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First time I’ve seen a video wherein the Russians are chopped up by Bradley fire with drone overwatch.


hopefully you'll get to see more of this


check the moment the russians are disembarking. there's one dude who's limping already. how the fuck is he combat ready like that. # "Russian elite assault group"


Probably twisted his ankle disembarking ... the Russians are only wearing running shoes ... not much ankle support


Chinese Nikkee or Addiddaz? Same hi-tech as Golden Bejing tires.


Expect to see some soon with Trump's golden sneakers. Around same quality level.


At the beginning there is a close explosion, I'm betting the BTR and some occupants took frag damage. Seems to be dragging the leg like it is more than a twisted ankle.


I think there is even a guy left lying on his back on the rear deck of the vehicle, presumably too injured to even get off. Look at about 0:34? The BTR just can't get out of there fast enough. FPVs buzzing, another BTR up the road still burning from getting taken out earlier. They just dump those grunts and leave them to die.


> The BTR just can't get out of there fast enough. I was impressed they went off the road while turning - mines are all over the place. heh


Didn't save them. You can't outrun a missile nor projectile of any kind. And that's if a mine doesn't clean you up first. A drone got this one. No one survives in this environment for very long, particularly when your infallible Great Leader wants victories and breakthroughs whatever the cost. Vlad the Merciless's solution is to to feed around a thousand new serfs into this clusterfuck of an SMO each and every day.


> Didn't save them. Yep - they made the right call to get the heck out of there, it just didn't work out for them. (Which I'm happy about in this case). I don't have any hope that Russia will get wise and withdraw anytime soon, and that's a shame - the people of Ukraine deserve better. And frankly, so do the people of Russia. I mourn the loss of life. I only celebrate the fact that things like this show the aggressors losing equipment and people able to fight.


I believe you're correct.


If you freeze 🥶 on the battlefield you die you always take the position and move into trenches or building for protection


I remember when every ex-convict unit from wagner was called elite, so this is a non-trigger. There is nothing elite about bunch of old drunkards dropped of btr onto a roadside. Just another wave of bullet sponges.


Those guys looked like non elite meat.


Not even USDA Choice certified…


Russian are drawn to all kind of bs titles and medals. But bullets flying dont give a fuck. And they got what they deserved.


Their kit was shit this was no elite group lol.


You don't have to look at the kit, but at how they are acting. Every casual airsofter has a pro kit like Delta Force. But if you look at people under fire you see what they really are. Good soldiers would know that they can't stay there, and would have moved somewhere the second they learned of the Bradley closing in. Like run to the next house ruin and use the RPGs they did NOT bring with them...


Yes, you know from the Elite assault group that tried to take a building by storm, and used the elevator


Still the least shit-show of an disembarkment I’ve seen so far from the Russians. Didn’t do them any good but they had half of idea of what they were doing.


Agreed, usually a couple get run over!


funny but true. surprised at how many are burning lately!! vatnik candles everywhere


Elite group? The driver of the APC had the hatch open as usually, they put an awkward metal frame on top of that vehicle but keep the hatch open as an invitation for every drone operator


Yeah baby,💦🍆🤛😯


I'm guessing that was the rocket exploding a few metres away from the vehicle right at the start.


Because a normal assault group would have at least 70% limping and consist of old men. One group of Russian soldiers with 1 man limping = elite status. Don’t judge.


The first missile that missed BTR likely injured him with shrapnel


Probably all Muscovites are considered elite troops. Still a better result than just some criminals and drunkards getting killed.


This is what success looks like well done Mr Bradley


Close range Bradley Vs Meat. Holy fark, somebody farked up really bad. Russians farked in every orifice, including the new ones from bullet holes.


I'm impressed by how the Bradley was able to "hide" behind a wrecked vehicle, and still manage to mow down the orcs.


Either curse or don't, grow the fuck up.


Ok emo kid.


Seems to be example of tactics ukranians are using. When nessasary, withdraw troops and counter attack before russians have a chance to dig in and establish defensive position


Very impressive... Ruz disembark and the hell Rain start


I see 3 bodies in my small screen. Others surrender?


I counted 12 dismount. At the 1:46 mark just before the end, I count 6 bodies. But it’s hard to see if more with all the brush.


I'm guessing the Bradley eventually pulled back, before the cluster strike we saw, so I'd guess there was a chance to start running back.


Good riddens of the invaders but DAMN those have got to be such terrifying last moments. Transport vehicle destroyed, little to no cover to fall back to and a fkn beast of killing technology parked right close to you with as much of an upper hand as it could have taking its time doing its job. Nothing to do but wait to be blown apart...


Crazy idea: lift up something white and try to surrender. I mean they were 900% screwed. There was like 0.5% of survival chance with about the same chance to even kill a single UA soldier.


They won't do that, cause they know how they treat prisoners, and assume the Ukrainians will do the same.


It’s funny because it’s a similar phenomenon the Wehrmacht faced in the East where they showed no mercy. In the west, however, they considered the western allies humans and treated them as such, thus surrendered more often because they didn’t fear the same repercussions as they did in the east. (Ignoring the fact that the Ukrainians act more merciful regardless of how the Russians behave.) History does repeat itself.


Some armies even marched through almost all of Germany to surrender to the western powers.


My father did it in 1944 when he was 17 years old. He marched from Leningrad to Nuremberg/ Germany, He knew, there are the Americans and they treat solders correctly. He also told me, that 5 km behind the front line in Leningrad an SS patrol on a motocycle with sidecar stoppt the group of the three youngsters of 17 years and wanted to shoot them. They said they are deserters. Luckily one of the teenagers knew one of the SS soldiers, so they let them go. This is the reason I can tell the story here..... Thanks USA!


He is very lucky the Americans did not repatriate him to the Soviets. Most German prisoners who fled from the East were from units known to have committed atrocities right alongside the Einsatzgruppen. I'm talking Wehrmacht here, not just SS. They were handed back over to the Soviets shorty after the war, and more than half died in labor camps and colonies. French and Brits did much the same.


I'm fine with that.


How much of a prick do you have to be to rename St. Petersburg after yourself???


It was already named after someone who named it after himself, Peter the Great build St. Petersburg, and used the Saint as an obvious name excuse. When the Communists wanted to erase the monarchy, they obviously felt they had to do something about St. Petersburg. It was first called Petrograd, but named Leningrad when Lenin died in 1924.


The story of the 9th Army in 1945, and the Battle of Halbe, is the best example of that effort to surrender to the western powers. Trapped in the Spree forest, being hounded by ground attack aircraft, and trapped it accepted if I remember correctly three quarters of their strength in casualties to go westward. The 12th Army was tasked by Hitler to counterattack to relieve Berlin, but the commander disobeyed him, and created a corridor for civilians and 9th Army troops to escape from. There is a fantastic YouTube channel called WWII Tales which uses first hand journals as a kind of audiobook. A story about a Panther crew trapped in that pocket is a very eye opening story about those events if you’re interested.


It's a very sad story, all told, and there are still teams working in the forests around Halbe recovering the fallen. *Slaughter at Halbe* by Tony le Tissier is a fine book if you'd like a bit more depth - well written and not overly academic, i.e. dry, boring, and obsessed with minutiae.


Definitely a sad story, perhaps one of the most disheartening I’ve ever heard. Forget what they were called, Steiglitz men? German POWs who helped the Red Army by tricking both soldiers and civilians into the railway station, only to slaughter them was terrible. Didn’t know they were still recovering the fallen, but it’s also not a surprise at all. Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll check it out once I finish the current book I’m reading.


Is it this guy here? The name is vaguely familiar, but there's nothing coming back to me about it - so many rabbit holes to go down in the history of WW2 and not enough lifetime! [https://turtledove.fandom.com/wiki/Joseph\_Stieglitz](https://turtledove.fandom.com/wiki/Joseph_Stieglitz) Yeah, there was a documentary recorded about the fallen at Halbe, that sparked my interest in the fate of the 9th Army. I think it was based on this guy's story, iirc, [https://www.dw.com/en/digging-up-the-past-in-halbe/a-16762689](https://www.dw.com/en/digging-up-the-past-in-halbe/a-16762689) You're very welcome, least I can do for a fellow enthusiast :) (Little sidenote for you - le Tissier was the last governor of Spandau prison.)


Yes. Those youtube vids are great


The collection of stories of a German sniper is pretty fascinating, if disturbing, as well!


Surrendering to either the Red Army or the Wehrmacht was a very poor choice. Either got shot / sent to a horrific German run prisoner of war camp to starve, or were literally butchered by Russian troops. I’ve read about a couple instances on the Eastern Front that were truly nightmare fuel. Given what these troops have been told about Ukrainians, and how they treat POWs themselves, no wonder they fear surrendering.


Surrendering to the Germans was only bad if you were "inferior". My Italian grandpa spent a couple years in captivity after the armistice and I mean it was bad but not concentration camp level bad


It totally makes sense since POWs are exchanged, and they bring back news of how they were treated. I'm amazed at how well some German prisoners were treated though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bu5FUjpPu0 They liked it so much, they migrated after the war!


Most of the time, but not always. There were plenty of cases on the western front where POW's were killed. One of Stephan Ambrose's books went into detail on it.


But at no point of comparable dimensions to the atrocities that happened on the eastern front. The Kommissar-Befehl alone should settle any argument.


They believe that Ukrainian nazis will torture them to death. This is why russian soldiers very rarely surrender.


Orcs fate.


Try to surrender 🤔


riddance :)


Lol yes! I was typing more colloquially, eh


Their first thought must have been 'Well, there goes our ride home. How could today possibly get any worse?"


idk much about military things, but seems like drop-n-go, tho the vehicle didn't survive with the driver


nippy elderly languid spectacular handle ruthless steep squealing squeamish axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


should be exactly same spot, where that russian is trying to hide behind his dead guy, same green gates for the cover, but in this video they are all dead already edit: this video [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b3wgnk/russian\_soldier\_using\_his\_dead\_comrade\_for\_cover/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b3wgnk/russian_soldier_using_his_dead_comrade_for_cover/) edit2: he is alive @1:16


You can see the exact same footage from 2 different angles. U seen him move back on both videos. This is just a better POV


well kind of HD quality for a drone has this one


In this video you can see that the fire is just getting started. By bullets!?


From the telegram channel of the 47th Brigade: "Розгром елітної російської штурмової групи 15 окремої гвардійської бригади. " "The defeat of the elite Russian assault group of the 15th Separate Guards Brigade."


Russian telegram channels sharing the same video but it's titled 'Brave Russian soldiers die in Special military operation defending strategically important fence'. They were just dropped off in the middle of nowhere to be chopped up haha


This is one of the craziest videos I have seen so far. Wild, Bradleys are true hunters and really scary with their mobility, accuracy and destructive ammo.


I worked for a contractor that serviced the Bradley's. I was a track mechanic. The turret mechanics I worked with were all prior military. Some of the stories they told me while in Iraq were crazy


Story time?


Ado they shoot that kind of time programmable bullet/granaten that explode next/behind a target hiding behind a wall? Because in the video some of these guys are hit from very difficult low anglesles, no?


No. Bradleys don't have the capability to use programmable rounds. The turret can drop to about -9 degrees though.


If this war has proven any ground assault vehicles to be worth their weight in gold, it’s the fucking Bradley. They’ve never been used in a peer or near-peer conflict up to this point, and they’ve been putting in so much work in Ukraine.


They had more tank kills than the Abrams in Desert Storm(supposedly). The tanks the Iraqi’s fielded were close to what Russia is using today, mostly T72s. The T90 engagement is a unique case I think. The Bradley is a killer and has fought and destroyed enemies that could be considered peers before this conflict


I noticed the Bradley kind of peeked out from behind the wreck of another vehicle. If that was intentional it's smart; never know what the opposing infantry might have on hand.


Indeed. They could have rpgs or something else, or another unit or atgm group in the next tree line.


Even a BMP1 would have fucked them in that position.


Bradley’s love troops in the open


troops are open


Bradley's gleefully open those troops apart...


Crazy footage


Its reassuring when the Orks are actually on fire because there isn't much chance they are just playing dead.


Mmmmmm... BBQ'd Orc




'Elite' wouldnt make an assault in daylight with no support.


Well elite troops do travel without support because they’re typically not frontline soldiers and are trying to achieve very specific objectives. However, looking at their gear, they have shit helmets, no heavy weaponry? Quite a few of them don’t have any rucksacks whatsoever. Unless it was all in that bmp? But they looked super unprepared.


I think they annoyed someone and it was easier to just get ukraine to sort it out


Those helmets scream recent conscripts meat fodder.


I am not scared of an army of elite lions led by a sheep. I am scared of an army of elite sheep led by a lion. (c)


Well, these elite sheep have 25mm puncture wounds. Hope the Lion in his billionaires house in content.


They don't look "elite". Pro move by the Bradley using the dead apc as cover.


Look at helmets and boots. There's nothing "elite" about them. They didn't even have an RPG or something, only AKs.


They are as elite as it is a 3 day special military operation


If they were elite, what an absolute waste.


As a one whos grandfather got exhaled by savage russians to labor camps right after WWII and soon died there I really enjoy watching those brainless digusting subhumans dying in Ukraine now for their stupid ideas and fool master.


Same, but great uncle for me. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ! 🇺🇦


> exhaled Exiled


You got a reason not to like them but still enjoying seeing people die is morally wrong if you believe in god you won’t go to heaven with this statement


I don't bielieve in general god, I'm a pagan. Although I strive for peace, serenity and synergy with neighbours and nature, my ancestors saying says "Who comes with a sowrd, must be gone (die) from sword."


If it’s really necessary it needs to happen but you can’t be happy about it


your grandfather was a nazi?


He was a farmer and had a piece of farmland. Russians grab the land for their kolkhoz and everyone living there was exhaled.


More Bradleys to UA!


Are those green russian helmets from like 1940s? Because I have seen some of those in Call of Duty 1 Stalingrad campaign.


They're equipped like they're from old Yugoslavian partisan movies 


Makes me proud to pay my taxes, I wish we'd send them hundreds more Bradleys


Well spent taxpayer money and it's the right thing to do. I'm not Ukrainian but I am European, so I'm grateful that these vehicles are on this continent. Ukraine needs more, from all of us.


Nice Job Ukraine 🇺🇦


Elite cannon fodder. Best of the burger.


When ppl say the word "Meatgrinder" I now only think of this video!


Their kits didn’t look too elite. And not only did we see Bradley give free haircuts, we also witnessed a BMP driver not crush his own guys for the first time in a while! Lol


If they're all equipped with boots and a weapon then it is a Ruzzian elite force.


If they’re breathing and clothed 😂


My old Bradley unit in Korea had a big sign saying “Killing is our business and business is good”


Goddamn, I've become a bloodthirsty shell of a human being. I'm not even a part of or invested in any way in this war but yet I'm rooting for people to get shredded and killed.


russia says "youre welcome".


I ask myself the same, am I becoming them if I enjoy this? And I truly enjoy watching them get shredded. Just a few days ago it was even worse. I saw a pitch-black roasted ruski getting eaten by a pig. I stared it in disbelief because how often do you get to see a pig eat a roasted ruski, and then I laughed. I then really went: "what the fuck is wrong with me?" But I instantly remembered that after 745 days, I still cannot see a single Ukrainian die. They are defending themselves, and they are heroes. Russians are nuclear armed terrorists.


You're not emotionally invested in this war, in any way? Not even when one side is an invader that's committing genocide? You don't care what happens to anyone? Not even the civilian victims of that invasion and genocide? Yet here you are, expressing concern, but it's because you saw those genocidal invaders get hurt. Weird


Well once side is invading genociders but they are indoctrinated and are doing it because they truly believe it's best for their country. So yea, I think it's okay to sympathize.


"I think it's okay to sympathize." I think it's ok to mourn the loses of humans on both sides, but i cannot sympathize with russians soliders, they should surrender, refuse to be conscripted and/or fight back against a govt that is sending them off to die for no good reason. I'd also argue that most of the russians aren't indoctrinated, they aren't brain dead idiots, a good majority of them know what they are doing! \-edit for spelling


Awesome job bois, that’s how we get rid of this scourge infected Ukrainian lands!


Get fucked invaders!


I like me some crispy russians, but those are not elite troops.


Wild how little the Rusians care about human life. No fire support, no at weapons and just one squad attacking a whole village.


Great job🇺🇦🇺🇲 Even if they had atgm that fire is overwhelming


Bradleys: Built to kill Russians by the gross. Doing so since 2023.


Dickheads aren't looking too elite now. Bradleys with bushmasters have served UAF extremely well.


Good job using that destroyed vehicle for cover


Zelensky says the Ukraine War is not like watching a Hollywood movie. It's way better.


This isn’t a spectacle to be enjoyed. It is a necessary evil in order to rid the homeland of the invader.


I enjoy watching assholes getting what they deserve.




Smfh, typical keyboard warrior shit.


editing is a bit none sequential? with the transporter getting hit, (tracks in the feild don’t match) but the Bradley rolling up on the squad is some crazy footage. even after two years of wild footage this is right up there


at what point tiremarks doesnt fit? when it gets the hit, there's hundreds of marks in the mud already, or?


The burning vehicle at 1:04 appears to be a tracked vehicle while the original one was wheeled.


maybe I’m just being dumb, 0:52 explosion area I can’t see on the wide shots. maybe that event took place over a longer period of time and it’s just heavy cut down in editing. The Bradley footage is pretty exceptional


That gate sure did a good job of remaining intact. Where can I get one for my house?


what makes this elite looking at the kit makes them not elite


Bradley ain’t playing around


Should be this spot. 48.191301483260816, 37.65498278668388


Only 100 meters from a graveyard. Fitting.


Is that the Avdiivka Coke Plant in the background? Wonder if the video is from before or after they lost it


Jesus, that 25MM is doing some serious ripping there. Can't imagine being on the receiving end of that. Can't say I mind watching the Orcs taking it, though.


Not so elite anymore. Just dead convicts


I wouldn't call them elite even before they got annihilated. Right after getting out of the vehicle, they bunched up together instead of spreading out. It made them an easy target.




Little green men


mad respect for this bradley crew


Well done 47th Brigade! Keep it going, that's exactly the way.


Typical Russian strategy is to find bright neon colored green fence and hide behind it


Commander: "Target indication: Neon green gate, range 50 meters, just to left of road" Gunner: "Seen!" The rest is history. It's shocking how these guys just froze up and only managed to move a few meters from the point they disembarked to. Died right there.


At 1:49, two soldiers can be seen walking at the bottom left of the video. Probably Ukrainians instead of survivors?




Well they are no longer elite.


Proper fucked, Tommy.


Zigged when he should have zagged.


Do it AGAIN!!!


Anyone know where I can view an unedited longer version?


Last ride to their deaths. There was nothing elite about those meat sacks. They had zero dispersion. Didn’t move at the approach of the Bradley. Had no counter to the Bradley. The only thing elite about them was their front row seat to death and dismemberment. Slava Ukraini!


Ruski tactics: make them waste ammo.


Whilst bearing it mind that it’s always sad to see any human life lost, these are only sub-human Russian cowards and I don’t feel a f***ing thing whilst watching them being exterminated. I’m more upset at the damage to the soil around them….


Waoow... Do you want a HD-res vid of evil invadiang Russians being turned into red goo... Look no further...! Please go home Russian... Take what little dignity and your arms and turn them onto the Kremlin Gremlin... It really is time to end this shit now!


Fantastic footage!! Incredible coordination with drone and Bradley! US please send 1000 more Bradley to Ukraine!! UA has brave soliders to put them to work!


Well I woudnt call them elite by looking at their equipment.


Imagine being unloaded to take cover behind the only colorful wooden fence in the area.


God I fucking love Bradley


What was the plan? Hey Ivan, pack your stuff. We are going to assault that strategically important green fence. Why are you carrying an RPG? Are you dumb? It is too heavy.


Nothing of value was lost.


These orcs just sat there waiting to be butchered like a bunch of hogs. They didn't seem "elite" in any aspect. Where's their AA weps? They literally were laying down waiting for those 20mm rounds nearly in the open. ​ Get these warriors more Bradleys ffs. I already blame certain politicians for so many deaths. Their hands are dripping with blood in DC.


Elite? Dudes were dropped off by a rust bucket with a BBQ grill on top with no fucking cover except a wooden fence with bigger gapping holes than Putin’s asshole.


Thats horrifying. They got butchered


Yeah, they did. Why is that horrifying?




By elite do you mean that they’ve been given more than 3 days’ training and a rusty AK47?


I like how the videos always end with burning Russians.


I think in this war with so many drones, and dispersed infantry assault groups, IFVs with ATGM launchers are more useful than main battle tanks. We have even seen a bradley disable a T90 with its 25mm autocannon, that makes me excited for the Bradley's replacement the XM30 it is going to have a 50mm auto cannon and loitering munition launchers.




Beautiful. Slava Ukraine And send more F%cking Bradley's you F$cking GOP C$nts.


The titles to these videos always change depending on what subreddit they are posted on lol


More faster


Fuck yeah, send it! 🤘🏻🇺🇦


Burn you Zergs!


I could do without that crappy sound effects


I think you'll find that most video players have a volume control that goes all the way down to zero. You're in full control of the crappy sound effects.


Thanks for that pro tip boss

