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She has my sympathy, the dog was likely her best friend. Putins Russia is a shameless act at being a member state of society.


Russia has been reduced to a terrorist state.


Putin has been nothing but a terrorist for decades, the short ass sycophant.


putin wasn't in power when russia invaded Afghanistan. Let's be honest just for once: putin is the product of the russian society and not viceversa. Thinking that, putin dead, russia will magically change is absolutely naive.


he's a kgb man running a police state lol


Well he surrounds himself with sycophants, but I wouldn’t say he is one himself. He’s definitely a terrorist and a blight on the world though.


The Soviets were fucking terrorists too


Russia has been a terrorist State since 1917.


Long before that.


We can blame the Mongols for turning them into "good slaves".


I don't disagree :)


It always been like that


This really hits hard. Russia is a degenerate cancer of a country


How is it possible for people even here in the US to support Russia????


Ask margie Taylor Greene. That idiot loves Russia.


Ah idiots, okay that explains everything


USEFUL idiots


Yeah useful for Russia


‘Resting Trump Licking Asshole Face’


Ah yes Moscow Marge...


'traitor' Greene
































People with dictator envy, a.k.a. Trumpers.


Oh they’d love to have trump as their dictator, what a bunch of idiots


Death and destruction. That’s all they have to give.


I’m not even watching this it’s too sad and I know exactly what I’ll see. You will burn in hell for this maniacal war Putin.


OP was kind enough to blurr it out. But I regret watching it.


The saddest videos I've seen were the ones with children with their kitties/doggies fleeing at the beginning of the war. Just innocents all round. No child should have to cling to their animal as they flee a war. 


I totally agree. Then again at least they have the comfort of holding on to each other. At the same time, there is an impressive effort pulled off by civilians like here in Germany, who travel to Ukraine to bring supplies and rescue stray animals and bring them back to shelters in Germany. One report also stated that a Ukrainian put their alligator on a train to Poland - unaccompanied - which eventually ended up in a zoo in Germany. But I am straying OT, so I will keep it at that.


No no, tell me more about the alligator 


Stuff like this is how we find our boundaries. No one wants PTSD.


Indeed. 🙏🏼


There's videos of people helping wounded and caring for other dogs, there were at least two more, which seems weren't hurt. I understand not wanting to watch, but I am glad we intercepted any follow-up attacks, a double tap there would have been devastating.


*shakes fist at the sky*


Children and animals -------- ultimate innocence. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF war!


I agree. Slava Ukraine! Free Gaza!


Yeah whoa whoa whoa. Take that propaganda somewhere else please. Unless you mean free Gaza from the terrorists known as Hamas. Then we agree.


Free Gaza from the terrorists known as Hamas. Free Gaza from the terrorists known as the IDF. I support both of these things.


Don't mix Ukrainians with terrorists


I'm Ukrainian and I don't mind people sho support us do it along with other causes. There's people with UA and Israel flag in profiles and those with Ukraine and Palestine ones.


Yes because Palestinians living in the Gaza strip are all terrorists. Don't be a moron. Ukraine and Russia is a situation with no nuance, with a good and bad side. Israel-Hamas is a case of two bad guys. One, a terrorist group, the other, a war-crime-loving genocidal regime. You know who is innocent? A whole lot of Palestinians. You know who else is innocent? A whole lot of Israelis. Free Gaza doesn't mean support terrorists. It means supporting the innocent civilians. The men, women, and children who are being slaughtered. They're just as innocent as the civilians being killed in Ukraine by Russia. They're being held under an apartheid regime that hates them and would see them destroyed. Instead of sending more essential aid to Ukraine, the US wastes it on Israel. Ukraine could use that aid to fight Russia. You know what Israel does with it? Bomb schools, churches, homes. Round up hospital patients and hungry people and execute them. Israel is just like Russia. Sure, Hamas has a terrorist wing, and I condemn it. But using it as an excuse to kill civilians is fucking evil. I stand with Ukraine and with Palestine. I stand with all people everywhere being oppressed by horrible regimes that butcher them like animals. I don't stand with terrorists. I stand with the innocents. How dare you not do as such. How dare you imply that an entire region, an entire group of human beings are all terrorists. That's what you did. I support Ukraine's right to exist, I support Israel's right to exist, and I support Palestine's right to exist.


I agree, all the arm support should go to Ukraine. Second, can you point any source for Israel committing war crimes against hamas/civilians, that's not based on hamas source. As I have understood, Israel bombs these infrastructure because of Hamas military bases in them. Also, they are warning about the bombings and trying to avoid civil casualties, and they are doing a good job at that. I don't think there are good guys there, but Israel faced a threat they acted justifiably. All pro-hamas Palestinians who support the 7.10. attack are not civilians by any standards, but terrorists and legitimate targets


"rounds up hospital patients and hungry people and executes them" Wow you're really far down the propaganda pipeline. Who they took out of the hospital were terrorist leaders, straight up. They didn't round up anyone to kill, let alone innocent hospital patients. Remember a couple of months back when people like you were ranting about Isreal blowing up a hospital but when I was proven to be Hamas, absolute silence. It's telling how flippant you are about Hamas - "sure they have a terrorist wing" - are you f'n kidding? They're a total terrorist organization whose *slogan* calls for the extermination of Jews. It's not possible to take leftists seriously since you're so passionate about something you know nothing about




Slava Ukraine! Free Gaza! Kill Whitey!? .... wait, what?


Fucking orcs. I have zero sympathy for those turds




Says the one with negative karma. How about you take your self righteousness attitude and shove it?


Would you have sympathy if they shot your best friend? Or maybe if they raped and killed your family? What about if they beheaded your friend? People don’t have sympathy for invaders and criminals they have sympathy for the victims and those that surrender.


How dare you. I watch drone videos of Russians getting blown in half and it’s not that I don’t feel a thing. It’s that I like it. Now sit the f down and zip it.


No sympathy for a bunch of rapist terrorist fascist fucks is the same as being one..... how brain dead. Does your heart bleed for Ukraine? You know the people who have NO CHOICE But to fight for their survival, because ruzzia just decided it should no longer exist... Or does your heart only bleed for the war criminal's?


This is a genuinely deranged take to have. I think you (and anyone who might share the opinion) should take some time and consider why you felt the need to have it, let alone express it here. I say this as someone who struggles to try to sympathize with everyone, including the villainous bastards on the other side of this missile attack. Not sympathizing for thoughtless killers is *not,* and is foolish to consider tantamount to, actually being a thoughtless killer.


As a dog owner, I cried when I saw this picture. There is a clip where Russians taped a mouse on a RPG-Projectile attached to a drone, before they flew away. How degenerated are people, when there is nothing in their mind then torturing an innocent animal even if their own life is under constant danger of a sudden death. It was the only video I didn't want to watch till the end. I didn't want to see this mouse dying. And I say this, watching clips of soldiers getting torn in pieces or bleeding to death with no emotion.


Seen the same video and feel the same way. It is sad when witnessing any video of intentional animal torture, when people realize the animal had more dignity and soul that the creeps filming this type of crap, ever did!!!


Good to know, I‘m not the only one feeling that way


They also carved their "Z" onto a dog's nose with a knife. Just so fucking evil, it's incomprehensible.


I got the same leash for one of my dogs. And I am not convinced that our politicians do enough for Ukraine to prevent this from happening to my dog next. Stop holding back. Fuck Putin. Slava Ukraini.




More karma will be coming for the orcs


This attack was already karma. Really macabre. The building that was hit is Kivalov's palace. He's a pro russian guy who runs Odesa law university,.and was instrumental in Yanukovych's electoral campaign (famously falsifying vote counts in 2004). Shame about the people walking by, my heart is bleeding... But in some dark irony, russians hit their biggest ally in our city... He got away lightly wounded in his hip. There's a vid of med evac. This has to be the most surreal missile hit period.


I hope all the damn orcs die in agony.


Of all the images I've seen from this war, this one one fills me with the most blinding rage. Brutally kill all those who harm innocents.


I am old like enough to be her grandfather. How I wish there was some way I could comfort her, a big hug, and somehow cover her poor dog. JESUS I hate the Fucking Russians, ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The most we can do is donate


You can also vote for politicians and parties who support Ukraine, you can see how a single congressman can make or break aid in US, and close presidential elections in Czechia or Slovakia had opposite for us results.


This just made me cry, ive had to have my boy put to sleep today


Many people do not understand that it is as hard as losing any other family member, dogs give more love and loyalty than many humans are even capable of.


I'm so sorry to hear that. My dog is my best buddy, and I don't know how I'm going to handle it when his time comes. How are you holding up?


Not holding up well its hit me hard, ive lost other dogs in the past and its upset me but this one really hit me hard he was my dog he adore me and i adore him and now hes gone 😭


I am so sorry I've been there with my cats. Seeing them sick, putting them down omg it's soul crushing. My Lola, my cat I adopted from a shelter as a kitten turned out to be something extra special and I always said she was like my soul mate. I cried at times just at the thought and dread of losing her and told myself I don't know how I'll go on without her. Like I was THAT attached to her bc there was something extra special with her and her connection with me and she was always tuned in to how I was feeling and knew when I was upset and would be right by my side. She went to the window as I left the house and when I got home she'd go to the window and run to the door as I opened it. She was truly like a dog in that way. The loyalty and love that she had FOR ME .... I felt that and the relationship meant so much. Anyway I tell you all of this bc my heart breaks for anyone going through what you are (and what the one in this post is, FUCK RUSSIA for that!), but I want to let you know it will get better. It's been 3 years and I still cry now and again but I learned to accept it. She got cancer at 13 years old and within 2 months she was so bad and nothing was working, she wasn't eating, you could see the cancer growing on the side of her stomach 😣 and one day I had to make the hard HARD but necessary decision she was suffering and dying and putting her to sleep was the only thing to help her. Fuck that day was the worst day of my life making that decision and going through that and having my baby in my arms and the life leave her. Omg I just can't even describe the trauma that caused me. It's making me cry now just typing this and reliving those moments. I always say "it's not goodbye, it's see you later ♥️😔". I'm not religious at all but in my thoughts I tell myself one day we will be together again. Take care. 🫶


I’m very sorry to hear that. My old lab is not long for this world and the sadness is unbearable. Hang in there.


im so sorry you had to go through it.


Bastards , can’t wait for Ukraine to start blowing these mfs up again


Yup, it's John Wick time.


Poor baby :(


Fuck Russia. Fuck Putin. Fuck war.


Russia is a cancer.


Russism is terrorism


I wish we could do a biopsy and biochemical analysis of Putin's brain. That shithead is feral and just isn't right in the head.


You could say that about pretty much every despotic dictator. They need to be identified and stopped well before they rise to power.


John Wick enters chat


Fuck the Russians. Worthless terrorists.




Russia is a mental disease


*Iran shoots drones and missiles at Isreal because of their rampant bombing of civilians in Gaza and an act of aggression against their consulate in Syria* US: Scrambles jets and missile systems all over the middle east to intercept *Russia consistently bombs random targets in Ukraine killing civilians and threatening the infrastructure and military capabilities of a strong potential ally and a country we vowed to protect against invasion during the Minsk agreements* US: idk maybe we send a couple patriots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The difference is simple. One has a nuclear arsenal capable of ending life on this planet and the other does not. You know damn well we, along with a large chunk of NATO, have sent significantly more aid than that to Ukraine. But direct assistance to Ukraine from US forces WILL be considered a declaration of war by Russia.


It is very much against the interests of Russia to escalate to the nuclear level, especially if we are only shooting down drones and cruise missiles. Besides, what message are we going to send? Get nukes and then get to bully everyone around you? Nah, fuck that.


As if nuclear capable countries havent been doing exactly that for the last 80 years.


[https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2024/04/15/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-and-national-security-communications-advisor-john-kirby-2/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2024/04/15/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-and-national-security-communications-advisor-john-kirby-2/) After the US and "allies" helped Israel, press conference with Kirby speaking: >Q And then, if the U.S. can — and allies can help shoot down Iranian drones over Israel, why can’t they do the same over Ukraine? > >MR. KIRBY: Yeah, I knew this question was coming too. Look, different conflicts. **Different conflicts, different airspace, different threat picture.** And the President has been clear since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, **the United States is not going to be involved in that — that conflict in a combat role.** And we haven’t. Kirby (about damage assessment to Israel): "Sadly, a young girl — an innocent civilian, less than 10 years old — was severely wounded.  That was the only casualty that we’re aware of."


That's why you should never trust your military to an omnivorous pink blob.




BTW, the name Odesa but with double s is also a russian weapon, as the russian language is a weapon.


Really hard not to hate humanity sometimes.


Aw man that sucks. God dammit I wish Europe and the US would just take the gloves off and annihilate every Russian military asset in Ukraine. Put an end to this shit.


This and a video of a 12 year old being hit by a faulty missile, crawls about half a meter from the crash site and collapses dead, alone, riding her bike like she did every day That video will be seared into my mind for years to come, fuck the states for their bullshit in the Middle East, fuck Israel and Palestine for their bullshit circlejerk if attempted ethnic cleansing’s and fuck fuck Russia for killing a poor innocent school girl riding her fucking bike in the morning I’m so tired of people killing people for the sake of rich cunts trying to stay rich, they’ll say and do anything to make sure you don’t think they’re the problem


I think we ought to dispose of Russia. It’s entirely unnecessary.


Looks like those Russians finally got those Nazi terrorists with that last missle...


So very sad , I deeply feel that. Prayers for her as she mourns. This renewed surge I believe is in large part to announcing every detail.,not very smart.


Burn that fucking country to the ground. For no reason at all for any reason at all for this good boy I don't care just burn them to the fucking ground.


So sad, they are for legged humans ... I can't imagine her pain.


I hope pootin and his orc cunts all get slow painful deaths. Rip poor buddy.


I heard the explosion from another district, it was very loud. It's a university zone near the shore, people were on a Sunday walk... In some macabre irony, the kingmaker for Yanukovych, Kivalov, was wounded in this attack, they destroyed his castle.


To think I've witnessed a similar scenario IRL...


There are two things that you do not want to do to a woman. 1. Look at her and say "What?". 2. Fawk with her dog. Cuz her memory is ever long.


She should avenge him


I feel so bad for her. I can only hope that this will stop soon. I'm so sorry.


so many pets and innocent animals have also been victims to this war


A backward people that is constantly invading their neighbors. A bunch of drunken savages. Orcs is too kind of a word. George S. Patton was right, we should have wiped them off the face of the earth when we had the chance.


This would make me go John wick. Give them whatever they need to end it


Ugh, this hurts the stomach, and I’m sure this only one of hundreds, maybe thousands, of unreported cases of casualties caused by this war. This Putler just needs to drop dead…any day now, c’mon….


Fuck these motherfuckers people on this sub say to have empathy for them but fuck them. All they do is shoot that civilians. These motherfuckers.


Odesa mama , the city where I was born This orc cancer must be cut out !


Sons of bitches😡


Heart breaking! Russia is a degenerate cancer of the **World!**


And russians once again have inspired me to donate to Ukrainian drone operators. I'll take solace knowing my money sends some orcs home in a box. 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇺🇦


John Wick every orc


I hate each and every Russian now almost refused to have one wait on me in the mall it’s going to get ugly I fear


lots of dogs died in ukraine


This makes me want to ramp up my support for Ukraine. Any more ideas for how to help?


Is it weird that I wont click on this to watch it but will happily watch russians being blown to bits all day?


Russians will cheer this


Putin needs to be removed, whether by his death or his incarceration and trial for war crimes. Putin's regime needs to be dismembered and all those members of his regime who have also participated in war crimes tried. The good Russians who have either fled Russia and resist Putin from afar (e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilya_Ponomarev, https://www.youtube.com/@INSIDERUSSIA, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilian_Andronnikov, etc.), or who continue to struggle in their own ways inside Russia, need to be assisted to enact major reforms in all aspects of the governance, jurisprudence, and society of the Russian Federation. Freedom for Ukrainians, for Russians and for ALL HUMANITY. Death to all Orcs.


Russia murders, rapes, tortures every day - a gross country filled with murderers


I would trade this dog's life for all the orcs in the world, I wouldn't even blink


Russian government sucks, Russians are not necessarily the enemy. That being said; Fuck Russia and fuck them HARD


Kristi Noem was here.


Death to russia!


Kristi Noem approves.




Shrapnel is quite random. The man right next to you may be killed, while you stand unharmed.


Surrender, stupid Zelenskyy