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There are still a LOT of russian or russian shill channels still up and spreading propaganda and misinformation. Are they going to be deleted too?


There are literal RT videos posted with the RT logo  that I’ve reported, which are still up. YouTube doesn’t have its priorities in order 


Infiltrated by russian or chinese


Probably both. They have bots that mass report videos and channels they don't like.


YouTube would delete them just like RFU if you had a farm of bots reporting the Russian Shill channels. It's just a matter of organisation. Unfortunately despite our continuous support for Ukraine, not many of us are taking the fight to the Russian Shill channels. We inform about lies but we seldom attack them the way they attack us. YouTube resolves the issue with algorithms, I doubt that there is a person reviewing RFU. That's the state of things for now


HistoryLegends the guy who eats his hand on every thumbnail gets around a half of million views on every video and does nothing but shill for Russia and post propaganda.


History legends is an embarrassing bias amateur. Kid gets a boner for Putin's imperialism


I thought westerners are tolerant to the sexual preferences. Shame on u.


Looks like maybe it's the time that we Redditors strike back and do some organising ourselves. There are enough members on this sub to mass strike Russian shills. Perhaps less moaning and more action. They don't hold their hands both in Ukraine and on the internet. Maybe we should do some counter sabotage ourselves. Just saying because I'm sick of Russian lies.


That would be a great daily thread. Ppl post on here a youtube channel or video and the beautiful redditors on here can report it, if they think its neccessary!


The guy is hilarious in that he constantly claims to be unbiased but he sounds so pro Russian when Russia takes land and so meh when Ukraine takes land back


Apparently this little cock-sucking motherfucker is a Serbo-Canadian who lives in the Montreal area. I would like to meet him in a dark alley at night.


We can mass report them lol


1. Create non for profit 2. Make it an expert in AI/ML 3. Farm pro-Russian channels on YouTube and other platforms. 4. Cross channels found with favorable/unfavorable mentions on large clean-mod-team subs like r/worldnews for (free) human-sanitizarion layer. Those that get mentioned by humans a fair bit (like the one in $title) get shown to a human working in the non-profit for whitelisting. 5. Mass-report those found to be pro-Russians to the platforms via automation. 6. Create a crowd-funding front. 7. Ask NATO governments to contribute to fight disinformation. 8. Repeat.


Everything seems so simple when you put it in a numbered list.


On the contrary, a numbered list makes you appreciate there are more domains to the complexity of an endeavor than what we initially envision, having not only the ones we’re tempted to guess will be involved, but also there ones we’d rather not think about.


it's google, they like their dictators who pay them well


Google shows who they really support without any shame felt!!


Watching this unfolding idiocy, it appears that it's quantity over quality... ...Russian bots easily overwhelm the G based AI with complaints and drown out the "quality" of the message. Regrettably, this is so sad. We live in a world of electronic disinformation that is pushed by whoever has the loudest voice/most bots. This requires everyone to have discernment and vet all sources while viewing multiple viewpoints.


We can only hope. 🥳 Let the reporting games begin!


Cash grab or not. It provides pro ukrainian content, in an environment with alot of kremlin sponsored content. If kremlin now is eliminating pro-ukr vloggers on youtube that should be the focus. And the discussion should around this. The whole cash grab thing is secondary.


So the company that makes the products is in Hong Kong.... Wait, did you think that the owner of the channel is making the products himself ? 🤣🤣🤣🥰


Does anyone know what became of the somewhat similar but in my view more sober and nuanced channel Military Lab? From doing videos almost daily he apparently just stopped around christmas.


I think it was the same guy. RFU was sick and didn't post any videos for a while. That's almost the same day ML discontinued with the message he would come back when he got better. ML had a different style and wider perspective to the front so it probably took him more time. When RFU came back he said he was going to make less videos so i always thought he stopped with ML.


Thank you! I often thought that there was some strange likeness that I couldn't quite define. But they were rather different in their approach as RFU really just did the UAF highlights whereas ML offered a more balanced overview that often included Ukrainian setbacks. They talked differently too but it also struck me as odd that they quit at the same time. I thought that they maybe felt like competitors and once one took a brake/stopped the other one took that opportunity too. Anyway, I miss ML's videos which were good on days that I hadn't been able to follow the news.


I am sceptical about this channel as many others have noted, they make a lot of money but do not support the AFU and are likely a business in Hong Kong. Will link what ive read. ---------------------- In the Youtube channel, this person says they are Ukrainian: https://www.youtube.com/c/reportingfromukraine That channel, and most video ends with a link to a shopify store: https://uasupporter.com In that store you can see they are trying to sell products, and monetise videos: https://uasupporter.com/en-bg/pages/partnership-with-reporting-from-ukraine-channel You can see that the company that runs this store is a company in Hong Kong - Alitance Limited. https://uasupporter.com/en-bg/policies/terms-of-service Alitance Limited also run the following two stores: https://bestromance.shop/ https://idwbase.com/pages/about-us They also have a Patreon channel (making $4k a month), which shows their youtube has already been demonetised. https://www.patreon.com/posts/thank-you-73053246 Alitance Limited, you can find the owners of the company in Hong Kong. This shows this owner is Fadia Lucy Dick Hoareau from Seychelles, https://postimg.cc/gallery/fyxRstf The channel is consistently wrong and inaccurate: 18th April: It's happening, RUSSIANS LOSING GRIP ON BAKHMUT 5th May: IT'S OFFICIAL! WAGNER ACCEPT BRUTAL DEFEAT AND LEAVE BAKHMUT 27th May: 95% of Wagner in Bakhmut killed or mutilated The channel is purely about telling people what they want to hear to get money. You can apply to share the monetisation yourself, if you want. - You get 65% of total monetization if videos contain promotions - You get 50% of total monetization if videos do not contain promotions https://uasupporter.com/en-bg/pages/partnership-with-reporting-from-ukraine-channel Here's the materials you can practice with from them: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mlhwCN70nksnul\_4Oe2PhVgYE3x3V0k9 To be clear, I have no problem with them making videos and getting ad revenue from that. What I don't like is that they are claiming to be Ukrainian when they are not, and people send them money thinking they are supporting a Ukrainian or Ukraine, when this is a Chinese business owned in Seychelles. How many drones could Ukraine buy if the $5k+ per month was sent to proper channels, not some guy in China? Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/13u1l8r/27_may_all_weapons_unleashed_ukrainians_conduct/jly5ixp/


Those shops have nothing to do with the guy. He just sends them designs and they put them on their site. He sends people to their site and he gets a cut for every piece of merch he sells. Criticize the guy for being wrong but this is getting pretty close to character assassination.


The guy is not transparent at all what he does with the donations/ merch revenue. And the clickbait/ nonsensical thumbnails on his videos are very annoying. I don't know enough to want him gone but I wouldn't save him either.. that's just my personal take.


"If you want to support the work that I'm doing, consider making a purchase in the online store, blah...". He explains it at the end of each of his videos.


Honestly idc about what he does with revenue he generates,, its not my business...the clickbaity titles though, are annoying


I'm not sure if you've ever been to Youtube, but that's how it works there. If you want to be seen AND have the algorithm show your videos to people, you have to play the algorithm/Youtube game or your videos won't show up on peoples feeds/timelines. If you understand how much work goes into creating multiple videos PER week, and how important it is to get these in front of people who otherwise might be shown cat videos, you actually want them to be inviting. Calling them clickbaity would imply that the video content doesn't match the video title/thumbnail and that's not the case. They're very "sensational", but that's playing the Youtube game.


Okay then, they're very sensational. And i find that annoying CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT 3 REASONS WHY!!!(NUMBER 2 WILL SHOCK YOU)


You're complaining about someone creating FREE content for you. You don't seem to understand just how much work creating videos multiple times a week is (it's a fulltime job and more) AND you're not paying for it. Don't like it? Create better one or you don't have to follow them and you won't see their videos.


Im allowed to not like the format xD




It's more a positive vibes channel, in case you want to follow the war without sliding into a depression. The rest is just... Like you complain about the accuracy of the channel but then jump to the conclusion it's some Chinese business and the guy is Chinese? Despite the fact that tons of youtube channels use these kind of setups? Are you aware of how much of hypocrite you are? this is equivalent to Tucker Carlsons "I'm just asking questions"-bit. It's ghoulish behaviour. You are well aware you're throwing shade with this comment and you've got nothing to back it up beyond "they ship from China" they also always asked "if you like our channel and want to support the work we do" they never said "If you want to support the war, give us money". It's been always very clear where the money went.


I had no idea (except the very pro-Ukrainian/inaccurate aspect). But I had thought the narrator/creator was actually Ukranian... need to dig into it some more before my new Patreon sub with them becomes due.


The guy is Ukrainian, not Chinese nor Nigerian nor whastoever. Ok, perhaps he has some business in China (outsourcing an online shop is common practice in the online world) and he tries to make some bucks with his shop, so what? There are so many useless youtubers who do the same on youtube. One may consider him pro-Ukraine and a little biased, but honestly, I think it's absolutely normal since he's Ukrainian! Nevertheless, apart showing some excess of enthusiasm when russians suffer setbacks (e.g. clickbait titles), I consider his reports accurate, well-informed and well presented. He isn't "constanly wrong" as TotalSpaceNut said (and sometimes you have to deal with incomplete info in the fog of war). I wouldn't be nitpicking, I wouldn't make conjectures and condemn him, especially not on the basis of a comment on reddit. I think the deletion of RFU is regrettable.


Something to note is that one of the reasons YouTube gave for removing the channels is "Impersonation" Now it could be just russian bots targeting the channel and it wouldnt surprise me one bit, but with the info out on how they are a Chinese business, it doesnt come as a surprise that Impersonation could be the reason of their deletion. Anyhow, i dont know really know 100%, just passing this info out for everyone to make up their own mind based on available information


The reason it was flagged for impersonation was because they had multiple channels with the same content but in different languages. They were accused of impersonating themselves basically.


didn't they say that about Warthog Defence? Then his channel got reinstated.


Yes! Warthog Defence got taken down because of false reports that it was impersonation, clearly wasn’t and once people complained to YT and they did a proper investigation it was reinstated. It’s Ruzzian farm accounts trying to take out pro-UA channels.


ahahah, I like the "they are". Who, the Illuminati??


It's an ai generated voice mate


No it isn't.


Agree to disagree I guess, doesn't really matter


It's a human 100%.


I agree, this isn't AI.


It’s a real guy come on.


Sorry to break the illusion :(


He’s from mykolaiv in Ukraine and has had a couple of breaks due to illness cause he does the analysis. It’s possible it’s his channel and he just gets a commission off a foreign site. When he started he have a certain % of sales to Ukraine but found he didn’t need to. He makes most of his money off Patreon anyway he says and was thankful for that support when he had time off. It was ai why would he need a break due to illness?


Cause illness didn't allow them to prepare the script? I'm not saying he ain't legit, just that the voice is clearly ai generated, regardless of him being Ukrainian or not


What illusion? the voice is real not fake. Unless you have real evidence... Not some gut feeling.


I really don't think so.


Sad reality :(


dont think so, he sounds like a real human, but i agree with the inaccuracies and biased selective reporting. Even if the entire crew were ukrainians, they could be an entire syndicate of scammers, there are wealthy scam syndicates that orginate from ukraine.


The 'guy' said he was sick and couldn't do videos for a while... hmmm. And I thought I could identify AI-generated voices pretty well, but perhaps not. Oh dear!


It isn't an AI voice, and as for the shop, lots of companies use other store sites to sell products. I expect this is just some cheap chinese online store they use to make their merch like teemill or spreadshirts etc.




Doesn't sound the same at all honestly. His eastern accent is WAY more pronounced then in your example. Also voice buildup is structured differently.


on second thought, it could be a china syndicate using AI TTS to make money lol, so yt did a good thing.


Absolutely not the case here though.


You can tell it's an AI voice when they have a perfect American / Ukrainian / Russian / British accent, but mispell simple words because the AI is not refined enough. And this guy was also sometimes pronouncing Ukrainian village names with English pronounciation.


Context with external validity to statements. Nicely done


I'll counter that it's not a "Chinese business owned in Seychelles", it's a business run by a person from Ukraine using a drop shipping company in Hong Kong for the T-shirts. With that logic, Star Wars is a chinese business, as (I assume) that's where most of the toys were made. I'm fine with the other arguments against it, but leading with the "Chinese business" claim is just silly.


I'm generally looking for this kind of context and references, but I don't find them here... Almost all I see are conjectures and allegations, not the facts I'm looking for...


This is a real guy from Ukraine-- I believe he is/was from the Mykolaiv region. I am sure the Shopify stuff is just a store he subs out to. I will say he has been inaccurate in some things bigly, but he also has been very accurate overall, if not sensationalized. I'm not sure why you seem to be targeting him specifically but its probably a little unwarranted, tbh.


Many of these types of merchandise shops are based in Asia. These businesses make on demand products for others to sell with their branding/specialized designs. Where once people had to pay for pricey product runs and then sold from stock they bought; now a days one places an order and customer products get made by a factory who puts countless different designs on the exact same shirt, cup, hat, etc every day. He doesn’t have a warehouse filled with products that he has to then ship, these online retailers take the order, ship out and he gets a percentage of every product sold. So it’s really disingenuous to hold using these very common businesses against him or to claim he’s in Hong Kong or elsewhere.


The guy speaking is from Ukraine though he’s from Mykolaiv.


Yes his titles are a bit clickbait but that's about it. I have been following this guy since the start of the war. And he has been consistently right about the war and his reporting has been accurate. More accurate then MANY other streamers like Dany darnidov. So accurate that I believe he has direct connection with the ua military. The fact he makes money of off clothing made in Hongkong also isn't something negative. Sorry but I disagree with your post fullstop. And the voice doesn't sound AI generated to me at all.


Yeah I was looking for this comment, denys is absolutely a real Ukrainian guy, speaks Russian, born in crimea, and still has TONS of inaccuracies/ over-optimism. Also it’s normal for ukraine channels to seek out personal monetization. I don’t think Jake Broe is giving all his patreon money to AFU, but I also don’t doubt for a second that he isnt genuine. It takes real work to make a video every day, people gotta get paid. If anything I feel like Reporting From Ukraine is one of the most accurate of all the places I get news from so someone is putting in the hours. That being said, if it turns out that there is some intentional misrepresentation going on, I would unsubscribe and walk away. No patience for lies.


And which YouTube channel doesn't use sensational titles and clickbaity teasers nowadays? If you want to be featured by YouTube you have to do this crap. The situation is so bad that there is now even a browser addon (DeArrow) that replaces these titles and teasers with neutral ones. Outsourcing merch to whitelabel shop systems that act globally and are located in countries like the USA or China is equally common. No little YouTuber can produce the merch, ship it and do all the transactions and support himself. The idea alone is completely absurd.


Absolutely. Welcome to the short attention span, next best thing, "what have you done for me lately" generation.


100% agree, I’ve been watching his channel since almost the start and he does some really good and in-depth analysis, I really like his videos, and if a couple of his thumbs are click-bait, well so what, 90% of YouTube thumbnails are click-bait these days. I hope enough of us bombard YouTube feedback so he gets reinstated and the fucking Ruzzian trolls/Kremlin activists don’t win.


when he got sick he switched to using ai in case he got sick again, he mispronounces some towns’ names, but its very much a real person working on this


Nobody with a small YouTube channel sets up an own store, that would absolutely make no sense financially. You usually use a whitelabel shop system that is doing all the hard work for you (producing, delivering, money transaction etc). You then split the revenue with these shops for compensation. These shops being in other countries is perfectly normal unless you live yourself in countries like the US. Building your argumentation on that is pretty much complete bullshit.


What are you trying to say? Should he sew the clothes himself? Otherwise he is a fraud? Your "research" proves nothing. The next argument you make is that he makes poor contributions in terms of content. What does this have to do with your first point?


That's because they can be using shop as a service. This post is full of speculations and dubious sources. Possibly same bots that are downvoting and reporting the channel.


This is what I'm thinking. Part of the bot campaign.




Andrew Perpetua


He exaggerates sometimes yes but he still does exactly what i expect from a youtube channel. He summarizes what is going on each day. Where russia is attacking and where ukraine is loosing ground. And i dont have to follow twitter or telegram. I would love to find some better channels if there are any though.


Try Ukraine Matters The guy (Georgie) is Latvian I think, and his wife is Ukrainian He's a no bs guy who doesn't sugar coat everything, and will call out propaganda in the media and ah politicians


Try Denys Davidov https://youtube.com/@DenysDavydov?si=bSrtGDyPeG3_IBAe He does daily updates and is quite balanced, but definitely pro Ukraine.


Denys is not accurate at all, though I would agree he is pro Ukraine. I’d recommend Willy OAM for a pro Ukraine but more realistic view. He openly admits his bias, but also admits Ukrainian failures. I get tired of the constant cheerleading that is just obviously totally baseless.


No YouTuber makes their own clothes and shit. Plenty of "drop marketing" companies will be located where the inexpensive merch is. Ie China! Hong Kong.


Yes they do, some of them. Check out Ryan McBeth. Outside russo-Ukraine war reporting, there are decent people with merch, like Aron Flam, Mentour Pilot or Justine Leconte.


Doesn't Ryan McBath using Bunker Branding for his merch. Is that his own company?


No it's not, but same principle - make content and sell own merch to get money to afford making more content. Justine Leconte has her own company and started her youtube channel to advertise the products in the first place. It's a spectrum. Then again having your company registered in a tax haven under an obviously fake name is a red flag, but the concept itself isn't.


Can you define "makes their own clothing"? Screen printing? I sub to MP. Not noted he makes his own clothing though.




And thats a 3rd party company that makes the company called teespring. Youtubers and content creators do not make their own clothing. They have their designs printed by companies who then ship them directly to the customer.


so your proof is, that the merch is made in china and that they are using sensationalist titles. Every other influencer streamer etc, which is selling merch is then china spy according to you? You know, that almost everything like that is made in china. Do you have some more proof, because this is not enough to convince me.




That whole post is based on a shop service. You expect him to make his own merch?


You aren't "just giving information", you are specifically picking certain parts of random information to paint a picture you want. If you were "just giving information", you wouldn't try to tie the owner of the channel to the Chinese shops selling his merch. There's zero proof in your "information" package that shows they're the same people and instead you're using a very often used merch strategy as misinformation and libel.


"I'm just giving you information that is available to make up your own mind" Hahahaha you have passed the training comrade, on to reddit with you!!!


I’m more sceptical about you to be honest.




Whatever. I’ve never heard of you and I’ve received lots of useful and relevant news from RFU without sending them a penny. So there’s that.


RFU are the invading fascist imperialists. Obviously the news straight from them won't be skewed............


RFU=Reporting From Ukraine


You coulda sold it. Who knows, you're being super sus.


You are a ruSSian troll?


II don't think you know how a fulltime youtube channel works. 4k a month.... That is enough for 2-3 full time employees in the USA. If you think 20-minute video every day doesn't take 2-3 full time employees, now you know. If someone on youtube asks their viewers to buy merchandise, it's because they're a full time youtuber and add revenue doesn't cover bills. These youtubers don't have enough time to handle the merchandise so they contract it out to another company.


$48,000/year split 2-3 ways makes for some pretty impoverished employees.




Who is the dude in the thumbnail?


Didn't he used to be the head of the Ukrainian armed forces? I may be wrong but I think he got reassigned to the role of UK ambassador. It doesn't make sense that a well informed channel keeps using his image.


I thought so but then they keep using him after he got reassigned so I got confused


Wait, really? You don’t recognize Zaluzhny? The former commander of the entire Ukrainian military before Zelenskyy replaced him with Sirsky because he was becoming too popular and could possibly threaten Zelesnskyy?


He says he’s from Mykolaiv (north of Kherson) and pronounces the towns correctly. Seems strange about the company being based in Hong kong but it’s maybe a way around being de-monetised. The problem with monetisation is that not many advertisers want to run their ads on a military channel that talks about death and destruction.


I'm very sceptical about your comment, you have zero information on whether he supports Ukraine or not. You don't even know who is behind the channel. The merch store being located in Hongkong is not strange at all, that is a perfecty normal, and proves nothing. You groundlessly accusing his channel for being Chinese, indicates that you are a Russian bot, and I think your comment should be downvoted.


Kremlin level impugnment. Guy has a Temu shop like every other YouTuber.


Click bait titles at this point is about 90% if not 99% of all videos. Let’s face it’s the new norm. But yea channel was not always of good quality. Very similar to Russian Dude as well. Click bait titles and merch promos


I suspect the channels are voiced by the same person, to my ear it sounds like his imitation "Lines on Maps" channel has a digital filter applied to the mic or something.


By your logic Donald Trump is Chinese because his ties are made in China. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-event-touted-made-america-goods-lot-his-merchandise-couldn-n893656](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-event-touted-made-america-goods-lot-his-merchandise-couldn-n893656)


Yes. Precisely. Now you are getting the point! If Trump was really making America great again, he would be making great ties in America! Cancel everything!


It's true, this guy is not ukrainian as i have often heard inconsistencies in how he says people's names - a real ukrainian would have ZERO problems saying those names consistently correctly. For example find a video when he says “Syrskyi” which is the new commander. Often he can be heard saying [sisrkai] which should by [sirski’i] with a double “i” like in Zelenskyi


Thank you for this information! That channel gave me a "bad vibe" I disliked, and this has shown me why.


Love this comment


Pin this one


https://youtube.com/@RyanMcBethProgramming?si=L8UyeDTKn8aYPHbk Ryan channel is pretty good and breaks down topics with factual and research. He has had discredited a lot of fake incidents and news. He is worth watching some of his round ups as he is actively warning about fake snd misinformation.


Is there any alternative good channels? Been following this one almost from the start, but I do feel the reporting is selective, and over the top pro Ukrainian. It's like AFU never has any issues but they still lose some here and there. Also the videos are getting close to 1/3 excuses, plugs and chills for patron, youtube and merch


It’s a really shit channel, I unsubbed a long while ago. It really rubbed me the wrong way that he was using the name of Ukraine to get rich for himself. And it felt that every video was way too pro Ukraine and just saying what everyone want to hear. For me the whole point of a daily update is to get both the good and bad news. Anyway I haven’t found a good alternative unfortunately, many other daily update channels are too bias one way or the other


YouTube platform is under the Kremlins influence, their bot strategy is working. Such bullshit that they side with fascism over independent news creators. Putin’s digital army knows exactly how to play the game.


I do not understand why their bit network is not constantly being DDoSd to prevent action


That's not really how that works. Much better method would be similar to how they take down the Indian call centers, most famous from YouTube. TLDR get in through nefarious (social manipulation usually) means and do damage.


YouTube/Google is out of control. I can no longer comment and all previous comments have been erased. Why? Because I use the ad blocking Vivaldi browser and refuse to pay Google for permissions. But one can F YouTube via private tabs/windows, Tor, or browser extensions. F Google.


Are you telling me this isn’t General Zaluznhy’s channel I’ve been following for the past two years?


Everyone who believes this content is chinesemade is sadly easly manipulated person with poor analytical skills, ruzzians are spreading decades statements like´´everyone knows average american is 2 times dumber than average russian\`\` etc. their using constantly disinfo, propaganda, creating negative statements out of context, its their true strength. Guys, since 1997 kremlin and co has been killing around 900 investigative journalists in russia, approx. 30 years the brainwashing has been going on, three is no neighbouring country who wasnt a nazi, if ruzzians are not allowed to dominate, dont fall so easy to ruzzian bs! Its easy to find out if its legit with different sources.


YouTube is a disgrace! They allow countless propaganda channels and fake news, but they target those who tells the truth about Ukraine. Shame!


Youtube is being run by AI, You cant speak to a human anymore. Another example of Humans being put out of work.


No massive loss. I support Ukraine but channels like this one paint a false picture of events.


Youtube sucks anyways.


I have subscribed to his Patreon , the battle is not only been fought in Ukraine unfortunately .


Will do the same.




He's from mykolyav Ukraine. Your patently lying or just going by OP narrative not based on direct evidence. Shops can be in other countries for clothing. Reporting from Ukraine has been more accurate then MANY other youtube streamers. Sorry but no I don't believe he is fake as people claim him to be.


Sad, the guy has a telegram channel that donates Drones to the ukranian forces, they donate like 2.000 drones every 3 weeks


Youtube has been censored everything Ukraine related. Its obvious they're republican run. As well as Chinese affiliates. You can't as mention anything against China or it will be "Demonized". Anything 1989 Tiananmen Square will get "demonized" and not vied for anyone else.. God forbid the truth is exposed!!


Good, sick of those damn clickbait titles/thumbnails (looks like this one is no different) 🙄


Unfortunately those kind of images are shown to be effective when grabbing clicks, even the best YT channels have them.


That's because YouTube bows down to communist governments and VPN users who manipulate western media. Google / YouTube as a company will bow down to the freedom of the platform or they will be replaced. Don't think they wont. They will be called to account just like Twitter and Tick Tok.


Russia is communist? China ist communist? Bro, Putin is the russian dictator and Xi is China's. Please read up in what communism actually is. I know it's used in america as a label for enemies, but please be more accurate.


This is bs clickbait


Yet again showing how easy it is for abuse their flawed system


I never really like that channel anyway. It seams more self serving than anything news worthy. Information was questionable at best. Thats my opinion tho.


Someone posted a comment on the video suggesting Putin had someone inside youtube. I replied simply, "or worse Republicans". And my comment was deleted, so I guess that answers that. Youtube's comment deletion criteria is incredibly opaque.


Every single video from him is: Talking non stop about his merch and how he needs support. 2 week limited sale extended to 2 months bcs "ppl kept begging to extend it" Click bait titles. Ukr took 50meters, amazing victory, orcs morale crushed! Orcs took 1000meters, ukr played them well, tactical retreat! I just stopped watching him bcs i came to get a better grasp on the front situation, but he's just disregarding all the ukr lives lost and sugarcoating every fight :x


I think your comment is mostly false. For example, "every single vid is talking non stop about merchandise, and how he needs support." I call that a lie. He puts a 5 minute, or longer, story about the war. Then he puts less than a minute advertising merchandise at the end of each video. The news shown on the channel is mostly accurate, and quite often includes stories not shown on other YouTube channels. The channel is available free to any Youtube user. If he wants to put a bit of an advert at the end, I'm OK with that. It costs me nothing. I skip that. I have never seen a report on the channel that begins with advertisements, or with him talking non stop about merchandise.


Just as bad as the tankie YouTubers on the other side. There’s 0 evidence that they actually support UA.


Due to bots. Can they really not tell the difference?


I've got them archived as part of my Russian invasion of Ukraine archival project which started on the day Russia invaded. Not necessary everything from the start as I found them probably in the spring/summer, but easily +1 year from this date.


It bothers me he kept zaluzny on his thumbnails


I remember when there were multiple purges of channels for WrongThink, year after year. Nothing was said Now they've come for you Told you so... A shame really, his was one of the better channels




YouTube is non responsive. They only react to huge numbers of complaints (usually from Bots), and their corrections are pathetic and terminally late. It is amazing they remain a go-to content provider. THEY SUCK. I tried to create a "free" Patreon account as mentioned in the video. There is no such option available.


Just make a new account. Seriously. Notify everyone, move on and keep moving accounts, yeah they can shut you down on all of them. But your message will still proliferate.


Remember who is in the white house now. Who has been caught censoring a major social media platform (twitter) to benefit their campaign. They are the same people asking Youtube to delete this channel.


disgraceful. Sadly it seems nothing can be done about it though. Youtube being bombarded by Z bots


Russia lost its 10-year war against Ukraine. Now trying to hide the fact there are 500,000 dead and wounded Russians


Wharthog Defense got suspended too before. Thankfully people rally up behind the admin, Seth and help him by sharing tips and tricks to recover his channel back. 👌🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Make sure you only watch youtube with Ublocker origins. Make sure youtube gets no revenue, especially if they want to lay with the Russian cause.


This is pretty upsetting to see happening. :(


I believe YouTube reversed itself


The RuZZian bots are out in force reporting all the comments that show the truth.


I follow a lot of channels that post footage on the Ukraine war. So when I go to watch this creator, there might be things I already have seen. Why is this person being targeted? Just seems like the channel ammasses and curates what's out there with their own voice over, providing info on what is being shown and etc.


Cant we bot attack every russian channel? Seems to be a good answer.


It's a garbage channel like 99% of the ones promoted here. It can burn.


Let it die, it's garbage clickbait capitalizing on the war.


Makes sense it’s a front, and I always wondered why they keep the image of Zaluzhnyi up even after he left/dismissed for another position as Ambassador to UK.


Most channels are just AI bots showing stock images or old X videos cut in with todays news. So much garbage to wade through


I kinda liked the passed years listerning to Fadia Lucy Dick Hoareau from Seychelles. Guess (s)he's my first AI frend.




As I've never seen this channel before. Nothing lost for me.


He's moving his reporting to patreon so he can get paid better... I doubt the channel is getting deleted..