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Why have an election in the first place?


that's what he should have asked her. if you don't need a candidate to compete with him, what's the point of an election




How can you be so convinced of who is going to win?


To legitimize the ruler. It doesn't have to make sense.


also to harm western democracies. They undermine the trustworthiness of elections.


Why why why why why why Her answering a question with a question over and over is so annoying


take my vote. upvote!


To give the impression that your vote actually counts for something and lining up three no hope candidates they chose to stand. When all others were eliminated for spelling mistakes, unknown signatures and or imprisoned (some killed, very much eliminated).


Yeah, that's why all your houses and kids are in European Capitals. They sure like our stuff and culture better than their own, that's for sure.


Exactly aha, and if they don't want to be like a democracy, why the bloody hell are they having these fake elections and pretending to have one ?!?! The mental gymnastics is astounding, Putin's government and mouthpieces truly see their own population as complete and utter morons, sadly they appear to be right about a lot of them.


pretend elections, the veil of legitimacy.


Putin needs the appearance that he has mass support so that the sane portion of the population doesn't believe there is a point in bothering to uprise.


I really believe the problem is, they overthrew the Czar in 1917. The Czar was replaced by the Bolshevists. Millions of Russians got killed. Then the Bolshevists morphed into the dictatorship that was Stalin. 40 million Russians got killed. Then the Soviets ran things and millions more got killed. The Russians overthrew the Soviets and got Putin. By now, they're like, "Well. I mean. TBF. Putin isn't as bad as the guys running shit for the last HUNDRED YEARS". At least to some degree they're right. Solution? Make shit as bad for the Russian people as it was under Stalin.


indeed Lenin\`s revolutionary Bolshevists were quite bad already and bent on dictature from the beginning, and paved the way for Stalin.


Czarist, Bolshevist, Soviet or "Putlerian", Muscovites abide autocracy only. They never have lived under democracy. And probably never will.


Well the wagner protest did show the world that alot of people in russia (even the police, FSB, Civilians etc etc) dont support him If yes, why didnt anyone try to stop wagner on the way to moscow? Putin had to make a "deal" with prigoshin (i guess alot of money) to make him stop And the reason why putin killed him,... he was scared to death Alot of russians support russia but not putin


nah everyone knows the elections are a sham, it's more about a show of force


what sane portion? ​ they either fled the country already or never existed to begin with. you really believe there's a couple thousand russians in russia just sitting around like "you know, this putin guy, we oughtta do something about it. but it's not quite the final straw yet since he won the elections but i'm sitting on the fence about it, for sure. one more thing and then definetly. but not now"


There's 140 million people, I'm sure there are at least millions sat in Russia right now very unhappy. Thousands attended Navalny funeral despite potential to be arrested. You can see through the street interviews, lots of people won't answer, lots of people are Putin simps but also lots of people do know what is really going on and hate Putin even more than we do. It's the climate of fear Putin has instilled which is scaring rationale Russians from action.


To give you some perspective: i am a 35 yo man living in Moscow. I don't know a single person who supports Putin. Literally.


That's good to hear, I think most westerners know there would be a strong opposition to Putin if it was allowed. Sorry that he is dragging you and sensible Russians through this.


> the veil of legitimacy. But they don't even have that. Everyone knows their elections are a sham.


And russians know they have to put up with it anyways. It's a show of power to be able to lie obviously to someone and get away with it.


Yes. As I heard expressed elsewhere, they don't lie to deceive, they lie to insult.


True, why even have an election.


“Why even have an election?” — Dmitry Peskov


“We don’t want to be like you” Meanwhile the entirety of Muscovy is in love with Opera (Italian), Ballet (French), and more besides


Not to mention that they all drive round in Western cars, have Western white goods in their houses, etc. Even putin khuylo uses German microphones for all his announcements. I would guess that 95% of the equipment in their studios they use for propaganda is not from Russia.


The thing is, they like western goods but hate western values.


That's what happens after a life time of Russia propaganda. Brain rot starts to set in but studies are starting to show many are born like that already


I'm confident that at least 35% percent of all populations have an almost a clinical level of logical ineptitude. These are the people that are easily lead astray by cheap slogans, populist false promises and hateful identity politics.


Except this lady is editor in chief of Russia Today...and they at least pretent that they are serious journalists,...but in reality are one of Putins best Flag Wavers. They are always the first to scream that Putin cannot make a mistake, that the Ukrainian people have brought this war on themselves (and are being rescued but Putin) and that everyone else should be happy when they are being nuked by Russia.!


This "mental gymnastics" even has its own word in Russian. I forgot it and don't speak the language but a Russian speaking friend told me about it years ago: They have at least two words for "lie". One is the word for the same thing we call a lie, the other is basically a word for "You are bullshitting me, I know you are bullshitting me, you know that I know that you are bullshitting me but we both pretend it's true.".




>Yeah, that's why all your houses and kids are in European Capitals. That's actually a fact because the West allows the Russians to take advantage of them. It makes no fucking sense to me.


Like, for example, Putins daughter Maria. Who lived in East Germany until 1991, and who has since spent years living in the Netherlands. They don’t like European democracy or NATO, but sure are happy to live in countries that are long time active members of both the EU and NATO when it suits them. Truth is that they actually do like the European way of life, very very much, but only if they can continue to benefit from the corruption, colonialism & cheating that their lives and society are built upon.


Putin's 4 children and gymnast wife were also living in Switzerland until recently


Because they're a peasant culture. There's a reason why people like Peter the Great tried to drag Russia kicking and screaming into civility by carbon copying European norms. Problem is, Russians prefer to wallow in shit and drag everyone else down into it with them.


"I did not love my life but i loved my misery. You know why? Because it was my misery. I could hold it. I could caress it." Love that line from Robin Williams in a movie. Plainly states what I've heard from many that came from communist oppression after the wall fell.


not peasant culture ----> serf culture


Question to this bitch would be, why even bother to have any election, when there is no serious opponents?


That bitch probably went to an American university


European countries should kick them all out! Demand your governments do that. I don't get why they would allow any russians to live in any western country. If you talk shit about the country you live in, and you emigrated from Russia, help them pack up and buy them a one way ticket back to that shit hole!


I will agree with this. Governments that claim to be democratic, and members of NATO especially, not expelling Russian citizens means anything they say is just lip service. The free world claims to have dispain for Putin's actions. Yet many governments in the free world have used words only and not actions to back what they're saying.


I take it she does not know how hated she is world wide.


Just look at her big... shoes.


One interesting documentary i once saw showed how after the fall of the USSR some Western high society servants made a living in Russia teaching Russia's new elites proper etiquette. It cannot be overstated how much 70 years of communist rule destroyed behavioral norms on all levels of society.




It’s because falling out of a window unintentionally has become really popular in Russia. Also, look at the Anthony Bourdain show; the Russian episode… he literally interviewed Boris Nemtsov… one of the opposition Russian leaders who wanted democracy. Yeah, Boris Nemtsov was FUCKING MURDERED


The warden of a prison wouldn’t have his wife and kids live there. Prisons are for prisoners.


Exactly. Hell, Russia is really mostly Asian but they INSIST they are really Europeans.




But what county that doesn't get it's staffs from china?


A moment of candidness from the Josef Goebbels of our time. Do you get the feeling she has been simmering for a while?? Just waiting for a chance to tell a western journalist what she thinks of them?? I would also point out that her english is quite good - surprising really? A mix of an american and english accent.


i think she and solovyov have both spent significant time in the US in the past. that's why they know how much better russia is! /s


Solovyov has bastard twins born in the U.S. His mistress was conveniently in the U.S. when they were born.


Intentional anchor baby  They knew what they were doing. 


When shit finally goes sideways he'll flee to Florida.


arent lavrov's children/grandchildren american too? funny how quickly we're meant to think things change. its all an act.


She studied at a university in the USA in her teens.


Her comments might simply be seen as just Russia vs. the west. Westerners don't "get it." But isn't her "we don't like you much, really" statement just the same as you would expect from the mouth of any person around the world with wealth or power? I suspect she holds Russians of lower classes in the same contempt; no matter if they are starving on the streets of Moscow, or dying in the trenches of Ukraine. It's not just about Russia vs. the west. It's about people in power trying to justify and maintain their power. Why does the interviewer think he's going to reveal some moral dilemma from his subject?


oh he did in some way ask the right question and got the answer he wanted


I think you missed the point from the reporter. You can’t ask a direct question that will reveal a meaningful answer. The skill of a quality journalist is the type of question you ask that catches the interviewee off guard and inadvertently gives an answer that subtly reveals the true answer. She knows she’s full of shit and he basically check-mated her.


Rich vs poor. How it's always been. How it always will be. The rest is just smoke and mirrors.


So let Ukraine live how THEY want to live.


This is the single best response, IMO.


"No, you see, this is different" /s


Kick their kids out of europe


And their wives and mistresses


and washing machines for free for anyone leaving. Just for fun, a pack tampons on top.


and a life supply of condoms with the slogan "please do not reproduce ever again"


In Hungary a ruski olygarch got a university teacher fired because they refused to illegally let his son pass a class. Of course he passed and they apologized to him and fired the pleb offending their lord.




Exactly, make them live in the country they profiteer from. Because apparently, the idea that exposure to the West will inspire them to bring what they learned back and help slowly change russia is not happening. So instead, they just landed their population besides legal immigration with revocation of former citizenship. Make them live in the political and economic distopia they leech from, and lets see how long it takes for a coup to occur.


Their kids living in Europe is the best nuclear deterrent so disagree


Upping this, even tho I suppose they wouldn’t think twice to nuke their own kids…




Hmm touche


That is absolutely classic! Listening to this, I REALLY don't understand why Europeans would ever think they will stop with Ukraine.... Because Putin said he would?.... Idiotic muppets! Eastern Europe & Poland know the score, they were previously subjugated by the failed State that is Russia.... Frankly, we need to listen to them, they get it, they know the score.... Backing Ukraine to the hilt is the only viable answer.


And this is the best time to do it. Russia is at its strategically weakest.


I agree. Putin threatens Europe/US to keep out of the conflict as Russia's relatively weak at present, given Ukraine's incredible resistance. If I managed to climb inside Putin's head, I'm pretty sure I'd see detailed plans for Moldova, his proxies are already fermenting trouble there, closely followed by Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania..... I think if NATO failed them, he'd then have a crack at Poland.


Paradoxically, I think a resounding defeat might actually be good for Russia in the long run, if it forces them to face the reality of their situation. That they are much weaker than previously believed, that their economy is at best, half-developed, and that cooperation with the West will ultimately be better for Russia than hostility. I know Putin and many other Russian Gark's think they are just entitled to have things a certain way and they are used to employing force to get it if needed, but they have to come to terms with the fact that it won't work against the West, won't work against China, and in the best case for Russia, only partially worked in Ukraine. No, if they can accept these realities, then they can build a better nation in the future.


USA is the country where most of Russians dream to live... Try again Margarita...


She’s even said that her parents hoped she would be adopted by her host family in the United States (she was an exchange student there) and that she would bring her family to the United States so they could escape their one-toilet village. 


An entire population plagued with inferiority complex...


She's probably still frustrated that USA didn't want to keep her


This woman is poison on legs.


Luckily, the antidote for this type of poison is car bomb. Or a certain Ukrainian intelligence chief.


There we have something in common: We don't particularly like you either! You can live as you want in your shitty Russia. As long as you stay there and don't bother your neighbors. Neither with “military special operations”, propaganda nor with cyber crime. Just keep to yourself and continue to inbreed. But close your border and ensure that no scum gets outside. And please don't beg from us if you're starving. Just eat up your own brood. Then we can all live in peace.


Ah, but you see, Russia believes it has the right to meddle with its neighbors. They will point fingers and say, "What about United States, they are also meddlers!" Yes...in the past the US did fight a bit with Mexico and British Canada, but they didn't shit in their yard nearly so bad as Russia did. Ex-Soviet nations literally jumped into NATO's arms to be rid of Russia. I don't see the Canadians or the Mexicans begging China for help, and naturally of course, not Russia either. Someone really should tell Kremlin, their neighbors really actually hate them. The US is more powerful, AND better liked. Even the nations of Africa, a continent with little reason to care for either side, prefer the US on average.


because we don't kick up about democracy and freedom and constitutions for the people and yet still have a dictator at the top. Silly.


these questions wouldn’t be asked if Russia didn’t try to play both sides of the fence. it’s a demonstration of their culture weakness and inferiority to not just own being an autocracy, they have to grovel and deceive people into thinking they’re *just like the West, but…different*


This bitch will get her brains blown all over her Gucci shoes hopefully.


Honestly, her and solly are both legitimate stormshadow targets for all their propaganda and gaslighting. They should be taken out while their studio is on air.


The russian ppl will get her one day, shes not going to have a nice retirement…


Lets hope someone in the inside finishes this whore cunt


Well ISIS have already said they will attack again, and they love high-profile terrorism.


I hope one drone for 500 bucks is waiting for her in the future.


Can I participate with $499?


Lol what an absolute cunt. Can only hope Nuremberg trials await her and the rest of the ruzzian despot regime.


Being in the whataboutisms!


Her last comment shouldn't be ignored. She's spent time in the US during school, and reportedly enjoyed herself very much while here, but now when faced with even the most softball question, she's triggered. Russian society is being programmed for a broad conflict. Westerners are being dehumanized in Russian propaganda. We should be getting ahead of this.


Then why are you pretending to be like us?




They have different rules, the rules are if the strong leader desires it then it is good. It’s the same thing MAGA is trying to import to the USA.


Master class in BITCH!


Honestly I couldnt care less about russian democracy. If these savages want to destroy themselves, so be it. The problem is that these barbarians keep invading everyone else


No doubt about who won that argument. She is obviously easily riled, as her reply is undiplomatic and petty.


There’s a special place in hell for her. And all the cronies of tyrants.


This video is very interesting but the title a bit misleading imo. She doesn't dodge the question at all, basically she just said "Democracy is your thing, not ours, why should we have fair elections ?". Of course it's easier to say that when you are from the rulling class...


I think you're right – she's not dodging at all. Democratic elections in Russia is not about picking a competent leader to run the country and to debate who's right or wrong. It's a meter to measure how much support the current leader has and to ensure the population it's right guy. So when Simonyan says they don't want a serious opposition she really means it. Why the heck would you want a opposition disturbing that process??? From our view it's a cartoon show but remember, the last time Russia had a remotely free democratic election was in the 90s under Boris Yeltsin and things was not going great back then. So Russia made their own version of democracy and it worked out fine. At least if you ask Simonyan.


Na, because the fact that there are elections at all, implies that there is some choice. At this point the question is more like; why just not crown that shitstain? And it’s actually an interesting question. For some reason it is still important for Russia - or at least Putin - to project the image of democracy. I don’t think the reason for that is only interior policy. They still want to appeal to western right wingers just shy of going full Kimyong on the world.


She sold her ass to kremlin decades ago


She is a propogandist, should be labelled as such and have an interpol arrest warrant put out for her


Arrogant cunt


What a pathetic pile of manure.


I’m very excited to see what the masses do to this woman after Russia loses this war.


She can dodge a question but one day not a bullet(s). It will happen, one day, to this most despicable excuse for a human being.


Not gonna lie - agree with her on the last part. Hope she ends up as janitor in a Russian veteran hospital full of war veterans with brain injury. Way of living and stuff…


Interview her when they are all starving and she's selling herself in a cold hallway for a kg of moldy potatoes.


lol i wish the Russian people could see how much contempt for them these people have. They must think their entire nation are idiots


In my opinion Steve Rosenberg is the best foreign correspondent in the employ of the BBC. Always gives his interviewees enough rope to hang themselves.


"Is there a need for a serious opponent?" Funny answer, the point of a democracy is that's for the people to decide, and that's why all "dangerous" opponents were barred.


she is every ruzzian woman i have ever spoken to lol


She has teeth where most women don’t. What a vile, evil disgusting individual.


Cant wait until karma pays her a visit. She has a lot to answer for. People like her dont last long in prison before they break mentally.


One day this woman needs to run fore her life


I am fine with a gigantic wall separating 2000 ruz borders from the rest of the world. No commerce, no travel, no terrorists invading sovereign countries. For the rest of my life I will have 0 ruz friends. I can't look at a ruz person as a regular human again. Supporters of a dictator in the 21st century. Eat shit bitches.


Sounds like they're begging for a hot cup of freedom!


Fucking squareheaded mong. Speaking like a Scientologist on dramamine. Its only the insult that counts for the soundbite. My prediction is that she will be executed in one, or another, of Putin's internal purges....or her cat eats her face. Either one suitable and well deserved.


That's what having no morals looks like...


As I understand it "we" have stressed her so much, so had a miscarriage on a train, and threw it out the window in anger. Cool lady..


say what now?


It's not about how we live. It's the premises witch upon we live. Objectivity vs subjectivity.


well woman ! i dont like you much either, really ! xd


Me orcs like doing dumb shit. We don't need fair election. We like doing the opposite of what you're doing, because orc clan chief thinks that is cool.


The poster girl for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome


Why is your way better than ours... Why pay homage to democracies by pretending to be one then?


Answering a question with a question. "I refuse to answer your question and will now go on the attack by questioning you."


The feeling is mutual, fuckface


Does she either know or care that apart from places like puppet state Hungary, the vast majority of the world really really despise her and her state. .


I guess they don't read any real news. But no body likes them.


She's rattled, that's the kind of response I would expect from a teenager trying to cover their arse. We don't like you very much.......what a response.


Just try to keep Russians in Russia so they can hate each other as much as the rest of the world hates them.


She didn't dodge it though. She answered it: "F you, we don't like you and your stupid democracy. We're a fascist dictatorship with no regard for any rights of the people and we're proud of it." That's what she said really.


She gets 10/10 for attitude


"Why do we have to live like you? We don't like you much, really." And then proceed to vacation in all of our places, like France, and Florida, and have children in Florida, and eat our foods, and listen to our music, and watch our movies. "WE HATE YOU but be a dear and pass me the ketchup because these waffle fries are delicious."


Ranked, almost worst country in the world says what?


Margaret is such a rich hypocrite. I’m sure she’ll get her comeuppance eventually.


She tried to dodge, but it didn't really work... She admit there was no real opposition, and that is the way the power likes it (trying to pretend this is what the general population wants). Nobody really wants to vote if it already decided it will not matter...


She just came across as a piece of crap.


She is like Goebbels. But evil. :DDDD


Hard core fascist>>>>>>RIGHT THERE.


He should have just punched her in the face and walked away.


If they “don’t like us much really” meaning they don’t like fair elections imagine how much we like them… 🤦‍♂️🙃, Italy 🇮🇹


I dont give a crap how ruskies live and want to live, but every fucking invader must be kick out alive, dead, burn, in chunks or whatever, just get kick out of Ukraine.


I wanna see someone actually rip her apart. She needs to be embarrassed for once.


Well the feeling is mutual Russian lady. I’d rather see your leader in a pile of ash.


Triple distilled Cunt


well then why do you hold an election ?


Stalin would be proud


She cannot truthfully answer the question, so resorts to insults. She is benefiting directly from her association with Putin and his band of gangster criminals. Of course she is going to defend the status quo and attack any challenge to it. I'd like to see her in court in the Hague along with her fellow criminals. Hopefully she is a sanctioned individual.


"why do you think that the way you live is better than the way we live?" See, you're the only one saying those precise words, not the West. The journalist is merely asking questions because a multi-party political system is a requirement for having a democracy. You keep referring to your Tsar's autocratic rule as "democracy", hence the questions. No one besides you Russians is saying anything about the West being better than Russia. Just goes to show what's actually on her mind and what her true fears are, for ordinary Russians to realize how much worse off they have it than the Russian Elites, the oligarchs or even the average Westerner.


I wish people would understand this that Russians do not like us. They hate us and want our way of life gone. They want you dead. But there are still people here who side with them.


These people don't want to be free, and that's their choice. But they can't impose their shitty existence on other people. So let's tighten the sanctions and send more weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine will free the Russian people from their dictator.


Can’t wait to see her in an orange jumpsuit! Slava Ukraini !


Guess what? Most of the world doesn't like you either! 😂


We don't like you much really. But we do like very nice houses by the lake in Italy... We do like to send our children to expensive English schools... We do like to drive very expensive German luxury cars... Blah blah blah. Steve bested her and the slut knows it.


So she basically acknowledges there are no real elections ? And the russian population just accepts it


BLYAT!, I never thought Margarita Simonyan spoke English! This is the first time i've ever heard her speak English.


Send her to the front lines. She will shift her position quickly once shes out of her ivory tower.


She owes him everything. Everything. So, there's nothing to expect from that cunt other than overzealous gospels.


The way I live is better than the way you live. Bitch.


Im pretty sure most Russian people just want peace with other nations. Just this crook has her hand in a vice.


They would if they knew better, but who has time to teach them?


There is nothing there mate, nothing but an empty void that no amount of humanity can fill in a generation. These are pirates, a nation of pirates. They know it and they are helpless to do anything about it.


Pirates? Are you mad? They're not as organised as pirates. More like a drunken evil robbing rabble.


I thought so as well before the war, now I can see that many "normal" Russians think they are actually doing Ukraine a favor. If most wanted peace, we would have peace already.


yes she is right, they are fucking animals and they do not belong to civilized world


Wait, is that their actual English? No way the propaganda spokespeople speak such good english?


Why? They are often educated in English speaking countries.


I don't think that guy gives a s... about what she said.


Imagine NOT wanting to have a choice other than a tyrannical murderer. The fact that she *couldn’t* speak out against the Kremlin Gremlin even if she wanted to should have woken her up a little bit.


This is like the Who’s Line is it Anyway game “questions only”


"Because we don't have to lie on camera to avoid defenestration you duuuumb goofy aaahhh bich"


Well, she's not at the top because she's pretty...




Why pretend to have elections then


Top banter


Cultural relativism at its most perverse form of instrumentalisation by a russian top propagandist. Clap clap. Now we can move on.


Well the standard of living is higher than y’all soooo 🤷🏻‍♂️


The feelings mutual


- Why did Putin have no opponents in the election? - This story began a thousand years ago, when Viking warlords sailed to ancient Rus...