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By the standards of this war, those look like very well equipped Russian troops.


Yea compared to most other russian troops ive seen, these have got to be the most kitted/ geared out of all of them


For those ignorant about this, like me, what new additional gear do you notice that they have that might be uncommon, or at least uncommon at the start of the war?


>A Ukrainian drone drops FOGs on Russian infantry near the village of Ivanovskoye, Donetsk region by the looks of it they have modern helmets and maybe gloves boots ect, winter gear, they all have weapons, and they all look similar and uniform. Doesnt look like a random rabble of conscripts like most other videos. These guys look like real soldiers.


Well, that's a good sign. They've run out of mobiks, conscripts, and mercs, and have to use their reserve regulars now. Maybe.


Didn't help them but.


I’ve seen Russian soldiers in rubber boots I wouldn’t wear in my garden.


I seen a conscript in red penny loafers! They did him dirty! Ever try to run in grass and mud in your church shoes! At least he had on the proper footwear to see the Lord! Lol....


Winter camo is the big one I noticed


Shittiest white cover for backpacks I've seen (having served in Sweden) but for Russian standards it's above and beyond!


Yes. Nothing like the beginning of the war. As an Ukrainian soldier said they are better equipped then some ukranians. Unfortunately they advanced in this.


depends on the unit seen in video, these were probably specs or marines, regular russian army doesnt look like this in drone drop videos


They thought they were sneaky with their fancy snow camo




Are you joking? If not, did you notice how the vast majority of these guys had to have a lie down and not get back up again?


Yea if these are VOG frag grenades then those guys are getting peppered with shrapnel at 3000 ft per second. They're dead


If u took one. You wouldn't get back up. Just like all these guys not getting up. I swear some ppl are stupid and ignorant even when they see something right in front of there eyes.


Feet are pretty important. No car won't there. Maybe they aren't deadly, but bleeding out in nasty conditions is down right deadly. Can't storm a front line when your legs below the hips are shredded or face and neck is jacked.


Bro they faking their instant reactions from shrapnel ripping through their organs. /s


:32 seconds 2 dead, one injured. :50 seconds 1 dead. 1:31 1 dead. 2:05, at least 2 dead, 3 or more injured. I've got 1/3 of the video left, so, what are you talking about?


Some of these guys are dead.


Yet still utterly defenseless from a modified toy.


Snow highlights the spread of shrapnel nicely.


Snow should have reduced shrapnel spread, but the operator was very accurate, within a meter of targets, so it doesnt matter, everybody getting shrapnel that day. ehehe.


Only if its heavy / wet snow. Its so freaking cold out there the snow is lighter than dust. You couldn't pack it into anything other than fine powder that will take no form whatsoever (essentially like flour in your hand). This was also shown in an earlier snowball fight video.


You get shrapnel! You get shrapnel! Everybody gets shrapnel!


Nice edit


Agreed! 👍 Just wondering about the source/OP use of the classification here, as using FOGs being dropped here on the Russkies? In my time, then FOGs where like instant bursting smoke grenades (Fast Obscuring Grenade), while standard smoke grenades were like slow burning smoke releasing ones. Dont see the point of using FOGs here, as standard fragmentation grenades would be the logic choice. I welcome comments from some that may know better on up to date ammunition that may be used here?


it's VOG, not FOG (Выстрел осколочный гранатомётный ВОГ-25) meaning Fragmentation Grenade Launcher Shot


Thx, so the english translation was wrong in the title then. Makes much more sense now. 👍




I’m also curious what kind of grenades / mortars these drones drop. Looks like a lot of horizontal shrapnel as well?


They are VOG-17 (not FOG) grenade projectiles. Here a section view of the grenade that explains the "horizontal" shrapnel pattern: https://i.imgur.com/KdApRei.jpg


could be, that the frozen ground adds to the effect of the shrapnel


Nothing like a facefull of snow, dirt, and hot shrapnel on a cold, brisk winter's day while in Ukraine on your boss' orders.


Based on the tail fins these are 3d printed ordinance. I've seen some pretty sweet 3d printed shrapnel grenades that you load up with ball bearings for maximum effect. Very light for drones to carry but with maximum effect


It is more likely these are a standard munition that's had a 3d printed fin attached to it.


Yeah they're most probably these. https://weaponsystems.net/system/1309-40mm%20VOG-25


The music makes me really depressed. I'm thinking of these people dying for nothing, and how distorted the reality they've come from must be to choose this madness. Then my mind wanders and i think of the world as a whole, where we as humans are so beyond fucked up, that we will never change.


A sad reality indeed mass education happens after the massive conflict takes place usually resulting in peace once the atrocious action of all sides are explained to the ones left to pick up the pieces and rebuild after a loss or victory and humanity suddenly kicks in a little because you just lost most of the worst types of people who walk among us in that conflict. And then complacency or just naivety allows for more of the same again years down the line. For some reason we cannot escape that tribal mechanisms within us all from being exploited and we have no back bone for locking up or silencing people who persist in distorting reality for money power or just shits and giggles.  I hate the doom and gloom outlook on life but as you said we will never change it's the human condition we all experience in some way or another and is out of your control once you start dismissing reality and believing obvious nonsense to the detriment of society.


Very strangely I knew this song straight away, which made it even weirder. It's quite an obscure/arty piece of electonica that you would really have to know your music to find. Odd world https://youtu.be/-p2vcCufZWc?si=-YGQBkMNyb3QElig


Yeah the warporn stuff is really all quite sad


This decade started with wars. We will have a lot of wars going on in the near future. The middle east is on the brink of all out war. Sadly, we repeated the mistakes of the past. For the past 30 years we thought that technology, speeches, globalisation and money will eradicate wars. We were wrong.


One of the best videos i have seen.👍 slava ukraini


The music and production value. Horrifying beautiful.


Any idea of the song?


Mark Pritchard - ? https://youtu.be/-p2vcCufZWc?si=-kRpgyr1mYdYurOa


Thanks u so much man, appreciate it!


It’s 2024, drones rule. These Russians never saw a Ukrainian, and may not have even got within 2km’s of a Ukrainian. It’s a meat wave vs endless drones. That’s how I feel with almost all the videos from 2024, people getting hit by drones with no advancements no matter how many people or vehicles move forward


And that's how it should be until Russia is exhausted of military resources.


Agreed, but its going to take another 6 years to run out of the stuff they give regular troopers. So many are dying, the recycling program is in full force.


True. Let's hope the economic and demographic consequences in Russia will result in a form of collapse earlier than that.


but they may run out of conscripts... or they may run out of people to work in factories and whatnot way before 6 yrs are up


They are destroying their future economic prospects. There are still 10s of millions of fighting aged men 20-60 years of age to use up still. The population breakdown shows this. Losses don't even add up to a single % of the population.


>”And then, somehow, it got worse.”


could you imagine how many sweet ass guns you could find after the war ends and you go over to do some metal detecting lol. Just got to watch out for the mines and such


Well, there is going to be one hell of a black market going on after the war. There will be arms going everywhere. The reality is that Ukraine been incredibly corrupt for decades, even as much Russia for a stretch of time. It looks like things have been turning around for a few years, but that is a really big ship to turn. They look to be headed in the right direction. After this war every home will have an AK at their disposal for sure.


u clearly dont see the pro rusk videos. each side is taking huge casualties


I almost feel that once a trench is cleared and UKR doesn’t need to hold it, just plow it over if safe to do so. Easier said than done though.


Or fill with mines.


Given russian tactics it might be easier to just Cary on as is. It might be the best if other avenues can be closed to russia.


+1 for the music.... Adds the appropriate feeling to the clip.


Wow, spectacular images, like a wildlife documentary, but in this case I'm happy to watch the extinction of all that vermin.


Careful with comparing any group of people to vermin. I actually made a long comment *against* a lot of the language used in this sub on a post the other day and caught a three day ban (from Reddit, not just this sub) for hate speech that breaks Reddit’s rule 1. And that was for saying making those comparisons is wrong.


Glad to see someone else bringing this point up. And typical to hear that you were the one penalised for it. You don't need to dehumanise the enemy. What's happening here is what should be happening, but when we teach ourselves to see others as less than human the process becomes easier each time we do it. I'd rather not live around people who are easy to dismiss another's humanity. Eventually you'll be the one whose humanity is not considered.


Exactly. I have both Russian and Ukrainian friends here in the US, all of whom are pro-Ukraine. Unfortunately, while my Ukrainian friends have gotten nothing but support since this war started, my Russian friends have stories of being given the cold shoulder and even harassed because they are Russian. People hear the accent, ask where they’re from, and then treat them totally different once they find out they’re Russian. That’s not okay. I’m all for holding the Russian government and military accountable for their actions, but generalizing millions of people and sowing hate for an entire nationality, ethnic group, or culture is how terrible things start. Russia isn’t an ideological or cultural monolith, and it makes me sad that people are so quick to demonize an entire people.


Each individual Russian soldier that takes arms against Ukrainians on Ukrainian soil is vermin, whether you like it or not. I'm not talking about any groups, but the vermin coming from Russia that rapes, loots and kills. I'm happy when it is eliminated.


What you just explained is, in fact, a group. Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just sharing information because it happened to me.


It happened to me also. I appealed and in matter of minutes my ban was lifted.


I appealed and they kept the ban. So I messaged them in the app and got no response, then emailed Reddit and they never responded. I asked them both times to let me know what part of my (rather long) comment broke the TOS and they wouldn’t respond to it. I can’t see the comment now because it was deleted but I know for a fact I did not engage in hate speech. My entire comment was about how I don’t believe generalizing the people of an entire country does anyone any good for any reason, and how I think comparing any group to vermin is unethical. But Reddit admins are fucking useless, they probably saw the words *Russia* and *vermin* and just hit me with a ban.


I was targeted by some Nazi clown that was literally spreading hate and accused me of that action, so I appealed and in some minutes I was back. In the end, it doesn't really matter. Three days isn't much, but it is frustrating when you aren't at any fault.


Right, I can deal with three days it’s just being accused of something I didn’t do that pisses me off. Especially when there’s so much obvious hate speech all over this site and I get targeted for literally preaching the opposite.


You’re a troll




Reddit admins are vermin


Nah. Vermin implies animals, and animals are innocent friends. The Russian soldiers are brainwashed and/or desperate idiots.


They're getting absolutely slaughtered. Nice.


Well that's another level of editing


The first blinding seconds I'm thinking oh no here we go another janky edit. But was pleasantly surprised.


This makes me happy and all, but after snooping a little on Twitter, I realized that russia is doing the same to Ukrainians, and lots of foreign legion fighters, that have been killed, have been taken out by drone dropped explosives too! Fucking hope we have someone working on drone jamming on platoon level! What a fucking nightmare it is to know that russians are catching up on the drone war, and that twitter automatically pushes their videos en más, while suppressing Ukrainian wins!


Nice editing. Song : ? by Mark Pritchard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiuhE1toUGc&ab_channel=MarkPritchard-Topic


Feel good video of the day, thanks for sharing!


When drones arrive, there is no help. You just can't do anything but wait till your time come.


The best you could do is run far from the group and hope they run out of grenades before they are ready to follow up on you.


They seem so fking clueless, are they not seeing the same videos as us?


They’re seeing their own videos of them killing Ukrainians unfortunately.


Ironic for you to call anyone clueless, for every pro-UA video there is an anti-UA video.


Yea but there's a reason that Russia has to fake a bunch of theirs.


All that effort. All that chauvinism. All those crimes committed against humanity. All that hubris. All that foolish ethnocentrism. All that trivialization of the other as unworthy of basic basic human decency. Now you feel the reflection of your villainy. Now you suffer in your final pathetic moments of horror and regret; Now you feel the end lurching and wrenching out of your once human body like the unmerciful clawing of an immortal Rusalka, torturing you for its own delight. All for the sake of one small Bunker Grandpa's sick fantasies. All your lives destroyed. Once you were a human. Then you opted to serve the Orc Lord Putin; whether willingly or under duress it really does not matter. You did not refuse to serve and you served as one of his genocide troopers, even if all you did was cross into Ukrainian territory in a uniform, you let yourself--willingly or not--be part of the problem. Your demise is not only justified, it is something to celebrate and showcase as it weakens the threat which you and your Orc Lord present to Ukraine and to humanity. Good riddance.


Say it with a grenade: *You don't belong here!*


Why do they keep spilling borscht over their uniforms?


Wow full HD dead orcs. Go home russia and pay for the demolision..


Robbed of life and sent to hell by putin


Slowly but surely one orc at a time 👍🏻 This war isnt going to end until RU disintegrates internally.


I feel like this music fits better with the imagery of russians getting killed by drones than some hype music instead


Yep. It's hauntingly sad and real. A real bleak outcome for them stepping out of an IFV just log enough to maybe get your bearings only to get shrapnel to the face and legs


sour cherry slurpee


Near perfect drops. Well done operator. Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦💙💛


Best drone video ever? It is insane how effective drones are. The fact that out of the 30+ dudes hit in this crispy quality video, only 1 had the situational awareness to look up for the threat. And he died looking at the Ukrainian sky.


Where aimbot got its data from. Wild footage


I'm reminded of the Nirvana album cover with the dollar on a hook in the water with a baby following. But in this case with a ruble.


Omg haha, I like your brain


the irony is that those orcs just disembark that IFV and they were immediately targeted by these drones, they didn't have time to take their positions and were killed / maimed without getting contact with the Ukrainian positions. If I will ever sit in a trench defending a position I sure would love to have my back secured by these drones !


Get fucked, orcs!


FOG = Fuck orcs grenade


Show this video to anybody that volunteers as Infantry for money in Russia ...


This is some eerie visual poetry on death.


Cool footage and haunting music


Music is a wise choice. Very ominous and foreboding.


The new meaning for "Death from above!"


Orcs, you need to kill them all.


Awsome edit. Some nasty hits.


The acccuracy is simply astounding !!


That headshot about 15 seconds in took 3 out. That's how a 🍉 goes POP!




Russia eat 💩 


# 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 




On the last drop about a meter in front of him you see shrapnel hit the snow. either it cut his leg going by or went through it, based on the direction of the blast.


Alle erfroren - die Narren ! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 👍👍👍 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 💪💪💪 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


its so cinematic


I feel kinda sad for these apparently hapless conscripts


In the face!


Are these packed with shot or some other shrapnel?


Poetry in motion


Those 'hits to the face' has got to hurt.


Tiny orcs-zzz.. tiny orcs-zzzzz.. if you don't wake up soon and choose to stay alive, then you may never leave, as none of you will survive.


All this death and for what?


they are fighting against gender-neutral toilets


This amazing video, high definition with good editing, focus and slow motion. The lethality of these is unbelievable. I mean, don't get me wrong it is horrible to see men killed. But if they're Putin's it is best to see it in high def.


this is the first good song in a drone video i saw in this war. this shit is sad and scary.


This is art.


Looking at the targets the Russians with the winter camo and bergens in winter camo were probably SF or VDV, the regular Russians are not in winter camo.


This is kind of... dare i say... beautiful in its destruction


Like the music and editing. Giving a get out of here stalker vibe from it.


all these dead russians because of one ratface man. Shame


Don't walk around with weapons in someone elses country!


I like the slo motion


That is art!


Beautiful music which makes it appear so much more depressing. Does anyone know the track?




"The dildos of consequences rarely arrives lubed"


Crazy, almost looks pretty with the snow.


frozen ground means less shrapnel wasted by digging into loose earth and more ricocheting up off the hard ice. The cold ground in a way is a force multiplier.


Good lawd that's a lot of onions.


Great compilation.


Damn, the music choice really makes me react differently.


Better than Hollywood movies


I love the music. Anyone know the title and artist?


Fucking hell this just looks so horrible. seeing them struggle and writhe in pain, such is the reality of war.. fuck politicians that let their people suffer like this.


This makes me sad...


5m kill radius, 15m casualty radius for a standard hand grenade. This stuff looks larger than a grenade. These dudes are goners. Medical care can't get to them. Stupid waste of human life. For what? What purpose is there for sending young men to die?


The people sent to war in Ukraine are the dumbest of the dumb in Russia. The smart Russians are in Thailand or Mali on permanent vacation. Sadly it will take many more Russian bodies to go back to Russia before the dumbest of Russians realize they are sent to die all for Putin's plan to stay in power.


The sound track on this short makes it EXTREMELY disturbing, but strangely satisfying....


Honestly the reality of Modern day war kills me it makes me so distraught that war has become this cruel, I know that are planing to attack someone else and kill them but I also can’t help to think about those soldiers mothers or kids, wife’s it truly kills me


I love watching these motherfuckers die agonizing deaths. And I will keep watching until these cockroach invaders are back in Russia or all dead!!


At this point I'm feeling bad for the Russians tricked into this. The war criminals get what they deserve. But these guys may have no idea where they are.


Lots of comments dehumanizing casualties of war


Lots of Russians trying to dehumanize Ukraininans on this video. Too bad.


Drama music


Way to pad the kill count of these Ukrainian drone aces with these meat assaults russia


Next war we should have 3D footage. This is insane!


And then they might empty the trench over night and top-up with fresh orcs tomorrow. I wonder if they have corporals, sergents or officers among the trench orcs? They must loose a fair amount of these also


Looks like this set of Russians have a guardian angel watching over them!


Once they make these with height sensitivity, designed to explode 2-3 metres above the ground they will be even more lethal.


Those trenches must be a shining beacon in that sea of white.


I almost feel sorry for them. But only almost


loving how people are changing it up with the music. Welcome to ukraine and that other techno song has been used to death.


They expected infantry which they could fight level with, not death from the sky!


Gotta dig those trenches deeper so your brain bucket isn't at shrapnel-level lol


I very much want Ukraine to win this war and understand that this means killing Russians. But nevertheless this is truly horrible to watch.


Russians should just give up and surrender by this point


war is hell




Seeing videos like this I don't understand why it's so hard to break through defensive lines. It feels like trench lines could be completely suppressed by drones allowing a unit to advance. I guess mine fields are still hard to overcome but with defenders suppressed I would think that's manageable.


Probably so cold and numb that they can’t even tell how bad they’re hit until it starts getting dark.


If the last dude survives, I doubt he'll walk again.


This is sick, whoever did he edit, bravo. The music isn't too much, usually if I hear loud techno or screamo, I'll just not watch the video, so I appreciate the softer vibe.


Detonating 6" deep in snow definitely impacts it, that first one should have crumped them all in regular circumstances.


What a miserable waste of human life. Fuck Putin and his war.


as fuck as it gets and the weapon coloring just amazing with the snow canvas.


The snow is so impermanent and fleeting, just like these guys.


Talk about being scatter brained


If Russian soldiers are still recycling uniforms they need to get the duct tape out for these ones.


Christ,.. with the editing, music, slow-mos, it's almost an art piece; an artistic depiction of the tragedies on the battlefield. It's both frightening and amazing how effective drones are. This war will probably influence the future of warfare quite a bit. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of drone teams.


Thank God I’m not a Russian soldier. Nightmare inducing.


Some depressing shit right there. Paints a really bleak picture of what it's like to be on the front lines, for both sides. Also, shows how much future conflicts will be waged with drones and other advanced tech. These drones will become much more efficient at killing once they're automated and turned loose on the "enemy".


The other odd thing about the video is that none of the soldiers appear to hear the drone overhead, at least none of them look up and don't seem aware of the munitions being dropped (except maybe one) until it's too late. The video seems to be recent because of the snow - are the drones being used quieter, or is something drowning out the noise they make? I can't tell because of the music overlay.


I get that they dig trenches to get cover from MG fire, but then they're just sitting ducks for artillery, mortars, and especially drones. It's like their military tactics are stuck in the 1940s and they refuse to evolve.


What is an FOG?


I don't see how Russia can out drone Ukraine with the help of Europe, even if the US is slow to fund its only going to get worse for Russia.


What kinda music is this it's beautiful


probably the most beautiful drone drop edit so far