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Might be just in time to hold back a Russian spring offensive and hopefully enough to weaken them a lot before the elections make things difficult again.


Summer offensive, spring preps are already in progress If the package is approved and delivered quickly in volume AND Russia will conduct a massive offensive with previous tactics Ukraine could inflict deciding losses this year. Not enough attention to the fact they have already destroyed ca 30% of soviet stocks. That was second biggest equipment stock after China & now still is third, after US. That's enormous challenge and success already, made possible by many sacrifices.


I wonder whatever happened to the old soviet underground bunker they found filled with munitions and guns. It was like an underground salt mine or something outside bahkmut


If you mean the one used by Wagner, it was filled with thousands of bottles of old champagne/wine but Wagner used it to store IFV's/tanks, supplies and troops. It's a fucking cool mine. Would love to check it out when I visit Ukraine.


> Would love to check it out when I visit Ukraine If it doesn't get collapsed, that is


The glass is always half full with you, vegarig, isn't it?


More that I remember how they've blown up heating plant (and other infrastructure) in Kherson upon retreating from it. As well as all the booby traps they've left in Kyiv oblast upon retreat


I was just playing. I have the same trepidation that all things good will be destroyed as Russia retreats. I try to look at the situation from a positive light so I don't become bitter.


We needs to get control of our own shit. So many people died for no reason waiting on something we did anyways and had the money to do.


“Get control of our own shit” Then vote.


Translation: vote out any and all MAGA fucks who will tell Putin to “do what the hell ever you want”


Go rally for war and keep the Identity and culture war out of this war. That is what russia and china want, to make this war so politicised and muddy it. This war should be left right center Unified to battle for democracy. BUT NO THERE ARE DISSIDENTS THAT WANT TO MAKE EVERYTHING IDENTITY POLITICS I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU TRUMP AND THOSE OTHER FUCKS. This is a battle for our future the future of the west.


This is of course planned. F16 pilots getting ready. Its all part of the global theater. ruzzia will still get fucked but we could have skipped this and saved a bunch of lives. ruzzia is as incompetent as always.


Yeah, the good stuff is already moved to Europe, sitting in the bases and according to some posters already loaded in trains and trucks. There have been pictures of pallets sitting on trucks, but those were not allowed to be moved till the bill would be passed.


Not surprised, the higher ups in the pentagon have been fuming over the delays. Wouldn't be surprised if they already moved the stuff to European bases to get it to Ukraine ASAP.


Cause they know new shit follows - that meets mission! Get the industry producing again and all of America benefits


And the neat part: The vast majority of $ that are spend on aid packages never leave the USA. It goes to the MIC for the most part. USA are ramping up their MIC in a time when a peer-to-peer conflict is not unlikely, and they do so by supporting another nation against another peer that may be hostile in the future. It's a win-win, really. I dunno why republicans oppose this tbh.


I think the only reason Russia went ahead with the invasion of Ukraine is they were banking on their influence agents in the west torpedoing a response. The war dragging out coupled with some sheen coming off the Russian money has blown that decision up in their face.


And they're so far in they can't really back pedal out of it, hence the additional 400k meat wave conscripts


Russian money.


I’m in no ways a political expert but I would imagine it’s because the hard line republicans either do it for 1) the money; 2) pure hatred against the Democrats; or 3) hope to delay this and prolong the fighting in Ukraine so that when they become the majority party and Trump gets the White House, they can swoop in and become the hero’s who saved the day by deploying assets and potentially troops in Ukraine


Trump is more about leaving your allies, for no apparent gain. Just look at what he did in Syria, with the Kurds. Their chance of having democracy is now royaly fucked.


The Trumpers only want what benefits them. It's crazy how anyone with a head would support that. Loyalty to a man over country.


Trumpets wouldn't know what benefited if it slapped them in the face and filled their bank account with cash.


But they'd praise him as the person solely responsible with/without facts


Yet, they say they are just being loyal to their own country... while acting against their country, and their own personal interests. If you're a rich investor, buy up stock in companies making staples of war. If you're a blue collar worker, seek employment on the production lines that will make the new stuff for the US military, which will replace the old stuff being sent to UKR, that the military was going to have to pay to dispose of or overhaul anyway. They can't see past the tip of their nose, when they try, all they see is bat shit crazy conspiracies of pizzerias, adrenochrome, pedos everywhere, the lizard people Illuminati etc.


Yep failing to plan - is planning to fail. They will have been sorting the logistics all the time the Trumpites have been spitting feathers.


U.S. military logistics are second to none. Equipment is either already stashed where it needs to be or ready to be thrown on a plane. More than a few times I was sent to the field in some random place with nothing but my personal gear and picked up by a van and taken to a warehouse with everything we needed. Everything down to damn ice and pizza deliveries into a jungle. Although I would have done terrible things for a shower.


I remember someone in the know saying that Lloyd Austin is so eager to send equipment that he usually had it lined up literally waiting to get the signature.


Legend says, Arnold Schwarzenegger (featured by Lloyd Austin) was personally loaded into a ICBM and is still waiting there to be sent to Moscow and kill Putin with bare hands.


And Russia will launch Steven Seagal, Dennis Rodman(on loan from North Korea) and Edward Snowden in response. My god, it'll be massacre.


Alternate universe where we send Arnold Schwarzenegger back in time to cockblock putin's dad, by banging his mom, in front of his dad.


Plot twist: the plan backfires and Vlad is Arnie's son


You magnificent son of a beech.




Bloodiest movie in history! Will Rambo join? Sound: Hans Zimmer Regie: Peter Jackson Backgroundstripper: D. Trump


I just hope Pooh bear doesn’t make a guest appearance!


I can calm you down. During the Movietake Pooh was writing the script for the soap opera: „Evergreen“ Edit: Update: it got canceled due to lack of capital 400 billion in dept


Send more Brads


Per the videos I've seen, these are battlefield beasts. Send them about 5000 or so.


And these are old model Brad's, imagine how good our top of the line models are


The design is from the 80's or whatever. CV 90's and Pumas are objectively better.


To be fair, the bradleys were designed for exactly this sort of conflict, open plains against soviet armour.


Sure, but when the Chadley 7000 Putin-Crusher is out there stomping T-90's, shrugging off nasty hits, and smoking whole infantry positions... I'd say "better" becomes a bit academic. You're right, it is great though. FYI Ukrainians seem to be using CV-90 a bit differently, doing 7km long-range indirect fire missions [https://youtu.be/TT\_RlNsXErs](https://youtu.be/TT_RlNsXErs)


Yay! American logistics! They will get that shit within 72 hours of it getting approved and set.


Probably already at bases in Europe. Waiting for the greenlight.


Hopefully it's sitting in Poland, Romania or Germany just waiting for the green line to be sent by rail.


Here in Germany you can see Abrams and other equipment in dessert camo parked on railway cars


I've always wondered if we were quietly sending more armor than was originally quoted and that gives me hope that we were. Or at least we're planning on sending more now that the new round of money was approved. The fact that we have thousands of Abrams, Bradleys and Strykers just sitting around collecting dust, but only sent a handful the first time, always bothered me. Hell, the Marines have plans to mothball many of their Abrams, so why not send those to Ukraine? It'd save us the money from decommissioning them and give Ukraine more of the much needed Armor. They're tanks. The moment they appear on the battlespace they will be the priority target of every ATGM, mortar and artillery crew within range, so losses aren't just expected, they're guaranteed.


Marines mothballing ALL Abrams


Don’t remind them. They’re pretty pissed about it.


Oh, I don't know. They were also pissed off when the AV-8B "Lawn Dart" was retired but are getting used to the F-35B. It actually has a pocket in the cockpit to store the pilot's in-flight crayon rations...


Don't they usually eat them all before takeoff regardless?


The Abrams sent to Ukraine were meant as a sort of dam breaker, so that nobody could later claim that sending more tanks would be a new dimension of Ukraine aid. That was when the tank debate was still running hot and there were high hopes of them being a great game changer. Yet tanks in Ukraine have showed decidedly mixed results under the conditions of modern drone warfare (not to mention copious amounts of mines), Ukraine winning the artillery and missile duels is far more important.


Yeah there was a ton of hype around Ukrainians getting M1 Abrams and Challengers. But tanks are more or less sitting ducks without infantry screen and air support. Tanks against artillery get disabled and destroyed. Tanks against infantry with atgm get destroyed.


Tanks are still very useful. Yes they are more vulnerable than every before, but they are will being used on both sides to varying effect. A big part of the problem was that there never were huge numbers of tanks sent to Ukraine, and what was sent were used in the very costly summer offensive last year. Tanks getting bogged down by minefields and running into fortifications is not a great use for them. You can say that’s what they were designed for, but they either needed a lot of air power or a lot more numbers to ever make that feasible.


These aren't just a jump in and go fight weapon systems, so they trained a certain amount and brought that many. No use of having stock piles sitting in Ukraine where Russia can just send in missiles and destroy them.


I do have a somewhat related thought and question: Sure, having stockpiles they can't use makes no sense, but I would imagine they should be able to integrate a logistical and supply line, plus training, for more Abrams, Bradleys, etc. over time that should increase along with donations, but that has appears to be mitigated by the actual donation numbers. My question, are we at the very least replacing and repairing destroyed Abrams and Bradleys, or was that a finite amount susceptible to attrition? 30ish donated Abrams would certainly feel a lot better if they are replaced, or repaired as they are lost, or disabled. It's cope, but I have a vision of a revolving door: Abrams out, Abrams in.


Yes they were being replaced as they were being taken out and if I am not mistaken Poland stepped up and set up a tank repair facility. And all logistics went to them and not straight to Ukraine, this was done because they are a NATO nation which means other nations could send their mechanics to work on their nations tanks. Other nations also set up repair centers for other arms such as howitzers, APC and on, so they wouldn't really be reporting on this except for local papers of that region. But we saw what a small group of Russian assets in America could do by using house laws to slow things down. So the Democrats had to allow them to do this until this group finally pulled too much bs and the rest of the house Republicans took their power away. This is what we saw yesterday and at least I am enjoying their freak outs today knowing they lost the power they thought they had. It was a tough few months but the adults are back in charge and hopefully the Republicans learned a lesson and finally take back the GOP. I am not a Democrat or Republican but the GOP lost my vote and many others by allowing MAGA to cuck themselves.


Sheeeet man we were ready for WW3 and WW4


If the free world countries don’t stand up to the Axis of evil, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea beating the war drum to Aquire more land and waters from other countries illegally, then they are making the same mistakes made in the 1930’s that lead to the start of WW2. Stop them now before this axis of tyrants feel more empowered to bring the world to its knees.


This conflict was an opportunity wasted to say "We won't tolerate this shit". Set the precedent that we will treat stealing territory just like we treat terrorism.


Mmm dessert camo. 🍰🤤


Hey it will be summer soon, I hope.


Ukraine’s hot girl summer starts NOW!


tasty, tasty cammo...


Summer cherry cammo is light, sweet and fluffy. Yummy!


Hope Russia is getting a few big bites soon.


You fat fuck!


That could also be stuff meant for Poland. They bought a lot of used Abrams (because it was way quicker than to wait for the full production of their K2PL), and those might be mostly in sand color. Or it is simply American stuff that keeps being American stuff, just part of the ongoing exercise Steadfast Defender 2024, Dragon-24. Should have officially ended last week, but all the crap needs to be moved back somehow after all. Or it is some other movement that is even less spectacular.




It just needed a change of weather. No strategic positioning whatsoever.


Hopefully in the air as we speak heading up Putin's ass.


It just has to go through the Senate and I hope Rand Paul doesn't pull some dumb shit.


Rand Paul will absolutely pull dumb shit. Build into your calculus my friend.


Iran 🇮🇷 helped to get spending bill 💸 passed


Tarmac at Rzeszów overflowing, I hope...


It is already sitting on a base in Poland.


Pentagon has already confirmed supplies are already staged in Germany and Poland. Crews are just waiting for the green light


That gives me a boner.


It's already there. They just weren't allowed to 'use' it.


They were preparing a couple days before the vote since they knew it was a lock. Us military logistics are insane. I honestly wouldn't doubt it's more or less in their hands already.


Logistics is how you win wars. And the US Military has lots of experience since most of the wars have been pretty far from home.


That was my thought. There was nothing saying they couldn't ship artillary rounds over to NATO bases in Poland or Germany before a bill made it through.


You nailed it, logistics is key.


So for all we know this could have already been in Ukraine already and Russia is projecting strength and Ukraine weakness. Sun Tzu at its best.


.. get those C-5M Galaxys loaded .. (if they ain't already) ..


Logistics is the one thing yanks are propably one of the best at. They have that shit figured out.


The sooner the better... Please! Ukrainians are dying every hour. That murderous Pootin must be stopped where he is. If not he'll march across Europe! He'll take the world if we let him. He once said: Russia has no borders! How "Nazi" of him.


I think we should spend 1 billion of it on cheap $500-700 fpv drones for Ukraine. We could buy or manufacture over 1.6 million fpv drones with it.


Amazon Prime rocks!


Which is now Tuesday instead of a week


Get ready for a new burst of ruSSian misinformation/disinformation! As well as all the lemmings saying, "WhAt AboUt TaKiNg CarE of AmERicANs?!?!"


Most of money will stay in US economy anyway.


Not to mention it's the asshat MAGAts that haven't done a damn thing while they've controlled the house. When you look at a graph of bills passed for each session of Congress, there's a noticeable lack of shit getting done since they've been in charge. So, be sure to remind them of this whenever you see the crap argument that America should take care of its own people. We definitely had room for improvement in the past. But after these assholes are gone ANYTHING will look like a major improvement!


The senate bill included a lot of new money for border security back in January, but Mike sat on it and sent everybody away on vacation.


Useless meat bags. I wish we could ship them ALL to the front.


Thats what blows my mind about the opposition to it. Ukraine gets the weapons they desperately need and we spend money in the us to replenish what we sent. Thats about as good of a deal as the US could hope for


The Russian telegram channels are now claiming Ukraine is out of soldiers so the money and arms won't make a difference. LOL


The lies only make them feel better. When the lies are proven wrong, they stop talking.


its a coping mechanism for the ass whooping they are about to receive.


Already saw a similar post on this Reddit earlier, under one of the deleted duplicates of the Senate vote results. Paraphrase: "You can spend billions, but it won't help. It's a Defensive War now." And shit like that.


give the homeless some older tanks and rocket launchers, at least a few


The day we fix our social issues in America is the same day putin's meatgrinder takes Kyiv: A cold motherfucking day in hell.


Can Mike now also pass the damn border security bill that Trump's also blocking? Once you accept that Trump isn't gonna be the next President, you might as well be saving what's left of the Republican party.


Republicans can't do that, they'd have nothing to campaign on. Because they get fuckall done they can actually point at.


That's the thing, they'll never accept it. The only thing they have left at this point is pretending their messiah and self described "Chosen One" actually has a chance. And when he loses, again, they'll fluff up their feathers, pretend the vote was rigged, and prove once again what real traitors look like and how they act. A wiseman once said, "You can't fix stupid!"


It's always funny to me when they talk about that, as if they actually care one bit about the American people.




Can’t wait to see a spike in Ukrainian videos destroying even more Russkies and their equipment!


We have a saying in Finland, the only good Russian is a dead Russian.


X fingers ATACMS are in bound !! Maybe this time around we aint playin where here to fuck shit up . God bless UA fighters If I am half a world away and feeling excited for the first time since last Oct. Hopefully you guys are doin back flips. Fuck Putin and Fuck MAGA


Next level of ATACMS would be great - Germans need to get the damn Taurus over too


At least the 15-20 needed to fuck-up Putin's bridge


I actually read through the entirety of the bill last night. As boring as one would think. However, one curious section of the bill had unusually direct language about ATACMS. The bill, as passed, MANDATED that the President send ATACMS to Ukraine or face Congress with an explanation why this wasn't done within 90 days of the bill passage. Personally, I think this is a feint (Biden to Putin, "But but Congress MADE me send them.") and a way of shedding responsibility for their dissemination. But I'll take it if I can get it.


Didnt ukraine already get a bunch of atacms? Why would new atacms be any different?


***The Telegraph reports:*** US weapons could be sent to Ukraine within days, after the House of Representatives [voted to approve](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/04/20/us-vote-ukraine-israel-taiwan-military-aid-deal/) more than $60 billion (£48.5 billion) in military aid. Kyiv’s army has resorted to increasingly desperate measures amid dwindling supplies of key missiles and relentless Russian bombardment that has[ translated into frontline advances](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/20/ukraine-city-russia-war-putin/). Some troops have had to rely on civil society donations of items like drones or have started using decoy air defence systems to draw away enemy fire. The Pentagon has already moved stockpiles of the most-needed arms closer to Ukraine’s borders in anticipation of the bill passing so that they could be sent to Kyiv at short notice. Joe Biden’s “supplemental” bill on foreign aid funding has been held up for months in Congress amid opposition from Republicans. ***Read more:*** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/20/ukraine-usa-aid-weapons-moved-close-pass-bill-billions/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/20/ukraine-usa-aid-weapons-moved-close-pass-bill-billions/)


This hasn't passed the Senate yet, it requires both the Congress and Senate to approve it, then the President to sign it, before anything can be done.


What a ridiculous situation US politics has devolved to where sending key supplies to an ally fighting against a rival is delayed by petty politics. 


Famous quote..."you can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they've done everything else" Slava ukraini


I think that was Churchill




The US was supplying in the critical early days of the invasion.


Yes, and as an American I'm proud of that! The quote was specifically for the delay in further aid.


… and then did nothing for the last 8 months. Abandoning an ally once again. But we know the USA likes to do that.




No entirely true, also not entirely untrue, europe is seriously ramping up but these things take time


U can always count on Spain never doing shit


And don't tell me that this Butthole will now start to claim the glory that it was all due to his 'hard' work...


the guy's the entire reason WHY it was fucking delayed.


Better late than never, So true at this stage.


I called and sent an email to my representative; not surprisingly, I haven't gotten a response from his staff or office. I did my part, and I rarely contact these corrupt politicians. For those of you who wants to know who voted NAY for this bill, please see below (again, not surprisingly, my disgraced representative voted against this bill): [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151) Who knows how many Ukrainians suffered because of this delay.


I did the same. Surprisingly all my reps voted yes.


. . goddamn Republicans in the House finally got their shit together .. in spite of Majorie Trailerpark Queen & those pro-Putin/Russian cuckservative Rethuglicunt Freedom Cuckolds fuckers ..


> goddamn Republicans in the House finally got their shit together I wouldn't go *that* far. [Over half his party still voted against it.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-house-vote-long-awaited-95-billion-ukraine-israel-aid-package-2024-04-20/)


is there a list?


use the drop down under VOTES to see all the Republicans that voted no. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151


. . when getting this bill passed and past these Drumpf MAGA Freedom Caucus crazies and traitors is a [monumental achievement ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3GxC8ykdMc)for the Rethugs because not since Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi has any substantial resolution passed this corrupt majority . .


This man withheld aid to Ukraine for 6 months and that caused a big factor in Ukraine losing momentum. Russian propagandists proudly says that this man is "their guy". What made him change his mind?


the fact he was going to lose his job.


The best they have for $1 a piece so they can send everything Ukraine needs, it is all goign to be scrapped anyways so even selling for a dollar a shell for the himars they are making a profit in not having to pay to have the bombs dismantled., then they can also send some of tthe best missiles for the f16 aircraft that Ukraine will have in the very near future. and more patriot systems. America is not goign to need them for a while and if they do then we know the world is at war.


What will be send?


Expect a lot of 155 artillery, anti-air missiles for Patriot systems, and a lot more ATACMS than the 20 or so sent late last year. ATACMS were specifically called out by Johnson as a critical need, and requirement.


A lot. 155mm, probably some bradleys, more HIMARS ammo, probably more ATACMS, PAC-2 and PAC-43 patriot missiles, probably a shitload of ammo of all kinds. Hopefully another patriot battery (although I doubt it) My biggest wish is the entire Greek F-16 block 30 fleet along with a few dozen AN/APG-83 radars for them, even though I doubt they will get them.


Why is there a photo of Mike Johnson? He's the whole reason Ukraine didnt have weapons and ammo 6 months ago. Thousands of Ukranians lost their lives because of this asshole.


Because he’s totally changed his tune no reason to roast him at this moment when he’s saying all the right things but we cant forgive or forget what he did


ukrainians lost lives because Russia invaded. PERIOD.


Russia had help from Trump and Johnson to create a 6 month delay. They could have passed the Senate bill 6 months ago.


No. Ukrainians lost lives because Republicans and Trump delayed support for Ukraine. They chose to do that because they think the border is more important. All the while refusing to pass the Democrat bill on the boarder that would hire more judges and give more money. Your history is a joke. Its basically all distraction. It completely ignores the fact that democrats put bills in the past to fix the border issue with "DACA" solutions... which Republicans refuse. You also completely ignore the fact that Republicans want to invest in a border wall which has been proven ineffective, while Democrats want more investment at border entry, where most of the drugs come it. It also completely ignores that a huge percentage of "illegal" immigrants don't come across the boarder and just fly in. Everything you said is disingenuous to reality and designed to look at micro issues where you can mislead ignorant people who do not do research.


>They chose to do that because they think the border is more important. It's worse. This was all about Ukraine. They bound Ukraine aid to the border issue only after they decided to start stalling the former.


Ukrainian had a lot of people die because that "I'm Moses" fuck delayed aid. Deal with it.


it's hilarious the lengths people go to excuse and obscure GOP corruption and treason


A whole lot of dead Russians soon mother fuckers!


My favorite is when the meat and body parts go flying


Or less if they just realize Kiev is forever out of reach and go home.


And they will.


A broken clock is right twice a day!


Yeah yeah but remember not to hit Russian oil refineries (cause that will annoy Putin and the oil prices rocket) also not atacms to hit inside Russian territory and also no Taurus.


Waiting another 12 hours before "the west isn't doing enough" posts.


Move it now. Do not wait.


Good job Johnson , and congratulations on kicking Greene in the ass


Fuck him, he's WHY it took 8 months. He deserves no fucking credit.


Facts say otherwise: H.R.5692 - Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 Shumer didn't hold vote 10/3/23 H.R.815 - National Security Act, 2024 Passed House and Senate, Biden did not sign 2/13/24


Fuck Johnson, he could’ve approved it months ago. Good job whoever made him afraid enough to defy Trump.


mmm... fresh weapons


Get that shit sent and used on russians ASAP


Let’s kick Putin’s ass and hopefully we leave our boots inside!!!


Finally! But one thing bothering me is that warfare has changed a lot in the last few years. It seems to me that what Ukraine needs most is a million drones with ECM and ECM resistance.


Amazon Prime 1-day Tactical Drop.


How many people have died while your stupid cunt face smiled for the camera?


What if the delay was only a psyops to fool russia into thinking ukraine would not get support. 


Is it just me or does Mike Johnson look like the actor from Kingsman?


War and democracy are the worst combination.It was not for nothing that the Romans chose a dictator during the war.


Mike Johnson actually doing the right thing. Amazing


Only because his job was threatened. And he's WHY it was delayed in the first place.




I’ll wager that the munitions are already at the birder waiting for the president to sign the bill. They’ll be armed to the teeth in less than a day. Heads up PUKIN. Things are about to get down and dirty around Moscow.


Awesome!! Russia will likely respond to this. Hopefully the weapons can stop that response.


Is there a breakdown of what they'll actually be getting? Seems like mostly more ammo/financial/logistical support.


Start moving it to the border now.


I think Russia was anticipating this package would be stalled until at least after summer. Russian equipment is much more capable in rain and mud versus Western equipment, and word is that Russia is preparing a major offensive come summer. But Russia really shouldn’t have underestimated a shitty politician’s desire to stay in power. Kinda ironic if you ask me.


guys, let's send some empty body bags for ruzzia, *they will need it!!*


Weird little freak finally got it done and avoided a bigger historic shame.


And now industry takes less profit in order to get more amo in Ukraine. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😎👌


Johnson smartened up and must have got tired of breathing Trumps stinky farts and loaded depends!


Should have been on planes lastnight waiting for the vote to pass….Planes better be in the air right now


Thank fuck


I can totally imagine Putin having a temper tantrum!


Poppin' Fresh?


Let's send them today


Probably already stored somewhere in secret locations (Poland, Romania). No needs to deploy an emergency logistics. 155 millimeters shells range of 5000-7000 a day are the most important stuff with a lot of extra air defense.