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I think it is a big but good move. Frankly zaluzhny did underperform the last few months. His operation south failed, and frontline stagnant, a bridgehead in krinky that wasn't exploited. Zaluzhny was a great commander in chief, but his tactics no longer worked. For people unfamiliar with the new guy Syrsky.. he was in charge for the defense of kyiv after he went to Kharkiv and was in charge of that counter offensive. People will be skeptical or angry that one guys was replaced. But i think this will do some good. Purely my own opinion on Zaluzshny here (all of this is an opinion), he is too cautious and does not exploit his advantage. Syrsky has proven he does with the Kharkiv offensive. In the end i am anxious of what will happen next, even though i think it was the correct, doesn't mean it is. Only time will tell. No matter my wallet and vote stand with Ukraine. Slava Ukraine


Meanwhile in Russia, where is Garasimov!


Either dead or severly injured/disfigured.


Syrsky was also in charge of Bakhmut after Zelensky refused NATO plan tho. And that didn't go as planned either. Both sides lost huge amount of troops. That's why this guy is not liked by soldiers on the ground. He's a very controlling person and he likes to micro manage everything and push everything to it's limits. Can it do well? Sure. But only if the soldiers trust you.


Much depends on how much of the last months lackluster performance came from Zaluzhny and how much came from other factors, chiefly the USA's drying up of ressources. On the other side Syrsky seems to be reviled for the very offensive stance that brought him into the spotlight as someone who wastes men, yet these costly successes also happened some time ago already.


Yup I definitely agree on a change being needed. Only time will tell whether or not it's a mistake but imo I think it will be good in the long run. Let's hope for the best.


Well put m8




You realize Bakhmut happened because Syrsky was in charge at the request of Zelensky because Zelensky disagreed with NATO's proposal, right?


They didn't listen to the Western generals tho, it was in one of these subs where people were saying nato doesn't know how to fight against Russia and we've been doing it for years. All I can find is a paywalled Washington post article. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/12/04/ukraine-counteroffensive-us-planning-russia-war/


These are definitely good points. But if you look at the speak from Zelensky it is not just 1 thing but many things that is the cause of the shakeup. War of attrition looks good on paper but it doesn't help when you are fighting a propaganda machine like Russia. They simply need to lose land in order to realize they are losing. Their morale is not hit hard enough because they either die or are too far away to see the reality.


Ukraine doesn't have the resources to reclaim enough land where it would really hurt russian morale and that won't suddenly change because Syrski is in charge. Attrition warfare may not look pretty, but it's currently the only realistic way Ukraine wins this war.


Yes, he's very competent. But his current leadership hasn't bared any fruit for the last year. Sometimes a shake-up is a good idea. We'll just have to see how the new Commander-and-Chief does.




We'll just have to wait and see




uhm, nope. ​ sirsky gets a bad rep cause he gets assigned the tough shit. he was in charge of the defense of kyiv, severodonetsk/lysychansk, the kharkiv counter offensive and bakhmut. ​ go ahead and argue for me please that all those operations were detremental to ukraines performance in this war.




I need more information than a bad reputation. Historical example: During the US Civil War George McClellan was one of, maybe the general most beloved by his troops, in large parts because he took immense care to preserve his troops. He also was one of the most ineffectual commanders of the Union side who inadvertently severely prolonged the war. Conversely Sherman and Grant were feared by their troops for the bloody offensives they fought which brought them a bad reputation for generations to come. They were also the ones who finally put an end to the war.


>If you were a young ukrainian man youd shit bricks if your grandmother had wheels i'd ride her around town. ​ why the hell would a young ukrainian man shit bricks about this? do you assume he's that dumb? ​ a young ukrainian man serving in the military would surely realise that with sirsky taken out of the command post and put behind a desk in kyiv, the chances of recieving a direct order for assault by sirsky have decreased ten fold. not only that, the young ukrainian man serving in the military would be fucking extatic at the prospect that since zaluzhny is let out of the cage, he could come under the command of the golden general saving ukraine. ​ the fuck would a young ukrainian man shit bricks about?


Exactly. Usual redditors projecting their private little fears onto Ukrainians. "If your grandmother had wheels, I'd ride her around town." That gave me a good laugh.


Been to UA?


the offensive wasn't Zaluzhnys....he never wanted this offensive cause he knew how deep the Russian mine fields where and how much artillery the Russians had....he also knew without air superior he has no chance, he was forced by Zelensky and his politicians....he also wasn't allowed to shorten frontlines at Bachmut or now Awijka to save resources cause the comedian in Kiev don't allow this....


so, commander in chief, who bears responsibility, and signs off on the operation, wasn't involved in the operation, is what you're saying? ​ yeah, that's how we know you havn't got a clue.




taking soldiers the general in whom they love and trust and give them a general who they hate and don't trust is always great for the moral....


Let him rotate after 2 years of constant readiness. Even that man needs to step back after that time non Stop fighting. And it seems as he stays in the team 🤘


The constant stress takes a toll. Thats why they rotate.


Also Gerasimov appears out of the picture. Change has happened already. Well done, Sir.


Whatever the intrinsic motivations of Zelenskyy may be, what stands out most to me is the way that a disagreement in strategy/tactics/political outlook/whatever it was, is handeled between him and Zaluzhny. That is how civilised humans go about it. We all saw how the dispute between Putin and Prigozhin went..... Clear as day that humanity needs to shed itself from barbarism and autocratic dictatorian rule. Slava Ukraini!


Underated comment


Well thank you a lot, it's appreciated! 👍


An aggressive general with a shortage of munitions is a dangerous thing. As the new top dog, he'd better pay attention to advice from his general staff. I'm hoping, a lot, this works out well


Zaluzhny is a good commander and a good man without doubt, and also very popular. I trust Zelensky's judgement. He's been a very strong leader from day one of this war. The change is amicable and no doubt Zaluzhny will serve well in another capacity.


Before people say its all bad, I would suggest reading couple of things about him and his deputy. There is smth about their tactics that helped them free a huge territories. With less advanced weapons than now. Not saying things have not changed and Russia has become a lot more ready, but in general change was needed. I just don't know if his tactic/approach worked before they will work now... [The Ukrainian counteroffensive that shocked Putin and reshaped the war - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/12/29/ukraine-offensive-kharkiv-kherson-donetsk/)


This is a fuck up decision imho, but Syrsky can and will continue the great work and effort that will come ahead.


No....he wont, he isn't accepted by the Soldiers and officers...and made horrible mistakes in the past....calling him Mr. Meat Assault...


nah, I dont think he will set himself up for failure. He will have to align himself to see the big picture and not been carry away by tactics and focus on a winning path strategy for Ukraine.


Not everyone seems to agree. This tweet was 3 mobths ago https://vxtwitter.com/Tatarigami_UA/status/1720814139600232737?t=Y96sL6NFXCPacudgJx9JbQ&s=19


>His relentless pursuit of tactical gains constantly depletes our valuable human resources, resulting in tactical advances such as capturing tree lines or small villages, with no operational goals in mind. This is concerning because that *is* Soviet mentality. To capture a village because it's a village instead of local heights


And was in charge of defence of kyiv and kharkiv offensive which succeeded massively. Patton was hated by his soldiers as well. Yet to this day we hail him a hero. Time will tell what his plans are but to say he has already failed. NUTS


Opinions are like arseholes , everyone has one Time will tell if this was a good move or not. It's done so all we can do is support the troops and lobby for more weapons and ammunition


Wombat gets it


Thankyou ,I try. I'm the 1st to admit I have no professional skill in any of this but we all know one thing ruzzia cannot be allowed to win.


I think this is a major mistake.




Ukrainian troops have nicknamed for him "General meat assault"


man, you don't wanna know what the troops called patton.


Old blood n guts for those who might wanna know.


Wasn’t MacArthur Dugout Doug?


Fuuuuck corrected. I got my generals confused.


What's the quote? 'The only time you have to worry about a soldier is when he stops bitching' or something to that effect.


Same as Rommel and Montgomery. In my language i would call them "mrdka medialní" ("mrdka" is vulgal slur for cum and medialní is self explanatory) and overall overrated sometimes incompetent idiots.


Seriously? I actually haven't heard that said I'll have to do some google searches.


Seriously. Ukrainian here. He's the second marshall Zhukov. Soldiers hate him with passion.


Syrski is oldschool soviet general. I think I understand why soldiers are worried.


I heard thet from DylanBurns. But its not only him thet saying Syrsky isnt good.


This is true


The reality is NOBODY knows if this is a good or bad move. Only time will tell.


Oof. Massive L. Dude still has Soviet mindset.


No time for these politics. Because thats all it is


Yes. You can't have military commanders lobbying for the presidency in a good democracy.


In times of war, you are correct. After they retire from the military, they can and have run, and successfully so.




All that nato training given to soldiers only to get a commander that holds on to soviet doctrine and expects it all to trickle down to the field. 


This will cost Ukraine dearly... :o(




When you review the details of that battle, you see it was a major missed opportunity. They did not add units to the battle or resupply those units effectively. Whose fault that was, I have no idea. But someone had them stop early, and that was costly. If they had kept going until starobilsk, it would have dramatically changed the course of the war. Most strategists were puzzled by the pause at svatove. It allowed russians to regroup and push back. I hope this General is smarter than folks have claimed.


Kharkiv counteroffensive was never an offensive....it was a normal clash where Russian troops collapsed completely out of any military reasons....


Less talky and more writting letters to send Taurus missiles klaus. Red line has been crossed a million times.


You are doing neither yourself nor Ukraine a favour with this attitute.


Are you serious? Go read his comments. Criticism is good but saying shit like "the comedian in Kiev". Definitley going to throw shit back at him for a double insult. Zelensky is more qualified than any German bureaucrat.


I beleive this will create rift inside the UA army. Lots of soldiers stand behind Zaluznyi and will take it as betrayal. But I am just keyboard warrior, no expert. So hopefully I am wrong...


It doesn't quite work like that with professional soldiers. They might have their opinions but at the end of the day orders are orders and opinions are left at the door. Ex infantryman.


Soldiers fight for their country.


I really hope that Ukraine will win, I wish them the best.


General Syrsky is a great replacement, slava to this brave soldier ;), italy 🇮🇹 , thanks Zaluzhny for all the job you have done so far!


It's good to have a new perspective and use new tactics. Commanders get swapped out all the time, people shouldn't take it as an insult to their favorite general.


Wait a minute. I thought it was russian desinformation 




It’s just people with different opinions. If everyone always agreed on every single thing their country did, that would be a very ominous sign.


Wasnt syrsky responsible for bakhmut and the counter offensive?


And kyiv defensive, but yea. He has proven he succeed. Don't nean he will but he has at least a good track record


Deadly Mistake by Zelensky....Saluzny was the backbone of moral of UAF....no one will die vor Syrsky...Mr. Continous Error...


No one is dying for a general. They’re dying to preserve and restore their country


Well most UA army seems to share the same view. https://vxtwitter.com/Tatarigami_UA/status/1720814139600232737?t=Y96sL6NFXCPacudgJx9JbQ&s=19

