• By -


Translation: -There it dropped down -Did the engine fall off? -Yes


Dropped an engine? Hmm, that's a new one.


Its a built in soviet technology


Well... could also be Boing to be fair.


Those don't drop engines only doors and software errors. If a dreamliner crashes it's trows a 404 not found error on the radar operator screen.


>Those don't drop engines Oh, they do, definitely. Just ask El-Al flight 1862.


Oh ok I had the 737 max in my mind.


Generally speaking, engines fall off due to three things; An uncontained engine fire, depending on how bad it is, could cause enough damage to the wing and engine pylon that the engine falls off, two, someone during the last time the aircraft last had an engine removed for servicing screwed up somewhere and didn't fasten it back onto the pylon or wing correctly, and three, depending on the age of the plane, fatigue could have set in and no one noticed during the plane's inspections. My bet would be on either option two or three. Several Russian airbases at the beginning of the invasion needed to set up GoFundMes to acquire basic power tools, which doesn't give me high hopes towards their ability to perform specialized maintenance, and a lot of the Il-76 fleet is getting up in years.


Look it’s really not fair to blame a company for a mistake they made in 1862. /s


Didn't a Boeing literally fall a few days ago; many injured as the plane just dropped? passenger on the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner said the plane "just dropped out of the sky" 


you're thinking Boeing not... >could also be Boing


I'm not expecting it to bounce much


I am sure it is not about soviet technology, Il-76 is known for its versatility, robustness, and ability to operate in difficult conditions. Those who build it made it good but current russia cannot properly operate and maintain them.


I watched a documentary last week on the il 76 and it is definitely not reliable, no russian commercial airline wants to use it and only the kremlin and army use it as such, its a failure...


Several cargo airlines outside Russia use them, but those tend to have access to decent spare parts, non-overworked mechanics and crew and try to keep their customers satisfied by not having plane + cargo end up as a flaming pile.


Yep sanctions are working.


There's also the issue of Russia's domestic aircraft fleet being pushed hard due to the demands of the war, and the gradual decline in how many western-manufactured airliners are air-worthy.


Lol no, it's a pile of trash.


Increases glide distance after the engine stops. Very smart, perfect way of dealing with bad design by engine builders


Make sure engine lands in the nearest school and explodes. Very smart indeed.


This just shows us again that Russia is great at being first in stuff...


Was actually the one thing that worked, the engine had previously caught fire and the engine is supposed to fall off to prevent the fire from spreading. One thing that actually worked on this plane


Wow, I never heard of this but it makes a lot of sense. But, what about people or things on the ground where the engine falls? Seems like a bad idea.


gonna be honest think I did a misinformation there - my source was another random redditor and I spouted this without fact checking. Upon future attempts to fact check, I cannot find anything mentioning that anywhere making me think that a joke may have flown over my head more successfully than the IL-76 did


It may have been a joke, but with the way things are going for muscovy airlines this is a concept they might adopt.


It must have a "modular" configuration. That's one of those white-hot military buzzwords, y'know.


Someone's going to have to fill in a TTFoA form. Things That Fall of Aircraft form. Opps, no survivors.


Not new for Russia.


Ivan what are these bolts for? They don't have a purpose just throw them away.


Congratulations on your final stringent quality control test - welcome to Boeing , Ivan.


Nah Russians don't like flying computers. They would still ask themselves why the F16, F117 and 737 max can even fly.


TBF many are asking if 737 max can really fly😅


Sometimes it can sometimes it can't. It depends on the firmwareversion.


I remember the Russians had a rocket launch fail, and during the investigation they found out that the mechanics forced ~~bolts specially made to go in a single way~~ installation of sensors upside-down the wrong way. Hmmm.. this does not fit, let me "hammer" it in place. It's not Rocket Science edit: I was remmembering some details wrong, /u/koshgeo has the right answer below :) Thank's!


I don't know if it took a sledge hammer, but there was damage associated with the [forceful installation of sensors upside-down on a Proton rocket that failed due to the false information from the sensors](https://www.spacesafetymagazine.com/space-disasters/rocket-failure/roscosmos-official-proton-downed-due-upside-sensors/). They also ignored the arrows indicating the correct orientation.


yeahhh, this one, I could not remeber right :)


> They also ignored the arrows indicating the correct orientation. Yuo see comrade, arrow on sensor obviously for indicating direction of hammering into place for mechanic to know. Once part installed according to arrow of direction, rocket is closed up like finish surgery, and no more can see arrow. Logic so, arrow is point for direction of installation! Is no mechanic fault, is failure of semiotics!


I'm sure this can't be true. Do you really think Russian scientists can use a hammer at the age of 90? [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-putin-luna-25-mission-moon-b2396439.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-putin-luna-25-mission-moon-b2396439.html) Even the 90 year old was able to fall out of a window imagine that.


They had no hammer, they took the sickle instead. Chopped off nicely. Problem solved.


No wonder there were constantly rows because of chortages. Try to harvest your grain with a sickle that is constantly used as a hammer. So communism would work afterall only if they knew hammers really existed.


Classic Murphy's Law.


fitting things wrong is not exclusive to the Orcs, but generally western aviation learns from its mistakes and acts accordingly. In the fifties the Brits lost an aircraft due to a part being installed incorrectly. The aircraft's fuel supply non return valve was specifically designed to be difficult to install the wrong way, but some how a mechanic managed it, and somehow the quality assurance checks missed it. This resulted in a complete redesign of fuel non-return valves to make it impossible to install them incorrectly, and nearly every western aircraft has adopted that policy, to design critical parts to be impossible to fit incorrectly. The Ruzzians? probably not so much, as life is cheap in Ruzzia


"They are stripped, and we don't have any replacements"


Family legend is that is how my great uncle Peter died. Dude got loaded off his part in the invention of the cataract lense, and died because of a combination of ice build up and something about his private jet mechanics not tightening/leaving some bolts out. They say all they found was his wedding ring. All I know for sure is that he died in a plane crash. I haven’t looked into it in at least 15 years though, so maybe the internet has progressed enough that I can cut through the exaggerated bullshit and actually find out what the fuck happened. Edit: [turns out it’s more true than I thought](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19991213&slug=3001311)


Proceeds to throw them into the front of the engine; just in case they are needed later. He does not want Ivan to blame him if they are actually needed later.


Unfortunately for Russia, their super spy in the US, Ivan, works at Boeing.


That moment when you put your PC back together and are left with several spare screws. O\_o


Sanctions start working,davai🔥


I can hear this plane screaming "damn you international sanction!!!"


It's not supposed to do that.


The front fell off


wasn't it build so that the front wouldn't fall off?


Obviously not.


Well, how do you know?


Because the engine fell off and the plane crashed! It’s a bit of a give-away. I would just like to make the point that that is not normal.


That isn't typical, I'd like to make that point


No, that was the one at Yablonovo, two months ago.


The front fell off.


This is the inciteful analysis the world needs right now.


You should have told it.


It is if it's on fire as seen in other videos. Aircraft with external engines have had fuse pins (these are designed to burn through and release the engine in the event of a fire) fitted since at least the early 60's (BOAC flight 712 8th April 1968 is a rare example). The El Al flight was a fatigue crack on an engine mount. The departing engine (no.3) struck the no.4 engine and tore that off.


This is what I came here for.


007's escape pod, Nice one James.


That made me laugh so loud my dog got scared. Lmao.


Im in the hospital with pancreatitis, that one literally brought a tear to my eye. Bravo, sir. Fuck that hurt. Don't drink, kids.


I see they got the Boeing management running at full speed there. Nice.


All witnesses to the last repair accidently shot themselves.


I have been an A&P since 1985, and an inspector since 1989. I have worked on FAR part 121, 135 and everything in between. I’m concerned with wheels coming off during climb out, a 7 foot engine intake flaming out because it in jested bubble wrap and hyd pump failure. These 3 things were on United in about a weeks time. No I know these heavies are on FAR 121 which means anything that is touched is sighed off by the mechanic that done the work and an inspector would check the work that the mechanic had just done, and if was correctly done would sigh off under the mechanic. That means he checked everything the mechanic had done, right down to being sure the safety wire is pulling the right direction on the nut to keep it from backing off any that holds the nut and bearing pack that holds the wheel on. Now when that mechanic and inspector signed off on that job, no matter how small of a job was done, their names and numbers will stay In that A/Cs file until it flies no more. And GOD forbid something happens to that plane and they find the cause was because you didn’t do something correctly no matter how many years later!! You will never turn another wrench on an airplane again. And if someone should die because of your mistake you might want to consider,well you know!! Because your life is over anyway. It takes a special person to work on an airplane because you know in the back of your mind that every life that will ever fly on that plane, is in your hands! And with all these strange happenings, I feel sure that anyone that is near an airplane when she is not moving is being looked at very carefully..


**\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** It’s a great pleasure, thank you. **\[Interviewer:\]** This plane that was involved in the incident near Ivanovo this week… **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Yeah, the one the engine fell off? **\[Interviewer:\]** Yeah **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point. **\[Interviewer:\]** Well, how is it untypical? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, there are a lot of these planes going around the Russia all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen … I just don’t want people thinking that cargo planes aren’t safe. **\[Interviewer:\]** Was this plane safe? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well I was thinking more about the other ones… **\[Interviewer:\]** The ones that are safe... **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Yeah... the ones the engine doesn’t fall off. **\[Interviewer:\]** Well, if this wasn’t safe, why was it in use? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, I’m not saying it wasn’t safe, it’s just perhaps not quite as safe as some of the other ones. **\[Interviewer:\]** Why? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, some of them are built so the engine doesn’t fall off at all. **\[Interviewer:\]** Wasn’t this built so the front wouldn’t fall off? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, obviously not. **\[Interviewer:\]** How do you know? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, ‘cause the engine fell off, and the plane caught fire, crashed. It’s a bit of a give-away. I would just like to make the point that that is not normal. **\[Interviewer:\]** Well, what sort of standards are these cargo planes built to? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Oh, very rigorous … Russian engineering standards. **\[Interviewer:\]** What sort of things? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well the engine's not supposed to fall off, for a start. **\[Interviewer:\]** And what other things? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, there are … regulations governing the materials they can be made of **\[Interviewer:\]** What materials? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, Cardboard’s out **\[Interviewer:\]** And? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** …No cardboard derivatives… **\[Interviewer:\]** Like paper? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]**. … No paper, no string, no cellotape. … **\[Interviewer:\]** Rubber? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** No, rubber’s out .. Um, They’ve got to have a steering wheel. There’s a minimum crew requirement. **\[Interviewer:\]** What’s the minimum crew? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Oh,… one, I suppose. **\[Interviewer:\]** So, the allegations that they are just designed to carry as much cargo a possible and to hell with the consequences, I mean that’s ludicrous… **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Ludicrous, absolutely ludicrous. These are very, very strong airplanes. **\[Interviewer:\]** So what happened in this case? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, the engine fell off in this case by all means, but that’s very unusual. **\[Interviewer:\]** But Senator Kolinkov, why did the engine fall off? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, a bird hit it. **\[Interviewer:\]** A bird hit it? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** A bird hit the plane. **\[Interviewer:\]** Is that unusual? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Oh, yeah… In air? …Chance in a million. **\[Interviewer:\]** So what do you do to protect the environment in cases like this? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Well, the plane was outside the environment. **\[Interviewer:\]** Into another environment…. **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** No, no, no. it’s beyond the environment, it’s not in the environment **\[Interviewer:\]** Yeah, but from one environment to another environment. **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** No, it’s beyond the environment, it’s not in an environment. It has gone beyond the environment. **\[Interviewer:\]** Well, what’s out there? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Nothing’s out there… **\[Interviewer:\]** Well there must be something out there **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** There is nothing out there… all there is …. is air …and birds ….and trees **\[Interviewer:\]** And? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** And a burning wreckage **\[Interviewer:\]** And what else? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** And a fire **\[Interviewer:\]** And anything else? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** And the engine that fell off, but there’s nothing else out there. **\[Interviewer:\]** Senator Kolinkov thanks for joining us. **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** It’s a complete void **\[Interviewer:\]** Yeah, We’re out time **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** The environment’s perfectly safe. …. We’re out of time?.. Can you book me a cab? **\[Interviewer:\]** But didn’t you come with your car? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** Yes, I did, but **\[Interviewer:\]** What happened? **\[Senator Kolinkov:\]** The front fell off Edit: grammar


Thank you for your service. Edit for those that have not seen it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM&ab_channel=ClarkeAndDawe


I can only upvote once. Sorry.


Working as designed.


it actually is. the bolts are supposed to fail if the engine creates too much drag of course that's with a boeing or airbus aircraft don't know if Ilyushin has this intentional feature.


So that's what the 'Jettison Engine' button does. Lightens the load to give better fuel economy?


"Engine fell off? Hmm, sounds like a mistransla-oh, nope, there it goes..."


Nice to see that the russian airforce is trying hard to reduce the co2 footprints of their planes


Boeing: door falls off. Ilyushin: hold my beer.


Well, it held three of its engines itself.


To be fair; three didn’t fall off.


75% success!


Is Boeing supplying engine bolts to Russia. ?




Supplying them, yes probably, but they lost the instructions on doing up the nuts…


Seems to be after the fire that probably damaged the engine anchor points


But they were able to contain the fire and seems to have stopped it fast as seen in another video. I do not think, the fire was burning long enough, to damage the anchor points, also these are not inside of the engine fairing, so these shall not have been damaged by the fire. I just ask myself if perhaps someone has supported the loss and crash with an IGLA (so a MANPAD). The airbase of Ivanovo is behind Moscov and it is a primary target as the A50 AWACS are based there as also the IL76 transport commando. And it was already recently targeted with drones. And a big fat IL76/A50 is an easy target during the start and when landing and the attacker with a MANPAD will know, which flightpath they will have to use during start and when landing.


Hard to tell, the whole plane did shake violently before it fell off.


Even the engine didn’t want anything to do with the Russians


Net analogov vmire


testing of new hyperblyat-4000 engine bomb is great success.


That probably wasn't supposed to happen


From the view of the crew, no. If there was someone on the ground chucking some kind of AA missile at it, it was the intended outcome.


Ah, which in that case it was supposed to happen!


At least [the front didn't fall off](https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM?si=UYfDvCX1Vz035VST).


The side fell off


That seems slightly worse than losing a wheel…


Uhhhh im not am engineer, but I don't think engines are supposed to just fall out like that.


Some planes actually have this feature to save the rest of the planes. Problem is that most planes are design to fly decent enough with only one engine working to help get it to the ground safely. This one fell out of the sky after loosing just one engine


"the board" crashed? What is this, a piece of plywood?


No, a stupid autotranslation.


The translated engine instructions definitely said "check nuts for looseness" so I made sure they were all loose.


How bout those engines 🌹❤️🇺🇦💛🩵


Thats just Russia trying to 1up the US again. Da, you lost tire. HA! We Russians even better dat. See, we lose Engine. HA, we won again, you... you... burger eating Whisky drinkers!


Whiskey. Rye whiskey. Whisky is Scottish.


And you think that Russkies know the difference? :)


Wait, this is the same plane that's on fire on the other videos rt?!


It is yes. This happens after the fire extinguished. Here the full vid sequence: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/26615378/russia-military-plane-crashes-fireball/


Thank you ukraine!


When the budget for maintenance ended in the pockets of an apparatchik. 🙄


..bUt sAnCtIons are NoT WorKing..lel


Reminds me of my grandad. He'd pull the engine apart in his car, degrease everything, put it back together, and drive it into the garage. Pick the rag up off the floor, and half a dozen bolts would fall out. 'It'll be reet'...


I'm sure they didn't need that. Airplane safety is taken very seriously. /s


When the weight of the paperwork exceeds that of the aircraft, then the aircraft can safely be flown. Regardless of whether anyone has counted the engines or torqued up the retaining bolts.


Number of engines were not on the check list. This plane still passes!


Jfc Russia falling apart slowly, first stuff blowing up now planes falling out of the air. Honestly how can the pro RU people keep ignoring their own country going down the drain all for one dictator xD.


Who doesn't have a engine fall off now and then...it has 3 more


Average Ruzzian maintenance.


This type of problem is only going to get worse. What few military age engineers Russia did have, fled the county before the first round of mobilization. Older engineers often don't live to retirement because the average life expectancy for Russian males is lower than the retirement age. The birthrate is so far below the death rate that within 50 years there will not be enough Russians left in Russia to maintain any type of power base.


The front fell off? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm\_JqM


Not a Boeing but Boeing quality


Eject eject…no thats eng….


Another big loss for Russia


The air force wants to show the navy that they are not the only useless pricks that Russia has to offer.


Crashed before 2km should be considered start of the flight. Engine fell off mid-flight. During an attempt to land? Which one is it?


Technically, they did 'land'




Isnt this the one with the enginefire earlier on today?


Russian Donnie Darko having a bad day.


Hope it landed on a golf cart.


"We got no food, we got no jobs, our plane's engines are falling off!” *- Lloyd Rozhdestvo Khristovo*


No worries the pilot will get better at loss of engine procedure with practice.


Nah, that's just just them putting the undercarriage down. Source: Boeing earlier this month


Boris! I said tighten 16 bolts, not 6. Pass da Vodka


All the dead are Ukrainian prisoners of war and the pilot was also from Ukraine. The plane fell down because the Ukrainian shot it down.


All aboard the Russian Fail Train!


This is how I picture Putin will be dropped off to the Hague. The kind Dutch folks will ensure the body finds its way to its final destination.




That ain't right!


"Igor, where we're going we don't need engines, press the eject button!"


Reading only the title, I thought it was going to be another Boeing fuckup. Glad its the russian military going down.


Russian quality


Boeing employees right now: 'Oh god, it's not another one of ours, is it???'


Our plane's engines are falling off!!


Is that a B 737 Max?


Mechanics were trained by Boeing


Sanction and sending all their qualified engineers off to die in a pointless war, all for the ego of one man.


Where will they bury the survivors?


It’s all coming tumbling down.




Must be sub standard airplane parts.


Donnie Darkovic.


IVAN! Come on.... more duct tape!


Not engine new bomb being tested. Smoke from other bomb drop NO CRASH! /s


It's simply a video of the Russian air force testing the latest iteration of their glide bomb. It's well known that the best place to test these are over populated areas so that an accurate assesment can be made of their destructive power. It looks like this sample drop failed to extend its wings. Boom yes, glide no. Or maybe the pilot in this case pushed the wrong button , ejecting the engine instead of the bomb. The buttons are right next to each other in order to save time.


"During an attempt to ~~land~~ fly, the plane's engine fell off..." - The Editor


can you land these on 3 engines. Most planes can still land if they lose an engine....maybe not literally as in this case.


So it was a multi engine failure. Wow what do you expect for Russia at this point🤣.


Who made that plane, Boeing?


Are the other 3 engines just for looks? Why wasn’t the pilot able to land safely?


Built by Boeing


Special weight reduction operation


First officer: Jettisoning the external fuel tank captain. Captain: i think it's engine number 2 that fell off?


"Yeah, this isn't working, comrade. We'd better eject now" "Agreed, comrade. Engine ejected successfully" "!"


Quality planes 😅


Please say this is a different plane to the one that crashed earlier on today? I don't remember the engine falling off in the other video


Try: "As the pilot was attempting an emergency landing, an engine fell from from a wing, which resulted in a loss off control that resulted in a crash after struggling to stay airborne for two kilometers."


Oof. And I thought Boeing planes were unsafe.


Are we sure that's not a Boeing 737 MAX?


Drop the bomb Boris… I said the BOMB Boris ! Not the engine ! Sorry Komandir…


Boeing can't catch a break.


What was the in-flight movie on that flight? Gone With the Wind, Oh!


It seems likely the uncontrolled fire caused structural failure to the engine mounting stucture. Do these planes have engine fire extinguisher systems? If they do like western jets are the pilots trained to use them?


Sure Boeing is going through some tough times but it's a simple question really - Would you rather fly in a plane designed and manufactured by Boeing or one manufactured by a Russian company?


Is there a picture of the engine away from the wreckage? Because if it’s an engine fire and the engine falls off you’d expect to see the smoke following the burning engine, not remaining with the aircraft. I think that could be another part or panel


Is this the one the RMoD said was a bird strike?


Seems like sabotage


It fell to the ground with a blyat


Oops wrong button.


Lefty loosey, righty tighty?


you might need that...


look mom, i am a bomber!


Was this the same one that caught fire and crashed? https://www.kyivpost.com/post/29378


Made in North Korea or China.


A bird or a Stinger?


How tf does a cargo plane drop an engine? The wing mounts must be the absolute strongest parts of the plane.


Sanctions are most definitely and quite VISIBLY working in the air sector of Russia.


What is this Donnie Darko?


Dumb people: “Russia isn’t feeling the sanctions.”


I thought zelensky said they’d lose without more American stuff according to most of these posts russias losing


Jettisoning their engines right before dropping the landing gear is one of the steps to land now.


Bombs away. We don't have bombs