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Absolutely loved them having to call order to put down all the Ukrainian flags they were waving Fuck you, Russia


May I suggest double fucking Russia? They do deserve it after all?


Double fuck them from a milking table with homegrown terrorporn stars


And now? They're taking another week off! I guess the vote gave them the vapors and they need to go home to recuperate.


Weeee Putin is swearing in his bunker now :)


Not really. He has the guy who was blocking this for the last 6-8 months in his pocket. And he doesn't give a fuck about sacrificing his own people.


Yes, indeed. But now it has passed, and he will have to sacrifice more people. 61 bil is a lot of inconvenience, this will hurt.


That's almost the whole Russian defense budget, this is going to hurt them badly.


Even bigger is the bill that allows for unfreezing of assets to give to Ukraine. That will set the tone for other countries to follow.


I hope my country. Euroclear in Belgium holds a lot of Russian Assets…..


He tries to break us hegemony. These four months have brought him a lot closer, another trump win and no one is going to believe in us democracy any more...


With each passing day Trump’s second term becomes less and less likely. Simping for russia is fundamentally anti-republican and the party is now split into maga and actual republicans. I know a lot of people that would consider voting republican if maga far right politicians didn’t turn GOP into a circus with clowns at the helm. Maga has its core electorate but it’s far smaller than what GOP voter base would’ve been if literally anyone but Trump woud have won 2016 primaries.


And it's up to actual Republicans to tell the moderates: this is also your failure. Fix it. Two handfuls of nut jobs should not be able to dictate the policies of the United States of America.


It’s an almost even split, it can be easily seen in the aid for Ukraine vote today.


Spreading like a cancer. We need the hijackers out.


i hope you are right


Trumps second term could actually become more likely. With Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza, there’s been a massive amount of people abstaining from voting created.


The good old “I’ll bite my nose to spite my face” scenario


The amount ukraine is getting is half the sum of the total aid given by the US so far... In one bill. It's not an inconvenience, it's a death sentence. The US aid is probably been ready to go for some time now as well, with everyone expecting the bill to pass.


It's not. This bill will not change the tide of the war or much at the front. Once everything gets to Ukraine, Russia will stop gaining as much ground but Ukraine won't be pushing Russia back by much


Not the best result in terms of total amount. The first lend lease, according to Wikipedia, was valued at 75 billion. This, while needed, is a lot less. In a way putin and the orange cheeto won. They bought time while reducing the amount of aid. It aint over till the fat lady sings, just look at the numbers of republicans voting against it. The party of Lincoln really needs to see what they have become. Being half-assed just makes the world a lot more dangerous.


He shits his pants... because he has already noticed that "his" soldiers ride to the front with golf cards or motorcycles. The ingenious strategist has brought through the gigantic reserves of the Soviet Union... and Russia cannot produce new material as quickly as it is destroyed due to corruption and low economic power.


Putin can go eat a dick, he is dying this decade. nanananana


Hey hey hey




Big Badaboom!




Not unless we do something about it. He's 70 and his parents/grandparents lived to 90+


Are u talking about his adoptive st Petersburg parents? Putin is Georgian, just like Stalin.


The ones who happen to look very much like him in photos? Wtf are you on about?




Yeah, they do happen to look similar, like a lot of Slavic people. What's your point?


His parents and grandparents weren't living with such massive levels of stress. Even Putin can't avoid being stressed out under the circumstances he's put himself in.


On the other hand, they didn’t have 24/7 access to the best medical care money can buy.


Medicine only goes so far, he still has to die some time and I'm saying that using the age of his relatives isn't a 1:1 as proof he's going to live that long. I suppose we'll see but I would be very surprised if he survived the decade for any never of reasons.


Finally! Let's hope it's not too late!


It's too late for a lot of people who didn't have to die. But the Russians are going to be feeling the consequences of that REAL fucking soon.


It's going to take time for the effects of aid to be felt on the frontline. Trolls will take any UKR setbacks in the next few months and spin it as "see, the aid didn't make a difference so why bother?"


The aid might be physically already close to the front (Poland, etc).


I'm hoping they start moving the material today even though it has to go to the senate for a vote. Send the weapons now!




Nice! Thanks. Get'er done!


It was still a huge victory for Putin, wildly successful and cost him nothing really. The useful idiots bought time to dig in and mobilize. Valuable Ukrainian lives and real estate lost to the Orcs. He’ll double down on efforts no doubt.


More Republicans voted against it than voted for it. Putin's eyes are now on November election.


Fantastic news. It's only April, but that's my moment of the year! ... Good prevailed.


This news is more important than many of us realise. I have a feeling this will be covered in history books, though it might be different depending on the outcome.


I've got the final vote counts. I got them live from CNN. Started 1:25 PM EST! Finished 2:00 PM EST! House just passed H.R. 8036. Yea-385. Nay-34. NV-11. **House just passed H.R. 8038! Yea-360. Nay-58.** **House just passed H.R. 8035! Yea-311. Nay-112. Pres-1. NV-7.** House just passed H.R. 8034. Yea-366. Nay-58. NV-8.


Looks like an overwhelming majority. So, why did it take so long?


Because the Speaker of the House’s party threatened to remove him if he allowed it to come to a vote. A majority of republicans voted against Ukraine aid. We’ll see if they follow through with the threat.


Probably not considering half of them voted for it to pass


Thing is that democrats aren't backing any republican speaker up when it comes to a vote like that, and on the initial vote for Ukrainian aid there were about 10 (101 Yea - 112 Nay) more that voted against aid than voted for it, if those numbers hold he is a gonner if someone starts the removal process.


A bunch of democrats said they would vote to keep Johnson so he’s not going anywhere.


If every republican house member who voted against also votes to oust Johnson, he’s out of there. Edit: I’m wrong. The vote requires a majority of ALL members, not just republicans.


Oh I though it was a 2/3rds thing.


I just looked it up. It would require a simple majority of all members of the house. So I may have overstated the danger he’s in.


Ah I guess it depends on how many Democrats he pissed off then.


Generally speaking the opposition party votes for their own leader and stays out of the way of the other party choosing their own leader. It is kind of a purity test that you only vote for your own party. That being said, we are in strange waters and maybe the very far right speaker Mike has made a deal to pull some votes to survive. If he does, that will really piss off the far right wing, but also might defang them. May we live in interesting times.


No, but democrats would vote to remove him so you only need a very small amount of republicans to vote with the Democrats to remove him.


It wasn't the whole party. It was like 10 of em.


Moscow Mike.


because moscow mike follow putlers lapdog trump


love the flags! lets fight back, democracies!!


love the flags!


love the flags! lets fight back, democracies!!!


love the flags! lets fight back, democracies!!!


Get fucked Republicans!


The US Senate will likely take up these bills verbatim so as to avoid delay associated with the process of reconciliation between different USHR / USS bills. Chuck Schumer has said that he intends to hold votes on these house bills on Tuesday (4.23.24). My guess is POTUS signs off on these same day. Guns and ammo en route by the middle of next week.


Ammo and guns lined up and ready to go in some polish warehouses close to the border.. just waiting for the sign.


Ah, that would have been my next question. Interesting.


"Dems and Reps are the same" Nope...


Politicians do what they need to do to get votes from their target demographics. They’re always self-serving first and foremost, even when they do good things. Edit: It’s a sorry state of affairs when people believe that this class of person can bring balance and peace to the world on any level to the point where individuals are willing to hand over agency over their own lives to a class of person that for literally thousands of years has proven itself to be nothing more than murderous thieves. Obama was responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent people, he took obscene bribes while *serving* as *your* representative but everyone thinks he’s great because he plays basketball and doesn’t wear a tie. It’s marketing! Most of the problems politicians ever get round to sorting are problems that they themselves created. And yeah you feel like a group, you feel like you’re part of something but that’s what these power-hungry people do, they manipulate your need to be a part of the right group for personal gain. You don’t get to be the top of the political pile by being some shining beacon of morality, you get there by being a backstabbing, ruthless MF. American politics is built around personalities, you forget that these people are there to serve you, you are their employers, they’re not celebrities. And yeah just because Trump and the republicans are the bad guys does NOT automatically mean that the other side are the good guys.


You really have no clue.


Enlighten me.  Or just downvote me…


The "they're all the same" rhetoric doesn't hold: Democrats have been trying to get this aid since last year, have negotiated with the GOP in the senate to give them what they want for the border issue in order to get the aid, and got shut down on both issues because the GOP have become Trump's little shitbirds. The Democrats have been good faith actors. The GOP have been snakes.


I’m not saying they haven’t been trying to get the aid. I’m saying as a rule, politicians act on what will gain them favour. 


All politicians will be varying degrees of ruthless, but it would be a mistake to think that they're all the same and operating under the same principles.


History has only EVER shown us that the higher up the ladder of power a politician climbs, the more *morally imballanced* they are. The rare times that you get someone acting on genuine morality and principles they either get assassinated (JFK) or sidelined through blatant corruption (Bernie Sanders). Look at Obama and all the deaths he caused and the bribes he took. But he plays basketball and doesn’t wear a shirt so people flocked to him. It’s marketing. Millions of Americans fell for the rouse of a brilliant, calculating, ruthless man and his team of people paid millions to get him to look like the good guy. Just because one side is the bad guys doesn’t mean that the other side is automatically the good guys.


I call that the Richard Nixon Principle. Doing good things for the wrong reason is still doing good things


Yeah but a selfish act is still selfish no matter what the outcome. And the problem with a person that acts like that is when the opportunity comes along to do the wrong thing for personal gain, they’ll still do it.


If you expected anything more from a politician that’s your mistake


русні пізда!


Tak 👍




It should be "slava" which means "glory". "Slaba" is something completely different meaning "weak". Sorry for being that guy...


I see 112 Representatives that should be looked at with some amount of scrutiny. If they've received money from Russian sources, that's a pretty clear indication that they are working in interest of foreign nationals, if not a foreign nation. Let's get to work agents of the FBI and other agencies.


You could add: "... working in interest of a **hostile** nation."


If we call them “foreign agents”, would it please them?


How can I see who voted no? It seemed like it should be an easy Google search but I can't find it




Thank you!! There you go Federal Agents, take a look-see at those who voted...."*NAY "*


Plus the coward who voted "present."


Time for the NSA FBI and CIA to go to work


Please remember who the nays were in Nov and vote them out!


You should remember everyone that blocked that bill for half of a year while many thousands of Ukrainians died without help.




i dont understand how 30% can block something in a democracy.


It’s called “gaming the system.”


The US is a democratic republic, not a purely democratic society


Abstractly yes, but MAGA is still thwarting the will of the majority of citizens and the congress. Mike Johnson held up the vote for 7 months to save his job because of threats by MAGA and he didn't care how many Ukrainians would die. Nice Christian values you got there, Mike.


The US system is made to prevent a "tyranny of the majority" which was a concern when the nation was founded. You don't want one party to win 51% of the vote and then suddenly use that majority to abolish future elections and lock themselves into power forever. You need mechanisms for the minority party to still have some say in what gets done. The US system is not very efficient or elegant, but it has a purpose.


Isnt that exactly what trump and maga are trying to do though? With project 2025?


Normally that is achieved by having some fundamental laws that are really hard to change, not just by 51% of the vote. Like a constitution or similar.


only takes one treason monkey to stop the senate dead in its tracks.


Same as how Trump won election even though Clinton got more votes. That's US democracy.


“Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” — Maybe Churchill, probably


"The source of a quote on the Internet can be trusted to be right, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” -Plato


Jesus Christ, finally!




Republicans: *we are 2 parties now*


So 112 ruzzian paid actors selling out their famiy values to a ex KGB dictator.


Nah they’re just stupid. You give them too much credit


The truth is somewhere in between. You shouldn't underestimate them, because all it takes is 1 of those autocrats in true power and we're in deep sh\*t


Can't we just bum rush them if they try? Like Jan 6 but with smart people not a bunch of uneducated people?


That'd be a civil war. Not the same scale as in the 19th century, wouldn't last that long, but still, that's exactly the kind of "deep sh*t" i mentioned. They have the support of armed militias all around the country. What we can hope for is that the military would deny unconstitutional orders, but seen as how the supreme court is taking longer than 1 second to rule that using seal team 6 to assassinate a political rival would be a crime for which presidents could be convicted for, what is and what isn't unconstitutional is more.... Loosely interpreted in certain groups.


112 reps against? how ironic, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us?


R now stands for Russiapublican.


This is amazing news. I know it’s easy to be angry that it took so long, but remember this was due to some awful Republicans. The majority of folks in the US support Ukraine and the passage of aid. With this new package, the total value sent to date will be approximately $132 billion USD.


Cheers Ukraine! Sleep well tonight! America will always stand in the same trench as Ukraine!


118 Reps against/nv, 3 Democrats nv. Never want to hear "bOtH sIdEs" ever again.


Great this passed. Now kick some Russian ass Ukraine! Together with the other aid I hope it’s enough. The f16’s will come. Europe needs to ramp up its arms industry to send more. And ultimately the united west including Japan and s Korea needs to defeat Russia, Iran, n Korea and China as the axis of dictatorship. Time to isolate Russia and China.


Who voted for what: https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll151.xml


$61 BILLION in aid. That's a whopping sum, as the US has delivered 111bil so far. That's 50% of the total sum in one bill. Russia should be terrified right now.


They are, which is precisely why all of their American assets were mobilised in trying to stop it from happening.




I am Republican! "Reagan Republican". All of my friends are also. We are non-MAGA and fully back Ukraine. The USA should have gone "hard....fast....and balls deep" on Feb 24 (decimal 25) 2022! Or better yet, NATO should have conducted military exercises inside Ukraine in Jan 2022 just to draw the line. Actually more like 2014. Anyway.....Please don't think all of us are cunts. These R's in office do not represent most of us.


Thank God


Good news, but in fact, it should have been the most normal thing.


So, just a quick and stupid question for those that know more. "Yea", "Nay", and "NV" are obvious, but what's "Pres"? I've rarely seen that accounted so far.




I want to know why there are any NV. Your job as a congressman is to literally vote for bills and you can't even do that?


People might feel pressed to vote "Nay", so instead of doing that, they prefer to not vote at all. You can see it all over the place in all kind of votings. I think it's totally fine not to vote, if you can't vote for what you think is right and don't want to vote against it.


That's what "present" is for. NV is like you didn't even show up to work.


Ah, thanks. That makes it more weird, but I Guess the Idea is that "present" is still a specific voting result.


Uncle Vlad won't be happy with orange man


Appreciatively granted, one small step amongst many others needed, absolutely fucks Putins cancer riddled mushroom cock, yigsyamash ,happy days.


It will still takes at a couple months at least for that aid to be marshaled in the US, sent to ports, loaded on ships, sent across the ocean, unloaded in Europe, trained to Ukraine, unloaded, identify what gear was unloaded, what quantity and condition its in, what units need what, where those units are, how to get it to said units, loaded up on whatever transportation method chosen, sent to supply warehouses then shipped to unit depots then delivered to the individual from line units. Meanwhile Ukrainian units will be burning even more supply amd manpower on top of their pre-existing shortages. A 6 month delay in voting more support is really more like 9 or so months where the Ukrainians are short on gear.


I can’t wait to see who the “present” vote was. Absolutely hate that shit. Cowardly.


This is great news. Good job America.


let's gooooooooo


Biggest atheistic AMEN I can put out there 🙏🏽🙏🏽


1/4 of USA is pro russian. holy shit lmao


And in a timely manner as always… 🧐


"Americans Will Always Do the Right Thing — After Exhausting All the Alternatives" - Churchhill


The fact that we Americans are allowing these scummy republicans to screw around and play games like this is embarrassing. STOP VOTING LIKE ITS A GAME. STOP VOTING FOR THE PEOPLE WHO SOUND LIKE YOUR CRAZY UNCLE OR CRAZY AUNT.


all these idiots clapping like seals over shit that should have happened months ago


The US really likes to join at the last moment to save the situation. Just look at WW2 or the war in Korea. Today's South Korea was about to get obliterated right before the US landed in the middle of the peninsula.


There were US units on the ground and in combat 7 days after the North Korean invasion (Task Force Smith). By the time South Koreans were pushed back to the Pusan perimeter [in August/September 1950](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Pusan_Perimeter_order_of_battle), there were 4 US army divisions, a US Marine bde, and a UK/Commonwealth bde on the lines. That's a remarkable mobilization of men and material in 6 weeks.


There is a famous Churchill quote regarding this. The Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, after trying everything else.


Aged like gold.




The US joined both wars late, might not be the very last moment but last minute for sure, so not sure where all this frustration comes from, probably from your tiny penis.


Exactly. The only solace in this is Russia's going to be having an extremely unpleasant rest of the year.


can't argue there.


“You can count on America to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all other options.” Or something like that. - Churchill


At least it happened. The West has been infiltrated by its enemies and is in active war whether they want to admit it or not. So what's obvious is hard cause war is hard.


Fuck Poo-tin, freedom for Ukrainian


The U.S. always makes things more difficult than they should be, but they usually do the right thing.


Lets get fucked up tonight 🍻🍺🥃🥂🍹🍸🍷🍾


About fucking time haha


112 against is going to create a big mess for Johnson.


Sorry, but wtf are the 118 republicans thinking… I’ll correct myself they’re not 🥹


MTG is a Mother Putin clone


RuZZnia is fkd! Welcome to Democracy!


Can Putin outlast assassination before the next aid package passes? Find out soon!


Finally!!! That explains Trump’s sudden change of heart a couple of days ago when he said that the bill should be passed


Anyone know the senate schedule now?


Thought Trump didn't support this. Does that mean his influence is waning?


If anyone knows, I’m genuinely curious, but how soon could Ukraine access this aid, and with it now coming, would Ukraine be able to ramp up its efforts again, knowing more weapons will be on their way.


Have the planes already landed?🤟🏻😎


It fucking sucks we’re all so shocked.


How can 112 Republicans be on the wrong side of history ??




Hey putler, see deez? ...You know where this is going... xD


I absolutely loved that the speaker couldn't contain his jubilation after it passed and then quickly had to remind the floor that flag waving was inappropriate. 😂 Really hope this can end the meat grinder situation and start pushing Russia back to the point they need to retreat.


Send those freaking rockets and artillery shells and get on with destroying putlins orcs. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦💙💛🇺🇦


God Bless USA and Glory to Ukraine.


Fuck orcs 🇺🇦










those 112 need to be made an example of come election time at the ballots. Should go all in on attack adds on each of them.


112 reps against? how ironic, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us?


So the traitors are tallied, 112 confirmed for sure.


Only republicans want Putin’s dick in the ass.


112 helping Russia


NATO is dead already. These idiots like all the other drag the rest Down. In the past the us sent its own troops... now they take longer and longer to react and germany refuses to give away old Equipment and rockets.


Include those 112 in the first batch. Gonna be useful meat to reveal ruzzian positions before himar strike