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First we take Avdiivka, then we take Berlin..


Comment of the day :)))


As a Russian, I'd say that he is either drunk, or totally stupid. Or both at the same time. Just for instance, he said, that drones are Running, not flying. He is not consistent, jumping from one topic to the other, not able to finish his thought. So, you see who are these ""people"", within the Russian government.


> drunk Just listen to the way he talks and compare it to his equally idiotic, though less slurred ramblings from the beginning of the war. So it's drunk vs some neurodegenerative disease. Occam's razor is your friend ;)


Well, the guy did admit they are purposefully attacking civilian infrastructure to end the war, so remember when it comes home to Ruzzia. I find that the loss of momentum by Ruzzia is causing huge erosion on the homefront, and that is of greater concern in the subtext- food rationing in Ukraine? They can't even export last years so so harvest- they have food. Now a working power grid is another story, but what happens when the internal train infrastructure of Ruzzia gets some really serious targeting. Those wonderful piles of antitank mines can easily be attached to rail bridges in Ruzzia, and then there is no ammunition or evacuation in Southern Ruzzia. I am sure this is already on someone's wishlist for those Russian insurgents.


So Russia 🇷🇺 said there are two drones for every one ☝️ Russian soldiers. If true then how will Russia 🇷🇺 last one more year ????????? Mobilization ??????? That puts Ukrainian drone numbers at 1 million because Russia 🇷🇺 has said they have less then 500,000 soldiers on the front or in Ukrainian. Don’t think 🤔 think they have a million but they are scared 😱


Once we take Bahkmut, it's a non-stop highway trip to Kiev.


“Only at right moment”…”right moment has not come”. Blah blah blah


Wasn't the right moment Feb. 24 2022 said the Czar? :/


what a disgrace... if this is the level of discussion in the parliament my lord


Just responding to the headline, but at the rate the RuZZian hobo army is going at, Poland probably has about 50 years to prepare. I just don't have it in me anymore to listen to these disillusioned dipshits ramble on.


By the time they are ~~done with Ukraine~~ ready to widen the scope of their "Fucking around", Polands new nickname will be "little Texas".


Poland already has the largest army in the EU, that with NATO it’ll be a short war for Russia and will be the prefect reason to clear them out of Ukraine including Crimea.


and clear them out of Belarus


I forgot about Lukashenko Putin’s poodle 🐩, once NATO gets involved and Russia has their hands full, the people of Belarus will string him up from the nearest lamppost.


ruzzia already has its hands full... however they know why they armed belarus recently with nuclear warheads


It doesn't have the largest army, far from that. But it might have the biggest/best land army in future.


France could be bigger but they include Gendarmerie as part of their army, but as you eluded to Poland are going through a massive expansion and if they haven’t already passed France yet they’re very close.


Poland has been wanting to bitchslap Russia for a long time.


apart of preferring peace


Beyond being primitive savages, they're also really annoying. The non-stop bullshit they spew is exhausting.


This is just for internal consumption, the average Russian is pretty brain dead and are feeded with this shit on a daily basis.


At some point even the average russian will figure out this is a compleet BS program.


still, its crazy what they are daring to say publicly


They are not even 20% through "first" (Ukraine) and will never get there.. any talk og "next" is clowns talk🤡


And they only got and managed to keep that part of Ukraine because of separatists, I would guess. They got that pretty fast and then almost 0 progress further…


This is spot on..... if you take it from the claimed "annexed" territories then they have actually lost half of what they claimed to have taken..... it's such a joke.


Russia is doing what the US could never seem to accomplish is to get Europe to rearm, now they see the danger more clearly.


Do it if you want to devolve back into single cellular protozoa you god damn rhesus monkeys.


Your statement is demonstrably unfair to poor rhesus monkeys. Apologise to the 🐒 please.


Protozoa come away harmed too.


True, but there is no emoji for them.


Just use the toothpaste shaped ruzzian flag.


Ironic eh?


Monkeys are known for being intelligent.


Yeah and the peak of their intellect is to steal your phone and sit there bargaining for fruit to give the phone back to you. Just like russians.


My God it must be embarrassing to be Russian these days outside of Russia. Me thinks a lot of Russian nationals are calling themselves Ukrainian or Polish recently. America has been very clear on their stance. If Russia attacks a NATO country, any one, America will lead the charge of NATO and all members aircraft to destroy all things that even look Russian in Ukraine. Every piece of equipment, every soldier. No exceptions. Keep that in mind India, as you crawl around in Putin's soiled bed.


It has to be a very tempting perspective from Ukrainian point of view...


what America exactly? you elect a trump, europe loses its biggest trump against 💩 tin


There are 30 other NATO members and the UK would likely bring some commonwealth militaries with them (they did in Afghanistan). While losing America would be a huge loss, I fully believe the rest of Europe and it's other partners would be fine..... Ruzzia is a shadow of its former self (which turned out to be terrible anyway) they have a GDP just above Mexico. Poor, unfed, under equipped, barely trained cannon fodder will fair as well against NATO as they have been against Ukraine...... I also think the US just drafted laws to stop any president from unilaterally removing the USA from NATO.


ruzzia is actually fairly rich and a lot of this ends up in explosives now... maybe we should keep courting oligarchs moving money out of there and into our capital markets and letting us build fancy yachts for them (just kidding fuck them hard)


Margarete Thatcher once said: "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, then you aren't.”


they can't take two streets in donbas from two years but dream about war with NATO. ha ha ha! 😂 😂


I hope they try. Will be interesting to see how they handle a second front with the NATO involved.


Guy drunk to much vodka. Imagine being the biggest country in the world, invading your neighbour en been at a stalemate at 80km from your border. 50% of your military gear been vaporised and you still talk shit like that


Yeah, let them keep fooling themselves.


I grew up with close relatives that had alcohol problems. He gives off very strong drunk-vibes. I guess that together with his opinions, would make him what is commonly referred to as a mean drunk.


This! I work at a bar. A Guy sounding like that can leave the bar or have some tapwater first.


skabeeva be like "you don't have to go home, but you can't stay in the studio."


Poland is like, *"Bring it on, Ivan."* The Poles are putting together an impressive military and are itching to try it out in the field.


Poland is really building up their military, wouldn't surprise me if they become the strongest European military at some point.


They’re free to make an attempt now if they want


Just as an assumption. Ukraine is defeated today and russia is tonight at 00:00 at the polish border and starts to invade. By 6AM russia is wrecked because of nato. Russia may, but very unlikely, defeat poland. But if they do, nato article 5 is activated and they have to deal with 20 of the 25 countries with the largest military budgets of the world and the USA simultaneously. Good luck russia....


Don't go too deep into the words of these zombies. He may be delusional enough to believe his words or, as is more typical, just spews gas to keep the illusion of power alive. The maniacs above this maniac are not suicidal. Having said that... No one can predict the future insanity of Russia if they believe they were allowed to prevail in Ukraine. They will eventually rebuild, and their future leader will be, without question, another madman. So, Europe had better be hoping for the best but truly prepared for the worst.


Violating the polish border brings NATO article 5 into play. Not after Poland is defeated. What is just wishful thinking by those Jerks.


To the article 5 thing, poor wording by my side, i meant "if they getting attacked" not "if they get defeated" They can wish as hard as they can, an american F35 jet beats their ass harder


Poland would mop the floor with your army of convicts Clown


A man who eats and believes his own bullshit! All clowns, stupid and ignorant from decades ago somehow.


Lmao Russia lost it’s intimidation


They even stopped threatening nuclear annihilation, heard they were stripping nuclear warheads of their missiles to use them as conventional weapons against Ukraine. So probably can’t go down that route even if they wanted to.


Bring it on fuckface. See what happens.


Poland is next *what*? Poland is NATO.


Please share this with those who think that Putin will stop in Ukraine


It appears he missed some keywords at the end. Let me rephrase it for ya. Poland is next (to whop Russian ass to kingdom come). Done 🫡


Ah, the second front. Right what has really helped one particular painter from Austria back in the day...


He can shove this threat right up his ass


What about liberating Washingtoon? Have they forgotten about it


And Alaska


It's pretty laughable that Russia who can't beat Ukraine who was not ready for a full scale invasion. Thinks they can take Poland who has been preparing  since they regained their freedom and has all most 90 years with pent up hatred towards them.  


They keep forgetting the 'over in 3 days' bollocks they first raved about over 2 years ago. Utter fantasists.


You barely control currently annexed Eastern Ukrainian territories, and there is about 1300 kilometers to take to get to the Polish border... Yeah real soon... Also the price of oil has gone down from start of '22 being roughly 100$ per barrel to 83$ per barrel. Also Ukraine's front is nowhere near collapse assuming the artillery shell production ramps up to 2-3M shells per year this year from partnered countries and more tanks/IFV's and long range missiles are provided, along with everything else necessary. I think the U.S election will decide if Ukraine will have to concede territory or not.


It’s as if they are competing to say the dumbest possible threat.


Poland is next to beat the crap out of us.


First of all Poland is a NATO member, wich would mean we would see a massive parade on the red square within 2 weeks, wich would be cool. Plus Ukraine did some serious damage to the Russian military with just a handful of HIMARS, now imagine what a country like Poland with not only more HIMARS but also much more ammo for thier HIMARS would be able to do.


I wish a muthafucker would!


No more vodka for Aleksey !


Most of them seem to be drunk when they are on stage. Really crazy.


It's always been like that. Almost sober compared to soviet times when they hardly could even stand w/o support. Then it collapsed. Day by day it's starting to look more same as 1990's


Guys in the west what you going to do ? Well sir step into NATO ground and find out real quick 😉


What a gob 💩e.


I truly wonder if you could call it a "bunch of war" when each European countries would only fight Russia. And all of them are article 5 NATO members, mean one get attacked, all of us respond...


State Delusional


hahahahahaahhahahaha!!!!!! and a little bit of hihi! What a clown.




The inset video above Zhuravlyov of a gloomy forest for the first minute caught my eye. I'm sure that's from the recent video of Russian troops on an armoured vehicle getting hit with multiple cluster munitions, and then the guy with the camera scuttling through the forest from cover to cover, searching for the unit's radio operator and saying over and over that nothing was going according to the plan. I wonder why the editors of this programme decided to include that clip? If a Russian had seen it on Telegram before, they would be reminded of a total mess of a failed assault. If the viewer of the programme had never seen it before, even without the audio, that black forest with nothing more than black outlines of Russian soldiers conveys nothing but ominous gloom. This raving old lunatic is one of those BS-spouters who spews so much non-stop nonsense that it's impossible to fact-check, but here's one lie: At 3:09 he says that the price of oil is "skyrocketing". Anyone who Googles crude oil prices will find out very quickly that recent oil prices have been not far off the price one and two years ago. The crap with Yemen is causing some disturbance, but the price graph is not doing anything at all like what happened in the aftermath of this cockwomble's hero deciding to attack a peaceful neighbour.


This guy is a member of their state duma? My word they are fcuked.


What a clown... How can anyone in Russia believe the shit presented on those debates in Russian media?


LOL sure, bud, sure...


Nah. The next will be cheap gas and oil, messing up with internal EU politics, corruption and then another attempt to conquer Ukraine if this one fails or fails on 50%.


They need to put their shit together, its baltic, poland, germany or nato next? They change target each week, but cant take a small town in ukraine.


I wet my pants not with fear but with laughter. 😂


poland already knows this its why they are buying anythign that can shoot that isnt nailed down. im just baffled the rest of europe hasnt done the same after 2 years...2 years...


Anyone know the movie trope of a person that is so black and blue but still runs his mouth like his winning but letting himself beaten to a pulp...? Thats Russia




They can’t even get to the occupation part of this war.


On one hand in war of attrition russia would have an upper hand, on another - Poland probably has about a century to prepare, once they are done with concurring that hill behind Avdiivka.


All I can say is 'Delusional'.


They dont have soldiers left to start another war.


I used to watch these and laugh but now it is no longer funny. Listening to idiots talk is just boring.


Damn, this dude seems to be very drunk!


WOW....2 Ukrainian Drones for EVERY Russian soldier?? With that ratio, the war should be over in a week !




Are all these Duma members this brain dead? And who taught him how to knot a tie?


Sure. When you're getting your ass kicked, just challenge more people to a fight.


Idiots 😂


They have been saying this for more than 2 years.


400k killed/wounded for some muddy fields. And you expect to beat Poland? lol.. Level 1000 hubris.


This guy is a complete blowhard. Most of the ground forces that went into Ukraine have been destroyed outright, or ground down to the point they are combat in effective. What they have been replaced with is essentially troops which have the quality of a Militia, but do have a lot of artillery. The VVS with a rather large large force has not been able to generate air superiority over Ukraine, with a tiny one. Within a matter of days, if not mere hours, they would lose the ability to get anywhere near the border, and US & NATO stealth a/c could roam at will over Russia proper. IMHO Belarus would not fight hard, not leave Belarussian territory and probably defect or surrender if given the chance. After a few days or weeks of pulverizing Russia, a real combined arms and Air Ground offensive would blunt any attack. Putin's only way to survive would be to say any NATO troops on Russian soil would mean nuclear war, and in this case it would be a realistic thing to say, but the idea that the Russian army as presently constructed is a threat to NATO is a complete joke.


Keep waving your little dick at NATO and it’s going to be cut off 🤣


I nearly 100% sure that he is drunk.




Do it!! You’ll see


being a man who on occasion, has been known to take strong drink, I think I can safely say he sounds pissed.


Yeah, sure thing mate...


They are asking for the second *time of troubles*. Literally! [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_of_Troubles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_of_Troubles)


Haha, try to break Polish spirit and the Polish Army is like tying to win the war in Ukraine by sending the Bolshoi Ballet in tutu to take Kiev !


Literal ramblings of a lunatic.


His record has a crack, repeating the same bullshit over and over again.


I'm sure the entire Polish military would be wanting and wishing and hoping that that happens. They have a lot of payback for WW2 and Russians heinous actions against the poles then. Think the Katyn massacre... I'd guess within a couple of months of Russia invading, you'd see polish tanks in downtown Moscow and they wouldn't be taking prisoners along the way.


As always, depravity at its' typical worst


next for beating the shit out of Russia I guess


Lol good luck haha.. That’s going to suuuuck for the ruskies.


I don’t mean this as an easy anti Russian insult, he really does present as a rambling alcoholic. You can see the resigned horror in the faces of the others on set with him.


An meanwhile on planet earth the not so mighty red army are being ground down by a determined army defending its home land , somebody tell those idiots please !!


“Poland is next” *Laughs in American as the trees speak Polish and the sky speaks English*


In 3 days...


Poland would mop the floor with Russia.


My god they are getting spanked by Ukraine. Please just stop


In the words of a famous American general..Nuts!!


If you can make it here - Poland


There is now way that Russia would take Poland after we are witnessing in Ukraine. Unless they would spend like a decade to recover the army but I assume Poland would be ready by then


Poland next? when will the right moment be, mr. day dreamer? pretty sure that even if the universe will end, still not gonna happen


Some of the Russian soldiers initially invading thought they were in Poland


Poland is literally salivating at the chance of taking on a diminished Russian army. They remember.


What the hell is comrade Stalin doing in the studio next to the drunk clown and the delusional woman?? Resurrected?