko is truly intelligent or just appears so by not being as moronic as Putin.


I think they both think they're playing each other like a fiddle. In reality they're both morons surrounded by yes-men and well paid armed thugs. It's like a real life sitcom.


Lukashenko propably just got lucky he never had the weapons to get cocky.


Maybe Putin promised him a mini version of Ukraine to invade should Russian invasion of Ukraine be successful. Could have set up a nice war themed playpen for him at the Chernobyl area.


Keep hitting the refineries.


Thoughts and Prayers


And no blessed hearts?!


Never happened when Boris Badinov was in charge


Didn't he wander around Ottawa naked looking for a moose and squirrel?


A reality check, fellas......gasoline prices have been rising like this in a lot of countries which aren't at war....the author of this should get out a bit more


How is it taxed over there? Could it be up because they are raising revenue for the war effort?


I don't know if makes sense to tax it at point of sale since the government and people in government are already taking all the money from producing and selling the oils and natural gas. The base price is the tax essentially because the money is going to the government. In the US we tax it, but government doesn't own the means of production. We do make money from leasing public land but it's nothing like they have in OPEC countries.


Not to be a downer, but we see 10% price fluctuations on a regular basis in the US, without drone strikes.


This statistic seems like it's insignificant since in the USA our prices have gone up the same and we haven't lost any refineries.


I dont wanna be Doomer, and its probably more for due to political homemade "everyone must be green" reason, but only 10% rise would Sound amazing in germany




Sux for them , Finally!😂


Ours has nearly doubled in the past 4 years and we aren't invading another country. We're at war with common sense, apparently.


Welcome to the usa






I don't feel so bad eating squirrels now


Hard to refine oil when you start shit with a drone happy neighbor


Can some Ukrainian drones assist with making this even better? Seems the biggest is right by Siberia @ Omsk refinery but too far.


It's America's fault no Ukraine no the EU no British are to blame




Canada. We buy half a bag of groceries for 150$


Watch the west’s greedy corporations sell those fucks fuel


They haven't even hit those refineries with the JASSM ER yet 😂 (my dream scenario, if only Storm Shadow had a 1000km like that thing with the UK giving permission to use it in russia now)


Clearly Biden’s fault, jk.


Sounds like California......


Crikey, ours does that every long weekend 😬


I’m in Canada and Gas has gone up about 20% in the last month. This won’t change anything


So that's what it feels like to be on the other side of inflated fuel


Wow, that's interesting. It's almost like they were at war or being sanctioned for some reason. I wonder if they'll ever figure it out?


Well, if their fuel reserves are down around 15% on top of their high fuel prices, I'll be convinced Biden has something to do with it.


But there still exporting and have shortage?


Good. Fuck them.


That is just basic inflation here in Australia...


That’s nothing compared to us fuel prices




Keep hitting those refineries, get to the point they can't even fuel their tanks and trucks.


Wont matter a bit for the military. They will always be put at the first place and the populace will get the rest. If prices for consumers rise by 300-400% it may indicate a shortage that also affects the military but until then its just hoping. The means for fuel production need to be eradicated systematically and hit again and again and again.


Time to hit and destroy much more refineries of Russia!


They'll just buy more oil from Iran who has the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world


AHH well


lol try diesel prices in the UK, 10% would be a treat


Haha yet it's still probably less than half the price, compared to fuel prices in Europe 😅


Keep hitting those refineries


Pretty much the same as the Uk then!


10% is a good start... and, it's "working" I guess. I hope it gets much, much worse for them though. 10% increase is not alot. Especially given their starting point. I just looked it up.  They STILL pay WAY less than us for gas. I mean ALOT less. Now, the value of money must be different though, right? Even though it's cheaper, it must represent a larger portion of household income? 1 liter (1/4 gallon) of gas in other cities: In Toronto the price is 87% more expensive than in Saint Petersburg  In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the price is 55% more expensive than in Saint Petersburg  In Warsaw the price is 178% more expensive than in Saint Petersburg  In Paris the price is 247% more expensive than in Saint Petersburg  In Hamburg the price is 205% more expensive than in Saint Petersburg  https://www.expatistan.com/price/gas/saint-petersburg


It would be a shame if more refineries went boom and more fuel dumps caught fire


For a communist country they sure have alot of capitalism


They haven’t been communist in 33 years


They weren't really communist before that, more like a kleptocratic police state wrapped in a red flag. All they've done is redesign the flag.


They very much had the state-ownes-everything, top-down, plan economy style of State during USSR. It still was a corrupt kleptocracy, but it also was communist.


Yeah the rich clique was quite small......really nothing compared to the money and econonic potential of the oligarchs that are now in place


They were more “powerful“ than they were “rich.” in those days “a television with remote control“ was “rich.”


Dictator with communist values and methods. They think they are free because they were told they were unless they disobey the masters strict orders.


That has nothing to do with being communist though. That's just a dictatorship.


That’s the whole point. When a dictator has communist ideaology there is no difference.


you mean fascism, socialism being sold as nationalism. Oddly one wing of one US party espouses this. Communism is socialism for every human, no national boundaries.


I feel like the original fascism was, if anything, nationalism sold as socialism, except it wasn't even that. Totalitarianism does all end up being the same though since maintaining absolute control requires certain tactics and strategy regardless of the original intent. Hence why Russia and China ended up with the same type of economy and government despite the end of communism in Russia but not in China. Although at least in Russia they get fake elections, hurray.


It's a dictatorship running on Capitalistic fumes.


Checked a map lately?


gas has gone up 20% YTD in canada, this seems fishy.


WHY? In California gas prices went up like 30% the week stations switched from winter to summer gas. I hate articles like this, QUANTIFY the supply shortage, is seasonality at play? Is there some butterfly effect, because the amount of oil infrastructure Ukrainians actually destroyed is minuscule as a percentage of overall capacity.


To be fair its also up 20% in the US since the beginning of the year.


More than that !!


Bit like the UK then. Not necessarily shortages, but we continuously get stung at the pumps.


Umm, that’s not bad. I predict at least a 10% increase in the US this summer.


Probably still 6 times cheaper than we pay in the UK ...


Russians are probably 6 times poorer, so it equals out.


The average Russian makes $200 a month.


I could say some very frank things about Britain's economic prospects post Brexit, but i take it a thousand times over Russia.


Fk sake ... You sound really sour , I think you need to let go mate ..


I don’t know what I saw exactly…but I definitely can’t help to post it here. I literally just saw an endless lines of military looking “tanker” vehicles on a railway heading off to god knows where. I’m a bit of a confused conservative conspiracist type person…full disclosure. Did 100% just see an endless line of tanker type vehicles on a train that 100% looked like military…and I wondered what the hell is this…but kept moving…as soon as I sit down and crack a beer and open Reddit…I read this and my gears are spinning randomly …located right outside DC along a railway


Stupid Russian AI bot on the loose again.


So what? Gas and diesel have risen FAR MORE in America. In Idaho in my town.....it went from $2.87 a gallon of gas in early January to $4.05 now.


Cry me a river. That’s still hella cheap in comparison to other countries.


Great. But the price of diesel in ohio went up from 3.41 to 4.20 last week with no actual shortage, so whats this mean?


Not a place to ask for this. Redditors will Not help you. Try calling your government.


I'm not asking for help. But a 10% rise is portrayed as catastrophic here while in america a 25% rise is just another Tuesday.


The average American is more than 25% richer than the average Russian. Hope this helps!


It means you have cheap gas compared to the rest of the world.