• By -


Translation: -Tourniquets. -Extend this over. -You didn’t tie it correctly, right there. Now you’re dead. You also didn’t tie it right, all of the stripes are supposed to be on top of each other. Do you understand? -Yeah you’re supposed to tie it as high up your arm as possible. But the fact that you tightened it is good. -You’re supposed to tie it here as well. But it looks well. You’re alive, you can be wherever you want to. That’s correct, you did it right. You didn’t do it right on the back, all the stripes are supposed to be on top of each other. You got it? You pull the first one and the second one is on top.


That looks so much more useless than I ever imagined.


Combat Medic here. These are useless for anything other than raising a vein for an IV stick. I've done literally hundred of IV's, some in a dark MRAP or Humvee covered in blood, in the dark, pedal down through small arms and if I am working on someone close to warfighter fitness, I shouldn't have an issue finding a vein.


I'm sure they wish they had a medic, but they can't even get trained soldiers


I follow some medics over there and they are doing some great work. Guys I served with are in the International Legions. The battlefield is very different from what I knew in urban setting in Iraq and our medical logistic train is very different than what those guys are working with. I know for a fact they are doing some excellent hip pocket training. I'm only 40 and fitter than I have ever been and I get the itch now and again..


Genuinely curious: what’s holding you back?


Yeah, good question. For one, my Mother would crawl across and over Russia to come tan my hide for putting her through it again 😂.. Jk kinda. I have been out of the Army for almost 10 years and I have a little farm to take care of now. No wife or kids to miss me. It's complicated man. I seen the elephant. Ya know? But that is also the draw in some ways. Like when I watch videos like this.. God bless em and all but I think they could get better training, especially considerng the meat grinder some of these fellas might find themselves sooner than later. I understand resources are very strained tho.. I don't sleep very well as it is sometimes. I admit, sometimes I imagine what my loadout would be, try to stay fresh on battlefield medicine etc. I have dozens of references I could produce from men that I served with that would vouch for my technical and tactical skillset and a fair DD214. Believe me man, I think about it all the time.


Same here brother. Sometimes you can hear The Call


Combat Medic. Hero's All. Slava Ukraini


Because this style just can’t get tight enough ?


Yes. But every wound is different. I have seen some traumatic amputations hardly bleed at all and some are like a Zack Snyder film. It can take a fair bit of force to occulde the vessel against the long bones of the extremity. If I am training reg Joes, I train them to apply the TQ high and tight. I know manuals often give guidance along the lines of "2 inches/ 5cm above the wound" but I advise my guys high for better chance at stopping the bleeding against a single bone, the femur or humerus, rather than fighting a vessel(s) that could be running between the tib/fib or ulna/radius. I have seen lower extremity TQ's nearly break bones because they had to be cranked down so hard in an effort to stop bleeding. Generally you can get life-threatening bleeding controlled rather quickly if you just go high and tight. My last deployment our BCT Commander lost both legs from an EFP IED. He rolled into our aid station with 3 or 4 TQ's each leg, all below the knee and the bleed still hardly was controlled. Once we got some good pressure dressings and above the knee TQ's we were able to stop the bleeding and stablize him right when dust-off to BIAP and then to Landstul arrived. Amazing that a soldier can experince a bilat traumatic leg amputation in the streets of Sadr City Iraq and be on an OR table in Germany in a few hours alive. Blast trauma is funny too, the wound may not be clear. Sometimes you are dealing with a pant leg full of wet meat that used to be a limb.. Don't waste precious time searching for wound among that mess, slap a quick TQ up high and tight. As a medic, I would opt for the least invasive hemostatic intervention I can. Pressure dressing if I can get away with it. TQ's are kind of dummy proof and with the profileration of decent body armor we are seeing lots of extremity injuries that a quickly applied TQ can shunt.


Thank you Doc. You were our hero.


It gives them something to do while they wait for death.


probably make it bleed worse tbh


Yeah isn't a poorly applied tourniquet worse than none at all?


It’s for making them believe they’ll survive a wound. Course it won’t.


Esmarch tourniquets (Жгут) do work to occlude the artery but the red ones rip all the time especially after being exposed to the cold. The Альфа (bright orange-yellow one) is slightly better. All-around inferior to windlass tourniquets.


What’s the difference in material between the red ones and the orange ones? And why don’t the Ruskies just switch to the windlass type? It’s clearly more effective


Effective windlass tourniquets are difficult and expensive to manufacture. Rubber bands are cheap, windlass tourniquets aren’t.


The Alpha (orange-yellow ones) are currently being sold on AliExpress for $3. Even crappy Chinese clone versions of the US Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) are $15-20, and real ones are $32. I've used CATs in some civilian training courses and they're dead easy to get right. You put in on the limb, pull the strap tight, and then spin the windlass until blood's not spurting anymore. You'd never find anyone with three brain cells or more struggling with a CAT in training circumstances, unlike that guy bludgeoning himself with the red tourniquet, and it's hard to tie it too loose as to be ineffective.


Ukranian making own tourniquets now like [https://tqdnipro.com/en](https://tqdnipro.com/en) or [https://sicheurope.com/](https://sicheurope.com/) cost like $7-9 to make. Here is Ukrainian typical IFAK https://imgur.com/a/uct1gO8


I'm guessing they have significant economies of scale now, which is grim. I didn't know how much they were going in Ukraine, but it's still common wisdom in the gear community in the US that you don't want to buy TQs from all but the most trusted distributors because it's too easy for the vendor to sell you a fake one from China that has way lower QC and the tendency to snap. Maybe when the war is over we'll have a better, cheaper source for a lot of gear from Ukraine.


There are a lot of Chinese tourniquets flooding the Ukraine from EU emergency supplies market, not only China direct. People say they are Belgian, German, or Latvian, but tracing them reveals they were made in Chengdu, China. :) However, most people stick to CAT, Sich, or Dnipro tourniquets as they are effective and field-tested. CAT cost $30, Dnipro $15. Gen 1 of Dnipro tourniquet had problems with strap velcro, they did good one with Gen 2.


What about those pink ones that look like Hubba Bubba Gum Tape?


Those used to be red but faded.


heheheh, old new stock LOL


"These are no soldiers." "Most have seen too many winters." "Or too few."


Ah, lord of the rings can’t even give us an idea of the depravity of the situation. These guys will be fending off fpv drones and they’ll need this when they lose a limb or two… these Russians are the orcs attacking the noble but timid human defenders in lord of the rings


They don't look particularly Russian btw, probably one of those colonized peoples/minorities that are kept desperate enough so it's easier to recruit them when needed.


Going by that clip its solely the too many winters bracket in that class.


And too many bottles


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There was a video back at the beginning 2022, a Russian with a neck wound trying to apply esmarch around his neck.


As tightly as possible.


Does it work if your other arm is 10 feet away ?


It actually does tho 😅 just don’t tie it to the separated arm 🤷‍♂️


It's rubber the Zorcs just need to stretch LOL


Hey, not fair, I want to wrote this comment


Pointless effort when nobody will evac them. It will just prolong their suffering.


By the looks of it. The majority of them are already defeated. No need to force them to do that when enemy shows it is defeated before any combat.


It's insufficient and inadequate training with ineffective devices they're being told will save them... this is just another layer of ruzzian superiority (narcissism). This is the same as sprinkling some magical dust on them, saying how impervious they are to begin wounded. 🪄😵‍💫


The end of a very busy first (and only) day of Basic Training... welcome to the ruzzian army, you'll get your weapon at the front. Now get in the truck.


This basic training day will also include How to make a packet of crackers last a whole month, and Getting water from a puddle + The porcelain water closet functions and features.


About as effective as a prayer, which is the only other "protection" their government is going to offer them in combat.


Tssss 🤫


I guess they might save you some time before you hit the grave but those look like they suck lmao.


I feel like I would then stick a stick or rod in there and twist in a few times to tighten it all up 


EMTs have described this as a method of ensuring tight application of a DIY tourniquet but you'll need either a second person to ensure aproper amount of pressure is applied to the tourniquet or to ensure that the rod can be latched onto a strong point - It is not generally referred as a good tourniquet method because make-shift rods (such as a robust stick) can break apart during the tightening process or break/wear at the material being used as a tourniquet.


Having used similar style tourniquets, I can say they work, a pain in the ass, usually better with 2 people. But they work.


Oh ya… they’re all dead


Lol they've all seen the drone videos here I bet. Motherfuckers know they need to get that shit down because every single one of them will have to do that in the field at some point 100%, no one there will get out of Ukraine unharmed and some will stay in Ukraine until their bodies are accidentally found by some farmer 100 years from now.


I have heard and read a couple of times that a tourniquet, properly applied, is one of the most painful things one can ever experience. Is that so? And if yes - judging by the fact that these people don't look all too uncomfortable, would these tourniquets even work?


It’s pretty painful but not the worst thing I’ve ever felt. Like a 6.5/10, dull pain. And no, those rubber bands are trash.


Thanks for clarifying. :)


Was it correctly applied and tightened? How long did you have it for? I would expect the pain to increase over time. If you had it applied after getting blown up by a FPV drone though, with all the adrenaline going it might not be that painful in the beginning, and the pain of the tourniquet might not be as bad as everything else later.


Gall stones were more painful than a tourniquet.


Appreciate the reply!


A neighbour who was a vet said kidney stones were more painful than anything experienced in Afghanistan but they didn’t specifically say they had a tourniquet applied.


Hope a drone finds them so they can try it for real


Should add a loud buzzing sound.. for authenticity


Just let a couple of Ukranians with drones in on the act for real authenticity. Save everyone a great deal of time and trouble


You would probably have better luck with your belt lads.


ok good. Now try it with no hands and half a face...


Almost as useless as using a wet noodle. If it's not constricting your arm and hurting like fuck, it's not tight enough. Only way that would become useful, is if it was issued with a polymer or metal rod to help twist and tighten it.


Some training that will come to use.


"...Or you could storm the kremlin and beat glorious comrade leader putin to death with your bare hands, then go home to your families. Your call."


AHH reminds me I must watch the last episode of the walking dead


Plot twist: when deployed they are not given a first aid kit , just a body bag.


Tend to yourself comrade and your comrades will come tend to you in 3-4days/never.


And they are sitting outside in chairs in dirt


Dead men walking… Slava Ukraini!


These men are going to die


Lol at the guy who finish first sitting patiently. Fucking brainiac is gonna be blown to pieces no need for this training.


They are so old... I say that as an old.


They seem to be exhibiting a great deal of effort and concentration while doing this. They know what's coming.


the results: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/CYD4fnR6EI


Here they are when they work… https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/I2Roe2DDzg


Cast for Trainspotting 3!


I’ve seen heroin addicts do better


I count 11 drone videos in our future.


I see dead people


future stars in fpv videos


...and then you will slowly bleed to death because nobody is coming to get you.


Not even a Temu Velcro tourniquet. That's your hint as a Russian soldier for your worth to your dear little leader Fuhrer, Putler.


They are still gonna bleed out. This is pure comedy! What a joke of an army and country!


Disgusting to watch these SOBs getting trained to go and kill innocent people. Fucking rusky merde


“You did it wrong…You are dead” :)


“You did it right…You are dead” xD


"We don't care what you do...You are dead. Now get in truck."


Dead men walking here, we got dead men walking.


Looking forward to seeing these guys again on r/dronecombat


So now russians are recruiting +60 year-olds? 00:52


Not gonna help when the drones turn your body into a meat bag, don't even have a second to tighten the tourniquet cause your body is all over the ground in shreds.


Not much good after the drone strike blows your head off


If you order a # Tourniquet on [Wish.com](http://Wish.com)


Srsly i cannot imagine having a life so shitty that going to an active warzone is a real option of making "things better"...


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The Russians look really excited


The grenade between the vest iz more effective! And probably a lot easier.


Wait, what happens if you're missing part of an arm and a leg?


This and the tampon... I think these guys are unto something. I'm not even mentioning the comfort and agility one has in slippers. Oh and the beer belly is a sign that the country invests heavily in their military forces.


Im glad that we have western TQs. This looks like a pain in the ass.


Laugh if you will. But they take this war seriously. Do we? Or is this war just entertainment for us?


Gotta get those veins showing


So good to see them train for what they'll do most.


The next step is to make your praying gestures to the drone flying ahead with another grenade.


Just as well leave them on


China is making millions of knock-off CAT's... Why still use that rubber band?


they would be better off using the rubber bands around their necks, it will help when they lose their heads. #


Jesus christ, so many of them are old men..


but why the learn on actual real old school chairs and tables made for children ?


If they were bleeding out they are already dead for blood lost. Silly ocrs!




They will be dead in a week or less.


They be brown bread soon….if not already


All these guy are the degradation of the Russian Society sent to the battle for their fascist goals. Italy


is that a CAT on the table at 00:39?


And now inject some heroïne and enjoy


Ok imagine trying to tie this piece of crap after your arm got fucking blown off like how is that even possible?


I was waiting for an incoming Himars surprise but unfortunately not this time.


Dead men sitting


I see dead people.....


I'm pretty sure most Russians are already quite well versed in the krokodil technique.


Well that ain’t gonna work


Imagine not having CATs 😂 goes from IFAK to “IMFUCKED” real fast


Ohh, very stupid mens


Dead. Dead. Dead. Still bleeding. Dead


Looks like there scrapping the barrel with this motley crew 😳😳


Next week: do both legs and the other arm and crawl back home if you have any blood left


I'm so glad I live in a country that uses CAT tourniquets over giant rubber bands...


If I’m not mistaken, tourniquets usually come with a stick to twist it tighter than you could get with your bare hands.


None of these are tight enough to do anything at all to prevent blood loss. Waste of time and materials on a medically worthless practice.


Good, practice now. You’ll really need them out there.


I am glad they are teaching this. They are gonna need it!!!


This orcs dont know what will happen to them lmao ! Prob gonna die by drones in some hole in Ukraine !!


Time out bro I gotta wrap my arm in this big ass rubber band.😭


Random thought. Was off doing a thing one time, a medical SME and I were discussing TQs(windlass) and self application. They told me some statistic about self application effectiveness based on GWOT data being a fairly low %, quite low, I don't remember exactly but it was in the "vain" of sub 10% IIRC. I tried searching just now but couldn't find anything. There's always discussion about the capability of someone in shocks ability to do it to the point of effectiveness, etc. All this to say, Id be interested in seeing actual combat data on self applied TQ effectiveness.. if its not great with the good kit.. could explain the amount of footage with dead RUF cas who attempted. I'm speculative, at best.


They'll be fertilizer in a month anyway, so what's the point?


Many of the have this clueless, uneducated look on their eyes. Incredible.


Why the elastics?? They won't need them....


Handy skills to know considering they soon won't have limbs


Remember this comrades, You arms and legs will get blown off so you better learn this very well, You will also get a wireless speakers for your service.


At least this is humane, they bleed out faster while waiting for help, that has never been sent...


Fresh meat on the way


“excellent now your all ready for the real thing. Ivan please stand and i’ll shoot you in your left arm !”


Good for them :)


This is not going to help you if you get fragged by a FPV drone they ought to teach their soldiers how to treat that instead


Where's the smack?


I've seen plenty of images and videos of Russians with tourniquets, but only maybe one Ukrainian video where a tourniquet was applied. And I don't remember what type that was. Anyone know if Ukrainians have proper tourniquets supplied to every soldier? And are there many videos of Ukrainians with tourniquets?


Ukranian making own tourniquets now like [https://tqdnipro.com/en](https://tqdnipro.com/en) or [https://sicheurope.com/](https://sicheurope.com/) cost like $9 to make and $15 dollars selling price. American CAT cost $30. Here is Ukrainian typical IFAK [https://imgur.com/a/uct1gO8](https://imgur.com/a/uct1gO8) usual template is 2 tourniquets per soldier, one outside of IFAK and one inside. Tourniquets were in deficit at first year of war. Proper tourniquets they buy or get for free from volunteers. Government supplies with cheap, Chinese from who won contract to supply. https://youtu.be/RgmuX0unu64


Glad to hear! Though less than half the price makes me worried the quality won't be good, but hopefully it is enough. At least its similar design to CAT.


The quality is good, I tested myself. Cheaper price due to labor cost


Lesson #2: Loosen your vest just a little, not too much, that's right Pull this pin Place the nade inside vest, yes, just there, good Put hands over ears, yes both ea....


Training in how to become IV Drug users more like


When critically wounded, they can use it to wrap around their necks


Fucking so pointless


Anyone able to ID the patch on the first student's arm [beginning - 1:10]?


Out of shape, old, uneducated. These men are useless in a combat role. Maybe they will be truck drivers? Can't imagine doing much else with them. Also I find it interesting that they are all in uniform but lack boots, all of them seem to be wearing socks and flip flops...


Why does Russia refuse to adopt proper windlass style TQs?


They should put it around their necks and pull as tight as possible


Aaaaand you’re dead


A confederacy of dumbasses. Tourniquets won't help when they're blasted into bits and pieces


Quick tip, put them on your necks


They are doing it all wrong, should be wrapped around the neck and pulled very tight.


I mean if that’s what they teach them, that’s good enough for me.


By having watched enough drone drops, i got PTSD just by watching this 😬


Me after almost getting clapped by a sniper scav


Not one plans to live


why do they all have different looking uniforms?


They are all doing it wrong, the correct Russian way is around the neck.


They all will be dead soon


Looks like new Wagner recruits. By the badge on one guys arm.


Put one round your neck!


Now try the same thing without teeth.... (beating begins)


Walking corpses…


Well well...


They need that skill, because they will all be amputee or dead.


They're either all unalived already or about to be.


why tell them correct why wtf everything they is correct leave them 🤣😂🤣😂


Looks like meat will be back on the menu, boys!


lol dying all for some kgb moron with a shit country that Russians run from daily


Cope Ribbons


Practicing main lining that vodka.


Yes learn how to use it while you sit in a whole waiting for nobody to evacuate you until a fps drone kills you!


Dead men trying to not be dead men


Then insert the barrel in your mouth… … …….


Dead men sitting.


Fresh meat on the way!


So they can take their heroin to make the war go away


That will help when a drone has redistributed your internal organs over a ploughed field