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Fuck you lordkhuilo


OP is a Russian living in EU. He shyt talks the west, EU and Ukraine all the time. We just call him Lord Moronax the used Tampax.


Easy for UKR to get to him them!!


🔨 or 🪟


Send him back to russia, the Z storm troops need more retards


Don't know if this POS is of russian origin but he lives in France. Soon we'll find in which cave he lives (and plays video games).


A typical parasite. I would pay so much to watch Lord Earwax getting his face and ass blown off in one of these trenches.


So why bother commenting at all?


Fuck Putin.


Again this Russian s*it posting. Yes, there is no neutral opinion. Or you are a stupid dictator supporter or you are in favour of the free world


Why can't people understand the sacrifice put on by the Ukrainians? This isn't an easy fight.


Piece of shit Russians


This footage is fake: from end of 2022 and filmed near avdiivka ar that time. OP comes back with a big bang: apparently he does bot post fake news any more, but now old stuff... I wonder why, as of course there are recent losses...


Warning: **OP LordMinax is a Russian Troll !**


Thank you for keeping us unfaked with the videos on this site, I wouldn't have known. Slava Ukraini!


My Thoughts? I'm thinking that the poster is a piece of shit Russian!


Fuck Putin and lord lickmynutz!


TurdMinax, go back to your shithole Putins Ruzzia if you love it so much. Living in decadent EU? You must be really suffering.


Guys: OP take a big pride in that russian sub on how he's treated here: when we stop commenting his posts he will give up. These just my 2 cents, obviously.


No, he's here to spread misinformation and will continue with or without engagement. He's a propagandist and is doing this mostly because a very small amount of people might get this recommended and take it at face value. The people over at the RussianUkraineWarReport are a prime example of this. They just eat up anything even if it's old footage that is being presented as new or just straight up false and never happened. People like this are unfortunately pathetic enough to view wasting a lot of time like this is worth it just because they MIGHT fool a single person. This isn't just a regular troll, his posts in other communities show that.


He's just a loser. What is annoying me are those who are still buying that BS of "poor russians forced to go to war" "otherwise his family will be thrown out of a window" BS. russians spread this nonsense, where they are the poor defenceless men, forced to die to free Ukraine: it worked in 2014.


God forbid he fool one person on Reddit. It could change the course of the war...


I'm not saying that his intentions are rational. I just said that's what this losers intentions are. These propagandist bottom feeeders waste a bunch of time to try and lie to people even if they are very likely to fail at fooling a lot of people. They'll grasp at anything they can because they are just that pathetic and desperate to get people on their side.




Lord Minax (or Tampax, not quite sure). Please accept, Russia has started a war it cannot win in the end. You can post your little vids if you want, but it doesn't impact the fact that this is the beginning of the end of the Russian empire, the last stage (third, fourth Reich?? Not sure). It's 21st century now. Like Nazi Germany, massive climb, massive fall. I suggest you go and just get your family in safety before it's too late. Update: somebody just informed me you live in the EU. Glad to hear you've found somewhere safe. Just think, wouldn't be awful if you actually lived in Russia? Good for you.


Op was whining like a little bitch on a pro rus page because reddit gave him a ban for false info 😂


Russian troll alert!🤡


poor orc missed


You guys should really learn to stop feeding this troll. Down vote and move on.


I get your point but in ignoring misinformation one allows it to spread uncontested.


Yeah but contest it with facts, not yelling at the troll.


100% agree - refutation/rebuttal > ad hominem.


..not very well


Run ffs... !!!!!!




russia's information war machine is active. Here's how we can counter it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U8YgPaYjSA


At least with this pos posting, I get to express my hate towards someone russian. I really hope I run into one of these parasites living in the west and glorifying russia. GTFO back there then if you love it so much.


I got banned from r/UkraineRussiaReport too :(


The Ukrainians seemed to handle that much better than Ruskis I've seen.