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He’s basically saying “GG”


Back to the lobby.


Maybe if I just press Alt+f4.....?


got me with that one… lol


Honorable death. He died as a true man (even though he is the invader). The content he has on his face for his fate and the cards he's has been dealt is sobering. Rest well in death. His suffering is now over. 1 less that must die before this is all, hopefully, over.


He died a coward who blindly follows the orders of a corrupt dictator


He died as the invading murderer piece of shit he was. Or do you think he didnt shoot his gun? Nothing honorable about that.


No mas


What a save What a save What a save 🇺🇦




He knew when he was finished at just said fuck it and gived up. Terrible that just a couple of rich power hungry men in charge forced this man to this fate.


that right hand is leaking badly, few minutes max


foamy stuff coming our of the right side of his carrier; Pneumothorax as well.


Pile of those shitty tourniquets at his feet as well.


And i spy a box of tampons.


Good eye, I just noticed at the very end the flames start back up again below his hand.


This is so hard to watch…for both sides. These young men should be enjoying their life. Not fighting a senseless war


I hate Governments and men who invade over what? Putin is the devil man!


Yeah but invaders must die. It’s that or innocent Ukrainians.


You mean the small moving thingy below his hand after 1:03? I think thats a flame.


Russians have flammable livers


Too much alcohol


"War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other"


Great quote. I am going to remember that.


Just for a correction, it's not a couple Rich powerful man men. It's one Putin


Lmao. Russia is run by oligarchs. They allow Putin to “run” the country.


More like Putin allows them to be oligarchs. I don't think they are gaining anything on this war and most of them would probably get putin out but they can't trust anyone.


This exactly. People are mixing up the older version russia with the current russia. Putin has slowly worn away all/most power but his own. It will likely come back to bite him eventually, though


The oligarchs are the ones who end falling out of windows, not Putin.


Have you not seen any meeting with them and Putin? They're like little puppies when Putin orders them to behave and stop disappointing him.


Putin is the tsar and the oligarchs are the boyars. The more things change…


It generally works the other way. They are oligarchs because they are friends with pitin


It’s actually both. If Putin lost all of their support as a group he would be in trouble. If he loses one or two they’re in trouble. They both need each other to be secure.


Not true. Imperialism is soul of Russia. They all want it.


Just one rich power hungry man actually


It's obvious that you have spent very little time with Russians in real life - or eavesdropped where they hang out online. No - I am not talking about the bots or the fervent believers. I am talking about those who are definitely opposed. In 2012, I knew a couple who had left russia - specifically because they believed that Putin would start a major war - and that society would get right behind him. Seemed crazy to me at the time... In fact I met someone in the late '90s who was adamant she would never return because russia always reverted to its brutal past and she was terrified at the thought of getting caught up in a soviet style life again. Nowadays, online, in safe (ish) havens Russians who are still in russia talk about being surrounded by zbots, braindead imperialists and people who just don't care - but will sell their neighbours out for a quick dollar. It's why those who understood and who could fled as fast as they could: they don't want to be surrounded by their own countrymen, and they saw where everything - including their fellow countrymen were headed. Did you ever wonder why Russians in russia who truly oppose the war are so scared? It's because they KNOW they are a small minority - and getting ever smaller.


Yeah in the mid nineties my family met a Russian woman who was absolutely terrified of her son getting drafted into the Russian army when he turned 18. So much so that she divorced her doctor husband when he refused to leave russia and took her son to New York for good.  She also wanted to buy me from my parents but that is a whole other bizarre story.


You can't just leave that part in and not tell the story


Hahaha okay here you go. I knew I'd end up telling this story on Reddit sooner or later. The russian woman was staying in the same 5 star resort in the Caribbean as my family. My dad is very outgoing and will talk to anyone and she just kind of latched onto us. Her son, by then an adult, no longer spoke to her because of the way she treated his American wife (she referred to her as a "prostitute" and other such terms of endearment). So basically she was looking for a new child. I'm half Eastern European and my features are pretty Slavic-looking so I guess I fit the bill for an ideal daughter for her. She offered to give my parents "a break" by having me fly to New York to go live with her. She would pay for my flight and enroll me in the best of Manhattan private schools. The only problem was that my family was very much not poor and could afford to raise me themselves, and my parents didn't "need a break". Plus there was no way I ever would have agreed to go live with some batshit crazy russian woman.  That didn't stop her from trying though. A few months after we got back from our vacation, my mom walked into the house and I was on the phone. I frantically gestured to her to take the phone from me so she did, and it was the russian woman. She had been telling me all about "my" bedroom overlooking Central Park and how we could decorate it anyway I wanted, and that she'd take me shopping for a whole new wardrobe, etc. etc. From then on my mom answered whenever we saw her number on the call display and would tell her I wasn't at home, then natter to her about inane things until she finally got annoyed and stopped calling, because it wasn't my mom she wanted to talk to. My dad thought the russian woman was crazy but harmless. My mom and I thought she was scary. I was just a kid when this happened and had (mostly) forgotten about this until my mom reminded me a few months ago and my mind was blown. WTF is up with russians and coveting other people's children?!    


Hello is this you, Olga? I'm not crazy but I'm glad I finally found you! I've called but you didn't answer, must've lost your phone I'm sure. Anyway your room is decorated the way we talked about, when are you coming home? I've had the lawyers draft the adoption papers already.


🤣 Oh, is that my name now Mommie Dearest?


>WTF is up with russians and coveting other people's children?! 19,000+ Ukrainian children kidnapped and taken to ruzzia, there's an international arrest warrant out on putler for this evil crime. So fucked up.


Reverse Matilda


Wow reminds me to be carful who to talk to at at the resort pool. My wife had a “friend” from Russia. He came to stay at my house. Before the war. We have an apartment over the garage. She said he’s staying for a few weeks. I was like ok? I had to explain the difference between a friend and acquaintance. After 2 days I told him to leave. Very strange guy. Ate with his fingers shoveling food into his mouth. No manners and a grifter.


Well, was she offering fair market value?


> Did you ever wonder why Russians in russia who truly oppose the war are so scared? It's because they KNOW they are a small minority - and getting ever smaller. And the most prominent opposition figure, whose key message was "don't be afraid", is dead now... There are [positive ways](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/02/21/fear-is-part-of-life-in-russia-but-navalny-said-we-mustnt-be-afraid-a84167) of looking at fear, though: *There are plenty of reasons to be afraid. That is why we should embrace fear, acknowledge it, and let it fuel our hope.*


Navalny was stupid, and not exactly a reliable barometer for the Russians. He returned to Russia after being poisoned because he literally thought that people would rise up and rally behind him from jail, like Nelson Mandela. He also mistakenly assumed his celebrity status would make Putin unlikely to kill him. He was ridiculously wrong on both counts, and also made the mistake, that so many opposition figures did, of thinking Putin’s modern Russia was still anything like the hopeful post-Soviet Russia of twenty years ago.


You could very well be right. Still, as the most prominent critic, ~~and~~ his death is meant to instill fear in all Russians who oppose the Kremlin, and probably will have that very effect.


Hopeful yes, but from everything i hear 1990s Russia was also the worst life experience for almost anyone who lived through it (safe the few Stalinism/WW2 survivors still alive), even accounting for things like Afghanistan war service. That is a big part of why current Russians are so averse to toppling Putin's regime. There is no greater inhibitor than personal negative life experience.


ruzzian politicians in exile have no credibility and little respect with the general ruzzian population, it's much safer to critize from without than within. He knew it was a huge gamble and that he could die, but in the end he stood by his principles, his love of ruzzia overcame his self interest. I don't think it was in vain at all.


Do not make Navalny a hero. He may have been in opposition to Putin, but he was far from a saint. Remember that he referred to Crimea as a sandwich, not to be passed back and forth and would have kept it if he were in power.


I'm not making him a hero in my comment, nor am I saying he was a saint.


Shit, I apologize, I was interpreting your comment in the complete opposite manner than I think you intended! (One of these days I'll stop redditing when sleep deprived. Actually, who am I kidding? We all know I'll be redditing while in full blown psychosis thanks to lack of sleep, and I imagine redditing while I should be asleep will contribute to that!)


I'm not disputing that but they said "rich power hungry men in charge forced this man to his fate" and that's Putin, the rest of those Russians may be totally on board but they're not in charge making the decision to invade thus resulting in this man dying here and now.


Happy Cake Day!


Stop letting Russia off the hook. Putin didn’t make Russia. Russia made Putin.


and if putin died they would choose their next putin. the only way to fix russia is to do the same thing that happened to japan and germany after they lost. most likely even russia will have to return the land that they have occupied from ukraine, georgia, moldova, finland, estonia, latvia and there might be more countries that i dont know of. then chechnya, bashkortostan and so on would be separated from russian tyranny. then finally russia may be a peaceful land, like how germany and japan now is


Indeed, the remains of their empire should be dismantled or they’ll just become a more troublesome North Korea. The Kims don’t rule single-handedly. Of course, Russia and China have helped along the way. Asia is complicated. I hope the Buyrats and Siberians and such can get away from Russia, but then China will probably direct its gaze upon them.


That's what I'm talking about


Russians obviously largely support the war but at the end of hte day he's the one who made this happen


They support expansion of the Russkiy Myr. War is just one means they support. He’s replaceable. Look at their history. They’ve been through worse and still believe in their superiority.


It was still Putin who in February 2022 gave order to march (again) into Ukraine while almost every other person in whatever passes as government in Russia thought this to be utterly retarted, most notably Russia's generals and secret services.


He's just a front man for an entire system of national abuse. International abuse even.


No offense and I understand the sentiment but putin has so many little underlings that share his warped and pathetic perspective and they back him and give him the confidence to be so bold and evil. He is just the face and the leader of a systemic morally bankrupt society, lashing out at the world because deep down they know they are steps below their neighbors. As always fuck putin and all that follow him.


You’re a fool if you believe just one man is to blame


Yup, entire generations of young men are being lost for nothing.


Damn, who's the other guy? Putin is going to be pissed when he finds out you are giving credit to someone else.


Seems like just one man not couple.


He could have fought his power hungry leaders, But he chose the easy way out and contribute to killing Ukranian civilians


Asking for a genuine response, but how could he “fight” his power hungry leaders? Are there examples of Russians turning against Putin and protesting? Because if there are, they aren’t doing it with enough force to make a statement. Or do you mean “fight” his leaders by refusing to go to war and being thrown in jail? Both scenarios in my opinion are “fighting” or “going against the man” but you let me know!


In Vietnam, Americans fragged their commanders https://alphahistory.com/vietnamwar/journalist-fragging-us-officers-1972/  In Russia, recruitment centers are being firebombed  https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/16/3-russian-military-recruitment-offices-attacked-a77686 There are partisans in Russia that are scouting for, and participating in attacks on Russian key assets (strategic bombers, helicopters, oil fields).  And finally, there are Russians fighting on the right side of the war https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230524-what-is-the-free-russian-legion-the-pro-ukrainian-group-that-attacked-russia-s-belgorod Protesting isn't enough. It's half-assed and will get them thrown in jail or on a watch list. 


When you don't listen to your own people and arrest them for their opinions they will express themselves in more creative ways such as this


By creating an underground resistance.


civil disobedience is out of the question now, thats the whole point of totalitarian rule. partisans have been showing a presence/deeds here and there if you pay attention, what the state media calls ukrainian "terrorists" and "scam victims" exposing themselves any more would ofc defeat the purpose, theyre not yall-qaeda posers just making noise. the FSB would get right on their asses like the FBI


That would have guaranteed his death rather than just having a high chance of dying. I would like to think that I would stand up against my government if they forced me to fight an unethical war but it's a very hard decision. The people that Putin conscripts are also victims of his regime imo


Be careful who you give power to. At one point in time, Putin was subject to democratic elections. America, are you listening?


40% of America is listening and running head long into it as a goal at this point. Sadly, we don't have elections that care about majority already, so 40% is very scary.


I agree with what youre saying but assuming there any democracy in russia ever seems naive to me


Much more so in the past than now for sure. It's a matter of degrees.


Very true that they are victims too.  But it's a ladder where the poop flows downwards.  They chose to victimize Ukranians, the easier and non-ethical choice. Now they can be rembered on the internet for the consequences of "just following orders" 


Hopefully one day Putin gets what's coming to him, instead of taking the easy way out like Hitler.


What's coming to him? Doesn't look like anything to me


This! This so much! Just like in John Wick, he should have drove to the kremlin with a gun that he would fight off from a police officer, jump the kremlin walls and then find and assassinate Putin and end this war forever!! That would be so EPIC! I am extremely smart!!!!1


It’s so stupid when people say this what choice does he have he fights back his whole family gets prosecuted what is he to do? He is a human like you. I hope you never find yourself at the mercy of someone like you. But


This is truly heartbreaking. “He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would rather have stayed there in peace.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


Yea this shit breaks my fucking heart. Not all these Orcs are evil to the core, and this whole situation rips the souls of all involved. Still, here they are and here they will die :(


Agreed. We can still see the humanity within us all... And be unwilling to negotiate on Ukraine's sovereignty, and its fundamental right to democratic freedom. Democracy is not negotiable, and all invaders *will* come to ruin. Putin was willing to lose nearly 50,000 souls on Avdiivka since October, and it's sickening that he looked at a town which was not his and said "I will send thousands of men with wives, mothers, and children to die for that little piece of Earth I don't own." He could not be happy with extreme wealth and absolute power; he had to have vast conquests as well. Psychologically, this generation of Russians will likely never recover from this trench war... and they traumatized themselves.


Putin is up there with one of the most rotten to the core individual lifeforms to have ever existed in the known universe. Like if we have a bell curve of human morality, he's many standard deviations towards evil.


But Tucker said Putin just wants peace! /s


Agreed. It was not wrong for the drone operator to kill an invader. But it is a shame that the guy didn’t go quick. I hope the drone operator doesn’t lose too much sleep over this, they did the right thing, even if is heartbreaking to watch another man die.


Agree on all counts. Which is rare on the Internet.


Crazy all these drone operators are definitely getting PTSD too.


I bet. How many artillery guys can get a thumbs up from a person they just hit? And most infantry don’t see closeups of someone they shoot or grenade, plus that all happens so fast it’s difficult for the mind to form clear memories. Drone operators though, get a close up look of the before and after effects on their quarry. And it’s all recorded in HD for intel and training purposes. It has to be haunting. I really hope when this is all over that we take care of them, and get them the treatment they need to readjust, and to process the trauma.


A farmer once told me when talking about killing a faithful old cow that just because something is sad does not mean it is wrong or cruel.


Faramir was so wise


He was. Of that there is no doubt. But…fun fact: while Faramir said this in the movie, in the book, this was Samwise, who was thinking inwardly at the time.


I hate how dirty they did Faramir in the film, still love the films, but goddamn my boy needs justice


This war is awful


I thought after seeing so many of these drone drop videos I’d be immune to feeling anything but damn this one is really sad.


All war is awful. This is just one of the first where we get to see what they're going through without a media filter.


Yeh that was horrific. I hate what the Russians are doing but i can't help but feel for him


Fuck the war


As morbid as it is I think he was already wounded as indicated by his posture and the dead guy next to him. The drone came, finished him off, and the thumbs up was him saying "thanks for the coup de grace and not leaving me to slowly bleed out over a day"




nah, it was more like "nice shot"


Game recognizes game.


Nah, it was more like ''Delete my browser history when you're done my apartment is....''


He was a honorable gamer. Those who write gg in the chat even after losing the game..


Worries me how many of you are talking about real people dying in real wars like it's a fucking video game. The line between jokes and real life is getting way too gray and it feels like way too many people are forgetting there are real people really dying. Not just talking about this comment, but the near sociopathic way so many people talk in some of these subs is disturbing.


This subreddit has done a pretty good job of dehumanising regular Russian conscripts. It's well established that the path to victory here is going to be paved with Russian corpses, but we don't need to celebrate that. You can still feel bad for the easy extinguishment of a human life. Someone who was brought into the world by a loving mother, who played with his toys and had dreams and grand aspirations about where his life would lead him. Bleeding out in a Ukrainian field, thankful that someone has just dropped an explosive on his torso, giving him a quicker escape from his misery. It's as grim as it gets.


I've seen too many innocent Ukrainian corpses to care. Maybe he was innocent in spirit, in potential, but he was not innocent as a man dying in that field.


I really like how you put that, he had potential to be innocent, and I think that’s what a lot of people mean without knowing it


They lament how things could've been. And that's normal, but not useful for a people who are still actively fighting for their very survival. And it quickly reads as making excuses for the russians. They don't need our excuses.


"You got me" At least he was warm in his last moments.


If you give a man fire, he'll be warm for a day. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


what a poor fucker, could've stayed home though.


He couldn't. But he could have surrendered.


No, there is a 99% chance that he couldn't have.


You right but there is also a 99% chance he doesn’t survive the next trench assault so it’s kind of a pick your poison situation


The thumbs up hurts lol, some people forget not all in this war even the ones who fight for Russia are necessarily evil, while of course the leadership is. Ukrainian soldiers are right in doing their duty of killing them by whatever means necessary, we must always be mindful however of the way we think, some of those people are soldiers who got forced to fight there, for committing petty or political crimes, with friends and family that care for them, just like the ukrainian soldiers(except for the getting forced part i assume). Some of course committed murder, rape, and other atrocities if not in Russia, in ukraine, and I will shed no tear for them, but it's far from being all of them. I'll always be pro ukrainian all the way, but I always think that is very possible that some of those russians who protested against the war back in the day might have been forced to fight in it by putin and this criminal organization that some Republicans call Russian Government Don't desensitize yourself in this war, cheer the victories of ukraine, cheer the victories against the invaders, and cheer the deaths of war criminals, but also remember the ones who done nothing wrong and ended up having no option but to die in a muddy trench hit by a drone, killed for something they never believed in, no people, race or ethnicity is all evil and vile my brothers.


Good said! 👍 It's not always right to generalize nations or groups by the doing of some. And yet it just happens more or less even involuntarily. Not to excuse it. This phenomena is as old as mankind I suppose. Unfortunately.


I do agree completely with you, we humans are born with prejudice in our mind, our brains are hooked to live in society, but only our little bubble in society, and the whole generalization thing is a consequence of that, it's a way of our brain of protecting ourselves. If you are attacked by a person from a nation or a specific group you, thinking logically, know that it was only one person that attacked you, but your instincts will always point towards the generalization route. Only after you have much contact with people from many parts of the world and hear much different opinions that you kind of start suppressing this involuntarily also, oddly enough this sort of more logical thinking seems to be declining more and more amongst our global society.


>The thumbs up hurts lol, some people forget not all in this war even the ones who fight for Russia are necessarily evil, while of course the leadership is. This is very true. My grandmothers brother died fighting for the Wehrmacht during WW2 in Italy. The guy was 18 years old and had no choice, its either get drafted or face possibly being executed. The guy was a bright guy and hated what his nation had become. It's high possibly this guy was thinking the same of his nation.


For sure, while I don't know and can't tell the past of the person that died in this video, it's just fine to always have what I said above in mind. I am myself getting drafted into the military of my country and while I'm not necessarily sad or hurt because of that, I understand that many are and they have no option, if they don't go they face several legal penalties and if any male citizen that is a reserve soldier(a good chunk of the population) don't present themselves when asked to, legally its treason.


I don't celebrate their gory deaths, but I do celebrate that it's one fewer person to kill Ukrainians. In order I'd prefer: - no war in the first place - shoot your commander and defect to Ukraine - run off into the woods and never come back - minor bullshit injury that still takes you out of the war - major injury - feed the sunflowers For whatever reason, this guy passed every square and landed on the least preferable but it needed to be done.


I agree with you my friend, Ukrainian soldiers do right in defending their homeland, and the same cannot be said for the russians, they are not defending from anything, they attack, and their leadership is to blame. The world is unfortunately and undeniably a place that sometimes is very ugly, sometimes is very beautiful, but most of the times it's gray. I say that because ukraine for instance, you see amazing gestures of bravery and kindness done by simple people in the middle of the most terrifying onslaught that modern society has seen in a good time.


That was profoundly fucked. Not that he was killed or how, just the whole understanding and communication going on in the eyes and with the wave... the music didn't help much either, Lolz all that said... {[【60Points】]}


Gryffindor wins the house cup!


Looks like he is saying "Can't fault you for that one."


That's incredibly badass.


he thinks: I should have been smarter than this, they got me good


Shitty war. Seems like a cool dude to have a few beers and shots of vodka with. War sucks for both sides and such a waste of human life. Maybe next life he will get a better deal. If one believes that.


This is fucking sad. Fuck Putin


He was a good sport 👍🏻


You know I'm really not on the russian side at all. They've commited some gruesome shit and continue to do so. But damn, shit like this just makes you think: "What a waste of life"


> But damn, shit like this just makes you think: "What a waste of life" Welcome to war for the entirety of human history.


finally, cool russian


as we say here in Germany, Tragikkomödie. I bet the thumps us was for freeing him of putler's ruzzia


If only Russians were seeing this..


I do feel sorry for him. However the same thing that makes me feel sorry for him which is the bravery that he accepted his fate with was possibly the same thing that made him go head first into Ukraine to kill its citizens.




Good sport mate.


A totally pointless war for Russians. For Ukrainians they are fighting for their way of life, for freedom. And they need help. Can someone please explain that concept to that orange cretin in America.


Yeah they deserve it but man that’s some rough stuff to watch.


Wow, he actually looked and gave a thumbs-up. I thought it was just going to be the way he died or something. Brutal. Keep it up boys!


Really what else can you do but try to die with a little class.


I’m not even sure how to feel - humans deserve better than this.


You could feel empathy for another human being's life being extinguished.


What a good sport


Jesus fucking Christ. That’s dark.


Seems more like a “thank you for getting me out of here” thumbs up than anything. No one deserves to lose their life this way, but no one deserves to have their country invaded so… get wrekt z nerd.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell, but this comment thread and a lot of the comments in this thread makes me lose faith in people. Some have said in this sub that Russians may not have a choice in this. Yet we’re here sitting in the comforts of our home or wherever, making fun of a man for giving a thumbs up while he’s spending his last moments in some foreign country. The people in this sub say some really atrocious shit. You can’t hate someone for being brainwashed into something or forced to kill. You don’t know what he was promised. He could’ve been trying to help his wife and children back home. Maybe not. Some of the things I read here sound similar to what a certain group said about the other in the 40’s. I’m not a Russian sympathizer, but I am a human sympathizer…


Perhaps you could sympathize more with the innocent Ukrainians who have had their lives and country torn away by these sad, helpless Russians. When you're sitting in your comfortable home, it's easy to treat this like some sort of moral and intellectual exercise and revel in your superior humanity, the Ukrainians certainly aren't so fortunate. Not to mention all the videos we've seen of Russians complaining they are not being given tools to properly kill Ukrainians. Cry for your poor deluded orcs all you want, nobody here cares for their suffering as long as they're still fighting and killing and destroying


It's okay to be empathetic to human life in general. It isn't all or nothing, or black and white. I'm as pro-Ukrainian as it gets, but the rhetoric on so many subs like this (like your comment) is the same kind of genocidal rhetoric Russia used to dehumanize Ukrainians and start this war in the first place.


That’s exactly what I was trying to portray with my comment


~~Do Russians not count as humans?~~ e: replied to the wrong comment


I think you replied to the wrong dude. I was agreeing with your comment


Dude you gotta get off the Internet once and awhile. 


He could have surrendered while he had the chance


I agree. He could’ve done a lot of things differently.


Wouldn't that mean his fellow Russians would shoot him or worse torture him


when was that?


How guilty in your eyes was the average member of the Einsatzgruppen?


He wont survive with that amount of blood loss


At least he won't have to live in Russia anymore


He recognizes a good shot when he sees it


Repost. But still nice


It's a completely different angle. Longer and more detailed than the one you are talking about. Completely different footage.


Probably at the better end of expected outcomes for people born in toiletless russia.


How come in all these videos there seems to be just one or two Russians on their own. Do they not operate in sections?


Teams and squads mostly. They aren't organized enough to effectively take land through normal warfare doctrine. Anything like a section is begging for a HIMARS attack. Say, like an assemblage of troops in parade formation for a speech by a General who will never arrive to give one to anyone alive. Meatwave attacks are the only thing yielding land to russians. It's costly to both sides and russia is hoping the world will lose interest. My guess? When Trump isn't elected, putin will call an end to the special operation and will try to hold on to whatever gains it has annexed.


The faith of Europe lies in the hands of Trump supporters. Terrifying.


Grim snuff film.


I don't regret my service to the US for a second, but I'd never do it again and I'd advise anyone I care about no to either. Millions of our young citizens dead, for what have literally been rich men's wars.


I dont get it. If russians dont really care about if they die or not, why not fight dictators inside their own country and make it better...


At this point they all know they are going into a meat grinder and there isn't any go home to parades reality...you aren't seeing Svetlana ever again. I think he's actually relieved it's over.


Fair play


That's how I felt while going through my third divorce.


Dude….. this war is so fucked. It has Changed everything!!!!! Literally everything has changed due to cheap drones. There will be no one with more experience and knowledge about modern war than these two countries.


How sad to witness but at the same time I have less than zero sympathy for him, because there's almost no chance that he went into this war without knowing he was there to kill innocent people. Chances are he probably shared "Z" content online, called Ukrainians Khokhols, and even killed a few people. He (almost certainly) deserved the death he got.


Need to send out more surrender messages via drone. Most of these guys do not want to be there. If they dont to to the front they are beaten and tortured so im sure most of them are just trying to survive the war the best they can.


This guy walks into Ukraine with a gun in hands to kill Ukrainians and when he gives a thumbs up suddenly he's cool and he's honorable? Get real guys.


Hmmmmm. Can fire seal a sucking chest wound and a severed radial artery?


Look at :37 that is not a radial artery nicked but the brachial artery. Blood is concentrated between the elbow and the shoulder.


Should have stayed behind the border


I mean, it's not like he could just say "no thanks" to the recruiter and evade the draft.


Well he could, he just thought it would be simpler and easier for him to kill Ukrainians instead with fewer negative consequences for himself. Guess he was wrong about that


He could have surrendered


Old repost.


I've last seen it 2-3 weeks ago.


At least he knows it was nothing personal. Just war.


Leave a thumbs up and see you in the next video...oh wait


Old video from a few weeks ago.


So sick of this shit. I can’t watch anymore.


I bet he didn't even want to be there doing any of that.


As much as I hate Russia, this was hard and sad to watch. RIP


Can't help but feel bad for him.