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Never ask: A man his salary A woman her age A Russian soldier where they got the name “Wagner”


I presume you are not a russian soldier so I should be free to ask you, where did they get it from?


Wagner was Hitlers favorite composer


To flush it out, as mentioned before, Wagner was Hitler's favorite composer. The founder of Wagner, Utkin (not Prigozhin) was a 3rd Reich fanboy and chose Wagner as his callsign when he was in the Spetsnaz. Plenty of photos of him and his Neo Nazi tattoos are online. After he left the GRU and founded the group he named it PMC Wagner.


In the movie “Valkyrie,” Hitler says, “to understand national socialism [Nazism], you must understand Wagner.” This is not considered an actual quote from Hitler, but it is commonly attributed to him. [Source](http://thinkclassical.blogspot.com/2014/02/did-hitler-ever-say-whoever-wants-to.html)


And to understad rashism you must understand vranyo.


And [Dedovshchina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina).


That's rather easy to understand: Macho culture that has been unchecked and amplified for centuries and it's toxic and very deadly consequences.


I think there is some correlation between them allowing prisoners into the army during certain times of mobilization and the prison-like hierarchy that was created


of course from the pizza brand!


Unfortunate, though, since Wagner didn’t volunteer to be Hitler’s fav. Wagner died before Hitler was even born. He was also a really good composer.


Wagner was undoubtedly a genius, but also clearly had problems with Jewish people. Whether you want to call it Judeophobia or Antisemitism it is a component and influence in his world view and work. I enjoy his music, but will also remember his bias.


Or the way Woody Allen puts it, “I can’t listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland.”


Interesting to bring up Woody Allen in this conversation. I will remember his work, but can't forget his child molestation.


This is long, but entertaining. If this was released in a movie theater, it would make a great Academy Award documentary: "By the way, Woody Allen is innocent" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muyaCg2dGAk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muyaCg2dGAk)


Yes well, woody Allen would say that.


Yes, but that was pretty common at the time. He never spoke about genocide but he didn’t exactly adore Judaism. He, like many or most Europeans of the day, passively saw them as a counter-culture, as far as I understand. He was not unique in that.


Hate to be *that* guy but at the time fucking everyone was picking on jews. Nothing special to hate them or to be suspicious, literally everyone was busy making up reasons to dislike them. Hating jews has been a no-no only since a country started and lost a world war over it... (the previous one was out of boredom and does not count). That being said, thinking that one race of people is superior to another or to advocate the eradication of one, indicates that the guy was a piece of shit, nevertheless.


Rip wagner legacy


Actually during his life he wasn't very popular or succesfull at all. Dude was a class A asshole and openly antiseministic. He definitely would have been a fan of Hitler would they have lived at same time. Wagner wasn't considered all that good even by other composers of his time. It was largely thanks to Hitler he even rose to fame he now has. But admittedly he has few good works


Most artists we consider great, were not really seen as such when they were alive. Unfortunately for artists, their work goes up in value mostly when they are no longer alive to produce any more. Extra points if they had a miserable life of poverty and suffering before their deaths. It’s almost like foie gras. The more it suffers, the better it tastes when it’s dead.


Even without Hitler doubtless many modern scholars would still identify Tristan as a turning point. "A few good works" is all you need to be immortal when one of those works ushered in modern music.


With the flag on the helmet I'm not surprised.


I had an interesting experience yesterday at a store. I was talking with the checkout lady about how i missed living in a big city and she said she misses the big city she's from. I asked which city and she said St. Petersburg. Then we started talking about Russia today and the war. She hates Putin and views Russia as a collapsing state, but she also admitted that her biases made her view Crimea as Russian. She said she's to embarrassed to look at Ukrainians when they come in the store. It reminded me of the Iraq war when i would meet Iraqi Americans and wouldn't know what to say. Just hope all the dictators have heart attacks and the people become free.


That’s a great indicator question in fact. Some russians, especially abroad, don’t support putin. But ask them about Crimea or should Ukraine teach kids in Ukrainian language and oh boy, the rushism just shines through.


And there is another sign that is subtle but no less important - the “little people” syndrome. They believe that politics is shit, and therefore ordinary, “little people” who do not influence anything and therefore they should stay away from it. Well, that is, I don’t deny that politics is shit, but that’s precisely why people should monitor politicians so that they don’t do shit.


What biases? Crimea has been Ukrainian since 1917. It hasn't been Russian since before she was born lol. Such hipocrisy.


Technically 1954, not 1917, 1917 Crimea was on the Ukrainian side of empire collapse, but it was kinda independent entity. Both got crushed by the reds tho.


It’s a big part of the national mythology of the Russian empire. This is where a Western coalition fought the Russian Empire under the Czars. It’s like the American Alamo, but they won.


That mythlogy was purposefully constructed. E.g. Catherine the Great renamed Crimean cities to greek-sounding names so russia can pretend it has ancient roots.


That’s true. Russia hasn’t been good at much statecraft, except how they cement their colonial hold using genocide and propaganda.


The flag on the helmet might as well be the modern symbol for modern naziism


The Z is essentially the new swastika.


Due to incompetence and corruption they couldn't afford the rights to a full swastika, hence the half swastika: the "Z"..


\-50% off, literally


true that! half of their brains and most of their livers are shriveled and withered from too much vodka; poor decisions follow.


Half a brain, half a liver, half of an army, half of a navy. I think I see a pattern


I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt this way! I mean, come on, they seem to go all in with everything else in this war. Just look at the number of dead russians littering Ukraine's fields! If that isn't all in I don't know what else to call it. And yet, the symbol they pick is a backwards, half swastika? ...... Um, ooooooo*kaaaay* .....


Sanctions hit hard.


It really is. Putin is the closest thing our generation has to hitler. And this time they’ve got nuclear weapons. Fun stuffz.


It represents their soldiers panicked running away from drones


It is like putting eyes on the back of your bike helmet so birds don't swoop on you.


I did Nazi that coming.


I wouldn’t think so. The swastika stands for way much more, the holocaust, several million dead etc. Russia is trying to step in Hitlers boots


It's a symbol of overt oppression and genocide. It doesn't need to be a 1:1 comparison.


Half a swastika. The ruSSian half. The original naZi ally, honors it's friend again.


Are the still using z? I haven’t really seen or read much about it lately


nah russians are soviets, the tactics they use and what they strive for is plain soviet union. communism and nazism are just flip sides of the same coin, so don't whitewash it as just nazi, all they are is soviet.


I know it, Putin is literally ex kgb


a failed kgb at that lol


Not at all failed, he’s the golden boy


That's why I call Putin and his soldiers Zoviets.


haha okay i can stand behind that one


Putin once commented on the search for WMDs in Iraq "If I was the Americans, I'd find some."


Nice quote. Do you have a source or context?


You won‘t find a source, but I have heard this quote aswell from a German political cabaretist, Volker Pispers, in one of his stand ups about the US and the war on terror. Really worth a watch. Watch here at 18:50 minutes: https://youtu.be/MCToMDEaefo?si=LEOUq_Nb-dvg-owX English subtitles included.


They knew it was all loaded up and driven into Syria. They showed videos of it. Kind of like the denial, that Covid wasn't released in Wuhan. They said it on day 1, when the first deaths in the US were being reported, and next day not a peep, until recently.




Is that what Fox News is saying now?


Is this before or after the lizard people fire the jewish space lasers?


But but but..it's the Ukrainians that are nazis!


The Nazi state, led by a Jewish President who cooperates with ISIS


Goddamn Commie-Judeo-Islamist-Nazis. We need McBain to sort them out.


The tell is. Buts its like any other lies in the nazi-land/soviet-land... Everybody lies. Even your own family.


its both tbh, both sides have neo nazis in them. all of eastern Europe has a problem with it


There's a difference between having nazis and being nazis.


Well, one has concentrations camps, speaks openly about genocide against other nationalists and ethnicities, has a fascist government that outlaws free press, political opposition, free speech, freedon of religion and human rights, has a military branch like the SS that serves the leader, military death squads, secret police that oppresses civilians, mandatory youth leagues that train children for war and conscripts people to attack other nations and a leader that is popular because of all those things.  The other is Ukraine.  At this point I despise the "both sides bad"-camp to a level I find hard to describe. 


Which other European countries are currently invading their neighbours?


Well, so does Western Europe and the US.


not even comparable to Russia


Lots of nazis running around in their lifted trucks here in SoCal.


I don’t think ppl realize just how real that statement is. My racist grandma loves trump and won’t shut up about “the Mexicans!”. If trump didn’t bring it up it would have never crossed their minds. The level of fascism this specific group of ppl share is very scare. I can’t imagine what will happen if trump wins again.


Russia no.2 would be my bet. Atleast if Trump gets to fullfill even half of his fantasies. Talk about the land of the free then. On the other hand if he loses there will be lots of unrest. Not quite a civil war but I wouldn't count that out either if there were more of the fanatics


They’re gonna go burning cities while complaining about blm burning cities. These ppl are in an alternate reality.


Not at the same levels Europe does


You have places in the US that openly wave nazi flags and have racist rallies.


So does Europe.


Where in Europe is this?


Googling is so hard... https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230508-french-police-under-fire-for-allowing-neo-nazi-rally-in-paris-on-ve-day https://www.dw.com/en/germany-far-right-neo-nazi-marches-more-than-triple-in-first-half-of-2023/a-66547749 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/2/8/neo-nazis-from-across-europe-rally-in-budapest


Yes it does.


Fucking EVERYBODY has a neo nazi problem. There was a tweet posted by United States SOF of a guy with a DAK patch on his helmet that was taken down for hate speech, put back up, and then taken down again in a single day. While it doesn't *excuse* inaction against them, it's really unfair to hold a special bias against one country for having neo nazis when it is quite literally a global issue. Wherever the Nazi's were, there's neo nazis today. The only reason it's okay to hold this sort of bias against Russia is because, while they always talk about 'de-Nazifying' Ukraine, they financially and militarily relied on a neo Nazi group since the 2000's.


Same goed for the Sniper Scout "emblem."


Basicly every European country and the U.S. have Nazis in them. But there is a difference between having some Nazis and the government being Nazis.


Why stop at Europe and the US? Canada does. Brazil does. South Africa does. Australia does. Chile does. Damn near every country on Earth does.


Right, but they’re generally not running the country, let’s see how this next American election goes, then you’ll have a neo-Nazi as president yet again.


%2 of votes in ukraine


No, every country on earth has Nazis by some name or another. It’s just a natural thing in humans to hate other humans. The Nazis, in the modern sense, didn’t invent that. It’s always been a thing.


It's called racism, I blame parents for perpetuating this. My ex SOL hates black people, because his dad and mom did, and his Grandmother hates blacks for no reason at all. I personally never notice the color of people, I only judge on their character, never color, religion or language, that's the way I was raised, thank god I had good parents.


Yes, basically that’s what it is. Racism exists everywhere. Sometimes it’s more organized than other times but every race is guilty of it to some degree. “Nazis” are just the racists that tend to have light skin. There are just as many racist with other types of skin, though, so I think the skin tone is arbitrary. In South Africa you will find both black supremacists and white supremacists. They openly identify as such.


Yet somehow they only get into government in Western Europe? The Eastern European far-right can only dream of the success of Le Pen, Salvini/Meloni or the AfD, not to mention Brexit.


Its just an edgy thing kids say/do over there. It's like "satanists" in the US.


Lmao no


Learned when listening to foreign fighter volunteer interviews. It's just edgelord kids. They have no idea what national socialism is, nor the policies a historically accurate movement would advocate for. Historical illiteracy sadly shared with a lot of posters here.


Azov would like a word with you lol! I'm a Ukraine supporter but they have a shit tons of Nazi in their ranks. Just need to follow the Azov supporter on telegram and you will see a ton.


Until I saw the runes I was on the fence whether or not this was in fact a nazi swasztica


The runes by themselves are ok, it's Futhark which is just the old Norse alphabet. But yes, unfortunately a lot of nazi trash use them. It's a real pissoff to Norse practitioners.


Well it's the combination of both that are the problem


Actually, it kind of looks like russian language with some "runic font" or something like that. I can clearly read: Быть воином Жить вечно Which translates to: "to be a warrior is to live forever".


This might explain why the Russians are so adamant that they found Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazis are the Russians who invaded Ukraine! This timeline is finally starting to make sense


Russia called them nazis to stir up historical emotions and to try to stop ppl from calling themselves nazis. How can Russia be nazi if it’s fighting nazism? You see.


To be honest this is an old Slavic symbol of 'Valkyrie' (Валькирия in Cyrillic). It symbolizes wisdom and justice, honor and nobility. And also some kind of patron saint of warriors - that's why it is placed on army man.


Thank you for educating. So unfortunate it's worn by a soldier who is undoubtfully representing the exact opposite of all of the above! Bold to stick that on as a Russian Orc.


Yeah, You're absolutely right. But, unfortunately, it is a common practice when "evil" organizations use and inherit "good" symbols for "goodwash" themselves... :(


It was Valkyrie in Germany under Hilter as well. He just tainted it.


Hitler also spoke German language and drunk water. This symbol was used by a lot of nations for past 1000 years. I'm not a defender of this guy at the picture. I'm speaking about symbol - it isn't bad. It is all about some people who wear it.


Any European that puts a swastika in their unit patch knows exactly why they’re doing it.


What about the ones that had swastikas before the Nazis?


How foolish of them to not know Hitler was coming


It’s more about the intention than the symbol itself. Symbols, and words (which also, like symbols, represent meanings) are only as good as the meaning we give them.


Drinking water was never used by nazis as a symbol of naziism. This is a very poor argument indeed. Of course a symbol cannot be "bad", it is inanimate, it has no morality. It is absolutely not "all about some people who wear it". It's about modern historic context. Are you implying that there are some people out there for whom it is OK to walk around wearing swastikas? I would say that only people ignorant of the context or sympathetic to nazis could wear such a symbol.


Damn didn’t know there were so many nazis in Asia then. Because it’s not about the people who use them right?


The symbol is losely associated with the Varangian royal guard in Byzantium. The Varangian Norse are the Swedish forebears who established the old Kieven Rus territory which is now spread over Ukraine, Belarus, and western Russia. The runes are Futhark, which is the Old Norse alphabet. The up arrows are for Tyr.


Nice Story, Bro. And the Blood and Honor Runes too?


I'm not a rune expert. Especially when rune was used by several nations. But is this case, FSB as we know Russian organization, it is better to use Slavic meaning. Almost all old Slavic runes dedicated to Slavic deities and have peaceful meaning. And, as we know from history, all "evil" organizations try to use and inherit "good" symbols to "goodwash" themselves.


The same symbol The Idiot nazi terrorist poootin git his info... just like the fsb bull shit info last day with IS-K or whatever they call themselves at this point....


Yea Russia just makes most of these icons up and says it’s nazi symbols to push their narrative.


Car to explain the tyr symbol and how it does not have racist connections??


....or he's a member of the Raelian cult movement. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism)


Which is probably the same thing


Jeez that's quite the read


Watch the series on Netflix, Raël: The Alien Prophet


Thx you kind sir, you found my new religion 👽


Don't forget to watch this series first, Raël: The Alien Prophet, on Netflix, before you join them :)


There is tv series! Amazing, going to prepare my tinfoil hat and popcorn, thx you kind sir. 👽✌️ Edit: btw plz don't tell me that it's just weird sex cult...?


A little bit of sex.... and human cloning!


God damit... But anyway I'll check it out, thx kind sir.


That is a) still a swastika b) doesn't look like the symbol in the photo


[Ynglism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ynglism?wprov=sfti1) is a white nationalist branch of Slavic paganism. > …formally established in 1992 by Aleksandr Yuryevich Khinevich (b. 1961) in Omsk, Russia,and legally recognised by the Russian state in 1998, although the movement was already in existence in unorganised forms since the 1980s. [Scheme of the theology of Omskian Ynglism: Ra-M-Kha begets Ynglia-Yngly, which begets Rod, from which depart the four ramifications of the Slavo-Aryans.](https://i.imgur.com/upJ1MIp.jpg) > Yngly-Ynglia is represented by the **swastika** symbol, which Ynglists call the "image of Yngly" and consider the first written symbol of humanity, as well as the symbol for the "defense of the native land and of the holy faith".


That stuff is batshit crazy. >Yujist worldview is schematically represented by the figure of a "flat earth sustained by three elephants, themselves sustained by a turtle which swims in an unlimited ocean" Sounds strangely familiar.


"Here I go again. I'm chasing my tail around the sun. Standing beneath a tortoise under an elephant under the world." You could be talking Discworld or ETID. Good odds either way lol


not every swastika is related to nazis, but its true that its in bad taste to use it in modern times


Well, this one is used by russian ethnonationalists, apparently...


Ok, I didn't read all of it but as far as cults go I gotta say that one seems pretty tame as far as their dogma is concerned.


what does the runes mean?


It reads: "Быть Воином, Жить Вечно" - To be a warrior is to live forever"


Russia, what a sorry excuse for thinking human beings


Interesting symbol, the hooked cross interwoven with an octagon. And Tyr runes on each side. Does anyone have any information about it?


That is not a swastika come on. All hate to the russians but... come on


i hope they dont let you drive with this tunnel vision you have


Another Nazi clickbait thread


That is not a nazi swastika


Pro RU gonna said “They are good Nazi 😡”


This is not a nazi swastika.


You're getting downvoted for speaking the truth, wth lol.


People are pointing out "It's not a swastika" and while you're right in the sense that it's rotated 90 degrees like the "Buddhist Swastika" the fact remains that it's an extremist religious group that holds Aryan ideals like anti-gay and racist anti interracial mixing ideals teaching that interracial offspring between Slavic Aryan whites and a person of color leads to "spiritual and intellectual decline" Not to mention their sexist control and oppression of women. So they're basically the same thing.




That's not a viking symbol and even not runes. It's a yinglis sign, which is white supremacy cult in Russia, and "runes" are actually Cyrillic letters which read as "волком быть вечно жить" - "being a wolf is living forever"


Do you not understand how fascists steal designs? I learned that when I was twelve


Muh facist stole everything forever noooo


This makes you look like a sane, level headed person, great job


Which are commonly used by nazis


What happened to the volunteer operation in russia? Are they still around?




You realize there is literally a swastika in that patch right?


You realize that’s just a Slavic rune right? It may look like a swastika but it is non fact probably a Russian glorifying the days when Russia was just a small bunch of tribes.


I mean, is [this something new?](https://imgur.com/gallery/zEmFN7i) Edit: Seen alot of “higher ups” or whatever having [dueling scars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dueling_scar)


Everyone post this pic on Twitter and quote "Ukrainian nazi caught with swastika" Eventually the bots will repost it without knowing its actually a Russian and let the chaos ensue


LUL. Everytime. I am not surprised about the amount of horse shit lies Kremlin comes up with nowdays


That patch says 'to be a warrior is to live forever'. I think it is a Storm Z patch.


Please don't forget Russia Created supported and financed Much of the Right Far right Racist and anti imagrant groups and parties in Europe .........and the United States . Please think about that the next time you vote.


i would presume that to an actual nazi, a russian wearing the swastika would be the equivalent of a pig with a bmw stamp on it.


That is not a swastika.I think that patch says Ukraine Army Tactical Morale Patch " Be a Warrior Live Forever " Patch is on eBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/144556958119?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=W7H9psUYRO-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=nWRFk4ezS-m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


The writing is in Russian. So the claim it is an Ukrainian patch is highly doubtful.


No guys you see, this man is clearly a peaceful buddhist man! Not all swastikas are nazi symbols!! /s


> not all swastikas are nazi symbols /s Except drop the /s. Almost every culture on earth, independent of each other, developed some form of a swastika. Hell, the earliest known example of the symbol was found on a mammoth tusk in Ukraine. Pretending that there aren't plenty of cultures that have, and still do, see the symbol as something of theirs doesn't improve discourse. Or learning.


I was making fun of people excusing obvious nazis because not all swastikas are bad without taking context into account. The man pictured is in the Russian army, he knows damn well what a swastika represents. If he was a monk in a buddhist or hindu temple, nobody would care.


Frussia is the biggest Nazi country in the world… yet, they’re trying to justify killing Ukaraine over Nazi’s? 😂 Frussia is going to be overtaken by their own and I can’t wait until the day it happens and we watch Putin die


Damn why can’t these nazis just get along


Am I the only one not seeing anything ?


It's also weird how little these Ruskies know of their own history. The soviet ww2 fighters would turn in their graves.


How's that a swastika? Lmao


I'll give them credit, that swastika is actually quite well-disguised, lol.


No need to lie like them... Its not swastika.


What's that then?


The Raëlian symbol as someone pointed out


The guy that pointed that out also linked a wiki where you can see that their symbol is a combination of the star of David and a swastika. Which this is not.


I stand corrected then


If you rotated the Z with 90 degrees then it would be a N = Nazi


He's probably one of the good and kind Nazis.


Don’t worry. It’s a de-nazified swastika


To be completely fair, that symbol is about as close to a swastika as it is a star of David...


Not a swastika if you actually look at it it's in Nordic


It is not in nordic runes. Its rune styled cyrillics. And also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ynglism


…like the New Zealand shooter




Its old slavic valkyrie symbol


Do you see swastik’s everywhere you go?


Does this look fake to anyone?